84 research outputs found

    Gentrification through Green Regeneration? Analyzing the Interaction between Inner-City Green Space Development and Neighborhood Change in the Context of Regrowth: The Case of Lene-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, Eastern Germany

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    Green regeneration has become a common strategy for improving quality of life in disadvantaged neighborhoods in shrinking cities. The role and function of new green spaces may change, however, when cities experience new growth. Set against this context, this paper analyzes a case study, the Lene-Voigt-Park in Leipzig, which was established on a former brownfield site. Using a combination of methods which include an analysis of housing advertisements and interviews, the paper explores the changing role of the park in the context of urban regeneration after the city’s turn from shrinkage towards new growth. It discusses whether the concept of green gentrification may help to explain this role. As a result of our analysis, we argue that Lene-Voigt-Park has indeed operated as a trigger for structural, social, and symbolic upgrades in the growing city of Leipzig, but only in combination with real estate market developments, which are the main drivers of change. The concept of green gentrification does help to better understand the role of different factors—first and foremost that of green space. We also discovered some specifics of our case that may enrich the green gentrification debate. Leipzig serves as an example for a number of regrowing cities across Europe where green gentrification might represent a challenge.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische UniversitĂ€t Berli

    Compact or spread? A quantitative spatial model of urban areas in Europe since

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    Changes in urban residential density represent an important issue in terms of land consumption, the conservation of ecosystems, air quality and related human health problems, as well as the consequential challenges for urban and regional planning. It is the decline of residential densities, in particular, that has often been used as the very definition of sprawl, describing a phenomenon that has been extensively studied in the United States and in Western Europe. Whilst these studies provide valuable insights into urbanization processes, only a handful of them have reflected the uneven dynamics of simultaneous urban growth and shrinkage, using residential density changes as a key indicator to uncover the underlying dynamics. This paper introduces a contrasting analysis of recent developments in both de- and re-concentration, defined as decreasing or increasing residential densities, respectively. Using a large sample of European cities, it detects differences in density changes between successional population growth/decline. The paper shows that dedensification, found in some large cities globally, is not a universal phenomenon in growing urban areas; neither the increasing disproportion between a declining demand for and an increasing supply of residential areas nor actual concentration processes in cities were found. Thus, the paper provides a new, very detailed perspective on (de)densification in both shrinking and growing cities and how they specifically contribute to current land take in Europe.Peer Reviewe

    Lawns in Cities: From a Globalised Urban Green Space Phenomenon to Sustainable Nature-Based Solutions

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    This opinion paper discusses urban lawns, the most common part of open green spaces and urban green infrastructures. It highlights both the ecosystem services and also disservices provided by urban lawns based on the authors’ experience of working within interdisciplinary research projects on lawns in different cities of Europe (Germany, Sweden and Russia), New Zealand (Christchurch), USA (Syracuse, NY) and Australia (Perth). It complements this experience with a detailed literature review based on the most recent studies of different biophysical, social, planning and design aspects of lawns. We also used an international workshop as an important part of the research methodology. We argue that although lawns of Europe and the United States of America are now relatively well studied, other parts of the world still underestimate the importance of researching lawns as a complex ecological and social phenomenon. One of the core objectives of this paper is to share a paradigm of nature-based solutions in the context of lawns, which can be an important step towards finding resilient sustainable alternatives for urban green spaces in the time of growing urbanisation, increased urban land use competition, various user demands and related societal challenges of the urban environment. We hypothesise that these solutions may be found in urban ecosystems and various local native plant communities that are rich in species and able to withstand harsh conditions such as heavy trampling and droughts. To support the theoretical hypothesis of the relevance of nature-based solutions for lawns we also suggest and discuss the concept of two natures—different approaches to the vision of urban nature, including the understanding and appreciation of lawns. This will help to increase the awareness of existing local ecological approaches as well as an importance of introducing innovative landscape architecture practices. This article suggests that there is a potential for future transdisciplinary international research that might aid our understanding of lawns in different climatic and socio-cultural conditions as well as develop locally adapted (to environmental conditions, social needs and management policies) and accepted nature-based solutions.Peer Reviewe

    Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland – die humangeographische Perspektive: Rezension zu Sören Becker / Matthias Naumann (Hg.) (2020): Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Dynamiken, Perspektiven und der Beitrag der Humangeographie. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.

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    Der von Sören Becker und Matthias Naumann herausgegebene Band bietet einen breiten Überblick ĂŒber die Entwicklung und aktuelle Lage in Ostdeutschland aus einer raumbezogenen und rauminteressierten Perspektive. Im Fokus der 38 BeitrĂ€ge steht die humangeographische Perspektive. Der Band bietet eine Diagnose zum aktuellen Status Quo sowie zu Entwicklungen in Ostdeutschland in den vergangenen 30 Jahren

    Schrumpfung als Herausforderung fĂŒr polnische GroßstĂ€dte

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    Stadtschrumpfung ist seit den 1990er Jahren in verstĂ€rktem Maße ein Thema fĂŒr viele polnische GroßstĂ€dte. Besonders altindustrielle StĂ€dte sind davon betroffen. Mittlerweile stellt der Bevölkerungsschwund – zumal aufgrund seiner alters- und berufsgruppenbezogenen SelektivitĂ€t – ein ernstes Problem fĂŒr zahlreiche StĂ€dte dar. Strategien fĂŒr den Umgang mit der Schrumpfung zu finden, ist eine aktuelle Anforderung an Politik und Planung geworden. Damit reihen sich diese polnischen GroßstĂ€dte in eine europĂ€ische Stadtlandschaft ein, in der Schrumpfung mittlerweile zu einem »normalen« Entwicklungspfad geworden ist – Mitte der zurĂŒckliegenden Dekade schrumpften 40 % aller StĂ€dte ĂŒber 200.000 Einwohner. Vor diesem Hintergrund skizziert der vorliegende Beitrag die Situation der Stadtschrumpfung in Polen generell und bietet einen Überblick zu Zahlen, Trends und Ursachen. Der Fokus richtet sich auf die GroßstĂ€dte. Anhand der Fallbeispiele Sosnowiec (Sosnowitz) und Bytom (Beuthen) in Oberschlesien werden die Folgen der Schrumpfung und der Umgang damit in den betroffenen StĂ€dten thematisiert

    A glimpse into the future of exposure and vulnerabilities in cities? Modelling of residential location choice of urban population with random forest

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    The most common approach to assessing natural hazard risk is investigating the willingness to pay in the presence or absence of such risk. In this work, we propose a new, machine-learning-based, indirect approach to the problem, i.e. through residential-choice modelling. Especially in urban environments, exposure and vulnerability are highly dynamic risk components, both being shaped by a complex and continuous reorganization and redistribution of assets within the urban space, including the (re-)location of urban dwellers. By modelling residential-choice behaviour in the city of Leipzig, Germany, we seek to examine how exposure and vulnerabilities are shaped by the residential-location-choice process. The proposed approach reveals hot spots and cold spots of residential choice for distinct socioeconomic groups exhibiting heterogeneous preferences. We discuss the relationship between observed patterns and disaster risk through the lens of exposure and vulnerability, as well as links to urban planning, and explore how the proposed methodology may contribute to predicting future trends in exposure, vulnerability, and risk through this analytical focus. Avenues for future research include the operational strengthening of these linkages for more effective disaster risk management.Peer Reviewe

    Reurbanisation in Postsocialist Europe - A Comparative View of Eastern Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic

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    Since the 1990s, reurbanisation has become an increasingly frequent trajectory for urban development. Many formerly shrinking cities have been able to stabilise their population or even see new growth. Especially prominent in regions like Germany and the UK, but also observed across the whole continent, a lively debate on reurbanisation has developed as a reality of today’s, and a potential trajectory for tomorrow’s, cities in Europe. Postsocialist Europe has not so far been central in the reurbanisation debate, either empirically or theoretically. Subsequently, the postsocialist experience is missing in the discourse and the existing body of evidence. There is, however, some evidence that Czech and Polish cities are also seeing signs of new inner-city growth and a trend towards core city stabilisation. Against this background, the paper scrutinises the issues of reurbanisation and new growth after the shrinking of postsocialist cities. The paper uses the approach of a contrastive comparison between cities in eastern Germany, where reurbanisation has developed as the predominant trajectory for many large cities, and for cities in Poland and the Czech Republic, where this trend is considerably less prominent. It analyses the development of reurbanisation in these cities and their urban regions over the last few decades, its characteristics and the determinants triggering or impeding it. The paper includes data on a national scale as well as from relevant case studies of cities and their urban regions. It argues, among other things, that there is no "postsocialist model" with regard to influencing factors for reurbanisation. Eastern Germany, due to its specific postsocialist situation and transformation trajectory, can be viewed as an "outlier" or "hybrid" which exhibits characteristics typical of postsocialist and western welfare contexts and which is seeing especially dynamic reurbanisation after a phase of extreme shrinkage. Although there are clear signs of inner-city reurbanisation in Polish and Czech cities as well, it seems relatively unlikely that this process will reach the same high levels as in East German cities within the coming years

    Perspektiven und Probleme der neuen polnisch-ukrainischen Nachbarschaft: dargestellt am Beispiel der Grenzregion zwischen SĂŒdostpolen und der Oblast Lwiw

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    Infolge der politischen und gesellschaftlichen UmwĂ€lzungen im östlichen Europa und den damit einher gehenden GrenzverĂ€nderungen gerieten die Gebiete an der polnischen Ostgrenze in eine völlig neue Situation. Neben der BewĂ€ltigung des seit der Grenzöffnung zwischen Polen und seinen östlichen Nachbarn stark angewachsenen grenzĂŒberschreitenden Verkehrs gilt es in den letzten Jahren auch, neue bilaterale Beziehungen zwischen den jeweiligen Nachbarstaaten aufzubauen. Das Anliegen des Beitrages ist es vor diesem Hintergrund, Perspektiven und Probleme der gegenwĂ€rtigen Lage im Grenzgebiet zwischen dem sĂŒdöstlichen Polen (Wojewodschaft Vorkarpaten) bilden sowie der Oblast Lwiw auf ukrainischer Seite aufzuzeigen. Dabei stehen nach einer kurzen Skizzierung des historischen und politischen Rahmens die AusprĂ€gungen und Folgen der sozioökonomischen Transformation, die Möglichkeiten und Formen grenzĂŒberschreitender Kontakte und Kooperation sowie die ethnische und religiöse Dimension des polnisch-ukrainischen VerhĂ€ltnisses im Mittelpunkt. Zur Entwicklung der polnisch-ukrainischen Nachbarschaft in den hier betrachteten Grenzregionen nach dem Systemumbruch lassen sich zusammenfassend folgende Entwicklungen festhalten: Aufgrund des sehr unterschiedlichen Verlaufes der wirtschaftlichen wie auch der gesellschaftlichen Transformation auf beiden Seiten der Grenze wachsen gegenwĂ€rtig die sozio-ökonomischen Unterschiede zwischen den Grenzgebieten, was sich in einem zunehmenden Wohlstands- und LohngefĂ€lle niederschlĂ€gt. Auf der polnischen Seite verlĂ€uft die Entwicklung trotz der noch bevorstehenden Reformen der Landwirtschaft tendenziell in Richtung einer wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Stabilisierung, auf der ukrainischen Seite dagegen konnte die krisenhafte Entwicklung in den letzten Jahren nicht gebremst werden und sie besitzt aufgrund der makroökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen in der Ukraine derzeit kaum nennenswerte Perspektiven fĂŒr eine Entspannung der Lage. WĂ€hrend der Lebensstandard der Bevölkerung in SĂŒdostpolen in den letzten Jahren sichtbar gestiegen ist, muss fĂŒr die Oblast Lwiw eine zunehmende Verarmung großer Bevölkerungsteile konstatiert werden. Der visafreie Grenzverkehr bildet die Grundlage fĂŒr einen Neuaufbau der Nachbarbeziehungen zwischen den Grenzgebieten, welche neben ihrer wirtschaftlichen auch eine wichtige soziale Funktion besitzen (Kontakte der Bevölkerung, Abbau von Ängsten und Stereotypen, Entstehung eines neues Bildes ĂŒber die Nachbarn, VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die Probleme der anderen). Die offene Grenze sorgt darĂŒber hinaus fĂŒr eine Abmilderung der peripheren Lage der Regionen durch die Gewinnung einer "neuen ZentralitĂ€t" fĂŒr die grenzĂŒberschreitende Kommunikation sowie die transregionale Kooperation. In den letzten Jahren haben sich vielfĂ€ltige gren zĂŒberschreitende Beziehungen zwischen SĂŒdostpolen und der Oblast Lwiw entwickelt, von denen beide Seiten profitieren, in erster Linie durch den Grenzhandel und die Erwerbsmigration so wie auf polnischer Seite die regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung infolge der Handelsbeziehungen und des Einkaufstourismus. Zu neuen Problemen, welche im Zuge der Grenzöffnung auftreten, zĂ€hlen vor allem die illegale Zuwanderung sowie die grenzĂŒbergreifende, organisierte WirtschaftskriminalitĂ€t. Nicht zu unterschĂ€tzen dĂŒrfte ĂŒberdies in den nĂ€chsten Jahren die "Schere" infolge der wachsenden Wohlstandsunterschiede zwischen den Grenzgebieten sein, seit der Grenzöffnung stĂ€ndig transparent sind. Auf politischer und kultureller Ebene bemĂŒht man sich um Versöhnung und Kooperation, wie zuletzt auch die gemeinsame "ErklĂ€rung ĂŒber VerstĂ€ndigung und Versöhnung" gezeigt hat. Die rechtliche Lage der Minderheiten auf beiden Seiten hat sich verbessert und sie erhalten zunehmend eine "BrĂŒckenfunktion" in den nachbarschaftlichen Beziehungen auf regionaler Ebene. Gleichwohl jedoch werden auch jahrzehntelang tabuisierte zwischenethnische Probleme transparent und virulent, wobei gegenwĂ€rtig die Lage auf der polnischen Seite als komplizierter einzuschĂ€tzen ist

    Leipzig’s Inner East as an Arrival Space? Exploring the Trajectory of a Diversifying Neighbourhood

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    The article analyses and discusses the development of Leipzig and especially its inner east as an ‘urban space of arrival’ since 1990. It represents a study about arrival in the post-socialist context that is fairly rare in the international debate so far, since most of the arrival debate builds on western European evidence. Leipzig’s inner east was characterised by shrinkage until the end of the 1990s and by new growth, especially after 2010, as the whole city grew. Since the second half of the 1990s the inner east has developed into a migrant area, referred to here as an ‘arrival space.’ Today, in 2020, it represents the most heterogeneous part of the city in terms of population structure and is one of the most dynamic areas in terms of in- and out-migration. At the same time, it represents an area where large amounts of the population face different types of disadvantage. Set against this context, the article embeds the story of Leipzig’s inner east into the arrival debate and investigates the area’s development according to the characteristics discussed by the debate. Our results reveal that Leipzig’s inner east represents a meaningful example of an arrival space in a specific (post-socialist, shrinkage followed by regrowth) context and that arrival and its spatial allocation strongly depend on factors like population, housing, and real estate market development, as well as policymaking and, significantly, recognition
