23,371 research outputs found

    Comparison of classical and second quantized description of the dynamic Stark shift

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    We compare the derivation of the dynamic Stark shift of hydrogenic energy levels in a classical framework with an adiabatically damped laser-atom interaction, which is equivalent to the Gell-Mann-Low-Sucher formula, and a treatment based on time-independent perturbation theory, with a second-quantized laser-atom dipole interaction Hamiltonian. Our analysis applies to a laser that excites a two-photon transition in atomic hydrogen or in a hydrogenlike ion with low nuclear charge number. Our comparisons serve to demonstrate why the dynamic Stark shift may be interpreted as a stimulated radiative correction and illustrates connections between the two derivations. The simplest of the derivations is the fully quantized approach. The classical and the second-quantized treatment are shown to be equivalent in the limit of large photon numbers.Comment: 5 page

    Cool Customers in the Stellar Graveyard I: Limits to Extrasolar Planets Around the White Dwarf G29-38

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    We present high contrast images of the hydrogen white dwarf G 29-38 taken in the near infrared with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini North Telescope as part of a high contrast imaging search for substellar objects in orbit around nearby white dwarfs. We review the current limits on planetary companions for G29-38, the only nearby white dwarf with an infrared excess due to a dust disk. We add our recent observations to these limits to produce extremely tight constraints on the types of possible companions that could be present. No objects >> 6 MJup_{Jup} are detected in our data at projected separations >> 12 AU, and no objects >> 16 MJup_{Jup} are detected for separations from 3 to 12 AU, assuming a total system age of 1 Gyr. Limits for companions at separations << 3 AU come from a combination of 2MASS photometry and previous studies of G29-38's pulsations. Our imaging with Gemini cannot confirm a tentative claim for the presence of a low mass brown dwarf. These observations demonstrate that a careful combination of several techniques can probe nearby white dwarfs for large planets and low mass brown dwarfs.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Probing the Light Pseudoscalar Window

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    Very light pseudoscalars can arise from the symmetry-breaking sector in many extensions of the Standard Model. If their mass is below 200 MeV, they can be long-lived and have interesting phenomenology. We discuss the experimental constraints on several models with light pseudoscalars, including one in which the pseudoscalar is naturally fermiophobic. Taking into account the stringent bounds from rare K and B decays, we find allowed parameter space in each model that may be accessible in direct production experiments. In particular, we study the photoproduction of light pseudoscalars at Jefferson Lab and conclude that a beam dump experiment could explore some of the allowed parameter space of these models.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Eclipsing high-mass binaries I. Light curves and system parameters for CPD-518946, PISMIS24-1 and HD319702

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    We present first results of a comprehensive photometric O-star survey performed with a robotic twin refractor at the Universit\"atssternwarte Bochum located near Cerro Armazones in Chile. For three high-mass stars, namely Pismis24-1, CPD-518946 and HD319702, we determined the period through the Lafler-Kinman algorithm and model the light curves within the framework of the Roche geometry. For Pismis24-1, a previously known eclipsing binary, we provide first light curves and determined a photometric period of 2.36 days together with an orbital inclination of 61.8 degrees. The best-fitting model solution to the light curves suggest a detached configuration. With a primary temperature of T1 = 42520K we obtain the temperature of the secondary component as T2 = 41500K. CPD-518946 is another known eclipsing binary for which we present a revised photometric period of 1.96 days with an orbital inclination of 58.4 degrees. The system has likely a semi-detached configuration and a mass ratio q = M1/M2 = 2.8. If we adopt a primary temperature of T1 = 34550K we obtain T2 = 21500K for the secondary component. HD319702 is a newly discovered eclipsing binary member of the young open cluster NGC6334. The system shows well-defined eclipses favouring a detached configuration with a period of 2.0 days and an orbital inclination of 67.5 degrees. Combining our photometric result with the primary spectral type O8 III(f) (T1 = 34000K) we derive a temperature of T2 = 25200K for the secondary component.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The ionization structure of the Orion nebula: Infrared line observations and models

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    Observations of the (O III) 52 and 88 micron lines and the (N III) 57 micron line have been made at 6 positions and the (Ne III) 36 micron line at 4 positions in the Orion Nebula to probe its ionization structure. The measurements, made with a -40" diameter beam, were spaced every 45" in a line south from and including the Trapezium. The wavelength of the (Ne III) line was measured to be 36.013 + or - 0.004 micron. Electron densities and abundance ratios of N(++)/O(++) have been calculated and compared to other radio and optical observations. Detailed one component and two component (bar plus halo) spherical models were calculated for exciting stars with effective temperatures of 37 to 40,000K and log g = 4.0 and 4.5. Both the new infrared observations and the visible line measurements of oxygen and nitrogen require T sub eff approx less than 37,000K. However, the double ionized neon requires a model with T sub eff more than or equal to 39,000K, which is more consistent with that inferred from the radio flux or spectral type. These differences in T sub eff are not due to effects of dust on the stellar radiation field, but are probably due to inaccuracies in the assumed stellar spectrum. The observed N(++)/O(++) ratio is almost twice the N(+)/O(+) ratio. The best fit models give N/H = 8.4 x 10 to the -5 power, O/H = 4.0 x 10 to the -4 power, and Ne/H = 1.3 x 10 to the -4 power. Thus neon and nitrogen are approximately solar, but oxygen is half solar in abundance. From the infrared O(++) lines it is concluded that the ionization bar results from an increase in column depth rather than from a local density enhancement

    Eddy genesis and manipulation in plane laminar shear flow

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    Eddy formation and presence in a plane laminar shear flow configuration consisting of two infinitely long plates orientated parallel to each other is investigated theoretically. The upper plate, which is planar, drives the flow; the lower one has a sinusoidal profile and is fixed. The governing equations are solved via a full finite element formulation for the general case and semi-analytically at the Stokes flow limit. The effects of varying geometry (involving changes in the mean plate separation or the amplitude and wavelength of the lower plate) and inertia are explored separately. For Stokes flow and varying geometry, excellent agreement between the two methods of solution is found. Of particular interest with regard to the flow structure is the importance of the clearance that exists between the upper plate and the tops of the corrugations forming the lower one. When the clearance is large, an eddy is only present at sufficiently large amplitudes or small wavelengths. However, as the plate clearance is reduced, a critical value is found which triggers the formation of an eddy in an otherwise fully attached flow for any finite amplitude and arbitrarily large wavelength. This is a precursor to the primary eddy to be expected in the lid-driven cavity flow which is formed in the limit of zero clearance between the plates. The influence of the flow driving mechanism is assessed by comparison with corresponding solutions for the case of gravity-driven fluid films flowing over an undulating substrate. When inertia is present, the flow generally becomes asymmetrical. However, it is found that for large mean plate separations the flow local to the lower plate becomes effectively decoupled from the inertia dominated overlying flow if the wavelength of the lower plate is sufficiently small. In such cases the local flow retains its symmetry. A local Reynolds number based on the wavelength is shown to be useful in characterising these large-gap flows. As the mean plate separation is reduced, the form of the asymmetry caused by inertia changes, and becomes strongly dependent on the plate separation. For lower plate wavelengths which do not exhibit a cinematically induced secondary eddy, an inertially induced secondary eddy can be created if the mean plate separation is sufficiently small and the global Reynolds number sufficiently large
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