15,267 research outputs found

    Selection of antagonists suppressing conidia production of Venturia inaequalis

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    Novel antagonists for biological control of Venturia inaequalis causing apples scab were screened. Several hundred fungal isolates were obtained from sporulating colonies of V. inaequalis on apple leaves collected at various locations. Candidate antagonists were pre-screened to exclude those isolates with potential risks or low economical feasibility. Remaining isolates were tested on apple seedlings for their ability to reduce conidiation of V. inaequalis. Several promising antagonists could be selected and will be tested under field conditions in summer 2006

    Rheological Behavior of a Dispersion of Small Lipid Bilayer Vesicles

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    Rheological behavior of a dispersion of small nearly-unilamellar phospholipid bilayer vesicles has been investigated. We conducted steady-state shear experiments and linear viscoelastic experiments. In the dilute and semidilute regime the rheological behavior is similar to that of a hard-sphere dispersion as reported in the literature for viscoelastic measurements, but now also observed in steady shear experiments. The effect of the main acyl-chain phase transition, taking place at 23 °C, can be described with an increase of the effective volume fraction. As a result, with temperature variation one can obtain effective volume fractions larger than the maximum packing fraction for hard spheres. Near and above the maximum packing fraction a dynamic yield stress ty and a frequency independent storage modulus G' develop. In this concentration regime the rheological behavior is determined by the interplay between vesicle deformation and the intervesicle interaction, and so far, there is no indication which phenomenon is dominant. A comparison with recently reported measurements suggests that G' is proportional to a-3, where a is the vesicle radius. Furthermore, we show that ty = γcG' which is in agreement with theory. Here tγ is the dynamic yield stress and γc the critical strain which indicates the transition to nonlinear behavior in a viscoelastic experiment. There is a striking resemblance between our high concentration results and those reported in literature for vesicles in the so-called onion phase. To the best of our knowledge this is the first rheological study for concentrated nearly-unilamellar vesicle dispersions with volume fraction and temperature as variables

    Epidemiology of dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola in organic seed production of cauliflower

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    Dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola is a seed-borne disease of Brassicae. Production of healthy seed is essential for the organic vegetable production. Literature on the epidemiology of the disease in organic seed production of Brassica was reviewed and an epidemiological field experiments was carried out. External and internal contamination of seeds with A. brassicicola increased steadily during their development. Colonisation of pod tissues as quantified by TaqMan-PCR increased exponentially. The developed knowledge can be used for optimizing cropping systems for organic seed production with lower risks for seed contamination by Alternaria spp. and to develop critical control points for disease management

    Chord Label Personalization through Deep Learning of Integrated Harmonic Interval-based Representations

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    The increasing accuracy of automatic chord estimation systems, the availability of vast amounts of heterogeneous reference annotations, and insights from annotator subjectivity research make chord label personalization increasingly important. Nevertheless, automatic chord estimation systems are historically exclusively trained and evaluated on a single reference annotation. We introduce a first approach to automatic chord label personalization by modeling subjectivity through deep learning of a harmonic interval-based chord label representation. After integrating these representations from multiple annotators, we can accurately personalize chord labels for individual annotators from a single model and the annotators' chord label vocabulary. Furthermore, we show that chord personalization using multiple reference annotations outperforms using a single reference annotation.Comment: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deep Learning and Music, Anchorage, US, May, 2017 (arXiv:1706.08675v1 [cs.NE]

    Selection and orchard testing of antagonists suppressing conidia production of the apple scab pathogen Venturia inaequalis

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    Apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis is a major disease in apple production. Epidemics in spring are initiated by ascospores produced on overwintering leaves whereas epidemics during summer are driven by conidia produced on apple leaves by biotrophic mycelium. Fungal colonisers of sporulating colonies of V. inaequalis were isolated and their potential to reduce the production of conidia of V. inaequalis was evaluated on apple seedlings under controlled conditions. The four most effective isolates of the 63 screened isolates were tested subsequently under Dutch orchard conditions in 2006. Repeated applications of conidial suspensions of Cladosporium cladosporioides H39 resulted in an average reduction of conidial production by V. inaequalis of approximately 40%. In 2007, applications of conidial suspensions of C. cladosporioides H39 reduced conidial production by V. inaequalis by 69% on August 6 and by 51% on August 16, but no effect was found on August 20. However, viability of available conidia of C. cladosporioides H39 was low at the end of the experiment. Epiphytic and endophytic colonisation by Cladosporium spp. of leaves treated during the experiment with C. cladosporioides H39 was significantly higher than on control leaves sampled 6 weeks after the last application. It is concluded that C. cladosporioides H39 has promising potential as a biological control agent for apple scab control. More information is needed on the effect of C. cladosporioides H39 on apple scab epidemics as well as on mass production, formulation and shelf life of conidia of the antagonist

    Collective excitations and low temperature transport properties of bismuth

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    We examine the influence of collective excitations on the transport properties (resistivity, magneto- optical conductivity) for semimetals, focusing on the case of bismuth. We show, using an RPA approximation, that the properties of the system are drastically affected by the presence of an acoustic plasmon mode, consequence of the presence of two types of carriers (electrons and holes) in this system. We found a crossover temperature T* separating two different regimes of transport. At high temperatures T > T* we show that Baber scattering explains quantitatively the DC resistivity experiments, while at low temperatures T < T* interactions of the carriers with this collective mode lead to a T^5 behavior of the resistivity. We examine other consequences of the presence of this mode, and in particular predict a two plasmon edge feature in the magneto-optical conductivity. We compare our results with the experimental findings on bismuth. We discuss the limitations and extensions of our results beyond the RPA approximation, and examine the case of other semimetals such as graphite or 1T-TiSe_2

    Highly erosive glaciers on Mars - the role of water

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    International audiencePolewards of 30 • in each hemisphere, the surface of Mars hosts a suite of landforms reminiscent of glacial landscapes on Earth. Amongst these landforms are: 1) Viscous Flow Features (VFF), which resemble glaciers on Earth and are thought to contain large volumes of water ice, 2) martian gullies which are km-scale features resembling water-eroded gullies on Earth and 3) arcuate ridges thought to be moraines from previous glaciations. Gullies have been long-associated with a surface unit originally called "pasted-on terrain" and now often called the "latitude dependant mantle". Arcuate ridges are often found at the base of hillslopes with gullies, but are also found on hillslopes with pasted-on terrain and no gullies. We have found a systematic lowering of the slope of the bedrock exposure located topographically above the pasted-on terrain whether that same slope hosts gullies or not. The lowered bedrock exposures display a different surface texture from bedrock exposed on other parts of the crater wall and from fresh crater walls-it appears fragmented and has reduced relief. Using 1-m-digital elevation models from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) we compared the slopes of eight "eroded" craters and seven unmodified craters. We estimated their age using the crater size-frequency distribution of small craters on their ejecta blankets. From this information we calculated bedrock retreat rates for the eroded craters and found they were up to ∼103 m Myr-1-equivalent to erosion rates of wet-based glaciers on Earth. This is several orders of magnitude higher than previous estimates of erosion by VFF (10-2-101 m Myr-1), which themselves are roughly equivalent to cold-based glaciers on Earth. Such erosion rates are sufficient to erase previously existing landforms, such as martian gullies. We hypothesise, therefore, that the pasted-on terrain is a glacial deposit, overturning its previous interpretation as an airfall deposit of ice nucleated on dust. We maintain the interpretation of the arcuate ridges as moraines, but further conclude that they are likely the result of glaciotectonic deformation of sub-marginal and proglacial sediment in the presence of sediment pore-water. We do not support the generation of large quantities of glacial meltwater because it would have broken-up and degraded the arcuate ridges and pasted-on terrain an produced a suite of landforms (e.g., hummocky moraine, lacustrine forms, outwash plains, eskers) which are not observed
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