13,317 research outputs found

    Collective excitations and low temperature transport properties of bismuth

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    We examine the influence of collective excitations on the transport properties (resistivity, magneto- optical conductivity) for semimetals, focusing on the case of bismuth. We show, using an RPA approximation, that the properties of the system are drastically affected by the presence of an acoustic plasmon mode, consequence of the presence of two types of carriers (electrons and holes) in this system. We found a crossover temperature T* separating two different regimes of transport. At high temperatures T > T* we show that Baber scattering explains quantitatively the DC resistivity experiments, while at low temperatures T < T* interactions of the carriers with this collective mode lead to a T^5 behavior of the resistivity. We examine other consequences of the presence of this mode, and in particular predict a two plasmon edge feature in the magneto-optical conductivity. We compare our results with the experimental findings on bismuth. We discuss the limitations and extensions of our results beyond the RPA approximation, and examine the case of other semimetals such as graphite or 1T-TiSe_2

    Inclusion Of The Spatial Dimension Of Population Data In Developing Policies For The Management Of AnGR –The Case Of The Heritage Sheep Breeds

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    The sustainable use of farm animal genetic resources is connected with the recognition of their contribution to the society and the environment and the assessment of the threats they are facing. The category of the heritage breeds, which are genetically distinct, geographically concentrated, adapted to their environment, commercially farmed to contribute to the local economy were considered in the frame of the HERITAGESHEEP project. The aim of this project was to deliver the potential of the heritage sheep breeds for a sustainable future for medium to low input production systems, which support local rural communities throughout Europe. This was achieved by addressing the conservation of these breeds, defining the current and future threats and developing new uses and markets for products

    The uniting of Europe and the foundation of EU studies: revisiting the neofunctionalism of Ernst B. Haas

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    This article suggests that the neofunctionalist theoretical legacy left by Ernst B. Haas is somewhat richer and more prescient than many contemporary discussants allow. The article develops an argument for routine and detailed re-reading of the corpus of neofunctionalist work (and that of Haas in particular), not only to disabuse contemporary students and scholars of the normally static and stylized reading that discussion of the theory provokes, but also to suggest that the conceptual repertoire of neofunctionalism is able to speak directly to current EU studies and comparative regionalism. Neofunctionalism is situated in its social scientific context before the theory's supposed erroneous reliance on the concept of 'spillover' is discussed critically. A case is then made for viewing Haas's neofunctionalism as a dynamic theory that not only corresponded to established social scientific norms, but did so in ways that were consistent with disciplinary openness and pluralism

    Phase diagram of hot magnetized two-flavor color superconducting quark matter

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    A two-flavor color superconducting (2SC) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is introduced at finite temperature T, chemical potential mu and in the presence of a constant magnetic field eB. The effect of (T,mu,eB) on the formation of chiral and color symmetry breaking condensates is studied. The complete phase portrait of the model in T-mu, mu-eB, and T-eB phase spaces for various fixed eB, T, and mu is explored. A threshold magnetic field eB_t~ 0.5 GeV^2 is found above which the dynamics of the system is solely dominated by the lowest Landau level (LLL) and the effects of T and mu are partly compensated by eB.Comment: V1: 29 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. V2: Discussions improved. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Properties of neutral mesons in a hot and magnetized quark matter

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    The properties of non-interacting σ\sigma and π0\pi^{0} mesons are studied at finite temperature, chemical potential and in the presence of a constant magnetic field. To do this, the energy dispersion relations of these particles, including nontrivial form factors, are derived using a derivative expansion of the effective action of a two-flavor, hot and magnetized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model up to second order. The temperature dependence of the pole and screening masses as well as the directional refraction indices of magnetized neutral mesons are explored for fixed magnetic fields and chemical potentials. It is shown that, because of the explicit breaking of the Lorentz invariance by the magnetic field, the refraction index and the screening mass of neutral mesons exhibit a certain anisotropy in the transverse and longitudinal directions with respect to the direction of the external magnetic field. In contrast to their longitudinal refraction indices, the transverse indices of the neutral mesons are larger than unity.Comment: V1: 26 pages, 15 figures; V2: Discussions improved, references added. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Interplay of size and Landau quantizations in the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of metallic nanowires

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    We examine the interplay between size quantization and Landau quantization in the De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations of clean, metallic nanowires in a longitudinal magnetic field for `hard' boundary conditions, i.e. those of an infinite round well, as opposed to the `soft' parabolically confined boundary conditions previously treated in Alexandrov and Kabanov (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 076601 (2005) (AK)). We find that there exist {\em two} fundamental frequencies as opposed to the one found in bulk systems and the three frequencies found by AK with soft boundary counditions. In addition, we find that the additional `magic resonances' of AK may be also observed in the infinite well case, though they are now damped. We also compare the numerically generated energy spectrum of the infinite well potential with that of our analytic approximation, and compare calculations of the oscillatory portions of the thermodynamic quantities for both models.Comment: Title changed, paper streamlined on suggestion of referrees, typos corrected, numerical error in figs 2 and 3 corrected and final result simplified -- two not three frequencies (as in the previous version) are observed. Abstract altered accordingly. Submitted to Physical Review

    Stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a topography-controlled contourite drift in the Pen Duick area, southern Gulf of CĂĄdiz

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    The northern part of the Gulf of CĂĄdiz has and still is receiving a lot of attention from the scientific community due to (amongst others) the recent IODP Expedition 339. In contrast, its southern part, or the Moroccan margin has received far less attention, although mud volcanoes, diapiric ridges and cold-water corals are present in this region. The El Arraiche mud volcano field is characterized by a compressive regime creating several ridges and assisting the migration of hydrocarbon fluids towards the seabed surface. This study presents seismic and multibeam evidence for the existence of a contourite drift at water depths between 550 and 650 meters along the southwestern flank of the Pen Duick Escarpment and Gemini Mud Volcano, within the El Arraiche Mud Volcano field. From the onset of the Quaternary, when the escarpment started to lift and the local mud volcanism initiated, contouritic deposition was initiated as well at the foot of both topographic obstacles. Initially, fairly low-velocity bottom currents gave rise to sheeted drift deposits, affected by the uplift of the escarpment or mud extrusion. From the Middle Pleistocene onwards, separated mounded drift deposits were formed due to intensified bottom currents. An Antarctic Intermediate Water origin is inferred as driving mechanism for the drift development, although glacial conditions are not yet well constrained. The influence of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) cannot be substantiated here. Moreover, the changes recorded within this contourite drift differ from the MOW-dominated contourite depositional system in the northern Gulf of CĂĄdiz, as drift deposits only occur as early as the base of the Quaternary (compared to the Early Pliocene for the north) and mounded drift deposits only occur from the Middle Pleistocene onwards (compared to the Early Pleistocene). Cold-water coral mounds have been observed within and on top of the sedimentary sequence at the foot of the Pen Duick Escarpment. This implies that environmental conditions in which cold-water corals thrive were not necessarily restricted to the top of the Pen Duick Escarpment

    Pitfalls in post hoc analyses of population receptive field data

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    Data binning involves grouping observations into bins and calculating bin-wise summary statistics. It can cope with overplotting and noise, making it a versatile tool for comparing many observations. However, data binning goes awry if the same observations are used for binning (selection) and contrasting (selective analysis). This creates circularity, biasing noise components and resulting in artifactual changes in the form of regression towards the mean. Importantly, these artifactual changes are a statistical necessity. Here, we use (null) simulations and empirical repeat data to expose this flaw in the scope of post hoc analyses of population receptive field data. In doing so, we reveal that the type of data analysis, data properties, and circular data cleaning are factors shaping the appearance of such artifactual changes. We furthermore highlight that circular data cleaning and circular sorting of change scores are selection practices that result in artifactual changes even without circular data binning. These pitfalls might have led to erroneous claims about changes in population receptive fields in previous work and can be mitigated by using independent data for selection purposes. Our evaluations highlight the urgency for us researchers to make the validation of analysis pipelines standard practice
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