106 research outputs found

    Generating value: real optionality in the EdF take-over of British Energy

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    Earlier this year, EDF’s long-awaited acquisition of the British Energy was completed. But what was the company’s rationale behind the £12.5 billion takeover of the UK nuclear generator

    Treatment For Common Running/Walking Foot Injuries

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    Whether you are a weekend warrior or a serious athlete, most runners fear the possibility of being injured.  For those who are physically active or stand on their feet all day, healthy feet are important Highly conditioned runners spend many hours performing foot maintenance to prevent unnecessary injuries.  Some of the common foot injuries are: Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsal Stress Fractures, blisters, Metatarsalgia, Morton’s Syndrome, Turf Toe, and Sesamoiditis. Most runners realize that shoes wear from the inside out.  Runners should frequently check the inside of the shoe.  Attention should focus on the pads of the insole, stitching, toe, heel, and instep areas. Properly lacing the shoe strings may save wear and tear on the shoes and feet. RICE (rest-ice-compression-elevation) treatments are a very important part of healthy foot maintenance and treatment; treatments should be done sooner rather than later. Many running problems may be prevented by focusing attention on your feet. Frequently inspect ones feet before and after running or walking.  Foot pain is not normal when running or walking; seek medical assistance as soon as possible. If your goal is to enjoy running for a lifetime, it is sometimes more important to use your head than your feet. If you want to run tomorrow, take care of your feet today

    Common Runners/Walkers Foot Injuries

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    This is my 35th year of running most days a year. That was correct most days a year not a week. Running is my first priority each day.  Developing a routine will assist those who want exercise to become a habit.  After I awake I drink a glass of water and a cup of coffee then my dog “Jazz” and I hit the streets for a 3-4 mile run. Later in the day, we walk one to two miles after going to the gym to lift weights. I will admit that I am very addicted to running and working out.  I enjoy the physical, psychological, and health benefits. This paper will focus on common foot injuries. There are several foot injuries that runners or walkers may suffer. Most of the injuries on that list may result from overuse.  Other problems of the foot maybe related to chronic injuries that develop over a period of time.  According to Mike Walden, a former teacher of sports injuries, sports massage, and sports science, “the average runner has between 37-56% risks of injury during the course of a year’s training.” (Walden 2005) Plantar fasciitis, metatarsal stress fractures, metatarsalgia, blisters, turf toe, and Morton’s neuroma will be the focus of this paper

    Reporting community involvement in autism research:Findings from the journal Autism

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    Participatory methods are having sweeping effects on research across the globe. To facilitate transparency around these methods, Autism introduced mandatory reporting of community involvement in January 2021. Here, we sought to determine the impact of this policy. To do so, we—a team of Autistic and non-autistic researchers—searched for articles published in Autism in 2019, two years before policy implementation, and in 2022, one year after. We read 283 eligible articles and double coded each article for general information and details of community involvement. We found a fivefold increase (10.3% pre-implementation vs. 54.5% post-implementation) in the reporting of community involvement. Most articles reported involving community members distally, in consulting roles, with researchers retaining full decision-making power. Furthermore, most community involvement was reported in more applied than basic research. A significant minority of papers (17%), however, could not be coded, owing to insufficient or vague information. While this increase in the reporting of community involvement is encouraging, more efforts need to be directed towards (i) improving the transparency in the reporting of community involvement and (ii) increasing the frequency with which community members, especially Autistic people, share decision-making power equally with researchers—or even assume control of the research process

    Handling the Theme of Hands in early Modern Cross-over Contexts

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    The human hand is a complex phenomenon within the contexts of early modern visual and textual culture. Its frequent presence in early modern texts and illustrations - as well as the many different types of described and depicted hands - raises a number of questions as to its functions and significances. In this article, we examine the role of the hand and two of its familiar functions –pointing and touching – against diverse and diverging understandings of human perception and cognition in the period focussing particularly on relations between bodies and minds. Through comparative analyses of cross-over examples from both medicine, manuals and drama – primarily John Bulwer’sChirologia and Chironomia, William Harvey’s de Motu Cordis and extracts from Shakespeare’s plays – we explore the questions implied by hands and their contributions to the knowledge probed and proposed by these texts and illustrations

    Influencia de las estrategias de marketing en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor en la empresa Little Fellas Pizza Matagalpa, año 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consistió en la “Influencia de las estrategias de marketing en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor en la empresa Little Fellas Pizza Matagalpa, año 2020”, este trabajo se realizó con el objeto de analizar la influencia de las estrategias de marketing en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor de la empresa Little Fellas de la ciudad de Matagalpa, año 2020. La metodología que se utilizó para obtener la información, consistió en elementos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, los cuales fueron: Entrevista realizada al responsable de Recursos Humanos, encuestas que fueron dirigidas a los clientes de la empresa y por último una guía de observación realizada a la empresa por las investigadoras. Determinando que las estrategias de marketing que la empresa aplica son: Estrategias de crecimiento intensivo por penetración y desarrollo de producto, asimismo según las estrategias competitivas de Kotler la empresa aplica estrategias de seguidor; respecto a las estrategias de marketing digital la empresa aplica marketing de contenido, posicionamiento Web o SEO, marketing de redes sociales y video marketing. Por último, dentro de las estrategias de marketing mix, se aplican estrategias de precio, plaza y promoción. El comportamiento de compra de los clientes se describe de la siguiente manera: la mayoría de los clientes consumen pizza una vez al mes, ya sea con su pareja, familia o amigos, mayormente son jóvenes que trabajan y estudian con ingresos medios y bajos, asimismo consumen el producto para satisfacer sus necesidades fisiológicas, encontrando información sobre la pizzería en redes sociales y por recomendaciones de amigos y familiares, siendo el factor más valorado la calidad, donde los consumidores que realizaron su compra se sintieron satisfechos. Las estrategias que influyen sobre el comportamiento de compra del consumidor son: Estrategias de marketing en redes sociales, estrategias de plaza y desarrollo de producto. Palabras Claves: Estrategias de Marketing, Comportamiento de compra, consumido

    What tools are in your coping toolbox?

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    When we face difficult situations, everyone has a different way of managing them. There are many things we can do to help ourselves deal with tough feelings or situations—which is also referred to as coping. Coping means finding ways to deal with tough feelings or situations. For instance, imagine getting a disappointing grade on a school project. You might feel upset and decide to talk about it with your parents, while your classmate might turn to their teacher and ask for a higher grade. Have you ever thought about why each of us responds differently to difficult situations? What exactly is coping, and what are some of the ways people cope? How do we learn to cope? Is there one best way to cope? In this article, we will tell you what scientists have discovered about coping. Matilda is excited about her upcoming field trip. Jamie promised Matilda that he would sit next to her on the school bus. As Matilda gets on the bus, she sees Jamie sitting next to someone else! Now Matilda feels sad. What can Matilda do to deal with this difficult situation? She could avoid Jamie. Or she could confront Jamie and try to get him to sit next to her. What Matilda does to manage the upsetting situation is what scientists call coping

    TNO at TRECVID 2013 : multimedia event detection and instance search

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    We describe the TNO system and the evaluation results for TRECVID 2013 Multimedia Event Detection (MED) and instance search (INS) tasks. The MED system consists of a bag-of-word (BOW) approach with spatial tiling that uses low-level static and dynamic visual features, an audio feature and high-level concepts. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and optical character recognition (OCR) are not used in the system. In the MED case with 100 example training videos, support-vector machines (SVM) are trained and fused to detect an event in the test set. In the case with 0 example videos, positive and negative concepts are extracted as keywords from the textual event description and events are detected with the high-level concepts. The MED results show that the SIFT keypoint descriptor is the one which contributes best to the results, fusion of multiple low-level features helps to improve the performance, and the textual event-description chain currently performs poorly. The TNO INS system presents a baseline open-source approach using standard SIFT keypoint detection and exhaustive matching. In order to speed up search times for queries a basic map-reduce scheme is presented to be used on a multi-node cluster. Our INS results show above-median results with acceptable search times.This research for the MED submission was performed in the GOOSE project, which is jointly funded by the enabling technology program Adaptive Multi Sensor Networks (AMSN) and the MIST research program of the Dutch Ministry of Defense. The INS submission was partly supported by the MIME project of the creative industries knowledge and innovation network CLICKNL.peer-reviewe