60 research outputs found

    Lapsuuden vastoinkäymisten yhteys nuoruuden psykoottistyyppiseen oireiluun Pohjois-Suomen 1986-syntymäkohortissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Lapsuuden vastoinkäymiset ennustavat myöhempää psyykkistä ja psykoottista sairastavuutta. Tämän prospektiivisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella lapsuuden negatiivisten kokemusten ja vastoinkäymisten yhteyttä nuoruuden psykoottistyyppiseen oireiluun. Aineistona käytettiin Pohjois-Suomen 1986-syntymäkohorttia. Tärkeimmät lapsuuden vastoinkäymiset valikoitiin kirjallisuuden perusteella. Osaa lapsuuden vastoinkäymisistä käsiteltiin summamuuttujana ja lisäksi tarkasteltiin joukkoa muita soveltuvia muuttujia. 15–16 vuoden iässä, vuosina 2001–2002 6637 kohortin nuorta täytti psykoosin ennakko-oireita kartoittavan PROD-kyselylomakkeen. Lapsuuden vastoinkäymisten vaikutusta näihin oireisiin tutkittiin tilastollisesti lineaarisella regressiomallilla ja Mann-Whitneyn U-testillä. Aineiston suuresta koosta johtuen tilastollisia merkitsevyyksiä saatiin esiin. Korrelaatiokertoimet olivat kuitenkin niin pieniä, että käytännön merkitsevyys oli huomattavan vähäinen. Kohortin laajassa väestöpohjaisessa otoksessa PROD-kyselyn nuoruudessa mittaamat asiat eivät siis olleet riippuvaisia lapsuuden vastoinkäymisistä. Aiheesta ja keinoista lapsuuden vastoinkäymisiä kokeneiden, erityisriskissä olevien nuorten tunnistamiseksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta

    Effect of Angiotensin II on the Left Ventricular Function in a Near-Term Fetal Sheep with Metabolic Acidemia

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    We tested the hypothesis that, in acute metabolic acidemia, the fetal left ventricle (LV) has the capacity to increase its contractility in response to angiotensin II infusion. Eleven ewes and their fetuses were instrumented at 127–138/145 days of gestation. The effect of angiotensin II on fetal LV function was assessed using intraventricular pressure catheter and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). Angiotensin II increased fetal arterial blood pressure, whereas pH and pO2 decreased. The heart rate and systemic venous pressure were not affected significantly. The LV end-diastolic and end-systolic pressures, as well as dP/dtmax, increased. The TDI-derived LV longitudinal myocardial isovolumic contraction velocity and its acceleration and velocity during early filling were higher than those at baseline. The incidence of absent isovolumic relaxation velocity was greater during angiotensin II infusion. In summary, during acute metabolic acidemia, the fetal left ventricle could increase its contractility in response to inotropic stimulus even in the presence of increased afterload. The diastolic LV function parameters were altered by angiotensin II

    Effect of hypoxemia on fetal ventricular deformation in a chronically instrumented sheep model

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    We hypothesized that in near-term sheep fetuses, hypoxemia changes myocardial function as reflected in altered ventricular deformation on speckle-tracking echocardiography. Fetuses in 21 pregnant sheep were instrumented. After 4 d of recovery, fetal cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography at baseline, after 30 and 120 min of induced fetal hypoxemia and after its reversal. Left (LV) and right (RV) ventricular cardiac output and myocardial strain were measured. Baseline mean (standard deviation [ SD]) LV and RV global longitudinal strains were -18.7% (3.8) and -14.3% (5.3). Baseline RV global longitudinal and circumferential deformations were less compared with those of the left ventricle (p = 0.016 and p <0.005). LV, but not RV, global longitudinal strain was decreased (p = 0.003) compared with baseline with hypoxemia. Circumferential and radial strains did not exhibit significant changes. In the near-term sheep fetus, LV global longitudinal and circumferential strains are more negative than RV strains. Acute hypoxemia leads to LV rather than RV dysfunction as reflected by decreased deformation. (C) 2017 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.Peer reviewe

    Nifedipine disturbs fetal cardiac function during hypoxemia in a chronic sheep model at near term gestation

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    BACKGROUND: Nifedipine is a widely used drug in pregnancies complicated by maternal hypertensive disorders that can be associated with placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxemia. The evidence regarding fetal myocardial responses to nifedipine in hypoxemia is limited. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that nifedipine would not impair fetal sheep cardiac function under hypoxemic environment. In particular, we investigated the effects of nifedipine on fetal ventricular functional parameters and cardiac output. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 21 chronically instrumented fetal sheep at 122 to 134 gestational days (term, 145 days) were included in this study. Fetal cardiac function was evaluated by measuring global longitudinal strain, indices describing ventricular systolic and diastolic function, and cardiac outputs using two-dimensional speckle tracking and tissue and spectral pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiography. Fetal carotid artery blood pressure and blood gas values were invasively monitored. After baseline data collection, fetal hypoxemia was induced by maternal hyperoxygenation. After hypoxemia phase data collection, 9 fetuses received nifedipine infusion, and 12 fetuses received saline infusion. Data were collected 30 and 120 minutes after the infusion was started. After 120 minutes of data collection, maternal and fetal oxygenation were normalized, and normoxemia phase data were collected, while infusion was continued. RESULTS: Hypoxemia decreased fetal carotid artery mean arterial pressure from 40 (8) mm Hg to 35 (8) mm Hg (P CONCLUSION: In hypoxemic fetus, nifedipine impaired right ventricular function and reduced its cardiac output. The detrimental effects of nifedipine on fetal right ventricular function were abolished, when normoxemia was restored. Our findings suggest that in a hypoxemic environment nifedipine triggers detrimental effects on fetal right ventricular function.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Sildenafil on Pulmonary Circulation and Cardiovascular Function in Near-Term Fetal Sheep During Hypoxemia

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    Sildenafil is a potential new treatment for placental insufficiency in human pregnancies as it reduces the breakdown of vasodilator nitric oxide. Pulmonary vasodilatation is observed in normoxemic fetuses following sildenafil administration. Placental insufficiency often leads to fetal hypoxemia that can cause pulmonary vasoconstriction and fetal cardiac dysfunction as evidenced by reduced isovolumic myocardial velocities. We tested the hypotheses that sildenafil, when given directly to the hypoxemic fetus, reverses reactive pulmonary vasoconstriction, increases left ventricular cardiac output by increasing pulmonary venous return, and ameliorates hypoxemic myocardial dysfunction. We used an instrumented sheep model. Fetuses were made hypoxemic over a mean (standard deviation) duration of 41.3 (9.5) minutes and then given intravenous sildenafil or saline infusion. Volume blood flow through ductus arteriosus was measured with an ultrasonic transit-time flow probe. Fetal left and right ventricular outputs and lung volume blood flow were calculated, and ventricular function was examined using echocardiography. Lung volume blood flow decreased and the ductus arteriosus volume blood flow increased with hypoxemia. There was a significant reduction in left ventricular and combined cardiac outputs during hypoxemia in both groups. Hypoxemia led to a reduction in myocardial isovolumic velocities, increased ductus venosus pulsatility, and reduced left ventricular myocardial deformation. Direct administration of sildenafil to hypoxemic fetus did not reverse the redistribution of cardiac output. Furthermore, fetal cardiac systolic and diastolic dysfunction was observed during hypoxemia, which was not improved by fetal sildenafil treatment. In conclusion, sildenafil did not improve pulmonary blood flow or cardiac function in hypoxemic sheep fetuses.Peer reviewe

    Effects of nifedipine and sildenafil on placental hemodynamics and gas exchange during fetal hypoxemia in a chronic sheep model

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    Introduction We hypothesized that nifedipine and sildenafil would have no detrimental effects on placental hemodynamics and gas exchange under fetal hypoxemia. Methods In 33 chronically instrumented fetal sheep, placental volume blood flow (QPlac) and umbilical artery (UA) vascular impedance were measured by Doppler ultrasonography. Fetal carotid artery blood pressure and blood gas values were monitored. After baseline data collection, maternal and fetal hypoxemia were induced. Following hypoxemia phase data collection, 12 fetuses received sildenafil and 9 fetuses nifedipine infusion, and 12 fetuses served as controls receiving saline infusion. Data were collected 30 and 120 min after infusion was started. Then maternal oxygenation was normalized and normoxemia phase data were collected, while infusion was continued. Results Hypoxemia significantly decreased fetal pO2 and blood pressure. In the sildenafil group at 30- and 120-min hypoxemia + infusion phases, fetal blood pressure and QPlac were significantly lower and pCO2 higher than at baseline without returning to baseline level at normoxemia + infusion phase. In hypoxemia, nifedipine did not affect fetal blood pressure or placental hemodynamics. Both in the sildenafil and nifedipine groups, fetal pO2 remained significantly lower at normoxemia + infusion phase than in the control group. Umbilical artery vascular impedance did not change during the experiment. Discussion In fetal hypoxemia, sildenafil had detrimental effects on placental hemodynamics that disturbed placental gas exchange. Nifedipine did not alter placental hemodynamics in hypoxemia but disturbed placental gas exchange upon returning to normoxemia. Umbilical artery vascular impedance did not reflect alterations in placental hemodynamics.Peer reviewe

    Fetal cardiovascular hemodynamics in type 1 diabetic pregnancies at near-term gestation

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    Introduction Poor glycemic control in maternal type 1 diabetes mellitus during pregnancy can affect fetal cardiac and placental function. However, studies concerning fetal central hemodynamics have revealed conflicting results. We hypothesized that in pregnancies complicated by maternal type 1 diabetes, fetal cardiovascular and placental hemodynamics are comparable to the control fetuses at near-term gestation. In addition, we investigated the relationship between newborn serum biomarkers of cardiac function and fetal cardiovascular and placental hemodynamics. Furthermore, we studied whether maternal diabetes is associated with placental inflammation. Material and methods In this prospective case-control study, fetal central and peripheral hemodynamics were assessed by ultrasonography in 33 women with type 1 diabetes and in 67 controls with singleton pregnancies between 34(+2)and 40(+2)gestational weeks. Newborn umbilical cord serum was collected to analyze cardiac natriuretic peptides (atrial and B-type natriuretic peptides) and troponin T concentrations. Placental tissue samples were obtained for cytokine analyses. Results Fetal ventricular wall thicknesses were greater and weight-adjusted stroke volumes and cardiac outputs were lower in the type 1 diabetes group than in the control group. Pulsatility in the aortic isthmus and inferior vena cava blood flow velocity waveforms was greater in the type 1 diabetes group fetuses than in the controls. A positive correlation was found between branch pulmonary artery and aortic isthmus pulsatility index values. Umbilical artery pulsatility indices were comparable between the groups. Umbilical cord serum natriuretic peptide and troponin T concentrations were elevated in the type 1 diabetes fetuses. These cardiac biomarkers correlated significantly with cardiovascular hemodynamics. Placental cytokine levels were not different between the groups. Conclusions In maternal type 1 diabetes pregnancies, fetal cardiovascular hemodynamics is impaired. Maternal type 1 diabetes does not seem to alter placental vascular impedance or induce placental inflammation.</p

    Resting state fMRI reveals a default mode dissociation between retrosplenial and medial prefrontal subnetworks in ASD despite motion scrubbing

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    In resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) decreased frontal-posterior functional connectivity is a persistent finding. However, the picture of the default mode network (DMN) hypoconnectivity remains incomplete. In addition, the functional connectivity analyses have been shown to be susceptible even to subtle motion. DMN hypoconnectivity in ASD has been specifically called for re-evaluation with stringent motion correction, which we aimed to conduct by so-called scrubbing. A rich set of default mode subnetworks can be obtained with high dimensional group independent component analysis (ICA) which can potentially provide more detailed view of the connectivity alterations. We compared the DMN connectivity in high-functioning adolescents with ASDs to typically developing controls using ICA dual-regression with decompositions from typical to high dimensionality. Dual-regression analysis within DMN subnetworks did not reveal alterations but connectivity between anterior and posterior DMN subnetworks was decreased in ASD. The results were very similar with and without motion scrubbing thus indicating the efficacy of the conventional motion correction methods combined with ICA dual-regression. Specific dissociation between DMN subnetworks was revealed on high ICA dimensionality, where networks centered at the medial prefrontal cortex and retrosplenial cortex showed weakened coupling in adolescents with ASDs compared to typically developing control participants. Generally the results speak for disruption in the anterior-posterior DMN interplay on the network level whereas local functional connectivity in DMN seems relatively unaltered

    Foramen ovale blood flow and cardiac function after main pulmonary artery occlusion in fetal sheep

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    The foramen ovale (FO) accounts for the majority of fetal left ventricular (LV) output. Increased right ventricular afterload can cause a redistribution of combined cardiac output between the ventricles. To understand the capability of the FO to increase its volume blood flow and thus LV output, we mechanically occluded the main pulmonary artery in seven chronically instrumented near-term sheep fetuses. We hypothesized that FO volume blood flow and LV output would increase during main pulmonary artery occlusion. Fetal cardiac function and haemodynamics were assessed by pulsed and tissue Doppler at baseline, 15 and 60 min after occlusion of the main pulmonary artery and 15 min after occlusion was released. Fetal ascending aorta and central venous pressures and blood gas values were monitored. Main pulmonary artery occlusion initially increased fetal heart rate (P <0.05) from [mean (SD)] 158 (7) to 188 (23) beats min(-1) and LV cardiac output (P <0.0001) from 629 (198) to 776 (283) ml min(-1). Combined cardiac output fell (P <0.0001) from 1524 (341) to 720 (273) ml min(-1). During main pulmonary artery occlusion, FO volume blood flow increased (P <0.001) from 507 (181) to 776 (283) ml min(-1). This increase was related to fetal tachycardia, because LV stroke volume did not change. Fetal ascending aortic blood pressure remained stable. Central venous pressure was higher (P <0.05) during the occlusion than after it was released. During the occlusion, fetal pH decreased and PCO2 increased. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction developed while LV diastolic function was preserved. Right ventricular systolic and diastolic function deteriorated after the occlusion. In conclusion, the FO has a limited capacity to increase its volume blood flow at near-term gestation.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of an early detection tool for social-emotional and behavioral problems in toddlers: The Brief Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment - A cluster randomized trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of social-emotional and behavioral problems is estimated to be 8 to 9% among preschool children. Effective early detection tools are needed to promote the provision of adequate care at an early stage. The Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) was developed for this purpose. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the BITSEA to enhance social-emotional and behavioral health of preschool children.</p> <p>Methods and Design</p> <p>A cluster randomized controlled trial is set up in youth health care centers in the larger Rotterdam area in the Netherlands, to evaluate the BITSEA. The 31 youth health care centers are randomly allocated to either the control group or the intervention group. The intervention group uses the scores on the BITSEA and cut-off points to evaluate a child's social-emotional and behavioral health and to decide whether or not the child should be referred. The control group provides care as usual, which involves administering a questionnaire that structures the conversation between child health professionals and parents. At a one year follow-up measurement the social-emotional and behavioral health of all children included in the study population will be evaluated.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>It is hypothesized that better results will be found, in terms of social-emotional and behavioral health in the intervention group, compared to the control group, due to more adequate early detection, referral and more appropriate and timely care.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2035">NTR2035</a></p