8 research outputs found


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    This article explains the need the development of Reformed theology so that it can attract the attention of different cultured people with Guilt Culture. It turns out the gospel applies to all cultures, but theology of Reformed raises Luther's question that is looking for an answer about the basis of salvation. Even though it strongly agreed that the Bible was teaching that it was dismissed by justification through faith, but the recognition of  'Sola Fide' did not contain the overall gospel. Therefore, the meaning and impact of the gospel should be presented to a shame culture and a fear culture (Fear Culture) in more suitable to the questions and struggle that contexts. if characteristic every culture is more regularly understood, it can also read the Bible and the teachings of the gospel with 'lens' which are more in line with those cultural needs. With this the good news of the Gospel will get stronger to convince the listeners of the gospel.Artikel ini menjelaskan perlunya mengembangkan teologi reformed supaya dapat menarik perhatian orang yang berbudaya berbeda dengan budaya bersalah (guilt culture). Ternyata Injil berlaku untuk segala budaya, akan tetapi teologi reformed menimbulkan pertanyaan Luther yang mencari jawab tentang dasar keselamatan. Sekalipun sangat setuju bahwa Alkitab mengajar bahwa diselamatkan oleh pembenaran melalui iman, namun pengakuan ‘Sola Fide’ itu tidak mengandung keseluruhan Injil. Sebab itu arti dan dampak Injil seharusnya dipresentasikan ke budaya malu (shame culture) dan budaya takut (fear culture) secara yang lebih sesuai kepada pertanyaan dan kekhawatiran yang berlaku di dalam budaya itu. Kalau ciri khas setiap budaya dipahami dengan lebih teratur, maka juga dapat membaca Alkitab dan ajaran Injil dengan ‘kacamata’ atau ‘lensa’ yang lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan budaya itu. Dengan cara ini berita keselamatan Injil Kristus akan bertambah kuat untuk meyakinkan para pendengar pekabaran Injil itu

    Should Patients with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Undergo Extensive Lymph Node (Re)Operation to Improve Long-term Survival?

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    To investigate the role of primary and/or secondary modified radical neck dissection (MRND) in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), follow-up data on 43 patients operated on between 1972 and 1983 were analyzed retrospectively; patients included 16 with sporadic MTC (group 1) and 27 with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (group 2). Primary surgical therapy consisted of (near-) total thyroidectomy and limited lymph node dissection: one patient in group 1 and two in group 2 underwent primary MRND. Positive nodes were found in nine patients of group 1 and in 12 of group 2. Calcitonin (CT) was raised postoperatively in 11 group 1 patients, who all died (four after additional MRND). Postoperative CT was normal in the four survivors of group 1. In group 2. postoperative CT was raised in 15 patients, including those who had MRND and in four apparently nodenegative patients. Three of them underwent additional MRND, which was successful in one case. One patient in this group died of the disease: two patients developed elevated CT levels during follow-up, whereas in one, CT normalized spontaneously. In conclusion, the role of extensive lymph node surgery in patients with more than limited lymph node involvement or elevated postoperative CT levels remains to be established

    Arac/XylS family of transcriptional regulators

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