8,390 research outputs found

    On a new species of Anisops (Hemiptera, Notonectidae) from the Moluccas

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    In a small collection of aquatic insects made by Dr. S. Dillon Ripley in the Moluccas, two specimens of the genus Anisops are present. One of these is a female specimen from Misool which is possibly referrable to A. stali Kirk.; in the absence of a male it is obviously impossible to make a precise identification. The second specimen appears to represent a new species

    On Filinia terminalis (Plate) and F. pejleri sp. n. (Rotatoria: Family Testudinellidae)

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    In 1886, Plate described, as Triarthra terminalis, a rotifer found in the spring, in the vicinity of Bonn, which differed from T. longiseta Ehrenberg, now referred to Filinia, in having the posterior appendage inserted apically, rather than ventrally some little distance from the posterior end of the body....

    Dynamical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory of Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates at Finite Temperature

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    We present a method utilizing the continuity equation for the condensate density to make predictions of the precessional frequency of single off-axis vortices and of vortex arrays in Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature. We also present an orthogonalized Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) formalism. We solve the continuity equation for the condensate density self-consistently with the orthogonalized HFB equations, and find stationary solutions in the frame rotating at this frequency. As an example of the utility of this formalism we obtain time-independent solutions for quasi-two-dimensional rotating systems in the co-rotating frame. We compare these results with time-dependent predictions where we simulate stirring of the condensate.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Quantifying Finite Temperature Effects in Atom Chip Interferometry of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We quantify the effect of phase fluctuations on atom chip interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensates. At very low temperatures, we observe small phase fluctuations, created by mean-field depletion, and a resonant production of vortices when the two clouds are initially in anti-phase. At higher temperatures, we show that the thermal occupation of Bogoliubov modes makes vortex production vary smoothly with the initial relative phase difference between the two atom clouds. We also propose a technique to observe vortex formation directly by creating a weak link between the two clouds. The position and direction of circulation of the vortices is subsequently revealed by kinks in the interference fringes produced when the two clouds expand into one another. This procedure may be exploited for precise force measurement or motion detection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring and tracking vitamin B12: a review of current methods with a focus on optical spectroscopy

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    Published online: 13 Sep 2016Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline. This literature review explores the current methods available for measuring vitamin B12 in human blood, serum, and urine, and the need for a globally accepted reference range for vitamin B12. We present optical spectroscopy, including chemiluminescence measurements, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, and Raman spectroscopy, as a promising technique for detection and tracking of vitamin B12. Considerations for future research are highlighted, including enhancing the sensitivity of optical spectroscopy and prospective pathways to improve the reproducibility, selectivity, and speed of vitamin B12 detection.Georgios Tsiminis, Erik P. Schartner, Joanna L. Brooks, and Mark R. Hutchinso

    Recent advances in cytokine detection by immunosensing

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    Abstract not availableGuozhen Liu, Meng Qi, Mark R. Hutchinson, Guangfu Yang, Ewa M. Goldy

    Regional Stratigraphic Framework of Surficial Sediments and Bedrock Beneath Lake Ontario

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    Approximately 2550 km of single-channel high-resolution seismic reflection profiles have been interpreted and calibrated with lithological and geochronological information from four representative piston cores and one grab sample to provide a regional stratigraphie framework for the subbottom deposits of Lake Ontario. Five units overlying Paleozoic bedrock were identified and mapped. These are classified as informal units and represent, from oldest to youngest: (A) subglacial till (?) deposited by the Port Huron ice at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation; (B) an ice-marginal (?) unit confined to the western part of the lake that was probably deposited during retreat of the Port Huron ice shortly after 13 ka; (C) a regionally extensive unit of laminated glacio-lacustrine clay that accumulated until about 11 ka; (D) a weakly laminated to more massive lake clay deposited during a period of reduced water supply and rising water levels after the drawdown of the high-level glacial lakes (Iroquois and successors); and (E) modern lake clay less than 10 m thick that began accumulating around 6-8 ka with the subsequent return of upper Great Lakes drainage through the Ontario basin. Seismic reflections also define the configuration of the bedrock surface and pre-glacial stream valleys incised in the bedrock surface. Several anomalous bottom and subbottom features in the surficial sediments are mapped, such as discontinuous and offset reflections, furrows, gas pockets, and areas of large subbottom relief. None of these features appear to be spatially correlative with the diffuse seismicity that characterizes the lake area or with deeper structures such as Paleozoic bedrock faults or crustal-penetrating faults in the Precambrian basement.On a interprĂ©tĂ© et Ă©talonnĂ© environ 2550 km de profils de sismique rĂ©flexion monocanal Ă  haute rĂ©solution selon les donnĂ©es lithologiques et gĂ©ochronologique de quatre sondages reprĂ©sentatifs faits par carottier Ă  piston et un Ă©chantillon prĂ©levĂ© avec une benne afin d'Ă©tablir le cadre stratigraphique des dĂ©pĂŽts accumulĂ©s sous le fond du lac Ontario. Cinq unitĂ©s recouvrant le substratum paiĂ©ozoĂŻque ont Ă©tĂ© identifĂ©es et cartographiĂ©es. Ces unitĂ©s informelles, de la plus ancienne Ă  la plus jeune, sont : (A) un till sous-glaciaire (?) dĂ©posĂ© par les glaces de Port Huron Ă  la fin de la glaciation wisconsienne; (B) une unitĂ© de limite glaciaire (?) confinĂ©e Ă  la partie ouest du lac et qui a probablement Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ©e pendant le retrait des glaces de Port Huron, peu aprĂšs 13 ka; (C) une unitĂ© d'Ă©tendue rĂ©gionale d'argile glaciolacustre feuilletĂ©e qui s'est accumulĂ©e jusqu'Ă  environ 11 ka; (D) une argile lacustre, de faiblement feuilletĂ©e Ă  massive, mise en place au cours d'une pĂ©riode oĂč il y eut approvisionnement en eau rĂ©duit et hausse du niveau de l'eau aprĂšs l'abaissement des lacs glaciaires (Iroquois et ultĂ©rieurs); et (E) une argile lacustre moderne de moins de 10 m d'Ă©paisseur qui a commencĂ© Ă  s'accumuler Ă  partir de 6-8 ka aprĂšs la reprise du drainage des Grands Lacs par le bassin Ontario. La sismique rĂ©flexion a aussi permis de dĂ©limiter la configuration de la surface du socle et des vallĂ©es prĂ©-glaciaires qui y sont entaillĂ©es. Plusieurs Ă©lĂ©ments des sĂ©diments de surface du fond du lac et sous le fond ont Ă©tĂ© cartographies, comme des rĂ©flexions de discontinuitĂ©s et de dĂ©calages, des rainures, des poches de gaz et des zones de grandes formes enfouies. Aucun de ces Ă©lĂ©ments ne semble correspondre spatialement Ă  la sis-micitĂ© diffuse qui caractĂ©rise la rĂ©gion du lac ou aux structures profondes comme les failles de substratum paiĂ©ozoĂŻque ou celle du socle prĂ©cambrien.UngefĂ hr 2550 km seismischer Reflexionsprofile wurden interpretiert und kalibiriert mit lithologischen und geochronologischen Informationen von vier reprĂ sentativen Kolbenbohrkernen und einer ausges-chĂčrften Probe, um den regionalen stratigraphischen Rahmen fur die unter dem Bett des Ontariosees gelegenen Ablagerungen zu erhalten. Man hat fĂčnf Einheiten, die das anstehende Gestein aus dem PalĂ ozoikum Ăčberlagern, identifiziert und kartographiert: (A) eine subglaziale GrundmorĂ ne (?), die durch das Eis von Port Huron am Ende der Wisconsin-Vereisung abgelagert wurde; (B) eine auf den westlichen Teil des Sees begrenzte Eisrand (?)-Einheit, die wahrs-cheinlich wĂ hrend des RĂčckzugs des Port Huron-Eises kurz nach 13ka abgelagert wurde; (C) eine regional ausgedehnte Einheit von blĂąttrigem glaziallimnischem Lehm, die sien bis etwa 11 ka ansammelte, (D) ein schwachbis massivblĂ ttriger Seelehm, der wĂ hrend einer PĂ©riode verminderter Wasserzufuhr und steigenden Wasserspiegeln sich ansammelte; und (E) moderner Seelehm von weniger als 10 m Dicke, der sich um etwa 6-8 ka anzusammeln begann, mit der RĂčckkehr der Drainage der oberen GroRen Seen durch das Ontariobecken. Seismische Reflexionen las-sen auch die Konfiguration der SockeloberflĂ che und der prĂ glazialen in die SockeloberflĂ che eingeschnittenen FluBtĂ ler erkennen. Mehrere unregelmĂ fĂźige Grundund Untergrunderscheinungen der OberflĂ chensedimente wurden kartographiert, wie DiskontinuitĂ t und HĂŽhenunschiede der Reflexionen, Mulden, Gastaschen und Gebiete mit breitem Untergrundrelief. Keine dieser Erscheinungen scheint rĂ umlich mit der fur das Seen-Gebiet charakteristischen Seismik zu korrelieren oder mit tieferen Strukturen, wie die Verwerfungen des anstehenden Gestems aus dem PalĂ ozoikum order durch die Kruste dringende Verwergungen im prĂ kambrischen Untergrund

    Cypria petenensis, a new name for the Ostracod Cypria pelagica Brehm 1932

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    Recently during the preparation of a comprehensive account of the lake plankton (Hutchinson, in press) a rather unfortunate case of homonymy was discovered in the genus Cypria

    Dissipation in nanocrystalline-diamond nanomechanical resonators

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    We have measured the dissipation and frequency of nanocrystalline-diamond nanomechanical resonators with resonant frequencies between 13.7 MHz and 157.3 MHz, over a temperature range of 1.4–274 K. Using both magnetomotive network analysis and a time-domain ring-down technique, we have found the dissipation in this material to have a temperature dependence roughly following T^(0.2), with Q^(–1) ≈ 10^(–4) at low temperatures. The frequency dependence of a large dissipation feature at ~35–55 K is consistent with thermal activation over a 0.02 eV barrier with an attempt frequency of 10 GHz

    Sensitive cytokine assay based on optical fiber allowing localized and spatially resolved detection of interleukin-6

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    We demonstrated a cytokine detection device based on gold nanoparticle modified silica optical fiber for the monitoring of locally variable cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentrations using a sandwich immunoassay scheme. The fiber is designed to be introduced into an intrathecal catheter with micrometer-sized holes drilled along its length to enable fluid exchange between the outside and inside of the catheter. An exposed optical fiber (diameter 125 ÎŒm) modified with a layer of gold nanoparticles was functionalized with the IL-6 capture antibody to form the sensing interface. The immunocapture device was incubated with a cytokine solution to capture the analyte. The device was then exposed to the IL-6 detection antibody which was loaded on the fluorescently labeled magnetic nanoparticles, making it possible to quantify the cytokine concentration based on the intensity of fluorescence. A reliable method for quantifying the fluorescent signal on a 3D structure was developed. This device was applied to the detection of cytokine IL-6 with the low limit of detection of 1 pg mL⁻Âč in a sample volume of 1 ÎŒL. The device has the linear detection range of 1–400 pg mL⁻Âč and spatial resolution on the order of 200–450 ÎŒm, and it is capable of detecting localized IL-6 secreted by live BV2 cells following their liposaccharide stimulation. This biological detection system is suitable for monitoring multiple health conditions.Guozhen Liu, Kaixin Zhang, Annemarie Nadort, Mark R. Hutchinson, and Ewa M. Goldy
