121 research outputs found

    Les Trois Mousquetaires Team Description

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    International audienceThis paper presents the French team composition and describes the research objectives for its participation in the 2009 RoboCup event. This will be the rst year the French team will be involved in the Standard Platform League with four NAO humanoid robots

    Walking Patterns for Real Time Path Planning Simulation of Humanoids

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    International audienceWe present here a detailed description of the walking algorithm that was designed for 3D simulation of locomotion and path planning of humanoid robots. The walking patterns described were implemented on NAO humanoid models that are used in the 3D simulation league of RoboCup to play soccer. The locomotion algorithm is based on the well known 3D-LIP model that consists of defining walking primitives of the center of mass, keeping its height constant and assuming no torque at the support foot. This paper proposes to detail how to connect the walking primitives, especially at the start of the walk. The second added value of this work resides in the rotation walking primitives that are generated differently from the linear translation walking primitives. This enables the robot to achieve fast rotation on the spot or about a center located on the longitudinal axis. The paper also addresses the issue of re-entrance, i.e. how to take into account a new walking request in real time without waiting for the end of the current walk

    From Color Groups to Scene Interpretation

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    International audienceIn this paper we detail an algorithm that deals with objects and shape recognition based on color groups identification. The algorithm can dynamically adjust the unit set of pixels used to define color groups. Each color group is selected from the current scene. The algorithm is optimized to run faster than classical ones. Experiments were conducted on soccer images captured from real situations of the standard platform league (SPL). They also show the influence of camera parameters like contrast and gain. They lead to the conclusion that a set of rules could help to aggregate color groups and to identify scenes according to a classical predefined color look-up table (CLUT)

    Continuous-Discrete High-Gain Extended Kalman Filter for Mobile Robots with Asynchronous Outputs

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    International audienceThis paper details the implementation of an asynchronous high-gain Kalman filter on a mobile robot test platform. The presented study consists of reconstructing the path followed by a mobile robot. The observer algorithm is tailored from our previous theoretical developments to fit the problem under consideration. Two experiments of path reconstruction are carried out, using respectively a predefined trajectory and a joystick controlled trajectory. The estimation results are presented after offline processing. They show that our algorithm can be applied with success in the field of mobile robot navigation in the presence of asynchronous measurements

    Dexterous Humanoid Whole-Body Manipulation by Pivoting

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    International audienc

    Génération de trajectoires pour la fabrication additive par dépôt de fil robotisé multi-axes - Application à une tubulure torique

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    National audienceLa fabrication additive est en plein essor pour la fabrication directe de pièces fonctionnelles. Toutefois, les technologies actuelles-comme la fusion sur lit de poudre-présentent un coût élevé et des limites dimensionnelles qui freinent leur diffusion dans certains secteurs industriels comme l'aéronautique ou le naval. La fabrication additive par dépôt de fil métallique sur robots industriels multi-axes équipés de torches de soudage représente un procédé d'avenir peu onéreux et plus ouvert, qui permettra notamment de faire varier l'orientation du dépôt afin de supprimer les supports de fabrication. Néanmoins, cela nécessite de pouvoir générer une trajectoire de dépôt tridimensionnelle complexe permettant la fabrication correcte de la pièce. Cet article présente les problématiques relatives à la génération de trajectoires tridimensionnelles de dépôt de fil, ainsi que des premiers développements dans ce domaine illustrés par l'exemple d'une tubulure torique décrite analytiquement

    Levels of procoagulant microvesicles are elevated after traumatic injury and platelet microvesicles are negatively correlated with mortality

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    Background: Microvesicles (MV) have been implicated in the development of thrombotic disease, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ failure (MOF). Trauma patients are at increased risk of late thrombotic events, particularly those who receive a major transfusion. The aims of this study were: (a) to determine whether there were increased numbers of pro-coagulant MV following injury; (b) to determine their cellular origin; and (c) to explore the effects of MV with clinical outcomes; in particular red cell transfusion requirements and death. Methods: Trauma patients were recruited at a Level 1 trauma centre. The presence of MV procoagulant phospholipid (PPL) was assessed using 2 activity assays (PPL and thrombin generation). Enumeration and MV cellular origin was assessed using 2 colour flow cytometry. Results: Fifty consecutive patients were recruited; median age 38 (IQR: 24–55), median ISS 18 (IQR: 9–27). Circulating procoagulant MV, rich in phospholipid, were significantly elevated following traumatic injury relative to controls and remained elevated at 72 h post-injury. Red cell/AnnV+ and platelet/AnnV+ MV numbers were 6-fold and 2-fold higher than controls, respectively. Patients who died (n=9, 18%) had significantly fewer CD41/AnnV+ MV and lower endogenous thrombin potential relative to patients who survived. Conclusions: MV are elevated following traumatic injury and may be implicated in the increased risk of trauma patients to pro-thrombotic states such as MOF and ARDS. Lower levels of procoagulant MV are associated with mortality and further investigation of this association is warranted

    A framework for future CAM software dedicated to additive manufacturing by multi-axis deposition

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    International audienceDeposition processes, such as Wire & Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), have important perspectives in industry, due to their capacity to produce large near-shape parts with high productivity. Beyond process-material issues, deposition path planning is one of the major challenges to allow a wide use of these processes using multi-axis machines or robots. Early CAM software solutions dedicated to multi-axis additive manufacturing have been already commercialised. However, few elementary deposition strategies are currently available. In this article, the possibilities of multi-axis deposition and the developments needed to improve deposition path generation are highlighted through the analysis of a hollow half-sphere as a case study. Deposition strategies are experimentally tested on two different robotised polymer deposition systems. Based on the comparison of the trials, the issues related to the portability of technology from a specific machine setup to a different one are discussed. Finally, a framework for future Computer-Aided Multi-Axis Additive Manufacturing (CAMAAM) software is proposed

    Système de vision temps réel embarqué sur robots mobiles quadrupèdes dans le cadre de la « SONY legged RoboCup »

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    Nous présentons la programmation d'un Système de Vision Temps Réel Embarqué sur un robot quadrupède mobile et autonome, conçu et réalisé par SONY dans le contexte de la RoboCup (compétition de robots jouant au football en équipe). Nous analysons les problèmes rencontrés par le système de vision temps réel : l'éclairage, la puissance de calcul disponible, ainsi que le contexte temps réel dans le cas d'un robot à pattes

    MĂ©thode d'optimisation temporelle des algorithmes de vision

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    - Compte tenu de la puissance de calcul disponible sur les robots mobiles, la recherche d'une optimisation temporelle devient un élément fondamental. Dans ce papier, une méthode est proposée, illustrée par deux applications réalisées. Enfin, nous présentons des résultats numériques, issus de « benchmarks » quantifiant les améliorations réalisées
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