12,837 research outputs found

    Tracking and Orbit-Determination Program of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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    The lunar-probe tracking program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has two prime objectives: (1) provide real-time predictions of the direction of the probe from various observation stations; (2) establish a reliable trajectory corresponding to the actual flight path of the probe. The tracking program, although developed for use with lunar probes, can be used for interplanetary probes if certain modifications are made. The program, as developed for the IBM 704 digital computer, has two distinct phases. First, the equations of motion and the variational equations are integrated to each observation time where the elements of the equation A (sub u) equals b [linearization of the maximum likelihood equations] are computed. The second phase is concerned with the solution of a specified subset of A (sub u) equals b. Flexibility and ease of operation have been major objectives in writing the 704 program. The number of data points and tracking stations that may be used is limited only by computing time and core storage. Input formats and operating instructions are presented for utilizing the various computational options available in the program

    Pauli Spin Blockade of Heavy Holes in a Silicon Double Quantum Dot

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    In this work, we study hole transport in a planar silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor based double quantum dot. We demonstrate Pauli spin blockade in the few hole regime and map the spin relaxation induced leakage current as a function of inter-dot level spacing and magnetic field. With varied inter-dot tunnel coupling we can identify different dominant spin relaxation mechanisms. Applying a strong out-of-plane magnetic field causes an avoided singlet-triplet level crossing, from which the heavy hole g-factor ∼\sim 0.93, and the strength of spin-orbit interaction ∼\sim 110 μ\mueV, can be obtained. The demonstrated strong spin-orbit interaction of heavy hole promises fast local spin manipulation using only electrical fields, which is of great interest for quantum information processing.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Prospects for measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron using electrically trapped polar molecules

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    Heavy polar molecules can be used to measure the electric dipole moment of the electron, which is a sensitive probe of physics beyond the Standard Model. The value is determined by measuring the precession of the molecule's spin in a plane perpendicular to an applied electric field. The longer this precession evolves coherently, the higher the precision of the measurement. For molecules in a trap, this coherence time could be very long indeed. We evaluate the sensitivity of an experiment where neutral molecules are trapped electrically, and compare this to an equivalent measurement in a molecular beam. We consider the use of a Stark decelerator to load the trap from a supersonic source, and calculate the deceleration efficiency for YbF molecules in both strong-field seeking and weak-field seeking states. With a 1s holding time in the trap, the statistical sensitivity could be ten times higher than it is in the beam experiment, and this could improve by a further factor of five if the trap can be loaded from a source of larger emittance. We study some effects due to field inhomogeneity in the trap and find that rotation of the electric field direction, leading to an inhomogeneous geometric phase shift, is the primary obstacle to a sensitive trap-based measurement.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, prepared for Faraday Discussion 14

    Stochastic multi-channel lock-in detection

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    High-precision measurements benefit from lock-in detection of small signals. Here we discuss the extension of lock-in detection to many channels, using mutually orthogonal modulation waveforms, and show how the the choice of waveforms affects the information content of the signal. We also consider how well the detection scheme rejects noise, both random and correlated. We address the particular difficulty of rejecting a background drift that makes a reproducible offset in the output signal and we show how a systematic error can be avoided by changing the waveforms between runs and averaging over many runs. These advances made possible a recent measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Bridging k- and q- Space in the Cuprates: Comparing ARPES and STM Results

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    A critical comparison is made between the ARPES-derived spectral function and STM studies of Friedel-like oscillations in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} (Bi2212). The data can be made approximately consistent, provided that (a) the elastic scattering seen in ARPES is predominantly small-angle scattering and (b) the `peak' feature seen in ARPES is really a dispersive `bright spot', smeared into a line by limited energy resolution; these are the `bright spots' which control the quasiparticle interferences. However, there is no indication of bilayer splitting in the STM data.Comment: 6 eps figures, revte

    Spectroscopy of a synthetic trapped ion qubit

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    133Ba+^{133}\text{Ba}^+ has been identified as an attractive ion for quantum information processing due to the unique combination of its spin-1/2 nucleus and visible wavelength electronic transitions. Using a microgram source of radioactive material, we trap and laser-cool the synthetic AA = 133 radioisotope of barium II in a radio-frequency ion trap. Using the same, single trapped atom, we measure the isotope shifts and hyperfine structure of the 62P1/26^2 \text{P}_{1/2} ↔\leftrightarrow 62S1/26^2 \text{S}_{1/2} and 62P1/26^2 \text{P}_{1/2} ↔\leftrightarrow 52D3/25^2 \text{D}_{3/2} electronic transitions that are needed for laser cooling, state preparation, and state detection of the clock-state hyperfine and optical qubits. We also report the 62P1/26^2 \text{P}_{1/2} ↔\leftrightarrow 52D3/25^2 \text{D}_{3/2} electronic transition isotope shift for the rare AA = 130 and 132 barium nuclides, completing the spectroscopic characterization necessary for laser cooling all long-lived barium II isotopes

    Probing the electron EDM with cold molecules

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    We present progress towards a new measurement of the electron electric dipole moment using a cold supersonic beam of YbF molecules. Data are currently being taken with a sensitivity of 10−27e.cm/day10^{-27}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}. We therefore expect to make an improvement over the Tl experiment of Commins' group, which currently gives the most precise result. We discuss the systematic and statistical errors and comment on the future prospect of making a measurement at the level of 10−29e.cm/day10^{-29}\textrm{e.cm}/\sqrt{\textrm{day}}.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of ICAP 200

    A robust floating nanoammeter

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    A circuit capable of measuring nanoampere currents while floating at voltages up to at least 25kV is described. The circuit relays its output to ground potential via an optical fiber. We particularly emphasize the design and construction techniques which allow robust operation in the presence of high voltage spikes and discharges.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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