54 research outputs found

    Reactivation of M. tuberculosis Infection in Trans-Membrane Tumour Necrosis Factor Mice

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    Of those individuals who are infected with M. tuberculosis, 90% do not develop active disease and represents a large reservoir of M. tuberculosis with the potential for reactivation of infection. Sustained TNF expression is required for containment of persistent infection and TNF neutralization leads to tuberculosis reactivation. In this study, we investigated the contribution of soluble TNF (solTNF) and transmembrane TNF (Tm-TNF) in immune responses generated against reactivating tuberculosis. In a chemotherapy induced tuberculosis reactivation model, mice were challenged by aerosol inhalation infection with low dose M. tuberculosis for three weeks to establish infection followed chemotherapeutic treatment for six weeks, after which therapy was terminated and tuberculosis reactivation investigated. We demonstrate that complete absence of TNF results in host susceptibility to M. tuberculosis reactivation in the presence of established mycobacteria-specific adaptive immunity with mice displaying unrestricted bacilli growth and diffused granuloma structures compared to WT control mice. Interestingly, bacterial re-emergence is contained in Tm-TNF mice during the initial phases of tuberculosis reactivation, indicating that Tm-TNF sustains immune pressure as in WT mice. However, Tm-TNF mice show susceptibility to long term M. tuberculosis reactivation associated with uncontrolled influx of leukocytes in the lungs and reduced IL-12p70, IFNγ and IL-10, enlarged granuloma structures, and failure to contain mycobacterial replication relative to WT mice. In conclusion, we demonstrate that both solTNF and Tm-TNF are required for maintaining immune pressure to contain reactivating M. tuberculosis bacilli even after mycobacteria-specific immunity has been established

    Science Priorities for Seamounts: Research Links to Conservation and Management

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    Seamounts shape the topography of all ocean basins and can be hotspots of biological activity in the deep sea. The Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam) was a field program that examined seamounts as part of the global Census of Marine Life (CoML) initiative from 2005 to 2010. CenSeam progressed seamount science by collating historical data, collecting new data, undertaking regional and global analyses of seamount biodiversity, mapping species and habitat distributions, challenging established paradigms of seamount ecology, developing new hypotheses, and documenting the impacts of human activities on seamounts. However, because of the large number of seamounts globally, much about the structure, function and connectivity of seamount ecosystems remains unexplored and unknown. Continual, and potentially increasing, threats to seamount resources from fishing and seabed mining are creating a pressing demand for research to inform conservation and management strategies. To meet this need, intensive science effort in the following areas will be needed: 1) Improved physical and biological data; of particular importance is information on seamount location, physical characteristics (e.g. habitat heterogeneity and complexity), more complete and intensive biodiversity inventories, and increased understanding of seamount connectivity and faunal dispersal; 2) New human impact data; these shall encompass better studies on the effects of human activities on seamount ecosystems, as well as monitoring long-term changes in seamount assemblages following impacts (e.g. recovery); 3) Global data repositories; there is a pressing need for more comprehensive fisheries catch and effort data, especially on the high seas, and compilation or maintenance of geological and biodiversity databases that underpin regional and global analyses; 4) Application of support tools in a data-poor environment; conservation and management will have to increasingly rely on predictive modelling techniques, critical evaluation of environmental surrogates as faunal “proxies”, and ecological risk assessment

    Genome Stability of Lyme Disease Spirochetes: Comparative Genomics of Borrelia burgdorferi Plasmids

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    Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne human illness in North America. In order to understand the molecular pathogenesis, natural diversity, population structure and epizootic spread of the North American Lyme agent, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, a much better understanding of the natural diversity of its genome will be required. Towards this end we present a comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the numerous plasmids of B. burgdorferi isolates B31, N40, JD1 and 297. These strains were chosen because they include the three most commonly studied laboratory strains, and because they represent different major genetic lineages and so are informative regarding the genetic diversity and evolution of this organism. A unique feature of Borrelia genomes is that they carry a large number of linear and circular plasmids, and this work shows that strains N40, JD1, 297 and B31 carry related but non-identical sets of 16, 20, 19 and 21 plasmids, respectively, that comprise 33–40% of their genomes. We deduce that there are at least 28 plasmid compatibility types among the four strains. The B. burgdorferi ∼900 Kbp linear chromosomes are evolutionarily exceptionally stable, except for a short ≤20 Kbp plasmid-like section at the right end. A few of the plasmids, including the linear lp54 and circular cp26, are also very stable. We show here that the other plasmids, especially the linear ones, are considerably more variable. Nearly all of the linear plasmids have undergone one or more substantial inter-plasmid rearrangements since their last common ancestor. In spite of these rearrangements and differences in plasmid contents, the overall gene complement of the different isolates has remained relatively constant

    A ingestão de prébioticos previne a malabsorção de ferro e anemia induzidas pela gastrectomia?: Estudo experimental em ratos Ingestion of prebiotics prevents gastrectomy-induced iron malabsorption and anemia ?: Experimental study in rats

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    RACIONAL: Ratos gastrectomizados desenvolvem anemia, e a ingestão de galactooligossacarídeo (GOS) e a polidextrose (PDX) aumenta a absorção de ferro e promove a recuperação da anemia em ratos com deficiência de ferro. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se GOS e PDX estimulam a absorção de ferro em ratos gastrectomizados e normais. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram laparotomizadas (controle falso-operado) e parcialmente gastrectomizados (Billroth II) em grupos de 20 animais. Os animais de ambos os tratamentos foram posteriormente submetidos à dieta controle (AIN-93M) ou a mesma dieta suplementada com GOS e PDX (25 g/kg de dieta cada) durante oito semanas e divididos em quatro subgrupos: sham-operados e gastrectomizados sem GOS e PDX, sham-operados e gastrectomizados com GOS e PDX. Dois animais morreram durante o experimento. Todos os ratos gastrectomizados receberam uma injeção intramuscular de vitamina B-12 a cada duas semanas. Hematócrito (HCT) e concentração de hemoglobina (HGB) foram dosados no início e nos dias 30 e 56 dias após o início da alimentação. No último dia do estudo, o sangue total foi coletado para determinação da concentração de ferro sérico. RESULTADOS: Na dieta com GOS e PDX a excreção de ferro nas fezes foi significativamente menor do que no grupo sem prebióticos. Absorção aparente de ferro e ferro sérico foram maiores nos grupos alimentados com GOS e PDX (ambos grupos: sham operados e gastrectomizados) do que nos grupos não alimentados com GOS e PDX. O HCT e HGB foram significativamente menores nos ratos gastrectomizados que no grupo controle, entretanto, a suplementação com GOS e PDX melhorou os níveis de HGB neste grupo. CONCLUSÃO: A associação de GOS e PDX aumenta a absorção de ferro em ratos shamoperados e gastrectomizados e ainda previne a anemia pós-gastrectomia.<br>BACKGROUND: The ingestion of two prebiotics, galactooligosaccharide (GOS) and polydextrose (PDX), leads to an increase in iron absorption and promotes recovery from anemia in gastrectomized rats. AIM: To study whether GOS + PDX stimulate iron absorption in gastrectomized and normals rats. METHODS: Rats were laparotomized (sham-operated control) and partially gastrectomized (Billroth II) in groups of 20 each. Animals from both treatments were subsequently fed a control diet (AIN-93M) or the same diet supplemented with GOS and PDX (25 g/Kg of diet each) for eight weeks. They were divided into four subgroups, i.e., sham-operated and gastrectomized without GOS + PDX, sham-operated and gastrectomized with GOS + PDX. Two rats died during the experiment. All gastrectomized rats received an intramuscular injection of vitamin B-12 every two weeks. Hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin concentration (HGB) were measured at the start and on day 30 and 56 days after the start of feeding. On the final day of the study, total blood was collected for determination of serum iron concentration. RESULTS: In the diet with GOS + PDX, iron excretion in feces was significantly lower than without the prebiotics. Apparent iron absorption and serum iron was higher in the GOS + PDX fed groups (both sham operated and gastrectomized) than in the non-GOS + PDX fed groups. The HCT and HGB concentrations were significantly lower in gastrectomized rats than in the control group, however, GOS + PDX feeding improved HGB levels in this group. CONCLUSION: The association of the GOS + PDX increase absorption of iron in sham-operated and gastrectomized rats and still prevent postgastrectomy anemia

    A sustainable product needing a sustainable procurement commitment: the case of green waste in Wales

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    European waste legislation aims to reduce the amount and type of waste that is sent to landfill. Hence member states are investigating alternatives, and trying to treat waste as a resource. In the UK there is a focus on producing compost from biodegradable waste. This emphasis is particularly strong in Wales, where strategy encourages the collection and composting of green garden waste. A survey has been conducted within the composting industry in Wales to determine the barriers that need to be overcome in order for green waste compost to become an accepted and viable product. The research investigates purchasing preferences, and identifies the important role of specifications in purchasing decisions. Welsh policy initiatives support the concept of sustainable development and encourage sustainable procurement. However, practical actions are required to turn these policies into practice. This study suggests how sustainable procurement initiatives could be used to facilitate the inclusion of green waste compost in contract specifications and hence enable public bodies to close the recycling loop. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.