2,105 research outputs found


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    In this thesis we consider an epidemic model with a constant removal rate of infective individuals is proposed to understand the effect of limited resources for treatment of infective on the disease spread. It is found that it is unnecessary to take such a large treatment capacity that endemic equilibria disappear to eradicate the disease. It is shown that the outcome of disease spread may depend on the position of the initial states for certain range of parameters. It is also shown that the model undergoes a sequence of bifurcations including saddle-node bifurcation, subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Keyword: Epidemic model, nonlinear incidence rate, basic reproduction number, local and global stabilit

    Rapid identification of the medicinal plant Taraxacum formosanum and distinguishing of this plant from its adulterants by ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) based DNA barcode

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    Original identification of medicinal plants is essential for quality control. In this study, the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) nuclear ribosomal DNA served as a DNA barcode and was amplified by allele-specific PCR. This approach was exploited to differentiate Taraxacum formosanum from five related adulterants. Using a set of designed PCR primers, a highly specific 223 bp PCR product of T. formosanum was successfully amplified by PCR. However, no similar DNA fragment was amplified from any of the other adulterants. This indicates that, our allele specific primers have high specificity and can accurately discriminate T. formosanum from its adulterant plants.Key words: Medicinal plant, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), authentication, Taraxacum formosanum, traditional Chinese medicinal, internal transcribed spacers 2 (ITS2)

    A posterior epidural mass causing paraparesis in a 20-year-old healthy individual

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    We present a case of a posterior epidural abscess at the thoracic vertebral level causing paraparesia in a young, healthy individual with no otherwise predisposing factors, with normal laboratory findings, as diagnosed using fat-suppressed MR imaging. Spinal epidural abscess is a rare condition, encountered mostly in the midthoracic or lower lumbar vertebral levels of elderly patients, that has a high mortality and morbidity (18-31%) when diagnosis and treatment is delayed. It is rarely spontaneous and is usually accompanied by spinal osteomyelitis. Diagnosis is rather easy in cases of vertebral osteomyelitis or when classical clinical, laboratory and imaging findings are present. However, cases of spontaneous development, with no predisposing factors, and lack of abscess suggesting clinical and laboratory findings may be a diagnostic challenge. In such cases, other posterior epidural masses such as schwannoma, neurofibroma, meningioma and hematoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Both the clinician and the radiology physician should have a high suspicion of epidural abscesses, because their early diagnosis and treatment is important. In addition to routine MR images, fat-suppressed MR images prove helpful in the diagnosis of spontaneous epidural abscesses by showing the inflammatory changes in the paraspinal area

    Experimental measurement-based quantum computing beyond the cluster-state model

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    The paradigm of measurement-based quantum computation opens new experimental avenues to realize a quantum computer and deepens our understanding of quantum physics. Measurement-based quantum computation starts from a highly entangled universal resource state. For years, clusters states have been the only known universal resources. Surprisingly, a novel framework namely quantum computation in correlation space has opened new routes to implement measurement-based quantum computation based on quantum states possessing entanglement properties different from cluster states. Here we report an experimental demonstration of every building block of such a model. With a four-qubit and a six-qubit state as distinct from cluster states, we have realized a universal set of single-qubit rotations, two-qubit entangling gates and further Deutsch's algorithm. Besides being of fundamental interest, our experiment proves in-principle the feasibility of universal measurement-based quantum computation without using cluster states, which represents a new approach towards the realization of a quantum computer.Comment: 26 pages, final version, comments welcom

    Wall roughness induces asymptotic ultimate turbulence

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    Turbulence is omnipresent in Nature and technology, governing the transport of heat, mass, and momentum on multiple scales. For real-world applications of wall-bounded turbulence, the underlying surfaces are virtually always rough; yet characterizing and understanding the effects of wall roughness for turbulence remains a challenge, especially for rotating and thermally driven turbulence. By combining extensive experiments and numerical simulations, here, taking as example the paradigmatic Taylor-Couette system (the closed flow between two independently rotating coaxial cylinders), we show how wall roughness greatly enhances the overall transport properties and the corresponding scaling exponents. If only one of the walls is rough, we reveal that the bulk velocity is slaved to the rough side, due to the much stronger coupling to that wall by the detaching flow structures. If both walls are rough, the viscosity dependence is thoroughly eliminated in the boundary layers and we thus achieve asymptotic ultimate turbulence, i.e. the upper limit of transport, whose existence had been predicted by Robert Kraichnan in 1962 (Phys. Fluids {\bf 5}, 1374 (1962)) and in which the scalings laws can be extrapolated to arbitrarily large Reynolds numbers

    Endoscopic Management of Gastric Polyp with Outlet Obstruction without Polypectomy

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    Although gastric polyp is usually an incidental endoscopic finding, large-sized polyps can cause symptoms ranging from epigastralgia to bleeding from ulcerated polyps and gastric outlet obstruction. Although the gold standard of treatment is removal of the polyp either through endoscopic polypectomy or surgical excision, complications associated with these procedures cannot be ignored. The risk becomes a major concern for patients at high risk for surgery when complications arise. We describe a debilitated 74-year-old woman who presented with early satiety, intermittent postprandial nausea and vomiting for three months. Upper endoscopy revealed a 2.5 cm pedunculated polyp over the gastric antrum causing intermittent obstruction. Considering her high risk for polypectomy, detachable snaring was performed without polypectomy in an outpatient setting. The patient was complication-free with complete relief of obstructive symptoms one week after the procedure. Subsequent follow-ups showed satisfactory healing without signs of mucosal disruption or recurrence. The results suggest that detachable snaring without polypectomy may be a therapeutic option for high-risk patients with benign symptomatic gastric polyps

    Transcriptome pathways unique to dehydration tolerant relatives of modern wheat

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    Among abiotic stressors, drought is a major factor responsible for dramatic yield loss in agriculture. In order to reveal differences in global expression profiles of drought tolerant and sensitive wild emmer wheat genotypes, a previously deployed shock-like dehydration process was utilized to compare transcriptomes at two time points in root and leaf tissues using the Affymetrix GeneChip(R) Wheat Genome Array hybridization. The comparison of transcriptomes reveal several unique genes or expression patterns such as differential usage of IP(3)-dependent signal transduction pathways, ethylene- and abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent signaling, and preferential or faster induction of ABA-dependent transcription factors by the tolerant genotype that distinguish contrasting genotypes indicative of distinctive stress response pathways. The data also show that wild emmer wheat is capable of engaging known drought stress responsive mechanisms. The global comparison of transcriptomes in the absence of and after dehydration underlined the gene networks especially in root tissues that may have been lost in the selection processes generating modern bread wheats

    Application of network traffic flow model to road maintenance

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    The study shows how the evolution of two-way traffic flows on a local highway network can be predicted over time using a network-level traffic flow model (NTFM) to model both urban and motorway road networks. After a brief review of the main principles of the NTFM and its associated sub-models, the paper describes how a maintenance worksite can be modelled using a roadwork-node sub-model and a network solution routine in the NTFM. In order to model the two-way traffic flow in the road network, an iterative simulation method is used to generate the evolution of dependent traffic flows and queues. The NTFM has been applied to model the traffic characteristics and the effects of maintenance activities on the local Loughborough–Nottingham highway network. The study has demonstrated that the methodology is useful in selecting various worksite arrangements in order to reduce the effects of maintenance on road users
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