2,128 research outputs found

    Seasonal and interannual variability in wind field and commercial catch rates of austroglossus pectoralis (soleidae)

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    The impact of deviations in the direction and strength of the wind field on the spatial, seasonal and interannual variability in catch rates of Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis was investigated. Temporal variabilityin the wind cycle on the Agulhas Bank during the period 1981–1996 was deduced mainly from trends in the pressure gradient, measured from south of Cape Agulhas (35°S) to the region of westwind drift (40°S).Because interannual deviations in the catch rates differed between seasons, catch rates were assessed by season. Coastal catch rates of Agulhas sole between Cape Agulhas and Cape Infanta were high in autumn and winter, when offshore north-westerly winds prevailed, and low in spring and late summer, when onshore south-easterly winds dominated. There was often a secondary peak in catch rates in November–December,coincident with a midsummer change in the pressure gradient. Between the period 1982 and 1996, catch rates in autumn and early winter (April–July) were highest during years when the winter north-westerly winds were strongest (r2 = 0.62, p < 0.01). Catch rates usually peaked in May–June. This pattern changed in some years, depending on the timing and rate of change to winter wind conditions. Seasonal and interannual fluctuations in catch rate are associated with deviations in the wind field, but the  mechanism whereby this  effect is mediated remains unknown

    The success-index: an alternative approach to the h-index for evaluating an individual's research output

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    Among the most recent bibliometric indicators for normalizing the differences among fields of science in terms of citation behaviour, Kosmulski (J Informetr 5(3):481-485, 2011) proposed the NSP (number of successful paper) index. According to the authors, NSP deserves much attention for its great simplicity and immediate meaning— equivalent to those of the h-index—while it has the disadvantage of being prone to manipulation and not very efficient in terms of statistical significance. In the first part of the paper, we introduce the success-index, aimed at reducing the NSP-index's limitations, although requiring more computing effort. Next, we present a detailed analysis of the success-index from the point of view of its operational properties and a comparison with the h-index's ones. Particularly interesting is the examination of the success-index scale of measurement, which is much richer than the h-index's. This makes success-index much more versatile for different types of analysis—e.g., (cross-field) comparisons of the scientific output of (1) individual researchers, (2) researchers with different seniority, (3) research institutions of different size, (4) scientific journals, etc

    Clinical characteristics of pertussis-associated cough in adults and children: a diagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Pertussis (whooping cough) is a highly infective cause of cough that causes significant morbidity and mortality. Existing case definitions include paroxysmal cough, whooping and post-tussive vomiting but diagnosis can be difficult. We determined the diagnostic accuracy of clinical characteristics of pertussis-associated cough. Methods: We systematically searched CINAHL, Embase, Medline and SCI-EXPANDED/CPCI-S up to June 2016. Eligible studies compared clinical characteristics in those positive and negative for Bordetella pertussis infection, confirmed by laboratory investigations. Two authors independently completed screening, data extraction and quality and bias assessments. For each characteristic RevMan was used to produce descriptive forest plots. We used the bivariate meta-analysis method to generate pooled estimates of sensitivity and specificity. Results: Of 1969 identified papers, 53 were included. Forty-one clinical characteristics were assessed for diagnostic accuracy. In adult patients, paroxysmal cough and absence of fever had a high sensitivity (93.2%, CI 83.2-97.4 and 81.8%, CI 72.2-88.7 respectively) and low specificity (20.6%, CI 14.7-28.1 and 18.8%, CI 8.1-37.9 respectively), whereas post-tussive vomiting and whooping had low sensitivity (32.5%, CI 24.5-41.6 and 29.8%, CI 8.0-45.2 respectively) and high specificity (77.7%, CI 73.1-81.7 and 79.5%, CI 69.4-86.9 respectively). Post-tussive vomiting in children is moderately sensitive (60.0%, CI 40.3-77.0) and specific 66.0%, CI 52.5-77.3). Conclusions: In adult patients the presence of whooping or post-tussive vomiting should rule in a possible diagnosis of pertussis, whereas the lack of a paroxysmal cough or the presence of fever should rule it out. In children, post-tussive vomiting is much less helpful as a clinical diagnostic test

    Between-centre differences and treatment effects in randomized controlled trials: A case study in traumatic brain injury

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    BACKGROUND: In Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), large between-centre differences in outcome exist and many clinicians believe that such differences influence estimation of the treatment effect in randomized controlled trial (RCTs). The aim of this study was to assess the influence of between-centre differences in outcome on the estimated treatment effect in a large RCT in TBI. METHODS: We used data from the MRC CRASH trial on the efficacy of corticosteroid infusion in patients with TBI. We analyzed the effect of the treatment on 14 day mortality with fixed effect logistic regression. Next we used random effects logistic regression with a random intercept to estimate the treatment effect taking into account between-centre differences in outcome. Between-centre differences in outcome were expressed with a 95% range of odds ratios (OR) for centres compared to the average, based on the variance of the random effects (tau2). A random effects logistic regression model with random slopes was used to allow the treatment effect to vary by centre. The variation in treatment effect between the centres was expressed in a 95% range of the estimated treatment ORs. RESULTS: In 9978 patients from 237 centres, 14-day mortality was 19.5%. Mortality was higher in the treatment group (OR = 1.22, p = 0.00010). Using a random effects model showed large between-centre differences in outcome (95% range of centre effects: 0.27- 3.71), but did not substantially change the estimated treatment effect (OR = 1.24, p = 0.00003). There was limited, although statistically significant, between-centre variation in the treatment effect (OR = 1.22, 95% treatment OR range: 1.17-1.26). CONCLUSION: Large between-centre differences in outcome do not necessarily affect the estimated treatment effect in RCTs, in contrast to current beliefs in the clinical area of TBI

    Dissociable effects of 5-HT2C receptor antagonism and genetic inactivation on perseverance and learned non-reward in an egocentric spatial reversal task

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    Cognitive flexibility can be assessed in reversal learning tests, which are sensitive to modulation of 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) function. Successful performance in these tests depends on at least two dissociable cognitive mechanisms which may separately dissipate associations of previous positive and negative valence. The first is opposed by perseverance and the second by learned non-reward. The current experiments explored the effect of reducing function of the 5-HT2CR on the cognitive mechanisms underlying egocentric reversal learning in the mouse. Experiment 1 used the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB242084 (0.5 mg/kg) in a between-groups serial design and Experiment 2 used 5-HT2CR KO mice in a repeated measures design. Animals initially learned to discriminate between two egocentric turning directions, only one of which was food rewarded (denoted CS+, CS−), in a T- or Y-maze configuration. This was followed by three conditions; (1) Full reversal, where contingencies reversed; (2) Perseverance, where the previous CS+ became CS− and the previous CS− was replaced by a novel CS+; (3) Learned non-reward, where the previous CS− became CS+ and the previous CS+ was replaced by a novel CS-. SB242084 reduced perseverance, observed as a decrease in trials and incorrect responses to criterion, but increased learned non-reward, observed as an increase in trials to criterion. In contrast, 5-HT2CR KO mice showed increased perseverance. 5-HT2CR KO mice also showed retarded egocentric discrimination learning. Neither manipulation of 5-HT2CR function affected performance in the full reversal test. These results are unlikely to be accounted for by increased novelty attraction, as SB242084 failed to affect performance in an unrewarded novelty task. In conclusion, acute 5-HT2CR antagonism and constitutive loss of the 5-HT2CR have opposing effects on perseverance in egocentric reversal learning in mice. It is likely that this difference reflects the broader impact of 5HT2CR loss on the development and maintenance of cognitive function

    Centre selection for clinical trials and the generalisability of results: a mixed methods study.

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    BACKGROUND: The rationale for centre selection in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) is often unclear but may have important implications for the generalisability of trial results. The aims of this study were to evaluate the factors which currently influence centre selection in RCTs and consider how generalisability considerations inform current and optimal practice. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Mixed methods approach consisting of a systematic review and meta-summary of centre selection criteria reported in RCT protocols funded by the UK National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) initiated between January 2005-January 2012; and an online survey on the topic of current and optimal centre selection, distributed to professionals in the 48 UK Clinical Trials Units and 10 NIHR Research Design Services. The survey design was informed by the systematic review and by two focus groups conducted with trialists at the Birmingham Centre for Clinical Trials. 129 trial protocols were included in the systematic review, with a total target sample size in excess of 317,000 participants. The meta-summary identified 53 unique centre selection criteria. 78 protocols (60%) provided at least one criterion for centre selection, but only 31 (24%) protocols explicitly acknowledged generalisability. This is consistent with the survey findings (n = 70), where less than a third of participants reported generalisability as a key driver of centre selection in current practice. This contrasts with trialists' views on optimal practice, where generalisability in terms of clinical practice, population characteristics and economic results were prime considerations for 60% (n = 42), 57% (n = 40) and 46% (n = 32) of respondents, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Centres are rarely enrolled in RCTs with an explicit view to external validity, although trialists acknowledge that incorporating generalisability in centre selection should ideally be more prominent. There is a need to operationalize 'generalisability' and incorporate it at the design stage of RCTs so that results are readily transferable to 'real world' practice

    Management of a South African family with retinitis pigmentosa—should potential therapy influence translational research protocols?

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    Mutation analysis of retinal candidate genes is performed as part of an ongoing research to identify the causative genetic defect in South African families with retinal degenerative disorders (RDDs). A translational research protocol has been established whereby probands are counseled and given their molecular genetic results to take back to other family members, who can then request individual diagnostic testing. A Thr17Met mutation of the rhodopsin gene was identified in a Caucasian South African family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Patients with this mutation appear to benefit from treatment using oral vitamin A supplementation. This family has been informed that a molecular diagnosis is available; however, one individual has refused testing and none of the younger generation has shown interest in receiving molecular results or genetic counseling. Adapting the established protocol for the translation of RDD research results and contacting mutation positive individuals may be justifiable in light of the potential benefit of therapy

    Transumbilical Totally Laparoscopic Single-Port Nissen Fundoplication: A New Method of Liver Retraction: The Istanbul Technique

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    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic, had guarded many German scientists of a Jewish descent before the Second World War. Dr. Rudolf Nissen was one of the outstanding surgeons who had served in the Turkish university hospitals. He had created an antireflux procedure which is named after his own name while he was working in our clinic, the CerrahpaAYa Hospital. From a laparoscopic approach, the Nissen fundoplication was the gold standard intervention for the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Currently, video laparoscopic surgery is evolving quickly with the guidance of new technology. Single-port (SP) laparoscopic transumbilical surgery is one of the newest branches of advanced laparoscopy

    Vascular permeability, vascular hyperpermeability and angiogenesis

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    The vascular system has the critical function of supplying tissues with nutrients and clearing waste products. To accomplish these goals, the vasculature must be sufficiently permeable to allow the free, bidirectional passage of small molecules and gases and, to a lesser extent, of plasma proteins. Physiologists and many vascular biologists differ as to the definition of vascular permeability and the proper methodology for its measurement. We review these conflicting views, finding that both provide useful but complementary information. Vascular permeability by any measure is dramatically increased in acute and chronic inflammation, cancer, and wound healing. This hyperpermeability is mediated by acute or chronic exposure to vascular permeabilizing agents, particularly vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF, VEGF-A). We demonstrate that three distinctly different types of vascular permeability can be distinguished, based on the different types of microvessels involved, the composition of the extravasate, and the anatomic pathways by which molecules of different size cross-vascular endothelium. These are the basal vascular permeability (BVP) of normal tissues, the acute vascular hyperpermeability (AVH) that occurs in response to a single, brief exposure to VEGF-A or other vascular permeabilizing agents, and the chronic vascular hyperpermeability (CVH) that characterizes pathological angiogenesis. Finally, we list the numerous (at least 25) gene products that different authors have found to affect vascular permeability in variously engineered mice and classify them with respect to their participation, as far as possible, in BVP, AVH and CVH. Further work will be required to elucidate the signaling pathways by which each of these molecules, and others likely to be discovered, mediate the different types of vascular permeability