104 research outputs found

    Sports medicine

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    A Medicina do Esporte é uma especialidade médica globalmente reconhecida e no Brasil tem demonstrado uma presença crescente tanto no aspecto científico quanto no institucional, além de ser um campo profissional estabelecido. Os aspectos médicos da atividade física, estudados pela Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte, ou Medicina Esportiva (ME), e suas áreas complementares, estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade moderna. [...

    Muscle injury: physiopathology, diagnostic, treatment and clinical presentation

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    O tecido muscular esquelético possui a maior massa do corpo humano, com 45% do peso total. As lesões musculares podem ser causadas por contusões, estiramentos ou lacerações. A atual classificação separa as lesões entre leve, moderada e grave. Os sinais e sintomas das lesões grau I são edema e desconforto; grau II, perda de função, gap e equimose eventual; grau III, rotura completa, dor intensa e hematoma extenso. O diagnóstico pode ser confirmado por: ultrassom - dinâmico, barato, porém examinador-dependente; tomografia ou ressonância magnética - maior definição anatômica, porém estático. A fase inicial do tratamento se resume ao protocolo PRICE. AINH, ultrassom terapêutico, fortalecimento e alongamento após a fase inicial e amplitudes de movimento sem dor são utilizados no tratamento clínico. Já o cirúrgico possui indicações precisas: drenagem do hematoma, reinserção e reforço musculotendíneos.Skeletal muscle tissue has the largest mass in the human body, accounting for 45% of the total weight. Muscle injuries can be caused by bruising, stretching or laceration. The current classification divides such injuries into mild, moderate and severe. The signs and symptoms of grade I lesions are edema and discomfort; grade II, loss of function, gaps and possible ecchymosis; and grade III, complete rupture, severe pain and extensive hematoma. The diagnosis can be confirmed by: ultrasound, which is dynamic and cheap, but examiner dependent; and tomography or magnetic resonance, which gives better anatomical definition, but is static. Initial phase of the treatment can be summarized as the "PRICE" protocol. NSAIDs, ultrasound therapy, strengthening and stretching after the initial phase and range of motion without pain are used in clinical treatment. On the other hand, surgery has precise indications: hematoma drainage and muscle-tendon reinsertion and reinforcement

    The importance of the medial patellofemoral ligment in the lateral displacement and inclination of the patella: a radiographic study in cadavers

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    OBJETIVO: A luxação aguda da patela é uma afecção complexa que afeta principalmente pacientes jovens. Sua fisiopatologia é pouco conhecida e sua compreensão e conduta terapêutica são controversas. O ligamento femoropatelar medial (LFPM) é o principal estabilizador estático para a prevenção do deslocamento lateral da patela. Com o objetivo de avaliar a estabilidade da articulação femoropatelar, os autores avaliam radiograficamente a presença, ou não, de deslocamento e inclinação lateral da patela, antes e após a secção do LFPM em joelhos de cadáveres. MÉTODOS: Trinta joelhos de cadáveres foram radiografados na incidência axial da patela, por meio da técnica descrita por Merchant antes e após a secção do LFPM. Foram mensurados os ângulos de congruência de Merchant e femoropatelar lateral de Laurin. RESULTADOS: O ligamento femoropatelar medial apresentou média de 4,8cm de comprimento e 1,6cm de largura. Em seis peças anatômicas não ocorreu mudança no ângulo femoropatelar lateral de Laurin (20%), em três peças anatômicas a mudança foi de um grau (10%), em 20 (67%), dois graus e uma peça anatômica quatro graus (3%). As mudanças ocorreram entre zero e dois graus, em 97% dos joelhos de cadáveres. Em cinco peças anatômicas não ocorreu mudança no ângulo de congruência de Merchant (17%); em seis, foi de um grau (20%); em 17, dois graus (57%); em uma, três graus (3%); e em uma, seis graus (3%).Estas mudanças ocorrem entre zero e dois graus em 93% dos joelhos de cadáveres). CONCLUSÕES: A análise dos resultados obtidos neste estudo permite concluir que o ligamento femoropatelar medial tem importância na inclinação e no deslocamento lateral da patela com o joelho fletido em 45º.OBJECTIVE: Acute Patellar luxation is a complex disease that mainly affects young patients. Its physiopathology is little known and the understanding of it and its therapeutic conduct are controversial. The medial femoropatellar ligament (MFPL) is the main static stabilizer for preventing lateral displacement of the patella. In order to assess the stability of the femoropatellar joint, the authors radiographically assessed the presence, or absence of lateral displacement and inclination of the patella before and after the MFPL section in the knees of cadavers. METHODS: Thirty knees of cadavers were radiographed on the axial incidence of the patella by means of the technique described by Merchant before and after MFPL section. The Merchant angle of congruence and Laurin lateral femoropatellar angle were measured. RESULTS: The medial femoropatellar ligament presented a mean length of 4.8cm, and width of 1.6 cm. In six anatomical pieces there was no change in the Laurin lateral femoropatellar angle (20%), in three anatomical pieces the change was one degree (10%), in 20 (67%) two degrees and in one anatomical piece it was four degrees (3%). Changes occurred between zero and two degrees in 97% of the knees of cadavers. In six anatomical pieces there was no change in the Merchant angle of congruence (17%); in six anatomical pieces the change was one degree (20%), in 17 (57%) two degrees, in one anatomical piece it was three degrees (3%) and in one it was six degrees (3%). These changes occurred between zero and two degrees in 93% of the knees of cadavers. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results obtained in this study allowed us to conclude that the medial femoropatellar ligament is important in the lateral inclination and displacement of the patella with the knee flexed at 45º

    Localized Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the knee: an arthroscopic treatment

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    The authors present a series of seven case reports of Localized Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (LPVNS) treated by arthroscopy resection between June of 1994 and October of 2001. At the baseline evaluation, symptoms ranged from diffuse pain to localized swelling of the knee, with or without mechanical blockage of the joint. Magnetic Resonance helped in localizing the lesion and in the follow up evaluation. Diagnosis was confirmed through anatomicopathological examination. By the end point evaluation, none of the patients presented recurrence of the pre-operative symptoms referred before. Magnetic resonance imaging also showed absence of symptoms. Despite of the small number of patients, typical of this affection, the authors believe that arthroscopic excision of the LPVNS is an effective method, with low morbidity, providing remission of the symptoms and a low recurrence potential.Os autores apresentam sete pacientes portadores de Sinovite Vilonodular Pigmentada Localizada (SVNPL) tratados através de ressecção artroscópica, entre o período de junho de 1994 e Outubro de 2001. À avaliação inicial, os sintomas variaram desde dor difusa, até um aumento do volume localizado, com ou sem bloqueio mecânico do movimento articular. A ressonância magnética auxiliou na localização das lesões e no controle pós-operatório. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame anatomo-patológico. Na última avaliação nenhum dos pacientes apresentou recidivas dos sintomas do pré-operatório, nem no exame por imagem com ressonância magnética. Apesar da casuística pequena, própria dessa afecção, os autores acreditam que a excisão artroscópica da SVNPL é um método eficaz, de baixa morbidade, proporciona remissão dos sintomas e com pouca possibilidade de recidivas.Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Importance of the different posterolateral knee static stabilizers: biomechanical study

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of the different static stabilizers of the posterolateral corner of the knee in cadavers. METHODS: Tests were performed with the application of a varus and external rotation force to the knee in extension at 30 and 60 degrees of flexion using 10 cadaver knees. The forces were applied initially to an intact knee and then repeated after a selective sectioning of the ligaments into the following: section of the lateral collateral ligament; section of the lateral collateral ligament and the popliteofibular complex; and section of the lateral collateral ligament, the popliteofibular complex and the posterolateral capsule. The parameters studied were the angular deformity and stiffness when the knees were submitted to a 15 Newton-meter varus torque and a 6 Newton-meter external tibial torque. Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and Tukey's tests. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Our findings showed that the lateral collateral ligament was important in varus stability at 0, 30 and 60 degrees. The popliteofibular complex was the most important structure for external rotation stability at all angles of flexion and was also important for varus stability at 30 and 60 degrees. The posterolateral capsule was important for varus stability at 0 and 30 degrees and for external rotation stability in extension. Level of evidence: Level IV (cadaver study)

    Peptide glutamine supplementation for tolerance of intermittent exercise in soccer players

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether supplementation of carbohydrate together with peptide glutamine would increase exercise tolerance in soccer players. METHODS: Nine male soccer players (mean age: 18.4 ± 1.1 years; body mass: 69.2 ± 4.6 kg; height: 175.5 ± 7.3 cm; and maximum oxygen consumption of 57.7 ± 4.8 ml.kg-1.min-1) were evaluated. All of them underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test and followed a protocol that simulated the movements of a soccer game in order to evaluate their tolerance to intermittent exercise. By means of a draw, either carbohydrate with peptide glutamine (CARBOGLUT: 50g of maltodextrin + 3.5g of peptide glutamine in 250 ml of water) or carbohydrate alone (CARBO: 50g of maltodextrin in 250 ml of water) was administered in order to investigate the enhancement of the soccer players' performances. The solution was given thirty minutes before beginning the test, which was performed twice with a one-week interval between tests. RESULTS: A great improvement in the time and distance covered was observed when the athletes consumed the CARBOGLUT mixture. Total distance covered was 12750 ± 4037m when using CARBO, and 15571 ± 4184m when using CARBOGLUT (p<0.01); total duration of tolerance was 73 ± 23 min when using CARBO and 88 ± 24 min when using CARBOGLUT (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: The CARBOGLUT mixture was more efficient in increasing the distance covered and the length of time for which intermittent exercise was tolerated. CARBOGLUT also reduced feelings of fatigue in the players compared with the use of the CARBO mixture alone

    Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico da instabilidade fêmoro-patelar em 47 casos

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    INTRODUCTION: Patellofemoral instability is a common knee disease. Its etiology is complex and variable, with many components making different contributions in each individual, resulting in several distinct clinical presentations. Our goal was to analyze the results of surgical treatment in our hospital over a period of 10 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed 55 knees of 47 patients who underwent surgery for patellofemoral instability and were classified into 2 main groups: proximal realignment and combined proximal and distal realignment. Three other groups were analyzed according to the duration of preoperative symptoms: less than 1 year (group I); 1 to 10 years (group II); and more than 10 years (group III). RESULTS: There were 62% good results overall, with 78% good results in groups I and II. Group III had 81% bad results, showing that a late diagnosis of advanced disease results in a poor prognosis. In addition to late diagnosis, bad results were usually associated with incorrect diagnosis or choice of surgical technique. There was no significant difference between isolated proximal realignment and combined proximal and distal realignment in groups I or II, but in group III, the combined technique yielded better results. DISCUSSION: Our results indicate that patellofemoral instability should be addressed in its early stages. Patients with long-lasting symptoms or more severe disease seem to achieve better results with combined techniques. CONCLUSION: Proximal and distal realignments produce better results than isolated proximal realignment in patients with joint degeneration or with greater duration of disease. The realignment surgery does not produce good results in patients with advanced disease.A instabilidade fêmoro-patelar (IFP) é patologia freqüente cuja etiologia é complexa e variável com diversos componentes cuja importância varia em cada indivíduo, resultando em diversas apresentações clínicas. Nosso objetivo foi analisar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico em um período de 10 anos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Nós analisamos 55 joelhos de 47 pacientes operados por IFP em dois grupos principais: realinhamento proximal e realinhamento proximal e distal. Três outros grupos de acordo com a duração dos sintomas: ;10 anos (grupo III). RESULTADOS: Obtivemos 62% de bons resultados globalmente e 78% de bons resultados nos grupos I e II. O grupo III apresentou 81% de maus resultados, demonstrando que a indicação tardia não é boa. Os maus resultados, além do já mencionado, estavam em geral associados a erros diagnósticos ou de escolha de técnica cirúrgica. Não houveram diferenças significantes entre os resultados do realinhamento proximal isolado e do realinhamento proximal e distal combinados nos grupos I e II mas no grupo III o realinhamento combinado apresentou melhores resultados. DISCUSSÃO: Nossos resultados indicam que a instabilidade fêmoro-patelar deve ser tratada na fase inicial. Nos casos de longa evolução e nos casos mais graves, o realinhamento proximal e distal tem melhores resultados. CONCLUSÃO: O realinhamento proximal e distal tem melhor resultado que o realinhamento proximal isolado em pacientes com alterações degenerativas e naqueles com longa evolução. A operação de realinhamento não apresenta bons resultados nos casos de doença avançada

    Peptide glutamine supplementation for tolerance of intermittent exercise in soccer players

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether supplementation of carbohydrate together with peptide glutamine would increase exercise tolerance in soccer players. METHODS: Nine male soccer players (mean age: 18.4 ± 1.1 years; body mass: 69.2 ± 4.6 kg; height: 175.5 ± 7.3 cm; and maximum oxygen consumption of 57.7 ± 4.8 ml.kg-1.min-1) were evaluated. All of them underwent a cardiopulmonary exercise test and followed a protocol that simulated the movements of a soccer game in order to evaluate their tolerance to intermittent exercise. By means of a draw, either carbohydrate with peptide glutamine (CARBOGLUT: 50g of maltodextrin + 3.5g of peptide glutamine in 250 ml of water) or carbohydrate alone (CARBO: 50g of maltodextrin in 250 ml of water) was administered in order to investigate the enhancement of the soccer players' performances. The solution was given thirty minutes before beginning the test, which was performed twice with a one-week interval between tests. RESULTS: A great improvement in the time and distance covered was observed when the athletes consumed the CARBOGLUT mixture. Total distance covered was 12750 ± 4037m when using CARBO, and 15571 ± 4184m when using CARBOGLUT (

    Maximal oxygen uptake of male professional soccer players, 2012-2015, at the end of four preseasons training

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    Purpose: We hypothesized that the aerobic capacity of soccer players was well developed and maintained during the competitive season and that a short rest period in the off-season would not be sufficient to significantly affect V̇O2max in these players. Methods: A total of 211 soccer athletes (age range, 17-34 years) being 71 professional juniors and 113 professional adults were compared with a control group of 27 non-professionals soccer players. All players performed cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill.Results: The results showed that a large number of soccer players had  V̇O2max levels incompatible with the status of professional athletes in this sport. The results between the players were: The player’s juniors presented average V̇O2max (56.2 mL.min-1.kg-1) significantly higher (P < 0.05) of that the professional players (53.3 mL.min-1.kg-1) and controls  (amateur, 50.4 mL.min-1.kg-1). However, a large number of the adult (67%) and juniors  (42%) professionals players presented values of V̇O2max near to the values covered for the control group.Conclusions:  The study verified a great number of soccer players, considered of the elite, with values below that it is recommended for players of this competitive level. It seems that preseason training was not enough to achieve compatible V̇O2max levels for most players