9,178 research outputs found

    Economic Reforms, Financial Development and Growth: Lessons from the Chilean Experience

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    Despite reform efforts, the economic performance of Latin American countries during the 1990s was disappointing with the exception of Chile, which grew at almost 7% per year. This paper tries to explain this difference. Following recent literature that hiEconomic growth, reforms, institutions, financial development

    Affection as a movement of desire bound to pedagogical relations

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    In this article I present my journey through the pedagogy of affection, starting from a conjuncture that made me pay attention, in the teaching of Psychology of Art, Contemporary Visualities and Arts-based Research at the Faculty of Fine Arts, to the entanglement between desire and pedagogical relations. From this crossroad, I consider pedagogical relations (inspired by Bernard Charlot, Elizabeth Ellsworth, Alfred Porres and Max van Manen) as part of an encounter between subjects and knowledge that affects the positions of students and teachers and challenges the dualism 'them and us'. Desire (based on Gilles Deleuze and Jacque Lacan) emerges in pedagogical relations as an agency that needs to leave behind the obsession to reproduce and, mainly, to interpret, diagnose and classify the student. At this crossroad between pedagogical relations and desires, affects appear when an experience of encounter of subjectivities (how we know and narrate ourselves) and knowledge (how we link ourselves to what we know) takes place. To illustrate this entanglement of pedagogical relations, desire and affects, I present two examples connected with my roles of teacher and researcher. The first one links with an Artsbased Research course where teachers and students learn horizontally and differentially. The second one, focusing in a cartography make by a secondary school teacher to give an account of her learning path, is part of a larger research project 'How do teachers learn: educational implications and challenges for social change'. Both examples contribute to explore the notion of affection as part of a substantial change in the relationships around politics, research, and pedagogy

    Teaching the unknown to facilitate the emergence of a pedagogical event

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    I have organized this article in two parts. First, I present some of the main concepts that illustrate the praxis of my teaching and researching task. These are concepts that help me build my positionality to cope with the unknown and move through the disturbances of the pedagogical relations at the University. In the second part, to illustrate how these concepts are performing in a collaborative teaching and researching process, I present a case developed with a group of undergraduate students in a course on arts-based research. Sharing and analyzing some of these disturbances help me to review my teaching positions, learning notions, assessment strategies, relationships with the students, uncertainties that emerged from the practice, and certainties that sometimes immobilize me in the teaching activities

    How are Spanish academics coping with changes? Responses from a life histories research.

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/20983[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.[spa] Este documento forma parte de la investigación, Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que hemos explorado los cambios en la legislación, la organización, los contextos de la investigación y la docencia, etc., en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo de este documento es profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Este trabajo recoge parte de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto, siendo su principal objetivo contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, favorecer nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.[cat] Aquest document forma part de la investigació, Els efectes dels canvis socials en el treball i la vida professional dels docents universitaris, parcialment finançat pel Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (SEJ2006-01876), on hem explorat els canvis de la legislació, l'organització, els contextos d'investigació i docència etc., durant els darrers trenta anys. El principal objectiu d'aquest document és aprofundir en la comprensió de l'impacte del canvi econòmic, social, cultural, tecnològic i laboral que s'està experimentant a les universitats espanyoles en la vida i en la identitat professional de les persones docents i investigadores, tenint en compte el context nacional i europeu. Aquest treball recull part dels resultats obtinguts en el projecte, essent el seu principal objectiu contribuir a la millora del coneixement basat en la investigació sobre el saber professional i l'experiència laboral a les universitats espanyoles, i conseqüentment, afavorir la comprensió sobre com els acadèmics estan encarant els actuals canvis

    Supremum vs. maximum: λ-sets

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    AbstractWe show that, relative to the existence of an inaccessible cardinal, it is consistent that there is no λ-set of maximal size and that in the absence of inaccessible cardinals there is a λ-set of maximal size

    Afavorir innovacions que canviïn la gramàtica de l'escola i les relacions pedagògiques, i que qüestionin la creació d'un subjecte neoliberal

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    Davant de l'actual interès per afavorir innovacions educatives amb la finalitat de promoure la creació de xarxes d'escoles innovadores o avançades, aquest article tracta de contribuir a l'actual efervescència educativa que es viu a Catalunya, explorant els temes següents: a) apuntar una genealogia que ajudi a situar les relacions entre innovació i escola; b) revisar algunes aportacions de les recerques relacionades amb el canvi i la transformació en l'educació que poden aportar llum sobre les condicions que poden fer possible que un procés de canvi arreli en la vida del centre, i no acabi sent una innovació vinculada a una moda; c) reflexionar sobre les estretes relacions entre algunes innovacions educatives i la formació d'un subjecte neoliberal, i d) aprofitar l'actual desig innovador per reflexionar i fer visibles les cultures pedagògiques dels centres i planificar els processos de canvi amb estratègies no de d'alt a baix, sinó tenint presents les necessitats, els sabers i els valors de cada comunitat educativa.Given the present interest in promoting educational innovations in order to stimulate the creation of innovative and advanced networks of schools, this article seeks to contribute to the current educational effervescence in Catalonia by exploring the following topics: a) situating a genealogy that could help to draw the relationship between innovation and schools; b) reviewing some of the research contributions related to change and transformation in education that can shed light on the conditions that can make possible a process of change rooted in the life of each school without becoming trend-linked innovation; c) reflecting on the close relationship between some educational innovations and the formation of neoliberal subjects; and d) taking advantage of the current desire for innovation in order to think about and make visible schools' educational cultures and to plan processes of change with strategies that are not top-down but rather which take into account the needs, knowledge, and values of each educational community

    Affection as a movement of desire bound to pedagogical relations

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    In this article I present my journey through the pedagogy of affection, starting from a conjuncture that made me pay attention, in the teaching of Psychology of Art, Contemporary Visualities and Arts-based Research at the Faculty of Fine Arts, to the entanglement between desire and pedagogical relations. From this crossroad, I consider pedagogical relations (inspired by Bernard Charlot, Elizabeth Ellsworth, Alfred Porres and Max van Manen) as part of an encounter between subjects and knowledge that affects the positions of students and teachers and challenges thedualism ‘them and us’. Desire (based on Gilles Deleuze and Jacque Lacan) emergesin pedagogical relations as an agency that needs to leave behind the obsession to reproduce and, mainly, to interpret, diagnose and classify the student. At this crossroad between pedagogical relations and desires, affects appear when an experience of encounter of subjectivities (how we know and narrate ourselves) and knowledge (how we link ourselves to what we know) takes place. To illustrate this entanglement of pedagogical relations, desire and affects, I present two examples connected with my roles of teacher and researcher. The first one links with an Arts- based Research course where teachers and students learn horizontally and differentially. The second one, focusing in a cartography make by a secondary school teacher to give an account of her learning path, is part of a larger research project "How do teachers learn: educational implications and challenges for social change". Both examples contribute to explore the notion of affection as part of a substantial change in the relationships around politics, research, and pedagogy

    Institutions, Economic Policies and Growth: Lessons From the Chilean Experience

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    A pesar del esfuerzo de reformas de las décadas pasadas, el desempeño económico y social de los países de América Latina durante los noventa fue bastante pobre. La excepción fue Chile, que creció a tasas promedio de 7% durante la mayor parte de la década y redujo significativamente su tasa de pobreza. Este trabajo intenta explicar esta notable diferencia. Siguiendo la literatura más reciente, que destaca el rol que juegan las instituciones y políticas en el crecimiento económico, argumentamos que el mejor desempeño de Chile se debió a que las reformas implementadas fueron mucho más profundas y abarcaron más áreas que aquellas implementadas en otros países de América Latina. Durante este proceso Chile terminó con fundamentos económicos más sólidos y, aún más importante, con mejores instituciones, lo que le permitió enfrentar de mejor manera los shocks adversos en los noventa. Basados en un modelo econométrico de corte transversal estimado para el período 1960-2000, argumentamos que el mejor desempeño de Chile vis-a-vis al resto de la región puede ser explicado en partes iguales por las mejores instituciones y políticas del país (en contraste, el mejor desempeño de Asia del Este es explicado principalmente por mejores políticas). Adicionalmente, estimamos que América Latina puede aumentar su tasa de crecimiento anual del producto per cápita un 1,6%, en promedio, si tuviera la calidad de instituciones de Chile. Por otro lado, si el promedio de los países de América Latina tuviera políticas (desarrollo financiero y sobrevaluación cambiaria) similares a Chile, la tasa de crecimiento anual del producto per cápita aumentaría en un 1,0%, en promedio. Concluimos que, para lograr tasas de crecimiento más altas, los países de América Latina deben avanzar en sus procesos de reformas y poner más énfasis en el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de sus instituciones, las cuales, como muestra la experiencia de Chile, pueden ser modificadas (aunque lentamente).