9 research outputs found

    Gauge invariance of parametrized systems and path integral quantization

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    Gauge invariance of systems whose Hamilton-Jacobi equation is separable is improved by adding surface terms to the action fuctional. The general form of these terms is given for some complete solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The procedure is applied to the relativistic particle and toy universes, which are quantized by imposing canonical gauge conditions in the path integral; in the case of empty models, we first quantize the parametrized system called ``ideal clock'', and then we examine the possibility of obtaining the amplitude for the minisuperspaces by matching them with the ideal clock. The relation existing between the geometrical properties of the constraint surface and the variables identifying the quantum states in the path integral is discussed.Comment: 23 page

    Influencia del tiempo de revenido a 780oC sobre la resistencia al creep del acero ASTM A335 P91

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    Se investig贸 el efecto del tiempo de revenido a la temperatura de 780 掳C sobre la resistencia al creep del aceroASTM A335 grado P91. La temperatura de revenido correspondi贸 a la temperatura de revenido industrialy los tiempos evaluados se eligieron de tal manera de acumular, entre el revenido previo del material de suministro(40 minutos) y el tratamiento realizado en el laboratorio, tiempos de 3; 4; 5; 5,5; 5,7; 6 y 7 horas,por lo que en la pr谩ctica se aplic贸 un doble revenido. Posteriormente, las muestras fueron ensayadas a 600 潞Cy 190 MPa hasta rotura. Los resultados muestran que el tiempo de revenido a 780 潞C, tiene un efecto muyimportante en la resistencia al creep del acero P91. Hasta 3 horas de revenido, el acero P91 mostr贸 una buenaresistencia al creep con una velocidad m铆nima de creep de 7x10-9 s-1. Una marcada ca铆da en la resistencia alcreep se observ贸 para un tiempo de revenido de 5 horas (1.5x10-7 s-1), con una posterior recuperaci贸n a las5.5 horas (3x10-8 s-1). Este comportamiento al creep probablemente est茅 relacionado a la evoluci贸n de laspart铆culas MX durante el revenido. El tama帽o promedio de las part铆culas de segunda fase en las probetas revenidasa 780潞 C con diferentes tiempos y sometidas a creep a 600潞 C, indicar铆an de manera indirecta un estadode disoluci贸n y re-precipitaci贸n de las part铆culas MX que ocurre durante el revenido. La rotura por creepocurre por la nucleaci贸n, crecimiento y coalescencia de cavidades en regiones pr贸ximas a los l铆mites degrano de austenita previa, resultando en una fisura y propagaci贸n de la fisura hasta su rotura.Palabras clave: Acero 9% Cr, Comportamiento a creep, Resistencia a creep, Precipitaci贸n

    Efecto del tratamiento t茅rmico sobre la resistencia mec谩nica, corrosi贸n intergranular y exfoliaci贸n de la aleaci贸n de aluminio 7075

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    En este estudio, los efectos de los tratamientos t茅rmicos en el pico de envejecimiento (T6), sobreenvejecimiento(T73) y proceso de regresi贸n y re-envejecimiento (RRA, regresi贸n a 200 掳C durante 10 min)sobre la microestructura, resistencia mec谩nica, corrosi贸n por exfoliaci贸n y corrosi贸n intergranular de aleaci贸nde aluminio 7075 ha sido investigado mediante microscopia 贸ptica, microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido,ensayos de tracci贸n, ensayos ASTM G110, ensayos ASTM G34, curva de polarizaci贸n y espectroscopia deimpedancia electroqu铆mica (EIS).Los resultados de los ensayos de corrosi贸n intergranular (ASTM G110) y los ensayos de corrosi贸n por exfoliaci贸n(ASTM G34), aplicados a los tres tratamientos definen un orden de susceptibilidad a la corrosi贸n dadapor: T6 T73 RRA. Las tendencias de la resistencia a la corrosi贸n son confirmadas mediante curvas depolarizaci贸n y ensayos EIS. El tratamiento t茅rmico RRA mejora la resistencia a la corrosi贸n intergranularexfoliaci贸nde la aleaci贸n de aluminio 7075 sin sacrificar su resistencia mec谩nica en comparaci贸n con eltratamiento t茅rmico T6. El efecto del tratamiento t茅rmico sobre la resistencia mec谩nica y la resistencia a lacorrosi贸n se explica en funci贸n del estado de precipitaci贸n en la matriz y en los l铆mites de grano.Palabras clave: Aleaci贸n de aluminio 7075, propiedades mec谩nicas, corrosi贸n intergranular, corrosi贸n exfoliaci贸n,espectroscopia de impedancia electroqu铆mica

    Influence of tempering time at 780掳C on the creep resistance of ASTM A335 P91 steel

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT It has been investigated the effect of tempering time at 780掳C on the creep strength of ASTM A335 grade P91 steel. The tempering temperature corresponded to the industrial tempering temperature and the times evaluated were chosen in such a way to accumulate, between the tempering prior as received (40 min) and the treatment carried out in the laboratory, times of 3; 4; 5; 5,5; 5,7; 6 and 7 hours, so that in practice a double tempering was applied. Subsequently, the samples were creep tested at 600 潞C and 190 MPa up to rupture. The results show that a tempering time to 780 潞C has a very significant impact on the creep strength of the P91 steel. Up to 3 hours of tempering, the P91 steel retains its creep strength, with a minimum creep rate of 7x10-9 s-1. This creep strength falls off sharply to the 5 hours of tempering (1.5x10-7 s-1), and retrieved to the 5.5 hours (3 x10-8 s-1). This creep behavior is probably related to the evolution of the MX particles during tempering. The average size of the particles of the second phase in the samples tempered to 780 掳C during different times and subjected to creep to 600 掳C, would indirectly indicate a state of dissolution and reprecipitation of MX particles, which occurs during the tempering. Creep rupture occurs by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of cavities, in regions close to the prior austenite grain boundaries, resulting in a crack and propagation up to fracture.</p><p></p

    Effect of heat treatment on the mechanical strength, intergranular and exfoliation corrosion of 7075 aluminum alloy

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of heat treatments in the peak aged (T6), overaged (T73) and retrogression and reaging (RRA, retrogression at 200 掳C for 10 min) on the microstructure, mechanical strength, exfoliation corrosion and intergranular corrosion of aluminum alloy 7075, has been investigated by optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, tensile tests, ASTM G110 tests, ASTM G34 tests, polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results of intergranular corrosion tests (ASTM G110) and exfoliation corrosion tests (ASTM G34), applied to the three treatments defines an order of susceptibility to corrosion given by: T6 > T73 > RRA. The trends of the corrosion resistance were further confirmed by polarization curve and EIS test. The RRA heat treatment improved the intergranular-exfoliation corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy 7075 without sacrificing the mechanical strength compared to T6 temper. The effect of heat treatment on mechanical strength and corrosion resistance is explained based on the state of precipitation in the matrix and grain boundaries.</p><p></p

    Active galactic nuclei: what鈥檚 in a name?

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    Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are energetic astrophysical sources powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes in galaxies, and present unique observational signatures that cover the full electromagnetic spectrum over more than twenty orders of magnitude in frequency. The rich phenomenology of AGN has resulted in a large number of different "flavours" in the literature that now comprise a complex and confusing AGN "zoo". It is increasingly clear that these classifications are only partially related to intrinsic differences between AGN, and primarily reflect variations in a relatively small number of astrophysical parameters as well the method by which each class of AGN is selected. Taken together, observations in different electromagnetic bands as well as variations over time provide complementary windows on the physics of different sub-structures in the AGN. In this review, we present an overview of AGN multi-wavelength properties with the aim of painting their "big picture" through observations in each electromagnetic band from radio to gamma-rays as well as AGN variability. We address what we can learn from each observational method, the impact of selection effects, the physics behind the emission at each wavelength, and the potential for future studies. To conclude we use these observations to piece together the basic architecture of AGN, discuss our current understanding of unification models, and highlight some open questions that present opportunities for future observational and theoretical progress.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Review, 56 pages, 25 figure