21,002 research outputs found

    Indikator Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Sistem Transportasi Berkelanjutan

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    Sustainable transport system should be able to provide physical access to places of employment, health, education, recreation, and other places associated with human life. In addition, sustainable transport must also support the economic growth and poverty reduction. The purpose of this study is to identify the forms of community participation and develop indicators of community participation in a transportation. A comparison of transport systems in two cities in Indonesia, namely Semarang and Surabaya, is selected as a case study. The results indicate that the forms of community participation in sustainable transportation system include payments of fuel tax, vehicle tax, parking charges, public transport tickets, and road pricing.In addition, there are many indicators that can be used to assess the sustainability of an urban transport system. The results also show that the transport system in Surabaya is better than that found in Semarang

    Sejarah Pesantren di Indonesia

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    Salah satu lembaga pendidikan Islam di Indonesia adalahPondok Pesantren, ia merupakan system pendidikan pertamadan tertua di Indonesia, karena sifat keislaman dankeindonesiaan terintegrasi dalam pesantren menjadi dayatariknya. Belum lagi kesederhanaan, system manhaj yangterkesan apa adanya, hubungan kiyai dan santri serta keadaanfisik yang serba sederhana. Di tengah gagalnya systempendidikan dewasa ini, ada baiknya disimak kembali systempesantren, dimana didalamnya lebih mengedepankan ilmu etikadan pengetahuan. Kiyai adalah tempat betanya atau sumberrefrensi, tempat menyelesaikan semua urusan, tempat memintanasihat dan fatwa. Oleh karena itu, mesjid sebagai salah satutempat belajar dalam perkembangannya, pesantren dilengkapidengan pondok sebagai tempat tinggal santri yang menjadi cirrikhas dari lembaga tersebut adalah rasa keikhlasan yang dimilikioleh santri dan kiyai hubungan mereka tidak hanya sekedarsebagai murid dan guru, tapi lebih seperti anak dan orang tua.Bentuk, system dan metode pesantren di Indonesia dapat dibagimenjadi dua priode; pertama, Ampel (salafi) yang mencerminkankesederhanaan secara konprehensif. Kedua, priode Gontor yangmencerminkan kemoderenan dalam system metode dan fisikbangunan, sehingga pada hakikatnya pesantren memiliki tigaunsure yakni; santri, kiyai dan asrama

    Kajian Awal Kelayakan Finansial Investasi Jalan Rel

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    Staging of investment start from the bidding stage to the operational and maintenance stage. Each stage requires a fee to be prepared by the investor. This study aims to calculate the financial feasibility of the implementation of railway passengers. Calculations are based on simulation of the cost of investment, the number of passengers who use it and does not include the risk factors. Results of this study show that the railway project which is not financially feasible requires government support. The government support, such as policies to reduce the burden of the cost of construction and the government guarantee for the hogh uncertain risk could result in the project financial feasibility

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Penempatan Tenaga Kesehatan di Puskesmas Sangat Terpencil di Kabupaten Buton

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    Background: One of the important elements and verydetermining for becoming innovator in the effort of increasingthe quality of health service is the health force. The deploymentof health force especially in the very remote public healthcenter is meant for the generalization of health service, but infact the placement of health force policy in the very remotepublic health center in Buton Regency is not yet flattened yet.Besides, the interest and motivation of those who are placedin the are very low.Purpose: Analyse the placement of health force policy in thevery remote public health center in Buton Regency.Method: It is a descriptive research, with qualitative methodto evaluate the placement of health force policy in the veryremote public health center in Buton Regency.Result: The placement of doctor, nurse, and midwife policy inthe very remote public health center should be supported bysupporting facilities namely office and office vehicle. Theplacement policy is influenced by geographical factor and theintervention of stakeholders in the regency. Doctor, nurse andmidwife forces placed in the very remote public health centerdo not have retention to stay and work in the very remotepublic health center.Conclusion: The deployment of health force policy can notovercome the lack of health force in the very remote publichealth center yet. The small incentive and the indefinite ofcarrier development and the low appreciation are the mainreason why the health forces do not have retention, so thatthe very remote public health center lacks of health force.Keywords: placement policy, financial, supporting facilities,force retentio

    Pengaruh Gambar Iklan Peringatan Merokok Pada Bungkus Rokok Terhadap Sikap Berhenti Merokok Bagi Pelanggan Merek Sampoerna a Mild Di Desa Kepenuhan Barat Mulya

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    This study aims to determine the respondents to the ad images on cigarette packs warning against the attitude of quitting smoking for customer brand Sampoerna A Mild West Fullness In the village Mulya. Based on Survey Data From 5 Shop In The Fullness District of Rokan Hulu in October 2015 as many as 106 people. Samples will be taken by 51 respondents. Furthermore, the method of sampling used acidental Sampling. Analysis of the data using a questionnaire with Likert scale measurement and testing using simple linear regression. Based on the results of the study that the influence of advertising images of smoking warning (X) amounted to 0,746 this means that there is positive and if the level or effected by one unit then the attitude of quitting smoking increased by 0,746 units. The influence of advertising images of smoking warning against the attitude of quitting from the value t count by 13,765 to 0.00 significantly smaller than 0.05 this means that the influence attitudes towards smoking cessation quit smoking is a significant gesture. Suggested ad image warning smoke should be encouraged frequency through private television (cable TV) in the village Fullness of West Mulya Central City specifically or Rokan Hulu is often watched by adult smokers, so the image ads warning smoke are more effective and can improve attitudes to quit smoking adult smokers

    Whisker growth studies under conditions which resemble those available on an orbiting space station

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    Minimal funding was provided by NASA with one designated 'mission' being the clear demonstration of the relevance of previously supported whisker growth studies to microgravity research. While in one sense this work has shown the converse, namely, that ambient gravitational fields as high as 1 Earth normal have no relevance to growth of whiskers by hydrogen reduction of metal halides, a case is made that this does not demonstrate lack of relevance to microgravity research. On the contrary, the driving forces for this growth are precisely those which must be understood in order to understand growth in microgravity. The results described suggest that knowledge gained from this work may be highly fundamental to our understanding of the genesis of metal crystals. Time and money ran out before this work could be considered complete. At least another year's study and analysis will be required before publications could be justified

    Performance and Suggested Alternative Strategies in Developing Indonesian Cocoa Export Business

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    This research focussed on the export development of cocoa bean with respect to its export growth, values and competitiveness. Based on this deve-lopment, the aim of this research is to propose alternative development strategies of export business for cocoa bean in the future. The Analysis Hierarchie Process (AHP) framework of export business of cocoa bean was arranged consecutively from formulation of focuss or goals, identification of affecting factors and actors, deter mination of actor objectives, and recognition of alternative strategies needed. Each component of goals, factors, actors, objectives, and alternative strategies were valued on the basis of their importance using Saaty scales. Results of interviews with experts were analyzed using AHP technique. The development of cocoa bean export from 2000 to 2006 showed the competitiveness position of Indonesia in the world market was fairly good. In order to increase the growth and values of cocoa bean export, the experts consider the role of government as regulators and facilitators is very important. The government became the main actor for the export development through de/regulation related to the cocoa bean commodity. The objectives of actors could be achieved by combining strategies (i) provision of fund in national and regional budget, as well as other sources (ii) implementation of recomended technologies of cocoa, (iii) acceleration of replanting program, (iv) improvement of research productivity in producing high yielding plant materials, (v) development of transportation facilities from farms to harbours, (vi) development of farmers\u27 organization and partnerships as well as strategic alliance, and (viii) pests and diseases control

    Prospek Dan Strategi Pengembangan Perkebunan Kakao Berkelanjutan Di Sumatera Barat

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    SProspect and Development Strategy of Sustainable Cocoa Plantation in West SumateraIn recent years, Indonesian cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) plantation faces serious problems related to pests and diseases. Cocoa production in some central cocoa plantations decreased sharply. Therefore, Indonesian government is attempting to eliminate impact of reduction of plant production by enhancing cocoa production in some new potential planting areas such as West Sumatera through revitalization program. However, this program does not run smoothly due to various constraints i.e. limited availability of planting materials, limited staff and supervisors as well as support from the bank. In order to overcome these problems, prospect and strategy studies to develop cocoa plantations in West Sumatera using prospective analysis offer some prospective alternative solutions. The study shows that cocoa plantation is quite important for the regional economy of West Sumatera and prospective to be developed for the future economic. The strategic factors influencing the development and sustainability of cocoa plantations in West Sumatera are the availability of technology, supervisors, trainers, policy support, availability of cocoa plantation, productivity, skill of farmers and institutional of farmer net work. These eight factors are generally positioned in moderate condition and lead to optimistic condition since launching revitalization of cocoa plantation development in West Sumatera. Quantity and quality of funding and supervisors is needed. Prospects and development strategies of cocoa will be useful to assess the efficiency of agribusiness activities in terms of increasing of cocoa production and sustainability of the environment resulting sustainable cocoa development. Cocoa plantations in West Sumatera have important roles and absorbed 60,000 workers/farmers with the average income of about USD 1.198/year. To ensure the sustainable development of cocoa plantations support and consistency of government policy as well as bank's commitment are needed, especially to support revitalization plantation program

    Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Kewarisan Adat dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    This paper describes the customary inheritance dispute resolution in the perspective of Islamic law. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, which include: 1) inductive method, 2) Method deductive, and 3) The comparative method. Discussion of the results obtained by the understanding that: Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of results of qualitative descriptive research for one month, then it can be summed up as follows; System inheritance garden in the District Maiwa Enrekang is basically deliberation, in consultation division two, the system of inheritance heir died before and after heir dies. The process of inheritance to the heir was still alive at the time Maiwa society can be implemented in a way instructed or intestate. Inheritance Heir Dies After implemented in two ways such a calculation fiqhi Islamic inheritance, which in this division of the boys doubles and girls the same way ma\u27bage mana\u27 (flat share), where the boys and women\u27s equal and balanced. This is done because according to the District Maiwa Enrekang that this system is a way to get justice among all heirs. In the perspective of Islamic law such a way that does not conflict with the nature and objectives of Islamic law which is to create peace and tranquility, as described in the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet