5,537 research outputs found

    Anålise do efeito de nanopartículas de prata contra células aderidas e biofilmes de Candida albicans e Candida glabrata

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    O aumento na resistĂȘncia dos biofilmes de Candida Ă  terapia antifĂșngica convencional tem despertado o interesse no uso da prata como um agente antimicrobiano. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficĂĄcia antifĂșngica de nanopartĂ­culas de prata (NPs) contra cĂ©lulas aderidas e biofilmes de Candida albicans e Candida glabrata. MĂ©todos: NPs esfĂ©ricas (5 nm) foram sintetizadas atravĂ©s da redução do nitrato de prata pelo citrato de sĂłdio. Testes de mĂ­nima concentração inibitĂłria (MCI) foram realizados para as duas espĂ©cies de Candida de acordo com o mĂ©todo da microdiluição. NPs foram aplicadas sobre cĂ©lulas aderidas (2 hrs) e biofilmes (48 hrs), e apĂłs 24 horas de contato os biofilmes resultantes foram caracterizados atravĂ©s da contagem do nĂșmero de unidades formadoras de colĂŽnias (UFCs) e quantificação da biomassa total. Resultados: Os valores de MCI para C. glabrata foram maiores (0,4 – 3,3 ”g/mL) do que para C. albicans (0,4 – 1,6 ”g/mL). NPs foram mais efetivas na redução da biomassa total quando aplicadas sobre cĂ©lulas aderidas do que sobre biofilmes prĂ©-formados. NPs tambĂ©m foram altamente efetivas na redução das UFCs quando aplicadas sobre as cĂ©lulas aderidas de C. glabrata (~70%) e respectivos biofilmes (~50%). Para as cepas de C. albicans o efeito nĂŁo foi tĂŁo notĂłrio, mas tambĂ©m existiu uma redução no nĂșmero de UFCs. ConclusĂŁo: NPs apresentam potencial como agente antifĂșngico alternativo no controle de infecçÔes por espĂ©cies de Candida

    A life cycle stakeholder management framework for enhanced collaboration between stakeholders with competing interests

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    This is a postprint version of the Book Chapter. Information regarding the official publication is available from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerImplementation of a Life Cycle Sustainability Management (LCSM) strategy can involve significant challenges because of competing or conflicting objectives between stakeholders. These differences may, if not identified and managed, hinder successful adoption of sustainability initiatives. This article proposes a conceptual framework for stakeholder management in a LCSM context. The framework identifies the key sustainability stakeholder groups and suggests strategic ambiguity as a management tool to harness dysfunctional conflict into constructive collaboration. The framework is of practical value as it can be used as a guideline by managers who wish to improve collaboration with stakeholders along the supply chain. The article also fills a gap in the academic literature where there is only limited research on sustainability stakeholder management through strategic ambiguity

    Dust-filled axially symmetric universes with a cosmological constant

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    Following the recent recognition of a positive value for the vacuum energy density and the realization that a simple Kantowski-Sachs model might fit the classical tests of cosmology, we study the qualitative behavior of three anisotropic and homogeneous models: Kantowski-Sachs, Bianchi type-I and Bianchi type-III universes, with dust and a cosmological constant, in order to find out which are physically permitted. We find that these models undergo isotropization up to the point that the observations will not be able to distinguish between them and the standard model, except for the Kantowski-Sachs model (Ωk00)(\Omega_{k_{0}}0) with ΩΛ0\Omega_{\Lambda_{0}} smaller than some critical value ΩΛM\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}. Even if one imposes that the Universe should be nearly isotropic since the last scattering epoch (z≈1000z\approx 1000), meaning that the Universe should have approximately the same Hubble parameter in all directions (considering the COBE 4-Year data), there is still a large range for the matter density parameter compatible with Kantowsky-Sachs and Bianchi type-III if ∣Ω0+ΩΛ0−1âˆŁâ‰€ÎŽ|\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}-1|\leq \delta, for a very small ÎŽ\delta . The Bianchi type-I model becomes exactly isotropic owing to our restrictions and we have Ω0+ΩΛ0=1\Omega_0+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}=1 in this case. Of course, all these models approach locally an exponential expanding state provided the cosmological constant ΩΛ>ΩΛM\Omega_\Lambda>\Omega_{\Lambda_{M}}.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Published in Physical Review D 1

    Latent states extraction through Kalman Filter for the prediction of heart failure decompensation events

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    [EN] Cardiac function deterioration of heart failure patients is frequently manifested by the occurrence of decompensation events. One relevant step to adequately prevent cardiovascular status degradation is to predict decompensation episodes in order to allow preventive medical interventions.In this paper we introduce a methodology with the goal of finding onsets of worsening progressions from multiple physiological parameters which may have predictive value in decompensation events. The best performance was obtained for the model composed by only two features using a telemonitoring dataset (myHeart) with 41 patients. Results were achieved by applying leave-one-subject-out validation and correspond to a geometric mean of 83.67%. The obtained performance suggests that the methodology has the potential to be used in decision support solutions and assist in the prevention of this public health burden.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the international project Link (H2020-692023).Nunes, D.; Rocha, T.; Traver Salcedo, V.; Teixeira, C.; Ruano, M.; Paredes, S.; Carvalho, P.... (2019). Latent states extraction through Kalman Filter for the prediction of heart failure decompensation events. IEEE. 3947-3950. https://doi.org/10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857591S3947395

    Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) : a model organism for the screening of estrogenic chemicals in marine surface waters?

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    Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2004.There is growing concern that aquatic wildlife in surface waters of the European Union is exposed to natural and man-made chemicals that have the ability to mimic estrogens and lead to reproductive dysfunction. Estrogenic responses in fish are the net result of complex chains of events involving the uptake, distribution and metabolism of test agents until they interact with their target sites. Typically these aspects cannot be modelled in short-term cell-based assays, only studies with vertebrates offer the opportunity to assess potential interactions of test compounds at higher organisational levels. However, studies with endocrine disrupting chemicals have been performed mainly with freshwater organisms. The sensitivity of a marine fish species to different estrogenic chemicals was investigated under chronic exposure conditions. This work is part of a study focusing on the combination effects of mixtures of estrogenic chemicals in marine and freshwater organisms (ACE, EVK1-CT-2001-100). As test organism the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) was selected, a common species in European marine systems. Juveniles were exposed under a flow-through system for 14 days for a set of reference chemicals (17Ã -estradiol, ethynylestradiol, nonylphenol, octylphenol, bisphenol A). Effects at subcellular level were analysed using vitellogenesis as endpoint. Its relevance is evaluated by further investigations about the individual fitness (condition factor, hepatossomatic index), as well as the liver cytochrome P450 activity. The general suitability of the sea bass as a model organism for the screening of estrogenic chemicals in the marine environment is discussed.Comissãoo Europeia (CE) - ACE, EVK1-CT-2001-100

    Improving efficiency and management of beef cattle farms in Portugal

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyze the efficiency of beef cattle in Portugal, in the Alentejo and Beira Interior and identify their relationship with the characteristics of the farm and its management practices in order to improve their efficiency. The methodology is based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in order to determine the technical efficiency of farms and logarithmic multiple regression to analyze the determinants of efficiency. The results show that beef cattle farms can increase their efficiency if they adopt better management practices, namely, to reduce hiring and unskilled labor, and invest in new investments adjusted to the activity. Strengthening measures of the national and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is suggested to promote the qualification of human resources and their management skills and invest in education in the sector with adequate academic degrees on agricultural economics. The conclusions also suggest the reinforcement of public policies in order to increase the innovation at the sector and to promote this beef production systems environmental sustainable in Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of metal and metalloid contamination in the waters and stream sediments around the abandoned uranium mine area from MortĂłrios, central Portugal

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    In the abandoned MortĂłrios uranium mine area there are quartz veins containing wolframite and sulphides and basic rock dykes with torbernite and autunite cutting a porphyritic granite. The basic rock dykes were exploited and produced about 27 tonnes of U3O8, from 1982 to 1988. There are an open pit lake and nine dumps. Surface water and groundwater are contaminated in U, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb. Stream sediments are contaminated in U, As, Th and W, which are adsorbed by smectite, kaolinite and iron- and aluminium- oxy-hydroxides. The maximum U concentrations are of 1268 ug/L in the open pit lake, 100 g/L in surface water, 103 ug/L in groundwater and 81.5 mg/kg in stream sediments all downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. Further downstream the U concentration in water decreases, due to the high mobility of U (VI), but the U concentration in stream sediments increases. Calcium uranyl carbonate dominates in the open pit lake, but uranyl carbonate complexes dominate in surface water and groundwater. The maximum As concentrations are 56.0 g/L in the open pit lake, 63.4 g/L in the surface water and 66.7 g/L in the groundwater, both downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. The arsenic occurs as As (V). The MortĂłrios area is compared with two other areas exploited from open pits, all located in the uranium-bearing Beira area of central Portugal. Vale de Abrutiga produced 90 tonnes of U3O8 between 1982 and 1989 and Mondego Sul produced 75 tonnes of U3O8 from 1987 to 1991. The two mines consist of quartz veins containing sulphides, saleeite and meta-saleeite at Vale de Abrutiga and with sulphides, autunite, torbernite, meta-uranocircite and meta-saleeite at Mondego Sul cutting the Schist-graywacke complex. The mine area of Vale de Abrutiga with the highest exploitation of U2O3 has strongly acidic to slight alkaline water, which is the most contaminated. MortĂłrios with the lowest exploitation presents a higher contamination of slightly acidic to alkaline water than that of acidic to alkaline water from Mondego Sul, but the former has As (V), whereas the latter has As (III), which is toxic. The stream sediments from MortĂłrios present the lowest contamination, except for Th that has a higher median value than that from Vale de Abrutiga. Stream sediments from Mondego Sul have higher U, Th, Pb and lower Co, Cr, Cu and Zn median values than those of Vale de Abrutiga.We are grateful to J.F.C. Mendes for the determination of organic matter and cation exchange capacity in samples of stream sediments. We thank Robert Ayuso and three anonymous reviewers for their comments. Some financial support was given by the project UID/GEO/04035/2013

    Possible retardation effects of quark confinement on the meson spectrum

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    The reduced Bethe-Salpeter equation with scalar confinement and vector gluon exchange is applied to quark-antiquark bound states. The so called intrinsic flaw of Salpeter equation with static scalar confinement is investigated. The notorious problem of narrow level spacings is found to be remedied by taking into consideration the retardation effect of scalar confinement. Good fit for the mass spectrum of both heavy and light quarkomium states is then obtained.Comment: 14 pages in LaTex for
