
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) : a model organism for the screening of estrogenic chemicals in marine surface waters?


Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, April 2004.There is growing concern that aquatic wildlife in surface waters of the European Union is exposed to natural and man-made chemicals that have the ability to mimic estrogens and lead to reproductive dysfunction. Estrogenic responses in fish are the net result of complex chains of events involving the uptake, distribution and metabolism of test agents until they interact with their target sites. Typically these aspects cannot be modelled in short-term cell-based assays, only studies with vertebrates offer the opportunity to assess potential interactions of test compounds at higher organisational levels. However, studies with endocrine disrupting chemicals have been performed mainly with freshwater organisms. The sensitivity of a marine fish species to different estrogenic chemicals was investigated under chronic exposure conditions. This work is part of a study focusing on the combination effects of mixtures of estrogenic chemicals in marine and freshwater organisms (ACE, EVK1-CT-2001-100). As test organism the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) was selected, a common species in European marine systems. Juveniles were exposed under a flow-through system for 14 days for a set of reference chemicals (17Ã -estradiol, ethynylestradiol, nonylphenol, octylphenol, bisphenol A). Effects at subcellular level were analysed using vitellogenesis as endpoint. Its relevance is evaluated by further investigations about the individual fitness (condition factor, hepatossomatic index), as well as the liver cytochrome P450 activity. The general suitability of the sea bass as a model organism for the screening of estrogenic chemicals in the marine environment is discussed.Comissãoo Europeia (CE) - ACE, EVK1-CT-2001-100

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