284 research outputs found

    Dressed for Success? Gendered Appearance Discrimination In the Workplace

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    Gender is a nebulous concept, linked to one’s self-identity and social acceptance. Gender expression in a heterosexist society is consequently governed by particular social norms and is susceptible to prejudice. It is critical that gender is not a source of permissible discrimination in a central social space, the workplace. Current responses from the law can be ineffective due to the nature of the complaints process and the theory underlying decision-makers’ reasoning. The United States has considerable gender discrimination jurisprudence and is a valuable source of options for law reform. This paper argues that statute and case law in New Zealand should expressly prohibit both inter and intra-gender discrimination. Processes should also be tightened up to avoid claims falling through the cracks in tribunal jurisdictions. Rights are hollow unless they have a real-life impact. While formal recognition does not mean the end to this particularly insidious form of discrimination, it is an important means to shift societal norms. This could generate greater equality in real terms for New Zealanders

    Book Review: Human Rights in the South Pacific – Challenges and Changes

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    This article is a book review of Sue Farran Human Rights in the South Pacific Challenges and Changes (Routledge-Cavendish, United States and Canada, 2009). Recent events in the Pacific highlighted the potentially precarious existence of human rights in some Pacific states and showed that a vigorous human rights debate is needed to further realise human rights. Farran's book in the South Pacific examines themes and tensions raised by rights in Pacific states that have common law as part of their legal frameworks. Farran ponders the notion of human rights with a view to increase awareness of their value and establish workable mechanisms to bolster human rights in the Pacific. While the text offers no definitive solution, it provides a platform of ideas from which meaningful discourse on human rights can spring. Not only is the book accessible and informative, it is also an important contribution to the continuing rights debate in the Pacific by raising awareness of human rights issues for and by Pacific people and providing tangible suggestions for change.&nbsp

    An analysis of Russian equity capital markets

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. [49]-[57]).This paper begins with the assumption that stock market development has a positive and causal relationship with long run economic growth. It thus takes the view that developing the equity market is an important policy objective for the Russian government. Through a series of interviews, data collection and a review of the literature, it is found that the Russian equity market is rather underdeveloped as measured by its liquidity, free float capitalization and industry concentration. In order to stimulate the development of the market, the paper focuses on the attraction of long term capital to sustainably increase the size and liquidity of the market and reduce volatility. A set of viable reforms are suggested to achieve this goal including: 1) the upgrade of market infrastructure primarily through the creation of a Central Settlement Depository and relaxation of prefunding requirements, 2) corporate governance improvements through a reduced government participation, increased board independence and the introduction of a minimum free float requirement and 3) Incentives for the pooling of long term domestic capital, in particular through the diversification of risk using cross-country swaps.by Catherine F. Harwood.S.M

    Long-term topical corticosteroid use and risk of skin cancer: a systematic review protocol

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    Review question/objective: The objective of this systematic review is to synthesize the best available research evidence to determine the risk of skin cancer in patients on long-term use of topical corticosteroids. Specifically the review question is: In people using long-term (regular use over one month) topical corticosteroids, what is the risk of developing skin cancer (clinically or histologically confirmed basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma)

    The Role of Human Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses in BRAF-Inhibitor Induced Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Benign Squamoproliferative Lesions

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) has long been proposed as a cofactor in the pathogenesis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). More recently, the striking clinico-pathological features of cSCCs that complicate treatment of metastatic melanoma with inhibitors targeting BRAF mutations (BRAFi) has prompted speculation concerning a pathogenic role for oncogenic viruses. Here, we investigate HPV and human polyomaviruses (HPyV) and correlate with clinical, histologic, and genetic features in BRAFi-associated cSCC. Materials and Methods: Patients receiving BRAFi treatment were recruited at Barts Health NHS Trust. HPV DNA was detected in microdissected frozen samples using reverse line probe technology and degenerate and nested PCR. HPV immunohistochemistry was performed in a subset of samples. Quantitative PCR was performed to determine the presence and viral load of HPyVs with affinity for the skin (HPyV6, HPyV7, HPyV9, MCPyV, and TSPyV). These data were correlated with previous genetic mutational analysis of H, K and NRAS, NOTCH1/2, TP53, CDKN2A, CARD11, CREBBP, TGFBR1/2. Chromosomal aberrations were profiled using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays. Results: Forty-five skin lesions from seven patients treated with single agent vemurafenib in 2012–2013 were analyzed: 12 cSCC, 19 viral warts (VW), 2 actinic keratosis (AK), 5 verrucous keratosis/other squamoproliferative (VK/SP) lesions, one melanocytic lesion and 6 normal skin samples. Significant histologic features of viral infection were seen in 10/12 (83%) cSCC. HPV DNA was detected in 18/19 (95%) VW/SP, 9/12 (75%) cSCC, 4/5 (80%) SP, and 3/6 (50%) normal skin samples and in 1/12 cases assessed by immunohistochemistry. HPyV was co-detected in 22/30 (73%) of samples, usually at low viral load, with MCPyV and HPyV7 the most common. SNP arrays confirmed low levels of chromosomal abnormality and there was no significant correlation between HPV or HPyV detection and individual gene mutations or overall mutational burden. Conclusion: Despite supportive clinicopathologic evidence, the role for HPV and HPyV infection in the pathogenesis of BRAFi-induced squamoproliferative lesions remains uncertain. Synergistic oncogenic mechanisms are plausible although speculative. Nonetheless, with the prospect of a significant increase in the adjuvant use of these drugs, further research is justified and may provide insight into the pathogenesis of other BRAFi-associated malignancies

    Heterogeneity in Surface Sensing Suggests a Division of Labor in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Populations

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    The second messenger signaling molecule cyclic diguanylate monophosphate (c-di-GMP) drives the transition between planktonic and biofilm growth in many bacterial species. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has two surface sensing systems that produce c-di-GMP in response to surface adherence. Current thinking in the field is that once cells attach to a surface, they uniformly respond by producing c-di-GMP. Here, we describe how the Wsp system generates heterogeneity in surface sensing, resulting in two physiologically distinct subpopulations of cells. One subpopulation has elevated c-di-GMP and produces biofilm matrix, serving as the founders of initial microcolonies. The other subpopulation has low c-di-GMP and engages in surface motility, allowing for exploration of the surface. We also show that this heterogeneity strongly correlates to surface behavior for descendent cells. Together, our results suggest that after surface attachment, P. aeruginosa engages in a division of labor that persists across generations, accelerating early biofilm formation and surface exploration

    Oxidation contributes to low glutathione in the airways of children with cystic fibrosis

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    Glutathione is an important antioxidant in the lungs but its concentration is low in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. Whether this deficit occurs from an early age or how oxidative stress contributes to lowering glutathione is unknown. We measured glutathione, its oxidation products, myeloperoxidase, and biomarkers of hypochlorous acid in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with cystic fibrosis and disease controls using mass spectrometry and immunological techniques. The concentration of glutathione was lower in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with cystic fibrosis, whereas glutathione sulfonamide, a specific oxidation product of hypochlorous acid, was higher. Oxidised glutathione and glutathione sulfonamide correlated with myeloperoxidase and a biomarker of hypochlorous acid. The percentage of glutathione attached to proteins was higher in children with cystic fibrosis than controls. Pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis resulted in lower levels of glutathione but higher levels of oxidised glutathione and glutathione sulfonamide in bronchoalveolar lavage. The concentration of glutathione is low in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis from an early age. Increased oxidation of glutathione by hypochlorous acid and its attachment to proteins contribute to this deficiency. Therapies targeted against myeloperoxidase may boost antioxidant defence and slow the onset and progression of lung disease in cystic fibrosis

    Timing and Nature of the Deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway

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    Tectonic changes that produced a deep Tasmanian Gateway between Australia and Antarctica are widely invoked as the major mechanism for Antarctic cryosphere growth and Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) development during the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) transition (∼34–33 Ma). Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 recovered near-continuous marine sedimentary records across the E/O transition interval at four sites around Tasmania. These records are largely barren of calcareous microfossils but contain a rich record of siliceous- and organic-walled marine microfossils. In this study we integrate micropaleontological, sedimentological, geochemical, and paleomagnetic data from Site 1172 (East Tasman Plateau) to identify four distinct phases (A–D) in the E/O Tasmanian Gateway deepening that are correlative among ODP Leg 189 sites. Phase A, prior to ∼35.5 Ma: minor initial deepening characterized by a shallow marine prodeltaic setting with initial condensation episodes. Phase B, ∼35.5–33.5 Ma: increased deepening marked by the onset of major glauconitic deposition and inception of energetic bottom-water currents. Phase C, ∼33.5–30.2 Ma: further deepening to bathyal depths, with episodic erosion by increasingly energetic bottom-water currents. Phase D, \u3c30.2 Ma: establishment of stable, open-ocean, warm-temperate, oligotrophic settings characterized by siliceous-carbonate ooze deposition. Our combined evidence indicates that this early Oligocene Tasmanian Gateway deepening initially produced an eastward flow of relatively warm surface waters from the Australo-Antarctic Gulf into the southwestern Pacific Ocean. This “proto-Leeuwin” current fundamentally differs from previous regional reconstructions of eastward flowing cool water (e.g., a “proto-ACC”) during the early Oligocene and thereby represents an important new constraint for reconstructing regional- to global-scale dynamics for this major global change event