106 research outputs found

    A Secure Traitor Tracing Scheme against Key Exposure

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    Copyright protection is a major issue in distributing digital content. On the other hand, improvements to usability are sought by content users. In this paper, we propose a secure {\it traitor tracing scheme against key exposure (TTaKE)} which contains the properties of both a traitor tracing scheme and a forward secure public key cryptosystem. Its structure fits current digital broadcasting systems and it may be useful in preventing traitors from making illegal decoders and in minimizing the damage from accidental key exposure. It can improve usability through these properties.Comment: 5 pages, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2005 (ISIT 2005

    An Asymptotically Optimal Method for Converting Bit Encryption to Multi-Bit Encryption

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    Myers and Shelat (FOCS 2009) showed how to convert a chosen ciphertext secure (CCA secure) PKE scheme that can encrypt only 11-bit plaintexts into a CCA secure scheme that can encrypt arbitrarily long plaintexts (via the notion of key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and hybrid encryption), and subsequent works improved efficiency and simplicity. In terms of efficiency, the best known construction of a CCA secure KEM from a CCA secure 1-bit PKE scheme, has the public key size Ω(k)pk\Omega(k) \cdot |pk| and the ciphertext size Ω(k2)c\Omega(k^2) \cdot |c|, where kk is a security parameter, and pk|pk| and c|c| denote the public key size and the ciphertext size of the underlying 11-bit scheme, respectively. In this paper, we show a new CCA secure KEM based on a CCA secure 11-bit PKE scheme which achieves the public key size 2pk2 \cdot |pk| and the ciphertext size (2k+o(k))c(2k + o(k)) \cdot |c|. These sizes are asymptotically optimal in the sense that they are (except for a constant factor) the same as those of the simplest \lq\lq bitwise-encrypt\u27\u27 construction (seen as a KEM by encrypting a kk-bit random session-key) that works for the chosen plaintext attack and non-adaptive chosen ciphertext attack settings. We achieve our main result by developing several new techniques and results on the \lq\lq double-layered\u27\u27 construction (which builds a KEM from an inner PKE/KEM and an outer PKE scheme) by Myers and Shelat and on the notion of detectable PKE/KEM by Hohenberger, Lewko, and Waters (EUROCRYPT 2012)

    Generic Constructions of Parallel Key-Insulated Encryption: Stronger Security Model and Novel Schemes

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    Exposure of a secret key is a significant threat in practice. As a notion of security against key exposure, Dodis et al. advocated key-insulated security, and proposed concrete key-insulated encryption (KIE) schemes in which secret keys are periodically updated by using a physically ``insulated\u27\u27 helper key. For significantly reducing possibility of exposure of the helper key, Hanaoka et al. further proposed the notion of parallel KIE (PKIE) in which multiple helper keys are used in alternate shifts. They also pointed out that in contrast to the case of the standard KIE, PKIE cannot be straightforwardly obtained from identity-based encryption (IBE). In this paper, we first discuss that previous security models for PKIE are somewhat weak, and thus re-formalize stronger security models for PKIE. Then we clarify that PKIE can be generically constructed (even in the strenghthened security models) by using a new primitive which we call one-time forward secure public key encryption (OTFS-PKE) and show that it is possible to construct OTFS-PKE from arbitrary IBE or hierarchical IBE (without degenerating into IBE). By using our method, we can obtain various new PKIE schemes which yield desirable properties. For example, we can construct first PKIE schemes from lattice or quadratic residuosity problems (without using bilinear maps), and PKIE with short ciphertexts and cheaper computational cost for both encryption and decryption. Interestingly, the resulting schemes can be viewed as the partial solutions to the open problem left by Libert, Quisquarter and Yung in PKC\u2707

    Constructing and Understanding Chosen Ciphertext Security via Puncturable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms

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    In this paper, we introduce and study a new cryptographic primitive that we call puncturable key encapsulation mechanism (PKEM), which is a special class of KEMs that satisfy some functional and security requirements that, combined together, imply chosen ciphertext security (CCA security). The purpose of introducing this primitive is to capture certain common patterns in the security proofs of the several existing CCA secure public key encryption (PKE) schemes and KEMs based on general cryptographic primitives which (explicitly or implicitly) use the ideas and techniques of the Dolev-Dwork-Naor (DDN) construction (STOC\u2791), and break down the proofs into smaller steps, so that each small step is easier to work with/verify/understand than directly tackling CCA security. To see the usefulness of PKEM, we show (1) how several existing constructions of CCA secure PKE/KEM constructed based on general cryptographic primitives can be captured as a PKEM, which enables us to understand these constructions via a unified framework, (2) its connection to detectable CCA security (Hohenberger et al. EUROCRYPT\u2712), and (3) a new security proof for a KEM-analogue of the DDN construction from a set of assumptions: sender non-committing encryption (SNCE) and non-interactive witness indistinguishable proofs. Then, as our main technical result, we show how to construct a PKEM satisfying our requirements (and thus a CCA secure KEM) from a new set of general cryptographic primitives: SNCE and symmetric key encryption secure for key-dependent messages (KDM secure SKE). Our construction realizes the decrypt-then-re-encrypt -style validity check of a ciphertext which is powerful but in general has a problem of the circularity between a plaintext and a randomness.We show how SNCE and KDM secure SKE can be used together to overcome the circularity. We believe that the connection among three seemingly unrelated notions of encryption primitives, i.e. CCA security, the sender non-committing property, and KDM security, to be of theoretical interest

    Trading Plaintext-Awareness for Simulatability to Achieve Chosen Ciphertext Security

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    In PKC 2014, Dachman-Soled showed a construction of a chosen ciphertext (CCA) secure public key encryption (PKE) scheme based on a PKE scheme which simultaneously satisfies a security property called weak simulatability and (standard model) plaintext awareness (sPA1) in the presence of multiple public keys. It is not well-known if plaintext awareness for the multiple keys setting is equivalent to the more familiar notion of that in the single key setting, and it is typically considered that plaintext awareness is a strong security assumption (because to achieve it we have to rely on a knowledge -type assumption). In Dachman-Soled\u27s construction, the underlying PKE scheme needs to be plaintext aware in the presence of 2k+22k+2 public keys. The main result in this work is to show that the strength of plaintext awareness required in the Dachman-Soled construction can be somehow traded with the strength of a simulatability property of other building blocks. Furthermore, we also show that we can separate the assumption that a single PKE scheme needs to be both weakly simulatable and plaintext aware in her construction. Specifically, in this paper we show two new constructions of CCA secure key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs): Our first scheme is based on a KEM which is chosen plaintext (CPA) secure and plaintext aware only under the 22 keys setting, and a PKE scheme satisfying a slightly stronger simulatability than weak simulatability, called \emph{trapdoor simulatability} (introduced by Choi et al. ASIACRYPT 2009). Our second scheme is based on a KEM which is 11-bounded CCA secure (Cramer et al. ASIACRYPT 2007) and plaintext aware only in the \emph{single} key setting, and a trapdoor simulatable PKE scheme. Our results add new recipes for constructing CCA secure PKE/KEM from general assumptions (that are incomparable to those used by Dachman-Soled), and in particular show interesting trade-offs among building blocks with those used in Dachman-Soled\u27s construction

    A limitation on security evaluation of cryptographic primitives with fixed keys

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    In this paper, we discuss security of public‐key cryptographic primitives in the case that the public key is fixed. In the standard argument, security of cryptographic primitives are evaluated by estimating the average probability of being successfully attacked where keys are treated as random variables. In contrast to this, in practice, a user is mostly interested in the security under his specific public key, which has been already fixed. However, it is obvious that such security cannot be mathematically guaranteed because for any given public key, there always potentially exists an adversary, which breaks its security. Therefore, the best what we can do is just to use a public key such that its effective adversary is not likely to be constructed in the real life and, thus, it is desired to provide a method for evaluating this possibility. The motivation of this work is to investigate (in)feasibility of predicting whether for a given fixed public key, its successful adversary will actually appear in the real life or not. As our main result, we prove that for any digital signature scheme or public key encryption scheme, it is impossible to reduce any fixed key adversary in any weaker security notion than the de facto ones (i.e., existential unforgery against adaptive chosen message attacks or indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks) to fixed key adversaries in the de facto security notion in a black‐box manner. This result means that, for example, for any digital signature scheme, impossibility of extracting the secret key from a fixed public key will never imply existential unforgery against chosen message attacks under the same key as long as we consider only black‐box analysis

    Tree-Structured Composition of Homomorphic Encryption: How to Weaken Underlying Assumptions

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    Cryptographic primitives based on infinite families of progressively weaker assumptions have been proposed by Hofheinz-Kiltz and by Shacham (the n-Linear assumptions) and by Escala et al. (the Matrix Diffie-Hellman assumptions). All of these assumptions are extensions of the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. In contrast, in this paper, we construct (additive) homomorphic encryption (HE) schemes based on a new infinite family of assumptions extending the decisional Composite Residuosity (DCR) assumption. This is the first result on a primitive based on an infinite family of progressively weaker assumptions not originating from the DDH assumption. Our assumptions are indexed by rooted trees, and provides a completely different structure compared to the previous extensions of the DDH assumption. Our construction of a HE scheme is generic; based on a tree structure, we recursively combine copies of building-block HE schemes associated to each leaf of the tree (e.g., the Paillier cryptosystem, for our DCR-based result mentioned above). Our construction for depth-one trees utilizes the share-then-encrypt multiple encryption paradigm, modified appropriately to ensure security of the resulting HE schemes. We prove several separations between the CPA security of our HE schemes based on different trees; for example, the existence of an adversary capable of breaking all schemes based on depth-one trees, does not imply an adversary against our scheme based on a depth-two tree (within a computational model analogous to the generic group model). Moreover, based on our results, we give an example which reveals a type of non-monotonicity for security of generic constructions of cryptographic schemes and their building-block primitives; if the building-block primitives for a scheme are replaced with other ones secure under stronger assumptions, it may happen that the resulting scheme becomes secure under a weaker assumption than the original

    A Framework for Identity-Based Encryption with Almost Tight Security

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    We show a framework for constructing identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes that are (almost) tightly secure in the multi-challenge and multi-instance setting. In particular, we formalize a new notion called broadcast encoding, analogously to encoding notions by Attrapadung (Eurocrypt \u2714) and Wee (TCC \u2714). We then show that it can be converted into such an IBE. By instantiating the framework using several encoding schemes (new or known ones), we obtain the following: - We obtain (almost) tightly secure IBE in the multi-challenge, multi-instance setting, both in composite and prime-order groups. The latter resolves the open problem posed by Hofheinz et al (PKC \u2715). - We obtain the first (almost) tightly secure IBE with sub-linear size public parameters (master public keys). In particular, we can set the size of the public parameters to constant at the cost of longer ciphertexts. This gives a partial solution to the open problem posed by Chen and Wee (Crypto \u2713). By applying (a variant of) the Canetti-Halevi-Katz transformation to our schemes, we obtain several CCA-secure PKE schemes with tight security in the multi-challenge, multi-instance setting. One of our schemes achieves very small ciphertext overhead, consisting of less than 12 group elements. This significantly improves the state-of-the-art construction by Libert et al.~(in ePrint Archive) which requires 47 group elements. Furthermore, by modifying one of our IBE schemes obtained above, we can make it anonymous. This gives the first anonymous IBE whose security is almost tightly shown in the multi-challenge setting

    Conversions among Several Classes of Predicate Encryption and Applications to ABE with Various Compactness Tradeoffs

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    Predicate encryption is an advanced form of public-key encryption that yield high flexibility in terms of access control. In the literature, many predicate encryption schemes have been proposed such as fuzzy-IBE, KP-ABE, CP-ABE, (doubly) spatial encryption (DSE), and ABE for arithmetic span programs. In this paper, we study relations among them and show that some of them are in fact equivalent by giving conversions among them. More specifically, our main contributions are as follows: - We show that monotonic, small universe KP-ABE (CP-ABE) with bounds on the size of attribute sets and span programs (or linear secret sharing matrix) can be converted into DSE. Furthermore, we show that DSE implies non-monotonic CP-ABE (and KP-ABE) with the same bounds on parameters. This implies that monotonic/non-monotonic KP/CP-ABE (with the bounds) and DSE are all equivalent in the sense that one implies another. - We also show that if we start from KP-ABE without bounds on the size of span programs (but bounds on the size of attribute sets), we can obtain ABE for arithmetic span programs. The other direction is also shown: ABE for arithmetic span programs can be converted into KP-ABE. These results imply, somewhat surprisingly, KP-ABE without bounds on span program sizes is in fact equivalent to ABE for arithmetic span programs, which was thought to be more expressive or at least incomparable. By applying these conversions to existing schemes, we obtain many non-trivial consequences. We obtain the first non-monotonic, large universe CP-ABE (that supports span programs) with constant-size ciphertexts, the first KP-ABE with constant-size private keys, the first (adaptively-secure, multi-use) ABE for arithmetic span programs with constant-size ciphertexts, and more. We also obtain the first attribute-based signature scheme that supports non-monotone span programs and achieves constant-size signatures via our techniques

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Bilinear Map

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    In attribute-based signatures, each signer receives a signing key from the authority, which is associated with the signer\u27s attribute, and using the signing key, the signer can issue a signature on any message under a predicate, if his attribute satisfies the predicate. One of the ultimate goals in this area is to support a wide class of predicates, such as the class of \emph{arbitrary circuits}, with \emph{practical efficiency} from \emph{a simple assumption}, since these three aspects determine the usefulness of the scheme. We present an attribute-based signature scheme which allows us to use an arbitrary circuit as the predicate with practical efficiency from the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption. We achieve this by combining the efficiency of Groth-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove algebraic equations efficiently, and the expressiveness of Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove any NP relation via circuit satisfiability