450 research outputs found

    Maxwell's field coupled nonminimally to quadratic torsion: Induced axion field and birefringence of the vacuum

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    We consider a possible (parity conserving) interaction between the electromagnetic field FF and a torsion field TαT^\alpha of spacetime. For generic elementary torsion, gauge invariant coupling terms of lowest order fall into two classes that are both nonminimal and {\it quadratic} in torsion. These two classes are displayed explicitly. The first class of the type ∌FT2\sim F T^2 yields (undesirable) modifications of the Maxwell equations. The second class of the type ∌F2T2\sim F^2 T^2 doesn't touch the Maxwell equations but rather modifies the constitutive tensor of spacetime. Such a modification can be completely described in the framework of metricfree electrodynamics. We recognize three physical effects generated by the torsion: (i) An axion field that induces an {\em optical activity} into spacetime, (ii) a modification of the light cone structure that yields {\em birefringence} of the vacuum, and (iii) a torsion dependence of the {\em velocity of light.} We study these effects in the background of a Friedmann universe with torsion. {\it File tor17.tex, 02 August 2003}Comment: 6 page

    Gravitational Geometric Phase in the Presence of Torsion

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    We investigate the relativistic and non-relativistic quantum dynamics of a neutral spin-1/2 particle submitted an external electromagnetic field in the presence of a cosmic dislocation. We analyze the explicit contribution of the torsion in the geometric phase acquired in the dynamic of this neutral spinorial particle. We discuss the influence of the torsion in the relativistic geometric phase. Using the Foldy-Wouthuysen approximation, the non-relativistic quantum dynamics are studied and the influence of the torsion in the Aharonov-Casher and He-McKellar-Wilkens effects are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, no figur

    A complex systems model of breast cancer etiology: The Paradigm II Model

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    BACKGROUND: Complex systems models of breast cancer have previously focused on prediction of prognosis and clinical events for individual women. There is a need for understanding breast cancer at the population level for public health decision-making, for identifying gaps in epidemiologic knowledge and for the education of the public as to the complexity of this most common of cancers. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed an agent-based model of breast cancer for the women of the state of California using data from the U.S. Census, the California Health Interview Survey, the California Cancer Registry, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the literature. The model was implemented in the Julia programming language and R computing environment. The Paradigm II model development followed a transdisciplinary process with expertise from multiple relevant disciplinary experts from genetics to epidemiology and sociology with the goal of exploring both upstream determinants at the population level and pathophysiologic etiologic factors at the biologic level. The resulting model reproduces in a reasonable manner the overall age-specific incidence curve for the years 2008-2012 and incidence and relative risks due to specific risk factors such as BRCA1, polygenic risk, alcohol consumption, hormone therapy, breastfeeding, oral contraceptive use and scenarios for environmental toxin exposures. CONCLUSIONS: The Paradigm II model illustrates the role of multiple etiologic factors in breast cancer from domains of biology, behavior and the environment. The value of the model is in providing a virtual laboratory to evaluate a wide range of potential interventions into the social, environmental and behavioral determinants of breast cancer at the population level. Copyright: This is an open access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose

    Outcome Feedback Effects on Risk Propensity in an MCPLP Task

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    In this experimental analysis, the effects of outcome feedback on risk propensity were assessed within the multiple-cue-probability-learning-paradigm (MCPLP). The individual decision maker in this task received outcome feedback on a decision-by-decision basis. It was hypothesized that information on his/her success or lack of success (outcome feedback) on each decision would influence the decision to risk (commit) resources. Hierarchical regression results revealed that after all other performance effects had been partialled out, current outcome feedback explained much of the commitment decision.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Analysis of LIGO data for gravitational waves from binary neutron stars

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    We report on a search for gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary systems in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. The analysis uses data taken by two of the three LIGO interferometers during the first LIGO science run and illustrates a method of setting upper limits on inspiral event rates using interferometer data. The analysis pipeline is described with particular attention to data selection and coincidence between the two interferometers. We establish an observational upper limit of R<\mathcal{R}<1.7 \times 10^{2}peryearperMilkyWayEquivalentGalaxy(MWEG),with90coalescencerateofbinarysystemsinwhicheachcomponenthasamassintherange1−−3 per year per Milky Way Equivalent Galaxy (MWEG), with 90% confidence, on the coalescence rate of binary systems in which each component has a mass in the range 1--3 M_\odot$.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Developing a predictive modelling capacity for a climate change-vulnerable blanket bog habitat: Assessing 1961-1990 baseline relationships

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    Aim: Understanding the spatial distribution of high priority habitats and developing predictive models using climate and environmental variables to replicate these distributions are desirable conservation goals. The aim of this study was to model and elucidate the contributions of climate and topography to the distribution of a priority blanket bog habitat in Ireland, and to examine how this might inform the development of a climate change predictive capacity for peat-lands in Ireland. Methods: Ten climatic and two topographic variables were recorded for grid cells with a spatial resolution of 1010 km, covering 87% of the mainland land surface of Ireland. Presence-absence data were matched to these variables and generalised linear models (GLMs) fitted to identify the main climatic and terrain predictor variables for occurrence of the habitat. Candidate predictor variables were screened for collinearity, and the accuracy of the final fitted GLM was evaluated using fourfold cross-validation based on the area under the curve (AUC) derived from a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot. The GLM predicted habitat occurrence probability maps were mapped against the actual distributions using GIS techniques. Results: Despite the apparent parsimony of the initial GLM using only climatic variables, further testing indicated collinearity among temperature and precipitation variables for example. Subsequent elimination of the collinear variables and inclusion of elevation data produced an excellent performance based on the AUC scores of the final GLM. Mean annual temperature and total mean annual precipitation in combination with elevation range were the most powerful explanatory variable group among those explored for the presence of blanket bog habitat. Main conclusions: The results confirm that this habitat distribution in general can be modelled well using the non-collinear climatic and terrain variables tested at the grid resolution used. Mapping the GLM-predicted distribution to the observed distribution produced useful results in replicating the projected occurrence of the habitat distribution over an extensive area. The methods developed will usefully inform future climate change predictive modelling for Irelan
