51 research outputs found

    Effect of ventilated workwear and working schedule on physiological and psychological responses of construction workers, no. 2: Actual investigation at an active construction site

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    Although the use of cooling garments to prevent heat disorders has been increasing, the effectiveness of such garments at construction sites (CSs) remains underexplored. We investigated the relationship between the thermal environment at a CS and the physiological and psychological responses of workers wearing/not wearing ventilated work wear (VWW). The study participants were rebar placers and form workers employed at an outdoor CS. The thermal environmental conditions and the physiological and psychological responses of the workers were measured. The overall, chest, and forearm skin temperatures of the workers not wearing VWW were significantly higher than those of workers wearing VWW. To clarify the effects of VWW and working schedules on body weight loss (BWL), the BWL rate was simulated based on the evaporation rate according to a regression formula of measured data in an artificial chamber. The BWL during the late shift was higher than that in the early shift, causing dehydration in the afternoon. To prevent this condition, more water intake is required during the late shift

    Spontaneous regression of mediastinal seminoma

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    A 27-year-old man was transferred to our hospital with the complaint of facial edema and diagnosis of giant anterior mediastinal tumor. But soon after admission, the size of the tumor decreased remarkably, although he had no particular treatment. As the tumor was not completely regressed, surgical resection was performed subsequently, and examination of the specimen showed small foci of seminoma within the area of dense fibrous scar tissue, originated from the thymus. While regression of germ cell tumors are well recognized in cases of nonseminomatous germ cell tumors, this phenomenon of primary mediastinal seminoma was not reported previously


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    京都大学0048新制・論文博士理学博士乙第911号論理博第185号新制||理||80(附属図書館)1625UT51-51-L184(主査)教授 林 忠四郎, 教授 武藤 二郎, 教授 巽 友正学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDA

    2002 Lateral migration of single bubbles due to the presence of wall

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    ABSTRACT Lateral migration of a single bubble rising in the vicinity of a vertical flat plate was measured to evaluate a wall force acting on the bubble. Experimental results indicated that a wall force coefficient C W3 is a function of the bubble Reynolds number Re and the Eötvös number Eo. Empirical correlations of C W3 were deduced for bubbles and particles. It was confirmed that the wall force model proposed by one of the authors and the proposed correlations of C W3 are applicable not only to high viscousity systems but also for low viscousity systems, provided that a bubble does not collide with the wall

    Clinicopathological studies in patients with colorectal cancers without lymphnode metastasis

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    The clinicopathologic findines and the prognosis of 154 patients without regional lymph nodes metastasis or distant metastasis (n(-)group) were compared with those in 134 patients with regional lymph nodes metastasis and without distant netastasis (n(+)group). The mean age of the n(-) group was significantly younger than that of the n(+) group (p<0.05) and there was no significant sexual preponderance. The proportion of the cases without lymphatic vessel invasion in the n(-) group was significantly higher than in the n(+) group (p<0.01). The proportion of the cases without venous invasion was significantly higher in the n(-) group than in the n(-) group (p<0.05). There was no difference in cumulative surval rate of patients in then(-) group than in the n(+) group (p<0.05). There was no difference in cumulative survial rate of patients in the n(-) group in respect to the background factors such as sex, tumor site, and venous invasion. However, the survial rate of patients whose cancer invasion was limited within the mucosa (m), submucosa (sm) and musclar propria (pm) was significantly better than that of patients who had subserosal or subadventitial penetration (ss(al)), serosal or adeventitial penetration (s(a2)) and cancer invasion adjacent organs (si(ai))(p<0.05). The survial rate of patients with lymphatic vessel invasion was significantly higher than that of patients without lymphatic vessel invasion (p<0.05). That the poor prognostic factors in n(-) colorectal cancer patients are cancer penetration to/beyond ss(al), or positive lymphatic vessal invasion