804 research outputs found

    The giant deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus forages on gelatinous fauna

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    Feeding strategies and predator-prey interactions of many deep-sea pelagic organisms are still unknown. This is also true for pelagic cephalopods, some of which are very abundant in oceanic ecosystems and which are known for their elaborate behaviors and central role in many foodwebs. We report on the first observations of the giant deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus with prey. Using remotely operated vehicles, we saw these giant octopods holding medusae in their arms. One of the medusae could be identified as Phacellophora camtschatica (the egg-yolk jelly). Stomach content analysis confirmed predation on cnidarians and gelatinous organisms. The relationship between medusae and H. atlanticus is discussed, also in comparison with other species of the Argonautoidea, all of which have close relationships with gelatinous zooplankto

    Ancient gene linkages support ctenophores as sister to other animals

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    A central question in evolutionary biology is whether sponges or ctenophores (comb jellies) are the sister group to all other animals. These alternative phylogenetic hypotheses imply different scenarios for the evolution of complex neural systems and other animal-specific traits1,2,3,4,5,6. Conventional phylogenetic approaches based on morphological characters and increasingly extensive gene sequence collections have not been able to definitively answer this question7,8,9,10,11. Here we develop chromosome-scale gene linkage, also known as synteny, as a phylogenetic character for resolving this question12. We report new chromosome-scale genomes for a ctenophore and two marine sponges, and for three unicellular relatives of animals (a choanoflagellate, a filasterean amoeba and an ichthyosporean) that serve as outgroups for phylogenetic analysis. We find ancient syntenies that are conserved between animals and their close unicellular relatives. Ctenophores and unicellular eukaryotes share ancestral metazoan patterns, whereas sponges, bilaterians, and cnidarians share derived chromosomal rearrangements. Conserved syntenic characters unite sponges with bilaterians, cnidarians, and placozoans in a monophyletic clade to the exclusion of ctenophores, placing ctenophores as the sister group to all other animals. The patterns of synteny shared by sponges, bilaterians, and cnidarians are the result of rare and irreversible chromosome fusion-and-mixing events that provide robust and unambiguous phylogenetic support for the ctenophore-sister hypothesis. These findings provide a new framework for resolving deep, recalcitrant phylogenetic problems and have implications for our understanding of animal evolution.journal articl

    Long-term outcomes for adults with chronic granulomatous disease in the United Kingdom

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    Uncorrected CGD is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in adulthood, in particular due to inflammatory complications including life-limiting interstitial lung disease

    Bioluminescence intensity modeling and sampling strategy optimization

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (2005): 1267–1281, doi:10.1175/JTECH1760.1.The focus of this paper is on the development of methodology for short-term (1–3 days) oceanic bioluminescence (BL) predictions and the optimization of spatial and temporal bioluminescence sampling strategies. The approach is based on predictions of bioluminescence with an advection–diffusion–reaction (tracer) model with velocities and diffusivities from a circulation model. In previous research, it was shown that short-term changes in some of the salient features in coastal bioluminescence can be explained and predicted by using this approach. At the same time, it was demonstrated that optimization of bioluminescence sampling prior to the forecast is critical for successful short-term BL predictions with the tracer model. In the present paper, the adjoint to the tracer model is used to study the sensitivity of the modeled bioluminescence distributions to the sampling strategies for BL. The locations and times of bioluminescence sampling prior to the forecast are determined by using the adjoint-based sensitivity maps. The approach is tested with bioluminescence observations collected during August 2000 and 2003 in the Monterey Bay, California, area. During August 2000, BL surveys were collected during a strong wind relaxation event, while in August 2003, BL surveys were conducted during an extended (longer than a week) upwelling-favorable event. The numerical bioluminescence predictability experiments demonstrated a close agreement between observed and model-predicted short-term spatial and temporal changes of the coastal bioluminescence.This work has been supported by the Ocean Optics and Biology and Physical Oceanography Programs of the Office of Naval Research. Shulman’s support is through the NRL “Use of a Circulation Model to Enhance Predictability of Bioluminescence in the Coastal Ocean” project sponsored by the Office of Naval Research

    Tackling the jelly web: Trophic ecology of gelatinous zooplankton in oceanic food webs of the eastern tropical Atlantic assessed by stable isotope analysis

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    Gelatinous zooplankton can be present in high biomass and taxonomic diversity in planktonic oceanic food webs, yet the trophic structuring and importance of this “jelly web” remain incompletely understood. To address this knowledge gap, we provide a holistic trophic characterization of a jelly web in the eastern tropical Atlantic, based on ή13C and ή15N stable isotope analysis of a unique gelatinous zooplankton sample set. The jelly web covered most of the isotopic niche space of the entire planktonic oceanic food web, spanning > 3 trophic levels, ranging from herbivores (e.g., pyrosomes) to higher predators (e.g., ctenophores), highlighting the diverse functional roles and broad possible food web relevance of gelatinous zooplankton. Among gelatinous zooplankton taxa, comparisons of isotopic niches pointed to the presence of differentiation and resource partitioning, but also highlighted the potential for competition, e.g., between hydromedusae and siphonophores. Significant differences in spatial (seamount vs. open ocean) and depth‐resolved patterns (0–400 m vs. 400–1000 m) pointed to additional complexity, and raise questions about the extent of connectivity between locations and differential patterns in vertical coupling between gelatinous zooplankton groups. Added complexity also resulted from inconsistent patterns in trophic ontogenetic shifts among groups. We conclude that the broad trophic niche covered by the jelly web, patterns in niche differentiation within this web, and substantial complexity at the spatial, depth, and taxon level call for a more careful consideration of gelatinous zooplankton in oceanic food web models. In light of climate change and fishing pressure, the data presented here also provide a valuable baseline against which to measure future trophic observations of gelatinous zooplankton communities in the eastern tropical Atlantic

    Laser-driven X-ray and neutron source development for industrial applications of plasma accelerators

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    Pulsed beams of energetic X-rays and neutrons from intense laser interactions with solid foils are promising for applications where bright, small emission area sources, capable of multi-modal delivery are ideal. Possible end users of laser-driven multi-modal sources are those requiring advanced non-destructive inspection techniques in industry sectors of high value commerce such as aerospace, nuclear and advanced manufacturing. We report on experimental work that demonstrates multi-modal operation of high power laser-solid interactions for neutron and X-ray beam generation. Measurements and Monte-Carlo radiation transport simulations show that neutron yield is increased by a factor ~ 2 when a 1mm copper foil is placed behind a 2mm lithium foil, compared to using a 2cm block of lithium only. We explore X-ray generation with a 10 picosecond drive pulse in order to tailor the spectral content for radiography with medium density alloy metals. The impact of using >1ps pulse duration on laser-accelerated electron beam generation and transport is discussed alongside the optimisation of subsequent Bremsstrahlung emission in thin, high atomic number target foils. X-ray spectra are deconvolved from spectrometer measurements and simulation data generated using the GEANT4 Monte-Carlo code. We also demonstrate the unique capability of laser-driven X-rays in being able to deliver single pulse high spatial resolution projection imaging of thick metallic objects. Active detector radiographic imaging of industrially relevant sample objects with a 10ps drive pulse is presented for the first time, demonstrating that features of 200”m size are resolved when projected at high magnification

    Moving conferences online: lessons learned from an international virtual meeting

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    We consider the opportunities and challenges associated with organizing a conference online, using a case study of a medium-sized (approx. 400 participants) international conference held virtually in August 2020. In addition, we present quantifiable evidence of the participants’ experience using the results from an online post-conference questionnaire. Although the virtual meeting was not able to replicate the in-person experience in some aspects (e.g. less engagement between participants) the overwhelming majority of respondents found the meeting an enjoyable experience and would join similar events again. Notably, there was a strong desire for future inperson meetings to have at least some online component. Online attendance by lower-income researchers was higher compared with a past, similarthemed in-person meeting held in a high-income nation, but comparable to one held in an upper-middle-income nation. This indicates that online conferences are not a panacea for diversity and inclusivity, and that holding in-person meetings in developing economies can be at least as effective. Given that it is now relatively easy to stream contents of meetings online using low-cost methods, there are clear benefits in making all presented content accessible online, as well as organizing online networking events for those unable to attend in person

    Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in NRG Oncology RTOG 1010: Phase III Trial Evaluating the Addition of Trastuzumab to Trimodality Treatment of HER2 Overexpressing (HER2+) Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC)

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    Purpose/Objective(s): NRG/RTOG 1010 evaluated the benefit of trastuzumab for patients (pts) with HER2+ localized EAC receiving trimodality therapy. Adding trastuzumab did not improve disease-free (primary endpoint) or overall survival, nor treatment toxicity (Lancet Oncology 2022). The primary PRO objective was improvement (impr) in the FACT-Esophageal Cancer Subscale (ECS) score with trastuzumab at restaging prior to surgery. A secondary objective was to assess if impr in ECS score is associated with pathologic complete response (pCR). Materials/Methods: Pts with HER2+ EAC (T1N1-2; T2-3N0-2) were stratified by presence of adenopathy & randomized 1:1 to weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin with 50.4 Gy radiation (CRT) followed by surgery ± trastuzumab (CRT+T), 4mg/kg week 1, 2mg/kg/weekly x 5 during CRT, 6 mg/kg x1 prior to surgery, and then 6mg/kg every 3 weeks (wks) x 13. The ECS, v4, was done at baseline, 6-8 wks post-CRT and at 1 & 2 years. Impr in ECS and its Swallowing Index (SI) & Eating Index (EI) were defined as increases of 5, 2 & 2 points, respectively, from baseline. PRO sample size provided ≄ 80% power with 1-sided 0.05 alpha & a chi-squared test to determine if the proportion of pts categorized as improved at 6-8 wks is ≄ 25% higher for the CRT+T arm. Correlation between pCR & impr in ECS score was evaluated via chi-squared test. Results: From 2010-2015, 203 HER2+ pts were randomized; 194 eligible. Of 171 PRO consenting pts, the ECS was completed by 162 (95%) at baseline, 108 (64%) 6-8 wks, 82 (49%) 1 year & 55 (33%) at 2 years. The main reason for FACT-E noncompliance was pt death. Patient & tumor characteristics were similar between arms. Median age was 63 years; 86% male; 96% white; 65% Zubrod 0, 80% cT3 & 71% cN1-2 (AJCC 7th ed). For ECS scores at 6-8 wks, the mean change (Δ) was higher (better) from baseline at 4.6 (95% CI: 1.3, 7.8) for the CRT+T arm vs 0.9 (95% CI: -2.7, 4.6) for the CRT arm; the proportion of pts with an impr in 6-8 wks ECS was higher on the CRT+T arm (46% vs 38% on the CRT arm) although not significantly different (p=0.39). Table 1 shows ECS, SI & EI scores for all timepoints. At 6-8 wks, 30% with a pCR had an impr in ECS vs 45% of nonpCR pts (p=0.18). There were no significant correlations between pCR and ECS, SI & EI impr at any time points. Conclusion: The addition of trastuzumab to trimodality therapy for localized HER2+ EAC did not significantly improve survival or PROs. ECS score improvement following therapy was not associated with a pCR. The higher proportion of pts with improved ECS at 6-8 weeks and 2 years in the CRT+T arm is interesting and suggests that HER2 may still be an important target to explore

    A Slow Neutron Polarimeter for the Measurement of Parity-Odd Neutron Rotary Power

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    We present the design, description, calibration procedure, and an analysis of systematic effects for an apparatus designed to measure the rotation of the plane of polarization of a transversely polarized slow neutron beam as it passes through unpolarized matter. This device is the neutronoptical equivalent of a crossed polarizer/analyzer pair familiar from light optics. This apparatus has been used to search for parity violation in the interaction of polarized slow neutrons in matter. Given the brightness of existing slow neutron sources, this apparatus is capable ofmeasuring a neutron rotary power of dϕ/dz = 1 × 10−7 rad/m
