703 research outputs found

    A Newly Synthesized β-amino-α, β-unsaturated Ketone Derivative of β-himachalene: Structural, NBO, NLO, and Molecular Docking Studies

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    In the current study, a new β-amino-α,β-unsaturated ketone-based himachalene ((1S,3R,8R)-9-amino-2,2-dichloro-3,7,7,10-tetramethyltricyclo[,3]dodec-9-en-11-one) (4) was synthesized from β-himachalene (1) extracted from essential oil of Atlas Cedar. The β-amino-α, β-unsaturated ketone product (4) was characterized by 1D NMR (1H, 13C) and 2D NMR (HSQC, COSY, NOESY), FTIR analysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The title compound, C16H23Cl2NO, crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit with similar conformations. One of the two molecules is characterized by chlorine and one-methyl position disorder. In the crystal, intermolecular N—H…O hydrogen bonds lead to forming a three-dimensional framework. In addition, the molecular structure of the title compound was examined by Hirshfeld topology analysis and Density Functional Theory (DFT) using B3LYP calculations at 6-311+G(d,p) level. The optimized structure parameters were compared with the experimental result, an excellent correlation between theoretical structures parameters and experimental values was found. The natural bond orbitals (NBO) analysis and the first-order hyperpolarizability were also performed. Moreover, two biological activities were examined for product 4 against Acetylcholinesterase and Cytochrome P450 3A4, which bind to similar fragments with molecular docking. We find good scores and binding affinity of our molecule to link to these two proteins.Cadi Ayyad UniversityChouaib Doukkali UniversityMohammed V Universit

    Religion, gender, course and ethnic differences in students’ ethical awareness

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    The research tries to answer the question of 'does religion, education and social surroundings play a role in developing students' ethical behaviour?' To understand more on the topic, I have surveyed students at the Labuan branch of University Malaysia Sabah in malaysia, a public university where most of the students are taking a first degree in Business and Computer Studies. Using a survey questionnaire, I test five important hypotheses: whether ethical attitudes are affected by religiosity, religion, social life, university education and by what happens around them at home. The result shows that ethical awarenss is mostly determined by religion. In addition, the findings also shows that ethnicity also play a role in a students' awareness of ethical values

    Early Phase Changes During the Setting of High Copper Amalgams

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    X-ray diffraction analysis has been used to evaluate the phase composition of two (spherical and lathe cut) HCSC amalgam alloys and early phase changes in these amalgam in the time interval 2.5 min to 7 days after trituration. A method appropriate for the evaluation of these changes was developed. Only two phases were found in alloys Valiant and Ana 2000: gamma(Ag3Sn) and epsilon(Cu3Sn). In amalgams, no diffraction peaks were observed corresponding to gamma 2 phase in the time interval form 2.5 min to 7 days after trituration. The relative concentration changes of the reaction products of an amalgamation (gamma 1 and eta) were observed already at 2.5 min after trituration. Twenty minutes after trituration there were some differences in the setting rate between spherical and lathe cut amalgams: the spherical amalgam rate was higher. The formation of the reaction phases was fastest during the first 60 min after trituration and continued for at least the next 7 days

    Ideology and Islamization in Malaysia: an analysis using a sociology Of knowledge

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    The past thirty years have seen a swift advance in the idea of Islamization of Knowledge (IoK) in Malaysia. The term ‘Islamization’ meaning the reform of knowledge in Islam, has been used by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Ismail Al-Faruqi, especially in the late 1970s, to explicate the process of Islamizing and the reformation of academia in the Muslim world, in the aftermath of the ‘malaise’ of the ʿummah. The IoK project in Malaysia is substantially related to the Sociology of Knowledge (SoK) theory which accentuates that ideas are closely related to the settings where the ideas initiated. This paper analyses the origin of the IoK as an ideology using a SoK theory proposed by Karl Mannheim (1893-1947). According to Mannheim, the particular conception of ideology implied when a person is being skeptics of the ideas forwarded by his opponent whether it is an individual, groups or organization. From this point of view, we are looking at the person’s idea merely as a disguise or falsification of his true nature or interest. Mannheim called this a ‘distortion’ rather than simply lies and it can gradually become clear when it is contrasted with the total conception of ideology (Mannheim, 1954). The total conception of ideology for Mannheim is somewhat different in its scope where it deals with the ideology of a certain time in history or a historical-social group and it is concerned with the characteristics and composition of the total structure of the mind of the people or group in this certain time frame (Mannheim, 1954). Furthermore, the paper investigates a different perspective of knowledge where it will look into the questions of ‘What makes Malaysia's intellectual and political environment so conducive to generating the IoK project? What were the main reasons for the government to engage in a project like IoK? What was the role of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad in promoting IoK and what was the reason for him in doing so?’ The paper concludes that Mahathir’s Islamization project is also part of his bid to stay in power by controlling knowledge. Under Mahathir’s rule, he tries to control the way knowledge is disseminated to the people by controlling Islamic institutions, strengthen Islamic law against the civil law of the country and formed Islamic based institution of higher learning promoting his way of Islam


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    Tenaga aut (Hydropower) merupakan salah satu energi terbarukan yang terus dikembangkan karena hamper dimiliki disetiap daerah. Hydropower adalah energi yang diperoleh dari air yang mengalir. Energi yang dimiliki air dapat dimanfaatkan dan digunakan dalam wujud energi mekanis maupun eneergi listrik. Tenaga air (Hydropower) contohnya adalah air terjun, air sungai, arus laut, dan aliran irigasi. Irigasi adalah usasha penyediaan pengaturan dan pembuangan air irigasi untuk menunjang pertanian. Penelitian ini memiliki judul “Performa Kincir Air Berbahan Galvanis Pada Putaran Rendah Tipe Undershot” memiliki rumusan masalah bagaimana pengaruh variasi jumlah sudu. Desain kincir air dan seberapa besar nilai efisiensi kincir air menggunakan material galvanis. Penelitian0ini0menggunakan0metode0eksperimental (experimental research) Pada kincir air secara langsung. Adapun data yang kami dapatkan dari hasil percobaan pada kincir air ini,yang selanjutnya kami olah untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai yang diinginkan. Landasan teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori perbedaan jumlah sudu sudu terhadap kincir air. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan dan pengolahaan data, Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kincir air berbahan galvanis pada putaran rendah tipe undershot ini nilai-nilai rpm,tegangan listrik dan arus listrik sangat berpengaruh terhadap jumlah sudu yang banyak yaitu dengan jumlah sudu 18 buah ,jika menggunakan sudu yang sedikit yaitu 8 buah sudu maka putaran kincir semakin pelan dan nilai rpm,tegangan listrik serta arus listrik pun semakin menurun

    The Sociology of Knowledge as a Means of Studying Knowledge Production: A Review of Asian and Western Scholars

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    This paper analyses the Sociology of Knowledge (SoK) proposed by Karl Mannheim (1893-1947) and other scholars to provide a modified theory to the study of knowledge production and the product. It is hoped that the study of SoK theory could lead to the formation of a theory that could objectively explain why a person, organization acted the way they are and how they obtain knowledge. The paper also seeks to discuss the importance of major SoK terminology and conception such as the concept of ideology, utopia, objective and subjective reality, and power/knowledge. Beside Mannheim, the SoK theory was also assumed and expanded by other scholars such as Peter Berger in his work The Social Construction of Reality (Berger & Luckmann 1991). Another scholar who had a corresponding vision as Mannheim is Michel Foucault in his work Archeology of Knowledge (1972), The Order of Things (1994) and Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison (1977).  The gradual interest in the theory of SoK in recent years can be identified in the works of Goldman (1994) who asserted how relevance Mannheim’s work to the social thought of modern times since it provides a detailed explanation of the causes, problems, and solutions to the theory of knowledge. Furthermore, Mannheim’s theory also offers a comprehensive explanation of how external factors define an individual’s thought (Drucker, 1972; Heeren, 1971; Tanner, 2009; Pels, 1997).  The farsightedness of Mannheim’s theory goes beyond the years of his time and is still applicable today. The work of Peter Berger focusing on how reality affects a person’s thought and Michel Foucault, who explains the origin of knowledge has mostly shifted scholarly attention towards the importance of SoK and the study of epistemology of knowledge and its relation to reality. Asian scholars were also obligated to Mannheim as they have applied his theory to explain the past and current events that are linked to the socio-historical situation of Southeast Asia. The late Prof. Syed Hussein Alatas, for example, used Mannheim’s theory to write his magnum opus entitled Myth of the Lazy Native: A Study of the Image of the Malays, Filipinos and Javanese from the 16th to the 20th Century and its Function in the Ideology of Colonial Capitalism (1977b) which reveals colonial ideologies (a term used by Mannheim to refer to false knowledge or lies) in developing Southeast Asian nations

    Deciphering the role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in cutaneous wound healing

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    PhD ThesisMSCs (N=9) were isolated from the bone marrow of patients who had received hip replacement therapy. MSC-serum free conditioned media (MSC-CM) were collected at different time points during MSC passage and analysed for protein content using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The effect of MSC-CM was tested on migration and proliferation of human skin cells (HaCat cell line, primary fibroblast and primary keratinocytes) (N=4) using a 2D scratch assay and tetrazolium salt proliferation assay respectively. For primary keratinocyte experiments, MSC-CM were collected in keratinocyte growth media containing low calcium levels (0.04 mM/L) (LC-CM). The effect of LC-CM was tested on migration and proliferation of primary keratinocytes during different testing conditions; normoxia (N=4), hypoxia (N=4), blocking of stromal derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) (N=4) and inhibition of proliferation (N=4). MSCs were tested for their ability to differentiate into epidermal like cells (ELCs) using both 2D and 3D cultures. A human 3D skin model was developed for wound healing and micro RNA profiling studies. All MSCs met the criteria stipulated by the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT). MSC-CM contained growth factors e.g. keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), platelet derived growth factor-AB (PDGF-AB), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β), macrophage stimulating protein1 (MSP-1) and SDF-1α and RT qPCR analysis demonstrated receptors of these growth factors e.g. FGFR2, c-MET, PDGFRA, TGFβ-R1, RON and CXCR4 respectively on both scratched and non-scratched primary keratinocytes. The main findings from this study showed that MSCs could differentiate into ELCs and MSC-CM were shown to have a positive effect on migration and proliferation of skin cells in 2D and 3D culture. MSC secretions collected at early time points were more effective on cell migration than those collected at later time points during MSC expansion. 2D and 3D studies also showed that cell migration was the first and the major mechanism evoked by MSCCM followed by proliferation and differentiation. Additionally, the 3D skin model developed in this study could be used as a skin replica for wound healing studies at the cellular and molecular level including the use of microRNA profiling. These microRNAs were regulated at different time points during the wound repair suggesting their participation in the different phases of the healing process. In conclusion, MSCs play a multifunctional role in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the healing process and enhance the healing process via two mechanisms; cell mediated repair by differentiation into ELCs and secretory mediated repair by cytokines.the Higher Committees for Education Development in Iraq (HCED) and Al-Nahrain Universit

    Pemaknaan Kiamat dalam Penafsiran Umar Sulaiman Abdullah Al-Asyqar

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    In the Qur'an there are many verses that talk about the apocalypse, there are also various interpretations produced by the interpreters. This paper wants to examine the interpretation and understanding of Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar regarding the doomsday verse, this may be different from other commentators because of the different methods and characteristics of interpretation. This research is a bibliographical study with the data sources being the books of al-Ma'ānī al-Ḥasān fī Tafsīr al-Qur'ān and al-'Aqīdah fi 'i al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah: al-Qiyāmah al-Kubra. Data was collected through thematic methods), and the analysis was carried out descriptively. The results of the study indicate that Umar Sulaiman interprets the word tafjīr as having the same meaning (synonym) as the word tasjīr which means burning (انفجار) or exploding (انسجار), while previous commentators distinguish the word tafjīr which means mixed up (إختلاط) with the word tasjīr which means lit (إضطرام). Dalam al-Qur’an terdapat banyak ayat yang berbicara mengenai kiamat, terdapat beragam pula penafsiran yang dihasilkan oleh para penafsir. Tulisan ini ingin mengkaji penafsiran dan pemahaman Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar mengenai ayat kiamat, hal ini berkemungkinan berbeda dengan mufasir lainnya karena metode dan karakteristik penafsiran yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bersifat kepustakaan dengan sumber data kitab al-Ma‘ānī al-Ḥasān fī Tafsīr al-Qur‘ān dan al-‘Aqīdah fi Ḍū’i al-Kitāb wa al-Sunnah: al-Qiyāmah al-Kubra. Pengumpulkan data dilakukan melalui metode tematik), dan analisi dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Umar Sulaiman menafsirkan kata tafjīr  mempunyai persamaan makna (sinonim) dengan kata tasjīr yang diartikan menyala (انفجار) atau meledak (انسجار), sedangkan mufasir terdahulu membedakan kata tafjīr yang diartikan bercampur baur (إختلاط) dengan kata tasjīr yang diartikan menyala (إضطرام)


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    Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan sehari-hari, mulai dari kebutuhan konsumsi sampai kebutuhan lainya. Karena pentingnya air bagi kehidupan, maka kualitas air sangat penting bagi karena berdampak juga bagi kehidupan kita. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kejernihan air yang digunakan oleh warga Desa Wonokerto. Data penelitian diperoleh dari pembagian Quisioner yang kami bagikan pada saat penyuluhan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa warga masih menggunakan air langsung dari sumber tanpa difilter untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari

    Effect the Magnetic field over an inclined stretching sheet of three dimensional Maxwell fluid in obscene of Mixed convection

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    Three dimensional flow of Maxwell fluid with boundary condition is investigated. transformations are victimized to reduce the partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations. Effect of two parameters ,Magnatic  field parameter and Deborah number parameter on  non dimensional velocity  are discussed ,homotopy  analysis method(HAM) is used to solve the velocity equations. Keywords: steady flow , Maxwell fluid ,  Magnetic field, HAM solution