21 research outputs found

    E-Government Service Quality Based on E-GovQual Approach Case Study in West Sumatera Province

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    This study aims to evaluate e-Government service quality especially in West Sumatera, Indonesia. The reason why the study conducted is that the difficulty obtaining available and accurate data from the Indonesian citizen regarding the implementation of e-government. The method used in this study is survey based on the e-GovQual questionnaire distributed to total 247 respondents to find out their perception of all the services provided by the e-Government website. The results showed that in general, the citizens agreed that quality of e-Government service provided by the government of West Sumatera province is good enough and meet their expectation regarding efficient, trust, reliability, citizen support, content & appearance of information, and functionality of interactive environment. However, e-Government service quality requires improvement due to the results obtained were still at a moderate level

    Aesthetic-Based Learning Management Of Art And Culture (A Site Study at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo)

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    The purposes of this study were to describe (1) the characteristics of teachers’ teaching activity in the Aesthetic-Based Art and Culture Learning at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo; (2) the characteristics of students’ learning activity in the Aesthetic-Based Art and Culture Learning at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo; and (3) the characteristics of interaction in the Aesthetic-Based Art and Culture Learning at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo. It was a qualitative study with the main research subjects were the principal, teachers, and students. Methods used to collect data were interview, observation, and documentation. The analysis of data started from (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) drawing conclusion. The validity of data was check used credibility, and transferability tests. The findings showed that (1) teachers were active in the aesthetic-based cultural art learning at SMP 2 Purworejo. This activeness could be seen from teachers’ activities in preparing all instructional equipment such as musical instrument, drawing, coloring and dance CDs. Teachers packed learning with multi-method conducted in the form of individual and group learning. The concept of aesthetics was given together with the materials of art, music, theater, and dance through the instructional media. It is at once an aspect of assessment by teachers including the aspect of competence appreciation and recreation or creative arts and culture. (2) Students were active in the aestheticbased cultural art learning at SMP 2 Purworejo. This activeness was shown by doing practical activities both individual and group. Students exhibited art works of their creation that contained the appreciation and creative values like making table cloth patterned lurik batik with a combination of animals and plants pictures. Students in groups organized ensemble music with modern pop music arrangement. (3) The aesthetic-based art and culture learning at SMP 2 Purworejo ran interactively. There are one-way and two-way interactions. The one-way interaction existed when the teacher explained the difficult materials and students asked to give attention such as the material of tuning guitar with fingers. Two-way interaction pattern occurred when the students and teacher conducted a question and answer activity and also group practice. In making batik, teachers made groups and divided tasks to each member of the groups. Students prepared several equipments such as table cloth, wax, canting, chairs and so forth. While other students made batik with the mix of sido mukti, animal and plants patterns

    Bilingual Class Learning Management (A Site Study at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo)

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    The purposes of this study are to describe (1) the development of instructional materials of bilingual class at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo; (2) the bilingual learning strategies at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo; and (3) the bilingual classroom learning interactions at SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo. It was a qualitative research using ethnography design. The main research subjects were the principal, teachers and the vice principal of curriculum affair. Data collection methods used interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. Data validity teachniques used triangulation. The findings suggested that (1) the development of bilingual class instructional materials created by SMP 2 Purworejo was by techniques of arranging information, scratching and translating. Teachers analyzed the materials to be developed based on the National Education Standard Board and OECD curriculums. Source of instructional materials were from domestic and foreign references as taken from Cambridge. The instructional materials developed in the form of printed and electronic. (2) Bilingual learning strategies in SMP 2 Purworejo was conducted by a semi-English approach in which teachers used bilingual language in delivering instructional material. CTL method used both in learning inside or outside the classroom. With this method, students learned to discuss and work together. Animation media was used by teachers in presenting the material. The school also increased the students 'and teachers' competence in the English language by organizing public courses. (3) Interaction of bilingual class learning at SMP 2 Purworejo was done by two-way interaction. This interaction was created because teachers made an activity of students’ active learning. Teachers had planned to construct interactive learning by writing lesson plan. Students were required to answer questions, conduct discussion, and also to make a presentation using an LCD that had been prepared. The recommandation given to this research(1)In House Training should be done twice a year,(2) publish the teaching materials in the form of modules,(3) carry out English Day program,(4) apply debate method

    Dimensi Psikososial Persaraan (Psychosocial Dimension of Retirement)

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    Retirement is a unique phenomenon experienced by an individual who works very formal. One marker of retirement is lost in many aspects, including income, activities, identit themselves and friends as a source of support. For individuals who do not have the preparation, retirement is a burden that can give psychosocial implications not only to him but also to the family and society. Therefore it is necessary that there is a program that can help workers prepare yourself both before and after retireme

    Robotic Surgery for Giant Presacral Dumbbell-Shape Schwannoma

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    Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of using da Vinci robotic surgical system to perform spinal surgery.Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a 29-year-old female patient complaining right pelvic pain for 1 month revealed a 17x8x10 cm non-homogeneous dumbbell shape encapsulated mass with cystic change located in the pelvic cavity and caused an anterior displacement of urinary bladder and colon.Results: There was no systemic complication and pain decrease 24 hours after surgery and  during 2 years of follow up. The patient started a diet 6 hours after the surgery and was discharged 72 hours after the surgery. The pathological diagnosis of the tumor was schwannoma. Conclusions: Giant dumbbell shape presacral schwannomas are rare tumours and their surgical treatment is challenging because of the complex anatomy of the presacral. Clinical application of da Vinci robotic surgical system in the spinal surgical field is currently confined to the treatment of some specific diseases or procedures. However, robotic surgery is expected to play a practical future role as it is minimally invasive. The advent of robotic technology will prove to be a boon to the neurosurgeon.Keywords: da Vinci robotic surgical system, presacral, schwannoma DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v3n1.40

    Intervensi life review therapy bagi lanjut usia yang mengalami masalah emosional dan kognitif

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    Ilmu dan teknologi senantiasa berkembang. Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi telah memberi pengaruh ke dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan bermasyarakat seperti bidang kesehatan, ekonomi, dan pendidikan. Dalam bidang kesehatan misalnya, kemajuan teknologi pengobatan dan perawatan telah meningkatkan derajat kesehatan manusia yang tercermin dari semakin tingginya angka harapan hidup (life of expectancy). Implikasi dari peningkatan angka harapan hidup ini adalah semakin meningkatnya jumlah kelompok lanjut usia di masyarakat (Atchley, 2000). Pada sisi lain, kemajuan dan perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi juga telah mendorong terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam sistem sosial-budaya masyarakat. Perubahan tersebut tercermin pada perubahan pola dan sistem kekeluargaan dari keluarga besar (extended family) kepada keluarga inti (nuclear family). Konsekuensi perubahan ini juga berdampak pada kelompok orang tua yang berusia lanjut. Hal ini disebabkan semua anggota khususnya anak-anak mereka telah membentuk keluarga baru, sehingga tidak jarang orang tua yang diabaikan dan ditelantarkan oleh anak-anak dan kerabat mereka sendiri

    Robotic Surgery for Giant Presacral Dumbbell-Shape Schwannoma

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    Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of using da Vinci robotic surgical system to perform spinal surgery.Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a 29-year-old female patient complaining right pelvic pain for 1 month revealed a 17x8x10 cm non-homogeneous dumbbell shape encapsulated mass with cystic change located in the pelvic cavity and caused an anterior displacement of urinary bladder and colon.Results: There was no systemic complication and pain decrease 24 hours after surgery and  during 2 years of follow up. The patient started a diet 6 hours after the surgery and was discharged 72 hours after the surgery. The pathological diagnosis of the tumor was schwannoma. Conclusions: Giant dumbbell shape presacral schwannomas are rare tumours and their surgical treatment is challenging because of the complex anatomy of the presacral. Clinical application of da Vinci robotic surgical system in the spinal surgical field is currently confined to the treatment of some specific diseases or procedures. However, robotic surgery is expected to play a practical future role as it is minimally invasive. The advent of robotic technology will prove to be a boon to the neurosurgeon.Keywords: da Vinci robotic surgical system, presacral, schwannoma DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v3n1.40

    A preliminary screening and characterization of suitable acids for sandstone matrix acidizing technique: a comprehensive review

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    Matrix acidizing is a broadly developed technique in sandstone stimulation to improve the permeability and porosity of a bottom-hole well. The most popular acid used is mud acid (HF–HCl). It is a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid. However, one of the conventional problems in sandstone acidizing is that mud acid faces significant issues at high temperature such as rapid rate of reaction, resulting in early acid consumption. This downside has given a negative impact to sandstone acidizing as it will result in not only permeability reduction, but can even extend to acid treatment failure. So, the aim of this study is to provide a preliminary screening and comparison of different acids based on the literature to optimize the acid selection, and targeting various temperatures of sandstone environment. This paper has comprehensively reviewed the experimental works using different acids to understand the chemical reactions and transport properties of acid in sandstone environment. The results obtained indicated that fluoroboric acid (HBF4) could be useful in enhancing the sandstone acidizing process, although more studies are still required to consolidate this conclusion. HBF4 is well known as a low damaging acid for sandstone acidizing due to its slow hydrolytic reaction to produce HF. This would allow deeper penetration of the acid into the sandstone formation at a slower rate, resulting in higher porosity and permeability enhancement. Nevertheless, little is known about the effective temperature working range for a successful treatment. Considering the pros and cons of different acids, particularly those which are associated with HF and HBF4, it is recommended to perform a comprehensive analysis to determine the optimum temperature range and effective working window for sandstone acidizing before treatment operation. Prior to sandstone acid stimulation, it is essential to predict the feasibility of acid selected by integrating the effects of temperature, acid concentration and injection rate. Therefore, this manuscript has thrown light into the research significance of further studies

    Bio-composting oil palm waste for improvement of soil fertility

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    Sources of bio-compost as agro-industrial wastes includes wide range of oil palm wastes viz. waste, biomass, palm kernels, empty fruit bunch, mill effluent, trunk and frond compost. Various composting processes are summarized in brief with distinct reference of oil–palm composting covering aerated static pile, and co-composting with earthworms (vermicomposting). However, in-vessel composting and windrow composting has meritorious advantages in composting. This review article refers to various significant roles played by microorganisms associated. Noteworthy study of bio-compost applications and procedures are correspondingly glosses framework of ecological, economical and agro-ecosystemic benefits

    Psychosocial Dimension of Retirement

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    Retirement is a unique phenomenon experienced by an individual who works very formal. One marker of retirement is lost in many aspects, including income, activities, identit themselves and friends as a source of support. For individuals who do not have the preparation, retirement is a burden that can give psychosocial implications not only to him but also to the family and society. Therefore it is necessary that there is a program that can help workers prepare yourself both before and after retirement