19 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Model of Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Neutrino Masses

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    We propose the novel lepton-number relationship Lτ=Le+LμL_\tau = L_e + L_\mu, which is uniquely realized by the interaction (ν^eμ^e^ν^μ)τ^c(\hat \nu_e \hat \mu - \hat e \hat \nu_\mu) \hat \tau^c in supersymmetry and may account for a possibly large muon anomalous magnetic moment. Neutrino masses (with bimaximal mixing) may be generated from the spontaneous and soft breaking of this lepton symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, including 2 figure

    The 3-3-1 model with S_4 flavor symmetry

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    We construct a 3-3-1 model based on family symmetry S_4 responsible for the neutrino and quark masses. The tribimaximal neutrino mixing and the diagonal quark mixing have been obtained. The new lepton charge \mathcal{L} related to the ordinary lepton charge L and a SU(3) charge by L=2/\sqrt{3} T_8+\mathcal{L} and the lepton parity P_l=(-)^L known as a residual symmetry of L have been introduced which provide insights in this kind of model. The expected vacuum alignments resulting in potential minimization can origin from appropriate violation terms of S_4 and \mathcal{L}. The smallness of seesaw contributions can be explained from the existence of such terms too. If P_l is not broken by the vacuum values of the scalar fields, there is no mixing between the exotic and the ordinary quarks at the tree level.Comment: 20 pages, revised versio

    Charged lepton Flavor Violation in Supersymmetry with Bilinear R-Parity Violation

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    The simplest unified extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with bi-linear R-parity violation naturally predicts a hierarchical neutrino mass spectrum, suitable to explain atmospheric and solar neutrino fluxes. We study whether the individual violation of the lepton numbers L_{e,mu,tau} in the charged sector can lead to measurable rates for BR(mu->e gamma)and $BR(tau-> mu gamma). We find that some of the R-parity violating terms that are compatible with the observed atmospheric neutrino oscillations could lead to rates for mu->e gamma measurable in projected experiments. However, the Delta m^2_{12} obtained for those parameters is too high to be compatible with the solar neutrino data, excluding therefore the possibility of having measurable rates for mu->e gamma in the model.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Constraint from solar neutrino data included, conclusions changed respect v

    Gauge and Scheme Dependence of Mixing Matrix Renormalization

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    We revisit the issue of mixing matrix renormalization in theories that include Dirac or Majorana fermions. We show how a gauge-variant on-shell renormalized mixing matrix can be related to a manifestly gauge-independent one within a generalized MSˉ{\bar {\rm MS}} scheme of renormalization. This scheme-dependent relation is a consequence of the fact that in any scheme of renormalization, the gauge-dependent part of the mixing-matrix counterterm is ultra-violet safe and has a pure dispersive form. Employing the unitarity properties of the theory, we can successfully utilize the afore-mentioned scheme-dependent relation to preserve basic global or local symmetries of the bare Lagrangian through the entire process of renormalization. As an immediate application of our study, we derive the gauge-independent renormalization-group equations of mixing matrices in a minimal extension of the Standard Model with isosinglet neutrinos.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, uses axodraw.st

    Organic Superconductors: when correlations and magnetism walk in

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    This survey provides a brief account for the start of organic superconductivity motivated by the quest for high Tc superconductors and its development since the eighties'. Besides superconductivity found in 1D organics in 1980, progresses in this field of research have contributed to better understand the physics of low dimensional conductors highlighted by the wealth of new remarkable properties. Correlations conspire to govern the low temperature properties of the metallic phase. The contribution of antiferromagnetic fluctuations to the interchain Cooper pairing proposed by the theory is borne out by experimental investigations and supports supercondutivity emerging from a non Fermi liquid background. Quasi one dimensional organic superconductors can therefore be considered as simple prototype systems for the more complex high Tc materials.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures to be published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis

    A 680,000-person megastudy of nudges to encourage vaccination in pharmacies

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    Encouraging vaccination is a pressing policy problem. To assess whether text-based reminders can encourage pharmacy vaccination and what kinds of messages work best, we conducted a megastudy. We randomly assigned 689,693 Walmart pharmacy patients to receive one of 22 different text reminders using a variety of different behavioral science principles to nudge flu vaccination or to a business-as-usual control condition that received no messages. We found that the reminder texts that we tested increased pharmacy vaccination rates by an average of 2.0 percentage points, or 6.8%, over a 3-mo follow-up period. The most-effective messages reminded patients that a flu shot was waiting for them and delivered reminders on multiple days. The top-performing intervention included two texts delivered 3 d apart and communicated to patients that a vaccine was “waiting for you.” Neither experts nor lay people anticipated that this would be the best-performing treatment, underscoring the value of simultaneously testing many different nudges in a highly powered megastudy.https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/119/6/e2115126119.full.pd