317 research outputs found

    Mean Field Theory of Sandpile Avalanches: from the Intermittent to the Continuous Flow Regime

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    We model the dynamics of avalanches in granular assemblies in partly filled rotating cylinders using a mean-field approach. We show that, upon varying the cylinder angular velocity ω\omega, the system undergoes a hysteresis cycle between an intermittent and a continuous flow regimes. In the intermittent flow regime, and approaching the transition, the avalanche duration exhibits critical slowing down with a temporal power-law divergence. Upon adding a white noise term, and close to the transition, the distribution of avalanche durations is also a power-law. The hysteresis, as well as the statistics of avalanche durations, are in good qualitative agreement with recent experiments in partly filled rotating cylinders.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 3.0, postscript figures 1, 3 and 4 appended

    Transversal inhomogeneities in dilute vibrofluidized granular fluids

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking taking place in the direction perpendicular to the energy flux in a dilute vibrofluidized granular system is investigated, using both a hydrodynamic description and simulation methods. The latter include molecular dynamics and direct Monte Carlo simulation of the Boltzmann equation. A marginal stability analysis of the hydrodynamic equations, carried out in the WKB approximation, is shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results. The shape of the hydrodynamic profiles beyond the bifurcation is discussed

    Dynamics of vibrofluidized granular gases in periodic structures

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    The behavior of a driven granular gas in a container consisting of MM connected compartments is studied employing a microscopic kinetic model. After obtaining the governing equations for the occupation numbers and the granular temperatures of each compartment we consider the various dynamical regimes. The system displays interesting analogies with the ordering processes of phase separating mixtures quenched below the their critical point. In particular, we show that below a certain value of the driving intensity the populations of the various compartments become unequal and the system clusterizes. Such a phenomenon is not instantaneous, but is characterized by a time scale, τ\tau, which follows a Vogel-Vulcher exponential behavior. On the other hand, the reverse phenomenon which involves the ``evaporation'' of a cluster due to the driving force is also characterized by a second time scale which diverges at the limit of stability of the cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    The Frequency Dependence of Critical-velocity Behavior in Oscillatory Flow of Superfluid Helium-4 Through a 2-micrometer by 2-micrometer Aperture in a Thin Foil

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    The critical-velocity behavior of oscillatory superfluid Helium-4 flow through a 2-micrometer by 2-micrometer aperture in a 0.1-micrometer-thick foil has been studied from 0.36 K to 2.10 K at frequencies from less than 50 Hz up to above 1880 Hz. The pressure remained less than 0.5 bar. In early runs during which the frequency remained below 400 Hz, the critical velocity was a nearly-linearly decreasing function of increasing temperature throughout the region of temperature studied. In runs at the lowest frequencies, isolated 2 Pi phase slips could be observed at the onset of dissipation. In runs with frequencies higher than 400 Hz, downward curvature was observed in the decrease of critical velocity with increasing temperature. In addition, above 500 Hz an alteration in supercritical behavior was seen at the lower temperatures, involving the appearance of large energy-loss events. These irregular events typically lasted a few tens of half-cycles of oscillation and could involve hundreds of times more energy loss than would have occurred in a single complete 2 Pi phase slip at maximum flow. The temperatures at which this altered behavior was observed rose with frequency, from ~ 0.6 K and below, at 500 Hz, to ~ 1.0 K and below, at 1880 Hz.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, prequel to cond-mat/050203

    Strangeness Enhancement in p+Ap+A and S+AS+A Interactions at SPS Energies

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    The systematics of strangeness enhancement is calculated using the HIJING and VENUS models and compared to recent data on pp\,pp\,, pA\,pA\, and AA\,AA\, collisions at CERN/SPS energies (200AGeV200A\,\, GeV\,). The HIJING model is used to perform a {\em linear} extrapolation from pppp to AAAA. VENUS is used to estimate the effects of final state cascading and possible non-conventional production mechanisms. This comparison shows that the large enhancement of strangeness observed in S+AuS+Au collisions, interpreted previously as possible evidence for quark-gluon plasma formation, has its origins in non-equilibrium dynamics of few nucleon systems. % Strangeness enhancement %is therefore traced back to the change in the production dynamics %from pppp to minimum bias pSpS and central SSSS collisions. A factor of two enhancement of Λ0\Lambda^{0} at mid-rapidity is indicated by recent pSpS data, where on the average {\em one} projectile nucleon interacts with only {\em two} target nucleons. There appears to be another factor of two enhancement in the light ion reaction SSSS relative to pSpS, when on the average only two projectile nucleons interact with two target ones.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures in uuencoded postscript fil

    Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte

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    Die Wucht der derzeitigen Urbanisierungsdynamik und ihre Auswirkungen sind so groß, dass sich weltweit Städte, Stadtgesellschaften, Regierungen und Internationale Organisationen diesem Trend stellen müssen. Ein „Weiter so wie bisher“, würde ohne gestaltende Urbanisierungspolitik zu einer nicht-nachhaltigen Welt-Städte-Gesellschaft führen. Nur wenn Städte und Stadtgesellschaften ausreichend handlungsfähig werden, können sie ihre Kraft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung entfalten: In den Städten wird sich entscheiden, ob die Große Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit gelingt. In diesem Buch werden die Erfolgsbedingungen dafür diskutiert

    Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities

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    The momentum of urbanization and its impacts are so massive that we must face up to this trend. In view of the existing cognitive, technical, economic and institutional path dependencies, a policy of business as usual – i.e. an unstructured, quasi-automatic urbanization – would lead to a non-sustainable ‘world cities society’. Only if cities and urban societies are sufficiently empowered can they make use of the opportunities for sustainability and successfully follow the urban transformation pathways. The success or failure of the Great Transformation will be decided in the cities. The WBGU discusses the relevant conditions for the success of this transformation in this report