18 research outputs found

    DNA damage stabilizes interaction of CSB with the transcription elongation machinery

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    The Cockayne syndrome B (CSB) protein is essential for transcription-coupled DNA repair (TCR), which is dependent on RNA polymerase II elongation. TCR is required to quickly remove the cytotoxic transcription-blocking DNA lesions. Functional GFP-tagged CSB, expressed at physiological levels, was homogeneously dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm in addition to bright nuclear foci and nucleolar accumulation. Photobleaching studies showed that GFP-CSB, as part of a high molecular weight complex, transiently interacts with the transcription machinery. Upon (DNA damage-induced) transcription arrest CSB binding these interactions are prolonged, most likely reflecting actual engagement of CSB in TCR. These findings are consistent with a model in which CSB monitors progression of transcription by regularly probing elongation complexes and becomes more tightly associated to these complexes when TCR is active

    Nucleotide excision repair-initiating proteins bind to oxidative DNA lesions in vivo

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    Base excision repair (BER) is the main repair pathway to eliminate abundant oxidative DNA lesions such as 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine. Recent data suggest that the key transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair factor (TC-NER) Cockayne syndrome group B (CSB) and the global genome NER-initiating factor XPC are implicated in the protection of cells against oxidative DNA damages. Our novel live-cell imaging approach revealed a strong and very rapid recruitment of XPC an CSB to sites of oxidative DNA lesions in living cells. The absence of detectable accumulation of downstrea NER factors at the site of local oxidative DNA damage provide the first in vivo indication of the involvement of CSB and XPC in the repair of oxidative DNA lesions independent of the remainder of the NER reaction. Interestingly, CSB exhibited different and transcription-dependent kinetics in the two compartments studied (nucleolus and nucleoplasm), suggesting a direct transcription-dependent involvement of CSB in the repair of oxidative lesions associated with different RNA polymerases but not involving other NER proteins

    Transition metal sensing by Toll-like receptor-4: next to nickel, cobalt and palladium are potent human dendritic cell stimulators

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    Background Nickel was recently identified as a potent activator of dendritic cells through ligating with human Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4. Objectives Here, we studied an extended panel of transition metals neighbouring nickel in the periodic table of elements, for their capacity to activate human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). Methods The panel included chromium, cobalt, and palladium, all of which are known to be frequent clinical sensitizers. MoDC activation was monitored by assessment of release of the pro-inflammatory mediator interleukin (IL)-8, a major downstream result of TLR ligation. Results The data obtained in the present study show that cobalt and palladium also have potent MoDC-activating capacities, whereas copper and zinc, but not iron and chromium, have low but distinct MoDC-activating potential. Involvement of endotoxin contamination in MoDC activation was excluded by Limulus assays and consistent stimulation in the presence of polymyxin B. The critical role of TLR4 in nickel-induced, cobalt-induced and palladium-induced activation was confirmed by essentially similar stimulatory patterns obtained in an HEK293 TLR4/MD2 transfectant cell line. Conclusions Given the adjuvant role of costimulatory danger signals, the development of contact allergies to the stimulatory metals may be facilitated by signals from direct TLR4 ligation, whereas other metal sensitizers, such as chromium, may rather depend on microbial or tissue-derived cofactors to induce clinical sensitization

    Innate stimulatory capacity of high molecular weight transition metals Au (gold) and Hg (mercury)

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    Nickel, cobalt and palladium ions can induce an innate immune response by triggering Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 which is present on dendritic cells (DC). Here we studied mechanisms of action for DC immunotoxicity to gold and mercury. Next to gold (Na3Au (S2O3)2â‹…2H2O) and mercury (HgCl2), nickel (NiCl2) was included as a positive control. MoDC activation was assessed by release of the pro-inflammatory mediator IL-8. Also PBMC were studied, and THP-1 cells were used as a substitution for DC for evaluation of cytokines and chemokines, as well as phenotypic, alterations in response to gold and mercury. Our results showed that both Na3Au (S2O3)2â‹…2H2O and HgCl2 induce substantial release of IL-8, but not IL-6, CCL2 or IL-10, from MoDc, PBMC, or THP-1 cells. Also gold and, to a lesser extent mercury, caused modest dendritic cell maturation as detected by increased membrane expression of CD40 and CD80. Both metals thus show innate immune response capacities, although to a lower extent than reported earlier for NiCl2, CoCl2 and Na2 [PdCl4]. Importantly, the gold-induced response could be ascribed to TLR3 rather than TLR4 triggering, whereas the nature of the innate mercury response remains to be clarified. In conclusion both gold and mercury can induce innate immune responses, which for gold could be ascribed to TLR3 dependent signalling. These responses are likely to contribute to adaptive immune responses to these metals, as reflected by skin and mucosal allergies

    Changes in peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets during arthritis development in arthralgia patients

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    Background: Multiple lymphocyte subsets like T and B cells have been connected to joint infiltration and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Identification of leucocyte subsets that are dysregulated in arthritis development could provide insight into the aetiology of RA. This study aimed to investigate the composition of the peripheral blood components, i.e. CD14+ monocytes, CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes (CD3+), CD80+, C-X-C chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3)+ and CD27+ B lymphocytes (CD19+), CD16+CD56+CD3− natural killer (NK) cells and activated CD56+CD3+ T cells, for association with arthritis development in patients with arthralgia. Methods: Peripheral blood was collected from 89 patients with early RA (disease duration 1 year and 73 did not develop arthritis). Absolute numbers of monocytes and lymphocyte subsets in whole heparinized blood were determined with flow cytometry using quantification beads in combination with fluorescent labelled antibodies for T cells, B cells, monocytes, NK cells and activated T cells. Results: In patients with early RA, significant decreases in numbers of (activated) T cells, CD80+ and memory B cells and a trend towards smaller numbers of CD8+ T cells was observed compared to HC. Similar differences were seen in patients with arthralgia who developed or did not develop arthritis (non-converters), with significantly decreased CD8+ T cells and memory B cells. Patients with arthralgia who developed arthritis were split into groups that developed arthritis within 1 year (early converters) or after 1 year (late converters). Late converters had a significantly decreased number of CD8+ T cells compared to non-converters; early converters had a decreased number of memory B cells. Longitudinal analysis of converters showed a significant relative increase in CD80+ B cells towards the conversion time point compared to 24 months prior to conversion. Conclusions: This study revealed that patients with arthralgia who develop arthritis demonstrate a change in cellular immune parameters apparent in the periphery, starting with a decrease in cytotoxic T cells 24 months prior to arthritis development, followed by a decrease in the number of memory B cells 12 months prior to disease onset