2,017 research outputs found

    The energy spectrum of complex periodic potentials of the Kronig-Penney type

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    We consider a complex periodic PT-symmetric potential of the Kronig-Penney type, in order to elucidate the peculiar properties found by Bender et al. for potentials of the form V=i(sinx)2N+1V=i(\sin x)^{2N+1}, and in particular the absence of anti-periodic solutions. In this model we show explicitly why these solutions disappear as soon as V(x)V(x)V^*(x)\neq V(x), and spell out the consequences for the form of the dispersion relation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Green Functions for the Wrong-Sign Quartic

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    It has been shown that the Schwinger-Dyson equations for non-Hermitian theories implicitly include the Hilbert-space metric. Approximate Green functions for such theories may thus be obtained, without having to evaluate the metric explicitly, by truncation of the equations. Such a calculation has recently been carried out for various PTPT-symmetric theories, in both quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, including the wrong-sign quartic oscillator. For this particular theory the metric is known in closed form, making possible an independent check of these approximate results. We do so by numerically evaluating the ground-state wave-function for the equivalent Hermitian Hamiltonian and using this wave-function, in conjunction with the metric operator, to calculate the one- and two-point Green functions. We find that the Green functions evaluated by lowest-order truncation of the Schwinger-Dyson equations are already accurate at the (6-8)% level. This provides a strong justification for the method and a motivation for its extension to higher order and to higher dimensions, where the calculation of the metric is extremely difficult

    Quantum field dynamics of the slow rollover in the linear delta expansion

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    We show how the linear delta expansion, as applied to the slow-roll transition in quantum mechanics, can be recast in the closed time-path formalism. This results in simpler, explicit expressions than were obtained in the Schr\"odinger formulation and allows for a straightforward generalization to higher dimensions. Motivated by the success of the method in the quantum-mechanical problem, where it has been shown to give more accurate results for longer than existing alternatives, we apply the linear delta expansion to four-dimensional field theory. At small times all methods agree. At later times, the first-order linear delta expansion is consistently higher that Hartree-Fock, but does not show any sign of a turnover. A turnover emerges in second-order of the method, but the value of attheturnoverislargerthatthatgivenbytheHartreeFockapproximation.Basedonthiscalculation,andourexperienceinthecorrespondingquantummechanicalproblem,webelievethattheHartreeFockapproximationdoesindeedunderestimatethevalueof at the turnover is larger that that given by the Hartree-Fock approximation. Based on this calculation, and our experience in the corresponding quantum-mechanical problem, we believe that the Hartree-Fock approximation does indeed underestimate the value of at the turnover. In subsequent applications of the method we hope to implement the calculation in the context of an expanding universe, following the line of earlier calculations by Boyanovsky {\sl et al.}, who used the Hartree-Fock and large-N methods. It seems clear, however, that the method will become unreliable as the system enters the reheating stage.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, revised version with extra section 4.2 including second order calculatio

    PT-Symmetry Quantum Electrodynamics--PTQED

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    The construction of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric quantum electrodynamics is reviewed. In particular, the massless version of the theory in 1+1 dimensions (the Schwinger model) is solved. Difficulties with unitarity of the SS-matrix are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, contributed to Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physic

    Dual PT-Symmetric Quantum Field Theories

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    Some quantum field theories described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians are investigated. It is shown that for the case of a free fermion field theory with a γ5\gamma_5 mass term the Hamiltonian is PT\cal PT-symmetric. Depending on the mass parameter this symmetry may be either broken or unbroken. When the PT\cal PT symmetry is unbroken, the spectrum of the quantum field theory is real. For the PT\cal PT-symmetric version of the massive Thirring model in two-dimensional space-time, which is dual to the PT\cal PT-symmetric scalar Sine-Gordon model, an exact construction of the C\cal C operator is given. It is shown that the PT\cal PT-symmetric massive Thirring and Sine-Gordon models are equivalent to the conventional Hermitian massive Thirring and Sine-Gordon models with appropriately shifted masses.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Non-perturbative calculations of a global U(1) theory at finite density and temperature

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    We use an optimised hopping parameter expansion for the free energy (linear delta expansion) to study the phase transitions at finite temperature and finite charge density in a global U(1) scalar Higgs sector on the lattice at large lattice couplings. We are able to plot out phase diagrams in lattice parameter space and find that the standard second-order phase transition with temperature at zero chemical potential becomes first order as the chemical potential increases.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Bound States of Non-Hermitian Quantum Field Theories

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    The spectrum of the Hermitian Hamiltonian 12p2+12m2x2+gx4{1\over2}p^2+{1\over2}m^2x^2+gx^4 (g>0g>0), which describes the quantum anharmonic oscillator, is real and positive. The non-Hermitian quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian H=12p2+12m2x2gx4H={1\over2}p^2+{1 \over2}m^2x^2-gx^4, where the coupling constant gg is real and positive, is PT{\cal PT}-symmetric. As a consequence, the spectrum of HH is known to be real and positive as well. Here, it is shown that there is a significant difference between these two theories: When gg is sufficiently small, the latter Hamiltonian exhibits a two-particle bound state while the former does not. The bound state persists in the corresponding non-Hermitian PT{\cal PT}-symmetric gϕ4-g\phi^4 quantum field theory for all dimensions 0D<30\leq D<3 but is not present in the conventional Hermitian gϕ4g\phi^4 field theory.Comment: 14 pages, 3figure

    Relationship between tinnitus pitch and edge of hearing loss in individuals with a narrow tinnitus bandwidth

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    Objective: Psychoacoustic measures of tinnitus, in particular dominant tinnitus pitch and its relationship to the shape of the audiogram, are important in determining and verifying pathophysiological mechanisms of the condition. Our previous study postulated that this relationship might vary between different groups of people with tinnitus. For a small subset of participants with narrow tinnitus bandwidth, pitch was associated with the audiometric edge, consistent with the tonotopic reorganization theory. The current study objective was to establish this relationship in an independent sample. Design: This was a retrospective design using data from five studies conducted between 2008 and 2013. Study sample: From a cohort of 380 participants, a subgroup group of 129 with narrow tinnitus bandwidth were selected. Results: Tinnitus pitch generally fell within the area of hearing loss. There was a statistically significant correlation between dominant tinnitus pitch and edge frequency; higher edge frequency being associated with higher dominant tinnitus pitch. However, similar to our previous study, for the majority of participants pitch was more than an octave above the edge frequency. Conclusions: The findings did not support our prediction and are therefore not consistent with the reorganization theory postulating tinnitus pitch to correspond to the audiometric edge

    Integral elastic, electronic-state, ionization, and total cross sections for electron scattering with furfural

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    8 págs.; 2 figs.; 2 tabs.We report absolute experimental integral cross sections (ICSs) for electron impact excitation of bands of electronic-states in furfural, for incident electron energies in the range 20-250 eV. Wherever possible, those results are compared to corresponding excitation cross sections in the structurally similar species furan, as previously reported by da Costa et al. [Phys. Rev. A 85, 062706 (2012)] and Regeta and Allan [Phys. Rev. A 91, 012707 (2015)]. Generally, very good agreement is found. In addition, ICSs calculated with our independent atom model (IAM) with screening corrected additivity rule (SCAR) formalism, extended to account for interference (I) terms that arise due to the multi-centre nature of the scattering problem, are also reported. The sum of those ICSs gives the IAM-SCAR+I total cross section for electron-furfural scattering. Where possible, those calculated IAM-SCAR+I ICS results are compared against corresponding results from the present measurements with an acceptable level of accord being obtained. Similarly, but only for the band I and band II excited electronic states, we also present results from our Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials calculations. Those results are found to be in good qualitative accord with the present experimental ICSs. Finally, with a view to assembling a complete cross section data base for furfural, some binary-encounter-Bethe-level total ionization cross sections for this collision system are presented.D.B.J. thanks the Australian Research Council (ARC) for financial support provided through a Discovery Early Career Research Award, while M.J.B. also thanks the ARC for their support. M.J.B. acknowledges the Brazilian agency CNPq for his “Special Visiting Professor” position at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. G.G. acknowledges partial financial support from the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Project No. FIS2012-31230) and the European Union COST Action No. CM1301 (CELINA). Finally R.F.C., M.T.doN.V, M.H.F.B, and M.A.P.L. also acknowledge support from CNPq, while M.T.doN.V. thanks FAPESPPeer Reviewe

    Extending PT symmetry from Heisenberg algebra to E2 algebra

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    The E2 algebra has three elements, J, u, and v, which satisfy the commutation relations [u,J]=iv, [v,J]=-iu, [u,v]=0. We can construct the Hamiltonian H=J^2+gu, where g is a real parameter, from these elements. This Hamiltonian is Hermitian and consequently it has real eigenvalues. However, we can also construct the PT-symmetric and non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H=J^2+igu, where again g is real. As in the case of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians constructed from the elements x and p of the Heisenberg algebra, there are two regions in parameter space for this PT-symmetric Hamiltonian, a region of unbroken PT symmetry in which all the eigenvalues are real and a region of broken PT symmetry in which some of the eigenvalues are complex. The two regions are separated by a critical value of g.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure