111 research outputs found
Treatment Restrictions and the Risk of Death in Patients With Ischemic Stroke or Intracerebral Hemorrhage
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders in the first 24 hours after intracerebral hemorrhage have been associated with an increased risk of early death. This relationship is less certain for ischemic stroke. We assessed the relation between treatment restrictions and mortality in patients with ischemic stroke and in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. We focused on the timing of treatment restrictions after admission and the type of treatment restriction (DNR order versus more restrictive care). METHODS: We retrospectively assessed demographic and clinical data, timing and type of treatment restrictions, and vital status at 3 months for 622 consecutive stroke patients primarily admitted to a Dutch university hospital. We used a Cox regression model, with adjustment for age, sex, comorbidities, and stroke type and severity. RESULTS: Treatment restrictions were installed in 226 (36%) patients, more frequently after intracerebral hemorrhage (51%) than after ischemic stroke (32%). In 187 patients (83%), these were installed in the first 24 hours. Treatment restrictions installed within the first 24 hours after hospital admission and those installed later were independently associated with death at 90 days (adjusted hazard ratios, 5.41 [95% CI, 3.17-9.22] and 5.36 [95% CI, 2.20-13.05], respectively). Statistically significant associations were also found in patients with ischemic stroke and in patients with just an early DNR order. In those who died, the median time between a DNR order and death was 520 hours (interquartile range, 53-737). CONCLUSIONS: The strong relation between treatment restrictions (including DNR orders) and death and the long median time between a DNR order and death suggest that this relation may, in part, be causal, possibly due to an overall lack of aggressive care
Intracranial atherosclerotic burden and cerebral parenchymal changes at 7T MRI in patients with transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke
The relevance of intracranial vessel wall lesions detected with MRI is not fully established. In this study (trial identification number: NTR2119; ), 7T MRI was used to investigate if a higher vessel wall lesion burden is associated with more cerebral parenchymal changes in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). MR images of 82 patients were assessed for the number of vessel wall lesions of the large intracranial arteries and for cerebral parenchymal changes, including the presence and number of cortical, small subcortical, and deep gray matter infarcts; lacunes of presumed vascular origin; cortical microinfarcts; and periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities (WMHs). Regression analyses showed that a higher vessel wall lesion burden was associated with the presence of small subcortical infarcts, lacunes of presumed vascular origin, and deep gray matter infarcts (relative risk 1.18; 95% CI, 1.03-1.35) and presence of moderate-to-severe periventricular WMHs (1.21; 95% CI, 1.03-1.42), which are all manifestations of small vessel disease (SVD). The burden of enhancing vessel wall lesions was associated with the number of cortical microinfarcts only (1.48; 95% CI, 1.04-2.11). These results suggest an interrelationship between large vessel wall lesion burden and cerebral parenchymal manifestations often linked to SVD or, alternatively, that vascular changes occur in both large and small intracranial arteries simultaneously.Neuro Imaging Researc
Effect of paracetamol (acetaminophen) on body temperature in acute ischemic stroke: a double-blind, randomized phase II clinical trial
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Body temperature is a strong predictor of outcome
in acute stroke. However, it is unknown whether antipyretic treatment
leads to early and clinically worthwhile reduction of body temperature in
patients with acute stroke, especially when they have no fever. The main
purpose of this trial was to study whether early treatment of acute
ischemic stroke patients with acetaminophen (paracetamol) reduces body
temperature. METHODS: Seventy-five patients with acute ischemic stroke
confined to the anterior circulation were randomized to treatment with
either 500 mg (low dose) or 1000 mg (high dose) acetaminophen or with
placebo, administered as suppositories 6 times daily during 5 days. Body
temperatures were measured with a rectal electronic thermometer at the
start of treatment and after 24 hours and with an infrared tympanic
thermometer at 2-hour intervals during the first 24 hours and at 6-hour
intervals thereafter. The primary outcome measure was rectal temperature
at 24 hours after the start of treatment. RESULTS: Treatment with
high-dose acetaminophen resulte
Periprocedural Intravenous Heparin During Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke: Results From the MR CLEAN Registry
Background and Purpose—Intravenous administration of heparin during endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke
may improve outcomes. However, risks and benefits of this adjunctive therapy remain uncertain. We aimed to evaluate
periprocedural intravenous heparin use in Dutch stroke intervention centers and to assess its efficacy and safety.
Methods—Patients registered between March 2014 and June 2016 in the MR
Получение эффективных катодолюминесцентных структур на базе пленочной технологии
Получены и исследованы катодолюминесцентные структуры с яркостью свечения до 1000 кд/м² на пленках толщиной 7-9 мкм, на базе которых могут быть созданы средства отображения информации с высокой разрешающей способностью
Verbetert paracetamol het herstel na een beroerte?
An increase in body temperature in the first days following stroke is related to poor functional outcome. High-dose paracetamol (acetaminophen) reduces the body temperature by 0.3°C and can prevent fever. Paracetamol treatment is simple, cheap and has few side effects. In the first "Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Stroke" (PAIS) study, there was a beneficial effect of high-dose paracetamol on functional outcome in patients with stroke and a body temperature of 37.0°C or above. Because this result was found in a subgroup analysis, a new study is needed to confirm this finding. Recently the randomised PAIS 2 study was initiated. This study aims to assess the effect of high-dose paracetamol on functional outcome in patients with acute stoke and a body temperature of 37.0°C or above.Een stijging van de lichaamstemperatuur in de eerste dagen na een beroerte is geassocieerd met een slechte prognose. Hoge dosis paracetamol verlaagt de lichaamstemperatuur gemiddeld met 0,3°C en kan koorts voorkómen. Behandeling met paracetamol is eenvoudig, zeer goedkoop en heeft weinig bijwerkingen. In het eerste ‘Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in Stroke’(PAIS)-onderzoek verbeterde vroege behandeling met een hoge dosis paracetamol de functionele uitkomst van patiënten met een beroerte en een lichaamstemperatuur van 37,0°C of hoger. Dit effect werd echter gevonden in een subgroepanalyse en dient daarom nader te worden onderzocht. Recentelijk is het gerandomiseerde onderzoek PAIS 2 gestart. Hierin wordt het effect bestudeerd van behandeling met een hoge dosis paracetamol op functioneel herstel bij patiënten met een lichaamstemperatuur van 37,0°C of hoger in de acute fase van een beroerte
Admission Blood Pressure in Relation to Clinical Outcomes and Successful Reperfusion After Endovascular Stroke Treatment
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Optimal blood pressure (BP) targets before endovascular treatment (EVT) for acute ischemic stroke are unknown. We aimed to assess the relation between admission BP and clinical outcomes and successful reperfusion after EVT. METHODS: We used data from the MR CLEAN (Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands) Registry, an observational, prospective, nationwide cohort study of patients with ischemic stroke treated with EVT in routine clinical practice in the Netherlands. Baseline systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) were recorded on admission. The primary outcome was the score on the modified Rankin Scale at 90 days. Secondary outcomes included successful reperfusion (extended Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score 2B-3), symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, and 90-day mortality. Multivariable logistic and linear regression were used to assess the associations of SBP and DBP with outcomes. The relations between BPs and outcomes were tested for nonlinearity. Parameter estimates were calculated per 10 mm Hg increase or decrease in BP. RESULTS: We included 3180 patients treated with EVT between March 2014 and November 2017. The relations between admission SBP and DBP with 90-day modified Rankin Scale scores and mortality were J-shaped, with inflection points around 150 and 81 mm Hg, respectively. An increase in SBP above 150 mm Hg was associated with poor functional outcome (adjusted common odds ratio, 1.09 [95% CI, 1.04-1.15]) and mortality at 90 days (adjusted odds ratio, 1.09 [95% CI, 1.03-1.16]). Following linear relationships, higher SBP was associated with a lower probability of successful reperfusion (adjusted odds ratio, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.94-0.99]) and with the occurrence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (adjusted odds ratio, 1.06 [95% CI, 0.99-1.13]). Results for DBP were largely similar. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with EVT, higher admission BP is associated with lower probability of successful reperfusion and with poor clinical outcomes. Further research is needed to investigate whether these patients benefit from BP reduction before EVT
Вивчення процесу синтезу нанокристалічних плівок двооксиду титану в розряді магнетронного типу за його оптичними та плазмодинамічними характеристиками
Наведено результати експериментального дослiдження плазмодинамiчних i оптичних характеристик цилiндричного газового розряду магнетронного типу в умовах безперервного контролю спектра, випромiнюваного плазмою в дiапазонi 350–820 нм. Визначено умови для синтезу бiнарної сполуки TiО₂, якi забезпечуються пiдтримкою величини iнтенсивностi спектральних лiнiй реагуючих компонентiв i плазмоутворюючого газу. Розглянуто можливiсть контролю умов одержання плiвок TiО₂ як по спектральних характеристиках плазми розряду, так i по змiнi розрядної напруги. Елiпсометричнi дослiдження нанокристалiчних плiвок двооксиду титану показали наявнiсть залежностi показника переломлення вiд товщини плiвки.We present the results of experimental researches of plasmodynamic and optical characteristics of a magnetron-type cylindrical gas discharge. The study was carried out provided a permanent monitoring of the spectrum emitted by plasma in the range 350–820 nm. For the synthesis of binary compound TiO₂, we have determined conditions which can be ensured by a support of the intensity of spectral lines emitted by reacting components and plasma-forming gas. A possibility to control the conditions of the fabrication of a TiO₂ film with the use of both the spectral characteristics of a discharge plasma and a variation of the discharge voltage has been analyzed. Ellipsometric and spectral studies of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide films revealed the dependence of the refractive index of a film on the film thickness.Приведены результаты экспериментального исследования плазмодинамических и оптических характеристик цилиндрического газового разряда магнетронного типа в условиях непрерывного контроля спектра, излучаемого плазмой в диапазоне 350–820 нм. Определены условия для синтеза бинарного соединения TiО₂, которые обеспечиваются поддержанием величины интенсивности спектральных линий реагирующих компонент и плазмообразующего газа. Рассмотрена возможность контроля условий получения пленок TiO₂ как по спектральным характеристикам плазмы разряда, так и по изменению разрядного напряжения. Эллипсометрические и спектральные исследования нанокристаллических пленок диоксида титана показали наличие зависимости показателя преломления от толщины пленки
Ischemic brain lesions after carotid artery stenting increase future cerebrovascular risk
Background Brain lesions on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) are frequently found after carotid artery stenting (CAS), but their clinical relevance remains unclear. Objectives This study sought to investigate whether periprocedural ischemic DWI lesions after CAS or carotid endarterectomy (CEA) are associated with an increased risk of recurrent cerebrovascular events. Methods In the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) substudy of ICSS (International Carotid Stenting Study), 231 patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis were randomized to undergo CAS (n = 124) or CEA (n = 107). MRIs were performed 1 to 7 days before and 1 to 3 days after treatment. The primary outcome event was stroke or transient ischemic attack in any territory occurring between the post-treatment MRI and the end of follow-up. Time to occurrence of the primary outcome event was compared between patients with (DWI+) and without (DWI-) new DWI lesions on the post-treatment scan in the CAS and CEA groups separately. Results Median time of follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range: 3.0 to 5.2). In the CAS group, recurrent stroke or transient ischemic attack occurred more often among DWI+ patients (12 of 62) than among DWI- patients (6 of 62), with a cumulative 5-year incidence of 22.8% (standard error [SE]: 7.1%) and 8.8% (SE: 3.8%), respectively (unadjusted hazard ratio: 2.85; 95% confidence interval: 1.05 to 7.72; p = 0.04). In DWI+ and DWI- patients, 8 and 2 events, respectively, occurred within 6 months after treatment. In the CEA group, there was no difference in recurrent cerebrovascular events between DWI+ and DWI- patients. Conclusions Ischemic brain lesions discovered on DWI after CAS seem to be a marker of increased risk for recurrent cerebrovascular events. Patients with periprocedural DWI lesions might benefit from more aggressive and prolonged antiplatelet therapy after CAS. (A Randomised Comparison of the Risks, Benefits and Cost Effectiveness of Primary Carotid Stenting With Carotid Endarterectomy: International Carotid Stenting Study; ISRCTN25337470
Periprocedural Intravenous Heparin during Endovascular Treatment for Ischemic Stroke: Results from the MR CLEAN Registry
Background and Purpose-Intravenous administration of heparin during endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke may improve outcomes. However, risks and benefits of this adjunctive therapy remain uncertain. We aimed to evaluate periprocedural intravenous heparin use in Dutch stroke intervention centers and to assess its efficacy and safety. Methods-Patients registered between March 2014 and June 2016 in the MR CLEAN Registry (Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke), including all patients treated with endovascular treatment in the Netherlands, were analyzed. The primary outcome was functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale) at 90 days. Secondary outcomes were successful recanalization (extended Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction ≥2B), symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, and mortality at 90 days. We used multilevel regression analysis to evaluate the association of periprocedural intravenous heparin on outcomes, adjusted for center effects and prognostic factors. To account for possible unobserved confounding by indication, we analyzed the effect of center preference to administer intravenous heparin, defined as percentage of patients treated with intravenous heparin in a center, on functional outcome. Results-One thousand four hundred eighty-eight patients from 16 centers were analyzed, of whom 398 (27%) received intravenous heparin (median dose 5000 international units). There was substantial between-center variability in the proportion of patients treated with intravenous heparin (range, 0%-94%). There was no significant difference in functional outcome between patients treated with intravenous heparin and those without (adjusted common odds ratio, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.87-1.56), successful recanalization (adjusted odds ratio, 1.24; 95% CI, 0.89-1.71), symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (adjusted odds ratio,
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