52 research outputs found

    On the theory of beta-radioactivity II : A theoretical discussion of the polarization of electron beams and its observation

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    A number of properties of polarized electron beams are investigated in view of an application to polarized beta-rays emitted from nuclei with aligned spins. The state of polarization of electron beams, polarized or unpolarized, can be characterized by a density matrix ρ with two rows and colums õ = (ρ11 ρ12 ρ21 ρ22) , for a certain pair of fundamental (orthogonal) states (ψ1, ψ2), which serve to characterize the spin orientation. As orientation coefficient with respect to (ψ1, ψ2) we define P (ψ1, ψ2) = ρ11 - ρ22; the degree of polarization is defined as P = | P (ψ1, ψ2) | if ρ is in diagonal form for the basis (ψ1, ψ2). It is proved that scattering experiments can give an observation of P (ψ1, ψ2) for certain pairs of fundamental states (ψ1, ψ 2). In a single-scattering experiment of an entirely polarized beam we give the intensity ratio of two beams in opposite directions, obtained after scattering over a right angle by (1 + a)/(1 - a). The intensity ratio of the final beams (in opposite directions) in a double-scattering experiment of an unpolarized beam is written as (1 + δ)/(1 - δ). It is shown that we have the relation a2 = δ. Further it is found that in order to determine completely the polarization of a beam the determination of three independent orientation coefficients is necessary. The polarizations of light and of electron beams have been compared

    A general theorem on the transition probabilities of a quantum mechanical system with spatial degeneracy

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    In the general case of a quantum mechanical system with a Hamiltonian that is invariant for rotations spatial degeneracy will exist. So the initial state must be characterized except by the energy also by e.g. the magnetic quantum number. Both for emission of light and electrons plus neutrinos (ß-radioactivity) of a quantum mechanical system the following theorem is important: the total transition probability from an initial level with some definite magnetic quantum number mi to every possible final level belonging to one energy does not depend on mi. A simple proof is given for this theorem that embraces the case of forbidden transitions, which case is not covered by the usual proof. In the proof a Gibbs ensemble of quantum mechanical systems is used; the necessary and sufficient conditions for the rotational invariance of such an ensemble are give

    On the theory of beta-radioactivity IV : The polarization of beta-rays emitted by aligned nuclei in allowed transitions

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    The consequences of alignment of nuclei, which show allowed ß-transitions, are investigated. A general formula is derived for the transition probability of an allowed β-transition, in which the direction of emission of electron and neutrino, the polarization of the electron and the orientation of the nuclear spin are taken into account. The calculations have been made for a Hamiltonian for the β-interaction, which is an arbitrary "mixture" of the five invariants of the Dirac theory. The influence of the nuclear charge has, however, been neglected. From this formula the following results are immediately obtained: The angular distribution of the β-radiation remains spherically symmetric if the nuclei are aligned, so that the alignment cannot be detected in this way. The emitted β-radiation is polarized and the degree of polarization follows from the general formula. If we take the special case that the interaction Hamiltonian is of the tensor or the axial vector type and if the β-rays are emitted perpendicular to the direction of the nuclear spin of completely aligned nuclei with nuclear spin ji, the degree of polarization is given by: a) 1/Eif ji = jf + 1, b) 1/E(ji + 1), if ji = jf,c)ji/E(ji + 1), if ji = ji - 1. (E is the relativistic energy of the electrons, E ≈ 1 for small kinetic energies; jf gives the spin of the final nucleus)

    On the theory of beta-radioactivity III : The influence of electric and magnetic fields on polarized electron beams

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    The influence of electric and magnetic fields on the spin orientation (polarization) of electrons in a beam is calculated according to the Pauli spin theory and the Dirac theory. For the cases, where the field is perpendicular or parallel to a polarized electron beam, the following results are found. Transverse electric field. In the non-relativistic approximation the spin orientation remains constant in space, even if the beam is deflected; the relativistic formula gives for the ratio of the rotation of the spin orientation and the angle of deflection of the beam: Ekin/E (ratio of kinetic energy and total energy, i.e., including the rest mass). Transverse magnetic field. The spin orientation does not change in relation to the direction of propagation. Longitudinal electric field. Though the beam is accelerated (or retarded) the spin orientation remains constant in space. Longitudinal magnetic field. The spin orientation rotates about the direction of propagation. It is shown that longitudinal polarization of electron beams (spins parallel or antiparallel to the direction of propagation) can be observed by means of an electric deflection of the beam and a scattering experiment in succession