21 research outputs found

    A classification learning algorithm robust to irrelevant features

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    Presence of irrelevant features is a fact of life in many realworld applications of classification learning. Although nearest-neighbor classification algorithms have emerged as a promising approach to machine learning tasks with their high predictive accuracy, they are adversely affected by the presence of such irrelevant features. In this paper, we describe a recently proposed classification algorithm called VFI5, which achieves comparable accuracy to nearest-neighbor classifiers while it is robust with respect to irrelevant features. The paper compares both the nearest-neighbor classifier and the VFI5 algorithms in the presence of irrelevant features on both artificially generated and real-world data sets selected from the UCI repository

    Learning problem solving strategies using refinement and macro generation

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    In this paper we propose a technique for learning efficient strategies for solving a certain class of problems. The method, RWM, makes use of two separate methods, namely, refinement and macro generation. The former is a method for partitioning a given problem into a sequence of easier subproblems. The latter is for efficiently learning composite moves which are useful in solving the problem. These methods and a system that incorporates them are described in detail. The kind of strategies learned by RWM are based on the GPS problem solving method. Examples of strategies learned for different types of problems are given. RWM has learned good strategies for some problems which are difficult by human standards. © 1990

    Maximizing benefit of classifications using feature intervals

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    There is a great need for classification methods that can properly handle asymmetric cost and benefit constraints of classifications. In this study, we aim to emphasize the importance of classification benefits by means of a new classification algorithm, Benefit-Maximizing classifier with Feature Intervals (BMFI) that uses feature projection based knowledge representation. Empirical results show that BMFI has promising performance compared to recent cost-sensitive algorithms in terms of the benefit gained

    A novel hybrid approach for interestingness analysis of classification rules

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    Data mining is the efficient discovery of patterns in large databases, and classification rules are perhaps the most important type of patterns in data mining applications. However, the number of such classification rules is generally very big that selection of interesting ones among all discovered rules becomes an important task. In this paper, factors related to the interestingness of a rule are investigated and some new factors are proposed. Following this, an interactive rule interestingness-learning algorithm (IRIL) is developed to automatically label the classification rules either as "interesting" or "uninteresting" with limited user participation. In our study, VFP (Voting Feature Projections), a feature projection based incremental classification learning algorithm, is also developed in the framework of IRIL. The concept description learned by the VFP algorithm constitutes a novel hybrid approach for interestingness analysis of classification rules. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

    Maximizing Benefit of Classifications Using Feature Intervals

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    An overview of regression techniques for knowledge discovery

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    Predicting or learning numeric features is called regression in the statistical literature, and it is the subject of research in both machine learning and statistics. This paper reviews the important techniques and algorithms for regression developed by both communities. Regression is important for many applications, since lots of real life problems can be modeled as regression problems. The review includes Locally Weighted Regression (LWR), rule-based regression, Projection Pursuit Regression (PPR), instance-based regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) and recursive partitioning regression methods that induce regression trees (CART, RETIS and M5)

    Voting features based classifier with feature construction and its application to predicting financial distress

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    Voting features based classifiers, shortly VFC, have been shown to perform well on most real-world data sets. They are robust to irrelevant features and missing feature values. In this paper, we introduce an extension to VFC, called voting features based classifier with feature construction, VFCC for short, and show its application to the problem of predicting if a bank will encounter financial distress, by analyzing current financial statements. The previously developed VFC learn a set of rules that contain a single condition based on a single feature in their antecedent. The VFCC algorithm proposed in this work, on the other hand, constructs rules whose antecedents may contain conjuncts based on several features. Experimental results on recent financial ratios of banks in Turkey show that the VFCC algorithm achieves better accuracy than other well-known rule learning classification algorithms. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A privacy-preserving solution for the bipartite ranking problem

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient solution for the privacy-preserving of a bipartite ranking algorithm. The bipartite ranking problem can be considered as finding a function that ranks positive instances (in a dataset) higher than the negative ones. However, one common concern for all the existing schemes is the privacy of individuals in the dataset. That is, one (e.g., a researcher) needs to access the records of all individuals in the dataset in order to run the algorithm. This privacy concern puts limitations on the use of sensitive personal data for such analysis. The RIMARC (Ranking Instances by Maximizing Area under the ROC Curve) algorithm solves the bipartite ranking problem by learning a model to rank instances. As part of the model, it learns weights for each feature by analyzing the area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RIMARC algorithm is shown to be more accurate and efficient than its counterparts. Thus, we use this algorithm as a building-block and provide a privacy-preserving version of the RIMARC algorithm using homomorphic encryption and secure multi-party computation. Our proposed algorithm lets a data owner outsource the storage and processing of its encrypted dataset to a semi-trusted cloud. Then, a researcher can get the results of his/her queries (to learn the ranking function) on the dataset by interacting with the cloud. During this process, neither the researcher nor the cloud learns any information about the raw dataset. We prove the security of the proposed algorithm and show its efficiency via experiments on real data

    Estimating the chance of success in IVF treatment using a ranking algorithm

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    In medicine, estimating the chance of success for treatment is important in deciding whether to begin the treatment or not. This paper focuses on the domain of in vitro fertilization (IVF), where estimating the outcome of a treatment is very crucial in the decision to proceed with treatment for both the clinicians and the infertile couples. IVF treatment is a stressful and costly process. It is very stressful for couples who want to have a baby. If an initial evaluation indicates a low pregnancy rate, decision of the couple may change not to start the IVF treatment. The aim of this study is twofold, firstly, to develop a technique that can be used to estimate the chance of success for a couple who wants to have a baby and secondly, to determine the attributes and their particular values affecting the outcome in IVF treatment. We propose a new technique, called success estimation using a ranking algorithm (SERA), for estimating the success of a treatment using a ranking-based algorithm. The particular ranking algorithm used here is RIMARC. The performance of the new algorithm is compared with two well-known algorithms that assign class probabilities to query instances. The algorithms used in the comparison are Naïve Bayes Classifier and Random Forest. The comparison is done in terms of area under the ROC curve, accuracy and execution time, using tenfold stratified cross-validation. The results indicate that the proposed SERA algorithm has a potential to be used successfully to estimate the probability of success in medical treatment. © 2015, The Author(s)

    A window-based time series feature extraction method

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    This study proposes a robust similarity score-based time series feature extraction method that is termed as Window-based Time series Feature ExtraCtion (WTC). Specifically, WTC generates domain-interpretable results and involves significantly low computational complexity thereby rendering itself useful for densely sampled and populated time series datasets. In this study, WTC is applied to a proprietary action potential (AP) time series dataset on human cardiomyocytes and three precordial leads from a publicly available electrocardiogram (ECG) dataset. This is followed by comparing WTC in terms of predictive accuracy and computational complexity with shapelet transform and fast shapelet transform (which constitutes an accelerated variant of the shapelet transform). The results indicate that WTC achieves a slightly higher classification performance with significantly lower execution time when compared to its shapelet-based alternatives. With respect to its interpretable features, WTC has a potential to enable medical experts to explore definitive common trends in novel datasets. © 2017 Elsevier Lt