11,828 research outputs found
Potential climate change impacts on the water balance of subcatchments of the River Spree, Germany
Lusatia is considered one of the driest regions of Germany. The climatic water balance is negative even under current climate conditions. Due to global climate change, increased temperatures and a shift of precipitation from summer to winter are expected. Therefore, it is of major interest whether the excess water in winter can be stored and to which extent it is used up on increasing evapotranspiration.
Thus, this study focuses on estimating potential climate change impacts on the water balance of two subcatchments of the River Spree using the Soil and Water Integrated Model (SWIM). Climate input was taken from 100 realisations each of two scenarios of the STatistical Analogue Resampling scheme STAR assuming a further temperature increase of 0 K (scenario A) and 2 K by the year 2055 (scenario B) respectively. Resulting from increased temperatures and a shift in precipitation from summer to winter actual evapotranspiration is supposed to increase in winter and early spring, but to decrease in later spring and early summer. This is less pronounced for scenario A than for scenario B. Consequently, also the decrease in discharge and groundwater recharge in late spring is lower for scenario A than for scenario B. The highest differences of runoff generation and groundwater recharge between the two scenarios but also the highest ranges within the scenarios occur in summer and early autumn. It is planned to estimate potential climate change for the catchments of Spree, Schwarze Elster and Lusatian Neisse
Efficient room temperature cw Yb:glass laser pumped by a 946nm Nd:YAG laser
By pumping with a cw diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at 946nm laser operation of a new Yb-doped phosphate glass with 440mW cw output power and a slope efficiency of 48% with respect to the absorbed pump power was achieved at room temperature
Einfluß unterschiedlicher Anbauarten – mineralisch, organisch, biologisch-dynamisch – auf Kartoffeln: Inhaltsstoffe, Sensorik, Festigkeitskennwerte und bildschaffende Methoden
Grundsätzlich sprachen die Kartoffeln der Sorte ´Granola´ sehr schwach auf die eingesetzten Versuchsfaktoren an, sodaß die Unterschiede selten statistisch abgesichert werden konnten.
Bei denjenigen Inhaltsstoffen, die deutlicher auf den Anbaufaktor Düngermenge ansprachen, reagierten die Knollen der mineralisch gedüngten Varianten eindeutig stärker (Abnahme der Trockenmasse, der Saccharose-, Stärke- und Clorid-Gehalte, Zunahme der Glukose-, Fruktose-, Fluorid- und Asche-Gehalte) als die Vergleichsvarianten. Ein Grund hierfür könnte die schnellere Verfügbarkeit des mineralischen Düngers gewesen sein.
Die biologisch-dynamisch gedüngten Knollen zeigten nur bei drei Parametern dieselbe Reaktion auf die Intensivierung der Düngung wie die organisch gedüngten auf (Zunahme der Chlorid- und Asche-Gehalte, gleichbleibende Fluorid-Gehalte). Bei vier Merkmalen reagierten die biologisch-dynamischen Knollen überhaupt nicht oder sehr gering, wogegen die organisch gedüngten Kartoffeln eine Abnahme im Trockenmasse- und Saccharosegehalt bzw. keine gerichteten Tendenzen in den Glukose- und Fruktosegehalten aufwiesen.
Die Festigkeitskennwerte der mineralisch gedüngten Kartoffeln wurde, im Vergleich zu den beiden anderen Varianten, schwächer bewertet. Die sensorischen Untersuchungen ergaben keine Bevorzugung einzelner Varianten, jedoch, besonders bei der minera-lischen Variante, eine tendenzielle Abnahme der sensorischen Qualität mit zunehmender Düngung. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zur „Vitalqualität“ mit Hilfe bildschaf-fender Methoden bestätigte die prinzipielle Eignung dieser Methode für ergänzende Qualitätsuntersuchungen.
Eine abschließende Beurteilung der Qualität der unterschiedlichen Anbauvarianten wird erst in Verbindung der bisherigen Daten mit noch zur Analyse anstehenden Parametern (Nitrat, Aminosäuren, Ascorbinsäure, Kalium) möglich sein. Des weiteren wird in laufenden Sortenversuchen geprüft, ob andere Sorten stärker auf die verschiedenen Versuchsfaktoren reagieren
Controlling the transport of an ion: Classical and quantum mechanical solutions
We investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion
transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ
numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket
propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based
inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. We find that accurate
shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation
period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be
exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for
wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that
comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can
be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse
engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time
Evidence of early multi-strange hadron freeze-out in high energy nuclear collisions
Recently reported transverse momentum distributions of strange hadrons
produced in Pb(158AGeV) on Pb collisions and corresponding results from the
relativistic quantum molecular dynamics (RQMD) approach are examined. We argue
that the experimental observations favor a scenario in which multi-strange
hadrons are formed and decouple from the system rather early at large energy
densities (around 1 GeV/fm). The systematics of the strange and non-strange
particle spectra indicate that the observed transverse flow develops mainly in
the late hadronic stages of these reactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Quality Comparison of Mineral, Organic and Biodynamic Cultivation of Potatoes: Contents, Strength Criteria, Sensory Investigations and Picture-Creating Methods
Nutritional quality of food can be characterized by the content of beneficial and harmful substances. For today’s consumers the most important criteria for buying potatoes are taste, quality and shelf-life.
Biodynamic preparations are used by about 20% of all organic farms in Germany. These preparations do not primarily serve to increase the yield but are said to support the production of high quality food, having balanced nutrient contents and improved shelf-life characteristics.
Since 1993 investigations have been carried out to evaluate the effect of mineral fertilization and organic manuring at varied intensities, combined with application of biodynamic preparations, on some of these parameters.
The potatoes of the variety ´Granola´ responded rather slightly to the factors of the trial, hence statistical differences could be confirmed only in few cases. Tubers deriving from the mineral fertilized plots showed the strongest response to elevated fertilization (decrease in dry matter, sucrose, chloride content and density, and an increase in glucose, fructose, fluoride and ash content). Only in three parameters tubers from the biodynamic plots responded in the same way as the organic ones to elevated fertilization (increase in the chloride and ash contents, stagnating fluoride contents). In four parameters, no or only a weak response of the biodynamic tubers has been found, whereas organic potatoes showed decreasing dry matter and sucrose contents, but no distinctive tendency in the parameters glucose and fructose. The parameter strength criteria has been assessed as the weakest in mineral fertilized potatoes. The sensory investigations did not allow to differentiate between the three cropping systems but there was a tendency of worsening sensoric quality at increased fertilization, particularly in the tubers of the mineral plots. The results of the determination of vital quality following picture-creating methods confirmed the applicability of this assay for additional quality determinations.
A final assessment of the quality according to the different cropping systems cannot be made at this point of time. Therefore, further parameters (nitrate, potassium, amino acids, ascorbic acid) will be analyzed which might allow a final assessment in combination with the present data. Furthermore, current trials might reveal if other varieties respond stronger to the relevant factors
Quantum noise in current biased Josephson junction
Quantum fluctuations in a current biased Josephson junction, described in
terms of the RCSJ-model, are considered. The fluctuations of the voltage and
phase across the junction are assumed to be initiated by equilibrium current
fluctuations in the shunting resistor. This corresponds to low enough
temperatures, when fluctuations of the normal current in the junction itself
can be neglected. We used the quantum Langevin equation in terms of random
variables related to the limit cycle of the nonlinear Josephson oscillator.
This allows to go beyond the perturbation theory and calculate the widths of
the Josephson radiation lines
Potential climate change impacts on the water balance of subcatchments of the River Spree, Germany
Lusatia is considered one of the driest regions of Germany. The climatic
water balance is negative even under current climate conditions. Due to
global climate change, increased temperatures and a shift of precipitation
from summer to winter are expected. Therefore, it is of major interest
whether the excess water in winter can be stored and to which extent it is
used up on increasing evapotranspiration.
Thus, this study focuses on estimating potential climate change impacts on
the water balance of two subcatchments of the River Spree using the Soil and
Water Integrated Model (SWIM). Climate input was taken from 100 realisations
each of two scenarios of the STatistical Analogue Resampling scheme STAR
assuming a further temperature increase of 0 K (scenario A) and 2 K by the
year 2055 (scenario B) respectively. Resulting from increased temperatures
and a shift in precipitation from summer to winter actual evapotranspiration
is supposed to increase in winter and early spring, but to decrease in later
spring and early summer. This is less pronounced for scenario A than for
scenario B. Consequently, also the decrease in discharge and groundwater
recharge in late spring is lower for scenario A than for scenario B. The
highest differences of runoff generation and groundwater recharge between
the two scenarios but also the highest ranges within the scenarios occur in
summer and early autumn. It is planned to estimate potential climate change
for the catchments of Spree, Schwarze Elster and Lusatian Neisse
Fluctuations of particle ratios and the abundance of hadronic resonances
In this letter we will argue that the event-by-event fluctuations of the
ratio of positively over negatively charged pions provides a measurements of
the number of rho and omega mesons right after hadronization. This finding can
be utilized to put the hypothesis of chemical equilibration in relativistic
heavy ion collisions to a test.Comment: 4 pages. No figure. Uses revtex with prl, aps, and multicol style
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