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    Base free transfer hydrogenation using a covalent triazine framework based catalyst

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    [EN] Isomerisation of allylic alcohols to saturated ketones can be efficiently catalysed by a heterogeneous molecular system resulting from (IrCp)-Cp-III* anchoring to a covalent triazine framework. The obtained catalysts are active, selective, and fully recyclable.Financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (projects Consolider-Ingenio MULTICAT and AICO/2015/065), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (program Severo Ochoa SEV20120267), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (project MAT2014-52085-C2-1-P) are gratefully acknowledged. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641887 (project acronym: DEFNET). Also, financial support from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement number 309701, project Eco2CO2 is acknowledged.Bavykina, A.; Mautschke, H.; Makkee, M.; Kapteijn, F.; Gascon, J.; LlabrĂ©s I Xamena, FX. (2017). Base free transfer hydrogenation using a covalent triazine framework based catalyst. CrystEngComm. 19(29):4166-4170. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7CE00561JS416641701929Wang, D., & Astruc, D. (2015). The Golden Age of Transfer Hydrogenation. Chemical Reviews, 115(13), 6621-6686. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00203Cirujano, F. G., Leyva-PĂ©rez, A., Corma, A., & LlabrĂ©s i Xamena, F. X. (2013). MOFs as Multifunctional Catalysts: Synthesis of Secondary Arylamines, Quinolines, Pyrroles, and Arylpyrrolidines over Bifunctional MIL-101. ChemCatChem, 5(2), 538-549. doi:10.1002/cctc.201200878Khajavi, H., Stil, H. A., Kuipers, H. P. C. E., Gascon, J., & Kapteijn, F. (2013). Shape and Transition State Selective Hydrogenations Using Egg-Shell Pt-MIL-101(Cr) Catalyst. ACS Catalysis, 3(11), 2617-2626. doi:10.1021/cs400681sCorma, A. (2006). Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Nitro Compounds with Supported Gold Catalysts. Science, 313(5785), 332-334. doi:10.1126/science.1128383Azua, A., Mata, J. A., & Peris, E. (2011). Iridium NHC Based Catalysts for Transfer Hydrogenation Processes Using Glycerol as Solvent and Hydrogen Donor. Organometallics, 30(20), 5532-5536. doi:10.1021/om200796cAzua, A., Mata, J. A., Peris, E., Lamaty, F., Martinez, J., & Colacino, E. (2012). Alternative Energy Input for Transfer Hydrogenation using Iridium NHC Based Catalysts in Glycerol as Hydrogen Donor and Solvent. Organometallics, 31(10), 3911-3919. doi:10.1021/om300109eAzua, A., Sanz, S., & Peris, E. (2011). Water-Soluble IrIII N-Heterocyclic Carbene Based Catalysts for the Reduction of CO2 to Formate by Transfer Hydrogenation and the Deuteration of Aryl Amines in Water. Chemistry - A European Journal, 17(14), 3963-3967. doi:10.1002/chem.201002907Binobaid, A., Iglesias, M., Beetstra, D., Dervisi, A., Fallis, I., & Cavell, K. J. (2010). Donor-Functionalised Expanded Ring N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Highly Effective Ligands in Ir-Catalysed Transfer Hydrogenation. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010(34), 5426-5431. doi:10.1002/ejic.201000680Furfari, S. K., Gyton, M. R., Twycross, D., & Cole, M. L. (2015). Air stable NHCs: a study of stereoelectronics and metallorganic catalytic activity. Chemical Communications, 51(1), 74-76. doi:10.1039/c4cc06809bGong, X., Zhang, H., & Li, X. (2011). Iridium phosphine abnormal N-heterocyclic carbene complexes in catalytic hydrogen transfer reactions. Tetrahedron Letters, 52(43), 5596-5600. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2011.08.058GĂŒlcemal, D., Gökçe, A. G., GĂŒlcemal, S., & Çetinkaya, B. (2014). Hydroxyl and ester functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of iridium(i): efficient catalysts for transfer hydrogenation reactions. RSC Adv., 4(50), 26222-26230. doi:10.1039/c4ra02993cGĂŒlcemal, S., Gökçe, A. G., & Çetinkaya, B. (2013). Iridium(i) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of benzimidazol-2-ylidene: effect of electron donating groups on the catalytic transfer hydrogenation reaction. Dalton Trans., 42(20), 7305-7311. doi:10.1039/c2dt32482bGĂŒlcemal, S., Gökçe, A. G., & Çetinkaya, B. (2013). N-Benzyl Substituted N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Iridium(I): Assessment in Transfer Hydrogenation Catalyst. Inorganic Chemistry, 52(18), 10601-10609. doi:10.1021/ic401626eJimĂ©nez, M. V., FernĂĄndez-Tornos, J., PĂ©rez-Torrente, J. J., Modrego, F. J., Garcı́a-Orduña, P., & Oro, L. A. (2015). Mechanistic Insights into Transfer Hydrogenation Catalysis by [Ir(cod)(NHC)2]+ Complexes with Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands. Organometallics, 34(5), 926-940. doi:10.1021/om5013083JimĂ©nez, M. V., FernĂĄndez-Tornos, J., PĂ©rez-Torrente, J. J., Modrego, F. J., Winterle, S., Cunchillos, C., 
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