91,518 research outputs found

    A New S-S' Pair Creation Rate Expression Improving Upon Zener Curves for I-E Plots

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    To simplify phenomenology modeling used for charge density wave (CDW)transport, we apply a wavefunctional formulation of tunneling Hamiltonians to a physical transport problem characterized by a perturbed washboard potential. To do so, we consider tunneing between states that are wavefunctionals of a scalar quantum field. I-E curves that match Zener curves - used to fit data experimentally with wavefunctionals congruent with the false vacuum hypothesis. This has a very strong convergence with electron-positron pair production representations.The similarities in plot behavior of the current values after the threshold electric field values argue in favor of the Bardeen pinning gap paradigm proposed for quasi-one-dimensional metallic transport problems.Comment: 22 pages,6 figures, and extensive editing of certain segments.Paper has been revised due to acceptance by World press scientific MPLB journal. This is word version of file which has been submitted to MPLBs editor for final proofing. Due for publication perhaps in mid spring to early summer 200

    Instrument accurately measures small temperature changes on test surface

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    Calorimeter apparatus accurately measures very small temperature rises on a test surface subjected to aerodynamic heating. A continuous thin sheet of a sensing material is attached to a base support plate through which a series of holes of known diameter have been drilled for attaching thermocouples to the material

    Heat sensing instrument Patent

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    Heat sensing instrument, using thermocouple junction connected under heavy conducting materia

    Long-term energy capture and the effects of optimizing wind turbine operating strategies

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    Methods of increasing energy capture without affecting the turbine design were investigated. The emphasis was on optimizing the wind turbine operating strategy. The operating strategy embodies the startup and shutdown algorithm as well as the algorithm for determining when to yaw (rotate) the axis of the turbine more directly into the wind. Using data collected at a number of sites, the time-dependent simulation of a MOD-2 wind turbine using various, site-dependent operating strategies provided evidence that site-specific fine tuning can produce significant increases in long-term energy capture as well as reduce the number of start-stop cycles and yawing maneuvers, which may result in reduced fatigue and subsequent maintenance

    An ERTS-1 study of coastal features on the North Carolina coast

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Numerical methods for the design and analysis of wings at supersonic speeds

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    Numerical methods for the design and analysis of arbitrary-planform wings at supersonic speeds are reviewed. Certain deficiencies are revealed, particularly in application to wings with slightly subsonic leading edges. Recently devised numerical techniques which overcome the major part of these deficiencies are presented. The original development as well as the more recent revisions are subjected to a thorough review

    Geologic application of thermal-inertia mapping from satellite

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Two night-time thermal images of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming distinctly show a major thermal feature. This feature is substantially coincident with a drainage divide and the southward facing slope appears cooler, suggesting a lower thermal inertia. An initial examination of regional geologic maps provides no clear evidence to suggest what type of geologic feature or structure may be present, although it can be noted that its northeastern end passes directly through Lead, South Dakota where the Homestake Gold Mine is located

    Study of Lattice QCD Form Factors Using the Extended Gari-Krumpelmann Model

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    We explore the suitability of a modern vector meson dominance (VMD) model as a method for chiral extrapolation of nucleon electromagnetic form factor simulations in lattice QCD. It is found that the VMD fits to experimental data can be readily generalized to describe the lattice simulations. However, the converse is not true. That is, the VMD form is unsuitable as a method of extrapolation of lattice simulations at large quark mass to the physical regime.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    A linearized theory method of constrained optimization for supersonic cruise wing design

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    A linearized theory wing design and optimization procedure which allows physical realism and practical considerations to be imposed as constraints on the optimum (least drag due to lift) solution is discussed and examples of application are presented. In addition to the usual constraints on lift and pitching moment, constraints are imposed on wing surface ordinates and wing upper surface pressure levels and gradients. The design procedure also provides the capability of including directly in the optimization process the effects of other aircraft components such as a fuselage, canards, and nacelles

    Your Lawn

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