84 research outputs found

    Climate-driven changes in life-history traits of the bastard grunt (Pomadasys incisus) in the north-western Mediterranean

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    This study evaluates the influence of sea water temperature on the life-history traits of the thermophilic bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus in the Catalan coast. We compared two key traits of this species, condition and reproduction, from populations in two separate areas with different thermal regimes: the Gulf of Roses (cold area) and the Ebre Delta (warm area). Specimens were collected monthly from each area between 2010 and 2012. The results were also compared with those given in the literature from sites where the species is more common, i.e. the southern Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic. Our findings indicate that, compared to the populations in warmer environments, the population inhabiting the colder waters appears to be in significantly poorer condition and there is some deviance in their life-history traits: egg size and quality being traded-off for higher egg numbers; lower lengths at maturity and alterations to spawning phenology. A certain degree of plasticity in life-history traits may favour the process of expansion and establishment of this thermophilic species into newly available but colder habitats of the north-western Mediterranean under a scenario of climate change

    Clases de adposiciones en tres lenguas otomangues

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    Se presenta una descripci.n contrastiva de las adposiciones del amuzgo, mazahua y mazateco (familia otomangue). En particular, se discute la categorización gramatical de las adposiciones, así como la etiqueta ‘adjunto’. Se destaca que los adjuntos son unidades sintácticas de diferentes clases, por lo que están en capacidad de compartir propiedades con los argumentos centrales, ampliar el sentido del predicado y formar parte del evento. La propuesta se basa en reconocer tres tipos de frases adpositivas: las no predicativas, las predicativas y las especificativas, las cuales evidencian propiedades gramaticales propias. Con lo anterior se observa que la categoría gramatical ‘adposición’ cubre los diferentes niveles de análisis de la lengua al estar en varias capas de la cláusula. Morfológicamente se detecta una inestabilidad en los sistemas de estudio porque varían las realizaciones de las adposiciones: en algunos casos se realizan como morfemas ligados y en otros, como morfemas libres. En cuanto a su sintaxis se concluye que las adposiciones revisadas codifican la naturaleza semántica de los papeles temáticos que se realizan como argumentos-adjuntos. Semánticamente, las adposiciones presentan restricciones en cuanto a roles temáticos, tienen alcance sobre el predicado y sus argumentos, o bien, solo sobre el predicado. A nivel de la cláusula, marcan caso como resultado de la rección del predicado matriz, esto en verbos intransitivos, transitivos o ditransitivos.

    Modelación del arroz en Latinoamérica: estado del arte y base de datos para parametrización.

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    El arroz en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) es un cultivo de gran importancia social y económica. El consumo de arroz en LAC ha aumentado significativamente durante los últimos años, registrando un promedio actual de 30 kg persona-1 año-1. La particularidad del arroz producido en LAC está en una alta calidad de grano y una producción que se realiza en su mayoría bajo sistemas mecanizados con siembra directa. En LAC, el arroz es producido bajo riego y secano dentro de diferentes eco-regiones (templado, tropical húmedo, tropical seco). La seguridad alimentaria y el cambio climático constituyen un reto para la producción de arroz en LAC, elevando la necesidad de aumentar, pero a su vez estabilizar los rendimientos y la calidad del grano. La modelación de cultivos permite evaluar potenciales estrategias de adaptación. Estas herramientas permiten conocer, de forma anticipada, el comportamiento de las variedades de arroz bajo diferentes ambientes (combinaciones de suelo, clima, manejo y sus interacciones). Esto permite proyectar no solo los cambios en rendimiento y manejo del cultivo, pero también entender los procesos eco-fisiológicos que causan dichos cambios. El objetivo del presente trabajo es recopilar información relevante sobre el cultivo de arroz en LAC, para su uso para calibración y/o validación de los modelos de simulación de crecimiento de cultivos. La información recabada incluye (1) generalidades sobre estudios de modelación existentes en LAC; (2) datos de crecimiento y desarrollo de variedades en ensayos experimentales; y (3) datos generales (a nivel nacional) de manejo del cultivo en LAC. A través de una revisión de literatura se encontraron estudios de modelación publicados para cuatro países de Latinoamérica: Brasil, Venezuela, Chile y Cuba. Se colectaron y organizaron datos de un total de 65 ensayos eco-fisiológicos para calibración y evaluación de modelos mecanísticos para dos países: Brasil y Colombia. Estas bases de datos incluyen información básica de clima y suelos, así como de crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo para 2 variedades en Colombia; y para 3 variedades en Brasil. Adicionalmente, de acuerdo a información disponible a través del Fondo Latinoamericano de Arroz de Riego (FLAR) se determinó que existe información en otros países de la región. Esta información fue identificada como parte de este trabajo, y podría en el futuro formar parte de una segunda base de datos, que complemente la presentada en este informe. Toda esta información, así como los datos de manejo a nivel nacional recolectados a través de FLAR, constituyen un importante primer paso para estudiar los impactos del cambio climático en el cultivo de arroz en LAC.bitstream/item/176093/1/CNPAF-2018-abh.pdfEUR 29026 E

    Intravitreal bevacizumab in diabetic retinopathy. Recommendations from the Pan-American Collaborative Retina Study Group (PACORES): The 2016 knobloch lecture

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    The advent of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) medications has revolutionized the treatment of diabetic eye diseases. Herein, we report the outcomes of clinical studies carried out by the Pan-American Collaborative Retina Study Group (PACORES), with a specific focus on the efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab in the management of diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We will also discuss the use of intravitreal bevaci-zumab as a preoperative, adjuvant therapy before vitrectomy for prolif-erative diabetic retinopathy. Copyright © 2017 by Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology

    Comparison of Vacuum Treatments and Traditional Cooking Using Instrumental and Sensory Analysis

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    The purpose of this work was to compare carrots with similar firmness cooked by traditional cooking and two vacuum treatments: sous-vide (SV) and cook-vide (CV). As a first step, consumers determined the preferred level of firmness for carrots cooked by traditional cooking (boiling). This level corresponded to instrumental firmness of 2.8 N in phloem tissue and 4.1 N in xylem tissue. Response surface methodology (RSM) established the pairing conditions of time (22 to 78 min) and temperature (78 to 92 °C) to study the effect of both factors on the firmness of carrots with sous-vide and cook-vide treatments. In both treatments, the instrumental firmness of phloem and xylem samples was measured and modeled. No significant differences were found in firmness values between phloem and xylem tissue of samples cooked by vacuum treatments (CVand SV). For CV treatment, firmness decreased linearly with time and temperature, while for SV treatment it followed a second-order model. Based on the model, conditions of time and temperature to achieve the preferred firmness (2.8 N) were selected for both treatments. Finally, consumers compared the sensory properties of carrots cooked by traditional cooking, sous-vide, and cook-vide with paired comparison tests evaluating three pairs of samples. Carrots cooked by cook-vide were considered less tasty than sous-vide and traditional cooking carrots. Carrots using traditional cooking were firmer than those obtained with SV and CV treatments. Carrots cooked by traditional and sous-vide treatments were preferred to cook-vide ones for the taste.Consuelo Iborra- Bernad has received research grant from the Generalitat Valenciana. Amparo Tarrega was financially supported by the Juan de la Cierva program. Purificacion Garcia-Segovia declares that she has no conflict of interest. Javier Martinez-Monzo declares that he has no conflict of interest. This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects.Iborra Bernad, MDC.; Tarrega, A.; García Segovia, P.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2014). Comparison of Vacuum Treatments and Traditional Cooking Using Instrumental and Sensory Analysis. Food Analytical Methods. 7(2):400-408. doi:10.1007/s12161-013-9638-0S40040872Alasalvar C, Grigor J, Quantick P (1999) Method for the static headspace analysis of carrot volatiles. Food Chem 65:391Arcia P, Costell E, Tárrega A (2010) Thickness suitability of prebiotic dairy desserts: Relationship with rheological properties. Food Res Int 43:2409Baldwin DE (2012) Sous vide cooking: A review. Int J Gastronomy Food Sci 1:15Bourne MC (2002) Food texture and viscosity: concept and measurement. Academic, San DiegoDauchet L, Amouyel P, Hercberg S, Dallongeville J (2006) Fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. J Nutr 136:2588Fan L, Zhang M, Xiao G, Sun J, Tao Q (2005) The optimization of vacuum frying to dehydrate carrot chips. Int J Food Sci Tech 40:911Furfaro M, Marigheto N, Moates G, Cross K, Parker M, Waldron K, Hills B (2009) Multidimensional NMR cross-correlation relaxation study of carrot phloem and xylem. Part II: Thermal and high-pressure processing. Appl Magn Reson 35:537Gacula JRM, Rutenbeck S, Pollack L, Resurreccion AVA, Moskowitz HR (2007) The Just‐About‐Right intensity scale: functional analyses and relation to hedonics. J Sens Stud 22:194Gan HE, Karim R, Muhammad SKS, Bakar JA, Hashim DM, Rahman RA (2007) Optimization of the basic formulation of a traditional baked cassava cake using response surface methodology. LWT- Food Sci Technol 40:611García-Segovia P, Andrés-Bello A, Martínez-Monzó J (2008) Textural properties of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Monalisa) as affected by different cooking processes. J Food Eng 88:28García-Segovia P, Barreto-Palacios V, Iborra-Bernad C, Andrés-Bello A, González-Carrascosa R, Bretón J, Martínez-Monzó J (2012) Improvement of a culinary recipe by applying sensory analysis: Design of the New Tarte Tatin. Int J Gastronomy Food Sci 1:54Greve LC, Mcardle RN, Gohlke JR, Labavitch JM (1994a) Impact of heating on carrot firmness: changes in cell wall components. J Agric Food Chem 42:2900Greve LC, Shackel KA, Ahmadi H, Mcardle RN, Gohlke JR, Labavitch JM (1994b) Impact of heating on carrot firmness: contribution of cellular turgor. J Agric Food Chem 42:2896Hudson BT (1993) Industrial cuisine. Cornell Hotel Restaur Adm Q 34:73Hui YH, Chen F, Nollet LML et al (2010) Handbook of fruit and vegetable flavors. Wiley, HonokenIborra-Bernad C, Philippon D, García-Segovia P, Martinez-Monzo J (2013) Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT- Food Sci Technol 51:507ISO (2005) Sensory analysis. Methodology. Paired comparison test. 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Food Sci Technol Int 10:5Schellekens M (1996) New research issues in sous-vide cooking. Trends Food Sci Technol 7:256Van Buggenhout S, Sila DN, Duvetter T, Van Loey A, Hendrickx M (2009) Pectins 58 in processed fruits. Compr Rev Food Sci F 8:105Villegas B, Tárrega A, Carbonell I, Costell E (2010) Optimising acceptability o 39 f new prebiotic low-fat milk beverages. Food Qual Prefer 21:23

    Conservation Status and Threat Assessments for North American Crop Wild Relatives

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    Conservation status and threat assessments evaluate species’ relative risks of extinction globally, regionally, nationally, or locally and estimate the degree to which populations of species are already safeguarded in existing conservation systems, with the aim of exposing the critical gaps in current conservation. Results of the assessments can therefore aid in directing limited conservation resources to the species and populations that are most at-risk. This chapter introduces the roles of conservation status and threat assessments in informing conservation priorities for crop wild relatives in North America and provides an overview of the current results for US taxa. Methods to assess the conservation status and to perform threat assessments for North American crop wild relatives are well developed via NatureServe and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, and the essential infrastructure to perform these analyses is present, at least in Canada and the US. Current conservation assessments for North American wild relatives need updating but already reveal a landscape of multiple complex threats and major gaps in the ex situ and in situ conservation of prioritized species. Further resources and concerted efforts are needed to update conservation assessments and then to use the results to inform efforts to fill the critical gaps in conservation