1,844 research outputs found

    Time-lapse 3-D measurements of a glucose biosensor in multicellular spheroids by light sheet fluorescence microscopy in commercial 96-well plates

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    Light sheet fluorescence microscopy has previously been demonstrated on a commercially available inverted fluorescence microscope frame using the method of oblique plane microscopy (OPM). In this paper, OPM is adapted to allow time-lapse 3-D imaging of 3-D biological cultures in commercially available glass-bottomed 96-well plates using a stage-scanning OPM approach (ssOPM). Time-lapse 3-D imaging of multicellular spheroids expressing a glucose Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor is demonstrated in 16 fields of view with image acquisition at 10 minute intervals. As a proof-of-principle, the ssOPM system is also used to acquire a dose response curve with the concentration of glucose in the culture medium being varied across 42 wells of a 96-well plate with the whole acquisition taking 9 min. The 3-D image data enable the FRET ratio to be measured as a function of distance from the surface of the spheroid. Overall, the results demonstrate the capability of the OPM system to measure spatio-temporal changes in FRET ratio in 3-D in multicellular spheroids over time in a multi-well plate format

    Dynamics of magnetization coupled to a thermal bath of elastic modes

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    We study the dynamics of magnetization coupled to a thermal bath of elastic modes using a system plus reservoir approach with realistic magnetoelastic coupling. After integrating out the elastic modes we obtain a self-contained equation for the dynamics of the magnetization. We find explicit expressions for the memory friction kernel and hence, {\em via} the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem, for the spectral density of the magnetization thermal fluctuations. For magnetic samples in which the single domain approximation is valid, we derive an equation for the dynamics of the uniform mode. Finally we apply this equation to study the dynamics of the uniform magnetization mode in insulating ferromagnetic thin films. As experimental consequences we find that the fluctuation correlation time is of the order of the ratio between the film thickness, hh, and the speed of sound in the magnet and that the line-width of the ferromagnetic resonance peak should scale as B12hB_1^2h where B1B_1 is the magnetoelastic coupling constant.Comment: Revised version as appeared in print. 12 pages 9 figure

    Temporal behavior of the inverse spin Hall voltage in a magnetic insulator-nonmagnetic metal structure

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    It is demonstrated that upon pulsed microwave excitation, the temporal behavior of a spin-wave induced inverse spin Hall voltage in a magnetic insulator-nonmagnetic metal structure is distinctly different from the temporal evolution of the directly excited spin-wave mode from which it originates. The difference in temporal behavior is attributed to the excitation of long-lived secondary spin-wave modes localized at the insulator-metal interface

    Can rainfall be a useful predictor of epidemic risk across temporal and spatial scales?

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    Plant disease epidemics are largely driven by within-season weather variables when inoculum is not limiting. Commonly, predictors in risk assessment models are based on the interaction of temperature and wetness-related variables, relationships which are determined experimentally. There is an increasing interest in providing within-season or inter-seasonal risk information at the region or continent scale, which commonly use models developed for a smaller scale. Hence, the scale matching dilemma that challenges epidemiologists and meteorologists: upscale models or downscale weather data? Successful applications may be found in both cases, which should be supported by validation datasets whenever possible, to prove the usefulness of the approach. For some diseases, rainfall is key for inoculum dispersal and, in warmer regions (e.g., tropics) where temperature is less limiting for epidemics, rainfall extends wetness periods. The drawbacks of using rainfall at small scales relate to its discrete nature and high spatial variability. However, for pre- or early-season predictions at large spatial scales sources of reasonably accurate rainfall summaries are available and may prove useful. The availability of disease datasets at various scales allows the development and evaluation of new models to be applied at the correct scale. We will showcase examples and discuss the usefulness of rainfall as key variable to predict soybean rust and wheat scab from field to region

    Pathophysiology and Pathology of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With COVID-19

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    © 2020 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common among hospitalized patients with Coronavirus Infectious Disease 2019 (COVID-19), with the occurrence of AKI ranging from 0.5% to 80%. The variability in the occurrence of AKI has been attributed to the difference in geographic locations, race/ethnicity, and severity of illness. AKI among hospitalized patients is associated with increased length of stay and in-hospital deaths. Even patients with AKI who survive to hospital discharge are at risk of developing chronic kidney disease or end-stage kidney disease. An improved knowledge of the pathophysiology of AKI in COVID-19 is crucial to mitigate and manage AKI and to improve the survival of patients who developed AKI during COVID-19. The goal of this article is to provide our current understanding of the etiology and the pathophysiology of AKI in the setting of COVID-19

    Comments on F-maximization and R-symmetry in 3D SCFTs

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    We report preliminary results on the recently proposed F-maximization principle in 3D SCFTs. We compute numerically in the large-N limit the free energy on the three-sphere of an N=2 Chern-Simons-Matter theory with a single adjoint chiral superfield which is known to exhibit a pattern of accidental symmetries associated to chiral superfields that hit the unitarity bound and become free. We observe that the F-maximization principle produces a U(1) R-symmetry consistent with previously obtained bounds but inconsistent with a postulated Seiberg-like duality. Potential modifications of the principle associated to the decoupling fields do not appear to be sufficient to account for the observed violations.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; v2 a reference has been added, a missing factor of 2 has been corrected in eq (3.3) and the numerical results have been accordingly updated. The new results do not show any obvious signs of violation of previously obtained bounds. A potential disagreement with a postulated Seiberg-like duality is note

    Photoproduction of {\omega} Mesons off the Proton

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    The differential cross sections and unpolarized spin-density matrix elements for the reaction γppω\gamma p\to p\omega were measured using the CBELSA/TAPS experiment for initial photon energies ranging from the reaction threshold to 2.5 GeV. These observables were measured from the radiative decay of the ω\omega meson, ωπ0γ\omega\to\pi^0\gamma. The cross sections cover the full angular range and show the full extent of the tt-channel forward rise. The overall shape of the angular distributions in the differential cross sections and unpolarized spin-density matrix elements are in fair agreement with previous data. In addition, for the first time, a beam of linearly-polarized tagged photons in the energy range from 1150 MeV to 1650 MeV was used to extract polarized spin-density matrix elements. These data were included in the Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis (PWA). The dominant contribution to ω\omega photoproduction near threshold was found to be the 3/2+3/2^+ partial wave, which is primarily due to the sub-threshold N(1720)3/2+N(1720)\,3/2^+ resonance. At higher energies, pomeron-exchange was found to dominate whereas π\pi-exchange remained small. These tt-channel contributions as well as further contributions from nucleon resonances were necessary to describe the entire dataset: the 1/21/2^-, 3/23/2^-, and 5/2+5/2^+ partial waves were also found to contribute significantly.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Photoproduction of Neutral Pions off Protons

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    Photoproduction of neutral pions has been studied with the CBELSA/TAPS detector in the reaction γppπ0\gamma p\to p\pi^0 for photon energies between 0.85 and 2.50 GeV. The π0\pi^0 mesons are observed in their dominant neutral decay mode: π0γγ\pi^0\to\gamma\gamma. For the first time, the differential cross sections cover the very forward region, θc.m.<60\theta_{\rm c.m.}<60^\circ. A partial-wave analysis of these data within the Bonn-Gatchina framework observes the high-mass resonances G17G_{17}(2190), D13D_{13}(2080), and D15D_{15}(2070).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, minor modifications to PWA sectio

    Fluctuation-dissipation considerations and damping models for ferromagnetic materials

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    The role of fluctuation-dissipation relations (theorems) for the magnetization dynamics with Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert and Bloch-Bloembergen damping terms are discussed. We demonstrate that the use of the Callen-Welton fluctuation-dissipation theorem that was proven for Hamiltonian systems can give an inconsistent result for magnetic systems with dissipation