25,010 research outputs found

    Defect structure of EFG silicon ribbon

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    The defect structure of EFG ribbons was studied using EBIC, TEM and HVEM. By imaging the same areas in EBIC and HVEM, a direct correlation between the crystallographic nature of defects and their electrical properties was obtained. (1) Partial dislocations at coherent twin boundaries may or may not be electrically active. Since no microprecipitates were observed at these dislocations it is likely that the different electrical activity is a consequence of the different dislocation core structures. (2) 2nd order twin joins were observed which followed the same direction as the coherent first order twins normally associated with EFG ribbons. These 2nd order twin joins are in all cases strongly electrically active. EFG ribbons contain high concentrations of carbon. Since no evidence of precipitation was found with TEM it is suggested that the carbon may be incorporated into the higher order twin boundaries now known to exist in EFG ribbons

    Preacher\u27s Magazine Volume 38 Number 02

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    Sorry! I Can’t Hear What You Say, Editorial The Altar Service, Joseph H. Smith What Do You Do with Your Money? Douglas Horton Sermon of the Month, Russell Metcalfe Nazarenes—Stewardship Is Not Optional, Morris Chalfant Pulpit and Pew, William Hanna Gleanings from the Greek New Testament, Ralph Earle Qualities That Make a Good Preacher, D. H. Spencer Wesley and Good Works, Eric E. Jorden “Queen of the Parsonage,” Audrey Williamson Wasted Wives, Wesley D. Tracy Contradictory Impossibles, Edwin F. Harvey Methodism’s Tobacco Road, Orlo Strunk, Jr. “We Are Come for Such a Time,” Patricia Ward Sermon Workshop, Nelson G. Mink Preaching Program Stewardship Quotations, Earl C. Wolf Book Briefshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1427/thumbnail.jp

    Defect structure of web silicon ribbon

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    The results of a preliminary study of two dendritic web samples are presented. The structure and electrical activity of the defects in the silicon webs were studied. Optical microscopy of chemically etched specimens was used to determine dislocation densities. Samples were mechanically polished, then Secco etched for approximately 5 minutes. High voltage transmission electron microscopy was used to characterize the crystallographic nature of the defects

    BeitrÀge zum QuartÀr der nördlichen Rheinlande

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    Die Niederrheinische Bucht und die rahmenden Gebirgsregionen der Nordeifel zĂ€hlen zu den klassischen Gebieten der QuartĂ€rforschung. Durch die Untersuchungen seitens des Lehrstuhls fĂŒr Eiszeitenforschung der UniversitĂ€t Köln unter K. Brunnacker sind die stratigraphischen, sedimentologischen, bodenkundlichen und geomorphologischen Entwicklungen im großen und ganzen weitgehend bekannt. Im Zusammenhang mit QuartĂ€rforschungen des Geographischen Instituts und des Instituts fĂŒr Bodenkunde der UniversitĂ€t Bonn ergaben sich jedoch weitere Fragen, die bisher nicht oder unbefriedigend gelöst waren. ĂŒber einige Ergebnisse berichtet der vorliegende Band. Das Problem der TertiĂ€r/PleistozĂ€ngrenze wird in Verbindung mit einem Wandel der Morphogenese in den BeitrĂ€gen von H. Strunk und H. Zepp erneut aufgegriffen. Eine Umdatierung der Erftterrassen (H. Zepp) scheint erforderlich zu werden, denn die Talbildung war im AltpleistozĂ€n bereits an der oberen Erft grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils abgeschlossen. Die im JungtertiĂ€r und AltpleistozĂ€n gebildeten Reliefformen betrachtet H. Strunk am Eifelnordrand und zeigt, daß Hauptterrassen-Rheinschotter und EifelschotterfĂ€cher verschiedenes altpleistozĂ€nes Alter haben, jedoch jĂŒnger als die FußflĂ€chen sind; auch H. Strunk stellt fest, daß seit dem AltpleistozĂ€n die Taleintiefung Ă€ußerst gering ist. Der Beitrag von K. Heine gibt eine ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr den Widerspruch zwischen den Formen, Sedimenten und glaziotektonischen VerhĂ€ltnissen der Louisendorfer SanderflĂ€che aufgrund einer Rekonstruktion der Bewegungen des saalezeitlichen Eisrandes. H. Siebertz untersucht die Ă€olischen Sedimente im gleichen Raum und kann differenzierte Vorstellungen ĂŒber die palĂ€ogeographischen Bedingungen zur Zeit der Bildung der Ă€olischen Deckschichten auf dem Niederrheinischen Höhenzug entwickeln. Die Arbeiten von Urban, Schröder & Leßmann erfassen die holozĂ€nen Bildungen des unteren Niederrheingebietes interdisziplinĂ€r; die Vegetations- und Bodenentwicklung wird mit dem Siedlungsgang verknĂŒpft; die rĂ€umliche Verteilung der Bodentypen richtet sich nach der Dauer der Bodenentwicklung auf spĂ€tpleistozĂ€nen bis altholozĂ€nen, mittelholozĂ€nen und jungholozĂ€nen Rheinsedimenten. Die hier zusammengestellten AufsĂ€tze sollen zur besseren Kenntnis der nördlichen Rheinlande im QuartĂ€r beitragen. Die Autoren wĂŒrden sich freuen, wenn sie als DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge Beachtung fĂ€nden. Unsere Vorstellungen ĂŒber die plio/pleistozĂ€ne Talentwicklung in der Nordeifel sollten nicht aus der intensiven Mittelrhein-Terrassenforschung abgeleitet werden (BeitrĂ€ge H. Strunk und H. Zepp). Einzelprofile und regional eng begrenzte Detailstudien sollten nicht sofort zur weiteren Differenzierung der QuartĂ€rstratigraphie fĂŒhren (Beitrag K. Heine). Die Forschungen ĂŒber die pleistozĂ€nen Ă€olischen Bildungen („Nördliche LĂ¶ĂŸgrenze“ ) sollten nicht nur zur stratigraphischen, sondern auch zur palĂ€ogeographischen Diskussion in der LĂ¶ĂŸforschung anregen (Beitrag H. Siebertz). Schließlich sollten holozĂ€ne Rekonstruktionen der großen Talauen (Beitrag Urban, Schröder, Leßmann) zum besseren VerstĂ€ndnis und zur besseren Nutzung unserer natĂŒrlichen Umwelt fĂŒhren

    The land of the free and The Elements of Style

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    Negotiating the Great Recession: How Teacher Collective Bargaining Outcomes Change in Times of Financial Duress

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    This article examines how teacher collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), teacher salaries, and class sizes changed during the Great Recession. Using a district-level data set of California teacher CBAs that includes measures of subarea contract strength and salaries from 2005–2006 and 2011–2012 tied to district-level longitudinal data, we estimate difference-in-difference models to examine bargaining outcomes for districts that should have been more or less fiscally constrained. We find that unions and administrators change critical elements of CBAs and district policy during times of fiscal duress. This includes increasing class sizes, reducing instructional time, and lowering base salaries to relieve financial pressures and negotiating increased protections for teachers in areas with less direct financial implications, including grievance procedures and nonteaching duties

    The Factor Structure of the Shortened Version of the Working Alliance Inventory

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    1st Place in Denman Undergraduate Research Forum for PsychologyIn research on the process of change in psychotherapy, perhaps no variable has received more attention than the therapeutic alliance. Measures of the alliance characterize the level of agreement between therapist and client on treatment goals, the level of agreement on how to accomplish those goals, and the affective bond between therapist and client. One of the most widely used measures of the alliance is the 12-item Working Alliance Inventory (WAI-S, shortened version). However, the factor structure underlying the WAI-S remains unclear. Most often researchers have used a total score from the WAI-S, implying a single latent factor. The authors of the WAI-S originally suggested the WAI-S was composed of three distinct factors (i.e., Task, Goal, and Bond). An exploratory factor analysis of the WAI-S in a relatively small sample suggested two factors: Agreement and Relationship (Andrusyna, Tang, DeRubeis, & Luborsky, 2001). To examine the different factor structures proposed, we drew data from three independent samples of depressed patients participating in cognitive therapy for depression. In this combined sample of 207 patients, we used confirmatory factor analyses to compare the fit of the previously proposed one, two, and three factor models of the WAI-S. Using item scores from the third therapy session, our results support a two-factor solution consisting of Agreement and Relationship factors. All fit indices examined favored the two-factor model over competing models. Additional analyses suggest this factor structure applied to ratings of the alliance made by therapists, clients and observers. Our results clarify the factor structure of the WAI-S and should inform future research on the therapeutic alliance.A five-year embargo was granted for this item.Academic Major: Psycholog

    What is “Vintage” in IR? A writer's note

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    The style of writing in international relations (IR) has evolved in recent decades. The lessons of “vintage” IR, to which we return in this article, have been largely forgotten by those writing in the discipline today. A merit will be substantial, we argue, in drawing more heavily from works by previous masters. Several lessons in style follow
