112 research outputs found

    Reconstruint aparells científics amb H. Otto Sibum

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    Fer un experiment clàssic amb una rèplica serveix per entendre com ha funcionat la ciència històricament. Aquest és l'objectiu del projecte "Història de la ciència experimental", iniciat i desenvolupat per H. Otto Sibum, professor de la Universitat d'Uppsala (Suècia) que va visitar la UAB per donar una conferència al Centre d'Història de la Ciència (CEHIC-UAB). Mitjançant la construcció de rèpliques d'aparells històrics i fent altre cop aquests experiments, Sibum ha aconseguit treure a la llum aspectes de la història d'aquests experiments que no van quedar reflectits a les fonts escrites. Perquè ens expliqui els problemes i satisfaccions sorgits d'aquestes recreacions, des d'UAB Divulga li hem fet unes preguntes.Hacer un experimento clásico con una réplica sirve para entender cómo ha funcionado la ciencia históricamente. Este es el objetivo del proyecto "Historia de la ciencia experimental", iniciado y desarrollado por H. Otto Sibum, profesor de la Universidad de Uppsala (Suecia) que visitó la UAB para dar una conferencia en el Centro de Historia de la Ciencia (CEHIC- UAB). Mediante la construcción de réplicas de aparatos históricos y haciendo otra vez estos experimentos, Sibum ha conseguido sacar a la luz aspectos de la historia de estos experimentos que no quedaron reflejados en las fuentes escritas. Para que nos explique los problemas y satisfacciones surgidos de estas recreaciones, desde UAB Divulga le hemos hecho unas preguntas.Performing a canonical experiment with a replica is a complementary means to investigate how science has worked historically. And "Experimental history of science" is the respective research programme, initiated and developed by H. Otto Sibum, who visited UAB in order to give a lecture at the Center for the History of Science (CEHIC-UAB). By building replicas of historic devices and performing the historical experiment, Sibum was able to enlighten hitherto neglected dimensions of past experimental practice that were not transmitted in the literary sources. To know more about pleasures and pitfalls that aroused from these recreations, from UAB Divulga we have posed him a few questions

    Tolerability and pharmacokinetic evaluation of inhaled dry powder hydroxychloroquine in healthy volunteers

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    RATIONALE: Inhaled antimicrobials enable high local concentrations where needed and, compared to orally administration, greatly reduce the potential for systemic side effects. In SARS-CoV-2 infections, hydroxychloroquine sulphate (HCQ) administered as dry powder via inhalation could be safer than oral HCQ allowing higher and therefore more effective pulmonary concentrations without dose limiting toxic effects. OBJECTIVES: To assess the local tolerability, safety and pharmacokinetic parameters of HCQ inhalations in single ascending doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg using the Cyclops dry powder inhaler. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers were included in the study. Local tolerability and safety were assessed by pulmonary function tests, electrocardiogram and recording adverse events. To estimate systemic exposure, serum samples were collected before and 0.5, 2 and 3.5 h after inhalation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Dry powder HCQ inhalations were well tolerated by the participants, except for transient bitter taste in all participants and minor coughing irritation. There was no significant change in QTc-interval or drop in FEV1 post inhalation. The serum HCQ concentration remained below 10 μg/L in all samples. CONCLUSION: Single doses of inhaled dry powder HCQ up to 20 mg are safe and well tolerated. Our data support that further studies with inhaled HCQ dry powder to evaluate pulmonary pharmacokinetics and efficacy are warranted

    Working Experiments: Bodies, Machines and Heat Values.

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    The friction of fluids: making sense of experiment

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    Narrating by Numbers. Keeping an Account of Early 19th Century Laboratory Experiences

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    Exploring the margins of precision

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    Enquête sur les mystères d'une expérience

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