1,197 research outputs found

    Kinematic alignment in total knee arthroplasty

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    Kinematic alignment (KA) is an alternative philosophy for aligning a total knee replacement (TKR) which aims to restore all three kinematic axes of the native knee. Many of the studies on KA have actually described non-KA techniques, which has led to much confusion about what actually fits the definition of KA. Alignment should only be measured using three-dimensional cross-sectional imaging. Many of the studies looking at the influence of implants/limb alignment on total knee arthroplasty outcomes are of limited value because of the use of two-dimensional imaging to measure alignment, potentially leading to inaccuracy. No studies have shown KA to be associated with higher complication rates or with worse implant survival; and the clinical outcomes following KA tend to be at least as good as mechanical alignment. Further high-quality multi-centre randomized controlled trials are needed to establish whether KA provides better function and without adversely impacting implant survival

    Underreporting of musculoskeletal disorders in 10 regions in France in 2009

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    BACKGROUND: Underreporting of occupational diseases (OD) has been quantified, in particular in the United States, but little information is available in other countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate underreporting of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in France in 2009. METHODS: We calculated an indicator that approximated the underreporting rate of MSD in 10 regions of France. Two databases were used: data on OD compensated by insurance funding and data from the surveillance program for uncompensated work-related diseases. Analyses were performed for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and elbow, shoulder, and lumbar spine MSD. RESULTS: The underreporting rate was estimated at 59% (range 52-64%) for CTS, 73% (range 67-79%) for elbow MSD, 69% (range 63-74%) for shoulder MSD, and 63% (range 50-76%) for lumbar spine MSD. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that MSD are substantially underreported in France, as in the United States, despite the differences in workers\u27 compensation systems

    Molecular resolvent-operator method: Electronic and nuclear dynamics in strong-field ionization

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    We present an extension of the resolvent-operator method (ROM), originally designed for atomic systems, to extract differential photoelectron spectra (in photoelectron- and nuclear-kinetic energy) for diatomic molecules interacting with strong, ultrashort laser fields in the single active electron approximation. The method is applied to the study of H2+ photodissociation and photoionization by femtosecond laser pulses in the XUV-IR frequency range. In particular, the method is tested (i) in the perturbative regime, for few-photon absorption and bound-bound electronic transitions, and (ii) in the strong-field regime, in which multiphoton absorption and tunneling are present. In the latter case, we show how the differential ROM allows one to track the transition between both regimes. We also analyze isotopic effects by comparing the dynamics of H2+ and D2+ ionization for different pulses. © 2014 American Physical Society.This work was accomplished with an allocation of computer time from Mare Nostrum BSC and CCC-UAM and was partially supported by the MICINN Projects No. FIS2010- 15127 and No. CSD 2007-00010, ERA-Chemistry Project No. PIM2010EEC-00751, the European grants No. MC-ITN CORINF and No. MC-RG ATTOTREND, the European COST Action No. CM0702, and European Research Council Advanced Grant No. XCHEM 290853. R.E.F.S. acknowledges a Ph.D. contract from ITN CORINF and Grant No. SFRH/BD/84053/2012 from the Portuguese government. P.R. acknowledges a Juan de la Cierva contract grant from the Spanish MICIN

    Correlated electron and nuclear dynamics in strong field photoionization of H2+

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    We present a theoretical study of H2+ ionization under strong IR femtosecond pulses by using a method designed to extract correlated (2D) photoelectron and proton kinetic energy spectra. The results show two distinct ionization mechanisms—tunnel and multiphoton ionization—in which electrons and nuclei do not share the energy from the field in the same way. Electrons produced in multiphoton ionization share part of their energy with the nuclei, an effect that shows up in the 2D spectra in the form of energy-conservation fringes similar to those observed in weak-field ionization of diatomic molecules. In contrast, tunneling electrons lead to fringes whose position does not depend on the proton kinetic energy. At high intensity, the two processes coexist and the 2D plots show a very rich behavior, suggesting that the correlation between electron and nuclear dynamics in strong field ionization is more complex than one would have anticipatedThis work was accomplished with an allocation of computer time from Mare Nostrum BSC and CCC-UAM, and was partially supported by the MICINN Projects No. FIS2010-15127, No. ACI2008-0777, and No. CSD 2007-00010, the ERA-Chemistry Project No. PIM2010EEC-00751, the European Grants No. MCITN CORINF and No. MC-RG ATTOTREND, the European COST Action CM0702, and the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council, Grant No. XCHEM 290853. R. E. F. S. acknowledges a Ph.D. contract from ITN CORINF. P. R. acknowledges a Juan de la Cierva contract grant from MICIN

    Management and orientation of geriatric patients admitted to emergencies for a fall: results of the French prospective OREGoN cohort study

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    Falls in older adults are a frequent reason for admission to the emergency department, associated with greater morbidity and mortality risks, and justify specialized geriatric expertise. Our objective was to determine i) the number of older fallers admitted to the emergency department for a serious fall, and ii) the proportion of those who were referred to a geriatrician in the following 12 months. METHODS: We included all patients aged 75 and over admitted to the emergency department of the University hospital of Angers, France, for a fall between 1st October and 1st November 2015. The consensual criteria proposed by the French national authority for health (2009) were used to define serious falls. RESULTS: Of the 214 older fallers admitted to the emergency department, 213 (99.5%) had at least one severity criterion for the fall. Only 40 older patients (18.7%) were referred to a geriatrician during the following 12 months. They exhibited more frequently a post-fall syndrome (p=0.007), more than 3 fall risk factors (p <0.001), and took more often an anticoagulant (p=0.032) than those who had not been referred to a geriatrician. CONCLUSIONS: Although almost all older fallers admitted to the emergency room had experienced a serious fall, only a minority of them received a geriatric assessment in the following year

    Production de protéines d'organismes unicellulaires (P.O.U.) à partir de coque d'arachide

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    La coque d'arachide, réhydratée à 300 p. 100 en eau salée à 7 p. 1 000, dans une enceinte exposée 48 h au soleil, permet le développement d'une abondante microflore. Le filtrat, sédimenté, de ce mélange renferme de 24 à 38 p. 100 de matières protéiques brutes, et un mélange d'acides aminés essentiels dont l'indice d'OSER est de 77,1. Ce sédiment, desséché, ne s'est pas montré toxique "in vivo" pour le rat ou les volailles. Incorporé à des taux variant de 20 à 33 p. 100 à la ration de ces volailles, il réduit leur consommation, donc leur gain de poids, mais leur conserve l'indice de consommation observé avec une ration contenant du tourteau d'arachide. Le coût de production de ces protéines, avec les méthodes utilisées, est inférieur à ceux des autres procédés actuellement employés en matière de protéines d'organismes unicellulaire

    Entropy of semiclassical measures for nonpositively curved surfaces

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    We study the asymptotic properties of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in the case of a compact Riemannian surface of nonpositive sectional curvature. We show that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of a semiclassical measure for the geodesic flow is bounded from below by half of the Ruelle upper bound. We follow the same main strategy as in the Anosov case (arXiv:0809.0230). We focus on the main differences and refer the reader to (arXiv:0809.0230) for the details of analogous lemmas.Comment: 20 pages. This note provides a detailed proof of a result announced in appendix A of a previous work (arXiv:0809.0230, version 2

    Regularity of higher codimension area minimizing integral currents

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    This lecture notes are an expanded version of the course given at the ERC-School on Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis, held in Pisa, September 30th - October 30th 2013. The lectures aim to explain the main steps of a new proof of the partial regularity of area minimizing integer rectifiable currents in higher codimension, due originally to F. Almgren, which is contained in a series of papers in collaboration with C. De Lellis (University of Zurich).Comment: This text will appear in "Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis", pp. 131--192, Proceedings of the ERC school in Pisa (2013), L. Ambrosio Ed., Edizioni SNS (CRM Series

    Techniques d'identification de sous-populations lymphocytaires porcines

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    Les différentes techniques de révélation des rosettes naturelles (E), des rosettes à globules rouges de mouton sensibilisés (EA) ou des rosettes à zymosan (RZ) utilisées successivement permettent d’individualiser des sous-populations lymphocytaires dans le sang circulant du porc. Utilisées conjointement elles mettent en évidence : 1) un compartiment T dépendant, représenté par des lymphocytes ne formant que des rosettes E ; ces lymphocytes n’adhèrent pas à la fibre de nylon et le phénomène des rosettes E est inhibé par un anticorps anti-P.T.A. ; 2) un compartiment B dépendant représenté par des lymphocytes formant des rosettes à Zymosan et des lymphocytes formant des rosettes EA. Ces lymphocytes sont adhérents à la fibre de nylon ; les rosettes EA sont inhibées par un sérum anti-thymocytaire à un titre inférieur à celui inhibant les rosettes E ; 3) des lymphocytes à double récepteur E et RZ, en proportion faible, adhèrent à la fibre de nylon.Salmon Henri, Rivière Yves, Gouère P., Goret Pierre. Techniques d’identification de sous-populations lymphocytaires porcines. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 128 n°4-5, 1975. pp. 199-220