427 research outputs found


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    These research includes synthesis of two series of Schiff bases differ in the type of terminal group, where one of them has a terminal carboxyl group COOH   while the other contains methoxy  OCH3  as a terminal group. In the first part of this  research it was Identification by spectroscopy methods using infrared IR and nuclear magnetic resonance H NMR spectrum, besides elemental analysis shows the exact chemical structure of the expected synthesized compounds.  In the second part was the study of liquid-crystalline behavior by polarized optical microscopy  POM and differential scanning calorimetry DSC that  showed a liquid crystal phase in the compounds that has odd number of carbon atoms in the terminal chain compounds in the first series, while the second series compounds showed liquid crystal phase in the   compounds that containing even number of atoms of carbon in the terminal chain.  Keywords: chain , series , liquid.Â

    Perancangan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Menggunakan “Sink And Tuttle Model” (Studi Kasus pada Pabrik Gula Rendeng, Kudus)

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    PG Rendeng is a agribusiness factory that produces sugar and a subsidiary of PT Plantation Nusantara (PTPN) IX is located in Kudus, Central Java. PG Rendeng has a milling capacity of 24,500 quintals/day. Assessment of performance at PG Rendeng based solely on whether or not the target set by the company can be achieved. When the company can meet its target well, then the company can be said to have had a good performance, whereas when the company can not meet its target, the company has a poor performance. Performance measurement at PG Rendeng will be done using the Sink and Tuttle's model which is an approach that describes the relationship between the seven performance criteria The results of performance measurement design consisted of seven criteria with the following order of priority: Productivity criteria (28.4%), the criteria of effectiveness (21%), the criteria of efficiency (16.2%), quality criteria (11.4%), Profitability criteria / Budgetabilitas (8.6%), Work Life Quality criteria (7.6%), and the Innovation criterion (3.1%). The performance of the six criteria, the final draft was obtained containing 27 KPI: 4 KPI Productivity , 6 KPI Effectiveness, 3 KPI Efficiency , 5 KPI Quality, 2 KPI Innovation, 4 KPI Work Life Quality and 3 KPI Profitability/budgetabilitas. Based on the results of performance measurement with Objective Matrix and Traffic Light System, shows that the performance PG Rendeng in 2013 amounted to 3,604 are located in the yellow category, which means the achievement of this performance is quite good although the value is closer to the category of poor, so there is still room for improvement. From the measurement results, obtained indicators are in a critical zone but apparently the performance is still low. The indicator is the ratio of output productivity, machine productivity levels, productivity ratio of standard working hours, according to the standard output achievement ratio, the ratio of the amount of recovery, the ratio of downtime machine, the ratio of the runtime machine, the ratio of defective raw materials, technological innovation

    Pelatihan Prophetic Parenting untuk Menurunkan Stres Pengasuhan pada Ibu dengan Anak Disabilitas Tunanetra

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of prophetic parenting training in reducing parenting stress in mothers with children with disabilities. This study involved 7 mothers of children with disability that had parenting stress from the moderate to very high parental stress scores. The seven mothers were divided into two groups, 3 in the experimental group and 4 in the control one. Prophetic parenting training was carried out four times within a two-hour session. Parenting stress was measured using the parenting stress scale from Abidin (Ahern, 2004) adapted by Kurniawan (2012) with a total of 36 items and coefficient α=0.82. Pretest were done before training, posttest 1 was done after training, and posttest 2 was done two weeks after training. The result analysis of friedman test showed that score of p=0.043 (p<0.05). Mann whitney test showed that the measurement of posttes 1 with the score of p=0.054 (p>0.05) and postest 2 with the score of p=0.017 (p<0.05). Hence, it be concluded that the prophetic parenting training has brought the significant effect on the reduction of parenting stress among mothers with the child with disabilities (blind) after getting the time to practice prophetic parenting. The qualitative analisys also supported the result by showing a positive change experienced by each subject in the emotional, behavioral, and spiritual aspect. Keywords: prophetic parenting training, parenting stress, chld with disability (blind)ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan prophetic parenting dalam menurunkan stres pengasuhan pada ibu dengan anak disabilitas (tunanetra) Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 7 ibu dari anak disabilitas tunanetra yang memiliki skor stres pengasuhan dengan kategori sedang hingga sangat tinggi. Tujuh subjek terbagi pada dua kelompok yakni 3 orang kelompok eksperimen dan 4 orang kelompok kontrol. Pelatihan prophetic parenting dilakukan sebanyak empat kali pertemuan. Stres pengasuhan diukur menggunakan skala stres pengasuhan dari Abidin yang diadaptasi oleh Kurniawan dengan jumlah aitem sebanyak 36 aitem dengan koefisien α=0.82. Prates dilakukan sebelum pelatihan, pascates 1 dilakukan setelah pelatihan, dan pascates 2 dilakukan dua minggu setelah pelatihan. Friedman test menghasilkan signifikansi sebesar p=0.043 (p<0.05). Uji mann whitney menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran pascates 1 memiliki nilai p=0.054 (p>0.05) dan pascates 2 memiliki nilai p=0.017 (p<0.05). Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan prophetic parenting memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan stres pengasuhan pada ibu dengan anak disabilitas (tunanetra) setelah mendapatkan waktu untuk mempraktikkan prophetic parenting. Hal tersebut didukung oleh analisis kualitatif yang menunjukkan adanya perubahan positif yang dialami subjek kelompok eksperimen dalam aspek emosi, kognitif, perilaku, dan spiritual. Kata kunci: pelatihan prophetic parenting, stres pengasuhan, anak disabilitas (tunanetra

    Fatigue Correstion Behavious of AISI 304 Stainles Steel in 3.5% NaCl Solution

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    Failuredue to corrosion fatigue is a phenomenon that often occurs in thestructure associated with a corrosive environment. Stepuse ofmaterialssuch as AISI 304 stainlesshas been done, buta failuredue to corrosion fatigue phenomena still occur and can not be understood and explained by the experts. This study focused on assessing changes in behaviorof AISI 304stainless steelareexperiencingrepeatedloadingincorrosive environment. The behavior changes observed with fatigue testing in laboratory air and 3.5% NaCl solution, using a fatigue testing machine typerotary bending, specimens weremadeaccording to ASTME-466 andASTMF-1801 for corrosionfatiguetesting.Fatigue testing presented in S-Ncurve and fracture patterns observed, observed in3.5% NaCl solution and constantstress 369.53 MP apitgrowth measurements done on sevenl evels and four levels of cycles for corrosion potential and current measurements a represented in the polarizationcurve. The results showe dthat the endurance limit of the laboratoryair environment at stress 323.34MPa and 3.5% NaCl solution decreases, up to stress 277.15 MPa at1.7x107cycles. Ductile fracture pattern is in the airand 3.5% NaCl solutionis brittle. Pits and cracks growth, failure is dominated by crack propagation and increase the number of cycles resulting in decreased surface potential and corrosion current density increases

    Analisis Serta Perencanaan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Investasi di Sumatera Barat

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    This article focused on analyze (1) Effect of consumption, invesment, government spending and net export on the economics growth in West Sumatera. (2) Effect of economics growth, interest rate and money supply on the invesment in West Sumatera. (3) Planning of the economics growth and investment about 2013-2017. Data used time series of (I year kuartal 2001– IV year kuartal 2010). This article use analyzer model equation of simultaneous with method of Two Stage Least Squared (TSLS). The result of research concludes that (1) the consumption have a significant and positive impact on the economics growth, invesment have significant and positive impact on the economics growth, government spending rates significantly and positive on the economics growth and net export have a significant and positive impact on the economics growth in West Sumatera. (2) the economics growth have a significant and positive impact on the invesment, interest rate have a significant and positive impact on the invesment and money supply have a significant and positive impact on the invesment in West Sumatera.(3)Prospect of output and employment inj West Sumatera 2013-2015 is positive

    Tinjauan Tentang Faktor-faktor Pendukung Terjadinya Proses Asimilasi Budaya Masyarakat Banjar di Lingkungan Melayu Kecamatan Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    This research is based on cultural assimilation in Tembilahan district, Indragiri Hilir regency between Banjar society and Melayu society as the majority society. The formulation of this research is what is the supporting factors that influence the assimilation process of Banjar society in Melayu environment of Tembilahan district, Indragiri Hilir regency. The aim of this research is to know the supporting factors that influence the assimilation process of Banjar society in Melayu environment of Tembilahan district, Indragiri Hilir regency. The population of this research is 8657 and the sample is 70 with sampling is the process selecting. The data instrument is 25 questionnaire and 6 interview question. The data is analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis. From the analysis, writer got 51.43% as the dominant answer for chances to be balance in economy aspects, 59.72% for respect the other cultures, 53.21% for the fair attitude from the authorities in society, 55.71% for the similarities of cultural element, and 54.29% for the same enemies from other aspect. Based on Suharsimi Arikunto, dominant is set between 50.01% - 70.00%, so the hypothesis “The Tolerance and Amalgamation Factors toward the Assimilation Process of Banjar Society in Melayu Environment of Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency” is rejected or ignored

    Identification of Vector and Filariasis Potential Vector in Tanta Subdistrict, Tabalong District

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    Filariasis is endemic in 83 countries with millions of people at risk for infection and 120 million people suffer from clinical sites throughout the world. In lndonesia, filariasis is endemic in nearly all provinces. Approximately 3,1% of Indonesian population has been infected with filariasis with Microfilaremia rate (Mf-Rate) ranged between 0,5-17,9%. There are five endemic districts in South Kalimantan including Tabalong district. Microfiiaria rate for South Kalimantan was between 1,01-35,8%. This was a cross sectional study which taken place in District Tabalong subdistrict of Tanta with three villages taken as the study area; two of the villages were endemic areas: Warukin village and Pulau Ku\u27u village, and the rest was the village that adjacent to those endemic areas: Tamiyang villages. The study population was all mosquito species in the filariasis endemic area. Mosquito samples were caught using landing collection method on human. We found 8 mosquito species in the study area which are: Gulex puscacaphalus, Gx. tritaeniorhynchus, Gx. quinquefasciatus, Gx. bitaeniorhynchus, Anopheles barbirostris, Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Mansonia uniformis. Furthermore, we did not found mosquito breeding place in the area since the study was done in the dry season hence we are not able to found puddle. Filariasis endemis di 83 negara dengan jutaan orang berisiko terinfeksi dan 120 juta orang menderita klinis di seluruh dunia. Di lndonesia, filariasis endemis hampir di seluruh provinsi. Diperkirakan 3,1% penduduk lndonesia telah terinfeksi filariasis dengan kisaran Microfilaremia rate (Mf-Rate) antara 0,5-17,9%. Terdapat di 5 kabupaten endemis filariasis di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, diantaranya Kabupaten Tabalong. Mikrofilaria rate untuk Kalimantan Selatan antara 1,01-35,8%. Penelitian ini bersifat cross sectional bertempat di Kabupaten Tabalong Kecamatan Tanta dan diambil 3 desa sebagai daerah penelitian, 2 desa merupakan daerah yang endemis yaitu Desa Warukin dan Desa Pulau Ku\u27u, sedangkan 1 desa merupakan desa yang berdampingan dengan desa endemis yaitu Desa Tamiyang. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua spesies nyamuk yang ada di daerah endemis filariasis. Sampel nyamuk ditangkap menggunakan metode landing collection pada manusia. Hasil penangkapan dan identifikasi spesies nyamuk yang ditemukan di daerah penelitian ada 8 spesies yaitu Gulex puscacaphalus, Gx. tritaeniorhynchus, Gx. quinquefasciatus, Gx. bitaeniorhynchus, Anopheles barbirostris, Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Mansonia uniformis dan tidak ditemukan cacing microfiiaria pada pembedahan nyamuk. Breeding place tidak ditemukan di daerah penelitian karena saat penelitian merupakan musim kemarau sehingga tidak ditemukan genangan air
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