7,200 research outputs found

    Semirelativistic stability of N-boson systems bound by 1/r pair potentials

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    We analyze a system of self-gravitating identical bosons by means of a semirelativistic Hamiltonian comprising the relativistic kinetic energies of the involved particles and added (instantaneous) Newtonian gravitational pair potentials. With the help of an improved lower bound to the bottom of the spectrum of this Hamiltonian, we are able to enlarge the known region for relativistic stability for such boson systems against gravitational collapse and to sharpen the predictions for their maximum stable mass.Comment: 11 pages, considerably enlarged introduction and motivation, remainder of the paper unchange

    Effects of carbon dioxide on trapped electrolyte hydrogen-oxygen, alkaline fuel cells

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    Effects of carbon dioxide on trapped electrolyte hydrogen-oxygen alkaline fuel cell

    The Two Modes of Visual Processing: Implications for Spatial Orientation

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    The roles of the focal and ambient visual systems in spatial orientation are discussed. The two modes are defined and compared. The contribution of each system is illustrated through examples such as spatial disorientation/motion sickness, vehicle guidance/night driving, visual narrowing under stress/cortical brain damage, and aircraft instrumentation. Emphasis is placed on the need for testing procedures for the ambient system

    Calculations of Energy Losses due to Atomic Processes in Tokamaks with Applications to the ITER Divertor

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    Reduction of the peak heat loads on the plasma facing components is essential for the success of the next generation of high fusion power tokamaks such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 1 . Many present concepts for accomplishing this involve the use of atomic processes to transfer the heat from the plasma to the main chamber and divertor chamber walls and much of the experimental and theoretical physics research in the fusion program is directed toward this issue. The results of these experiments and calculations are the result of a complex interplay of many processes. In order to identify the key features of these experiments and calculations and the relative role of the primary atomic processes, simple quasi-analytic models and the latest atomic physics rate coefficients and cross sections have been used to assess the relative roles of central radiation losses through bremsstrahlung, impurity radiation losses from the plasma edge, charge exchange and hydrogen radiation losses from the scrape-off layer and divertor plasma and impurity radiation losses from the divertor plasma. This anaysis indicates that bremsstrahlung from the plasma center and impurity radiation from the plasma edge and divertor plasma can each play a significant role in reducing the power to the divertor plates, and identifies many of the factors which determine the relative role of each process. For instance, for radiation losses in the divertor to be large enough to radiate the power in the divertor for high power experiments, a neutral fraction of 10-3 to 10-2 and an impurity recycling rate of netrecycle of ~ 10^16 s m^-3 will be required in the divertor.Comment: Preprint for the 1994 APSDPP meeting, uuencoded and gzipped postscript with 22 figures, 40 pages

    Corrections to Sirlin's Theorem in O(p6)O(p^6) Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We present the results of the first two-loop calculation of a form factor in full SU(3)×SU(3)SU(3) \times SU(3) Chiral Perturbation Theory. We choose a specific linear combination of π+,K+,K0\pi^+, K^+, K^0 and KπK\pi form factors (the one appearing in Sirlin's theorem) which does not get contributions from order p6p^6 operators with unknown constants. For the charge radii, the correction to the previous one-loop result turns out to be significant, but still there is no agreement with the present data due to large experimental uncertainties in the kaon charge radii.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 2 LaTeX figure

    Plasma actuator: influence of dielectric surface temperature

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    Plasma actuators have become the topic of interest of many researchers for the purpose of flow control. They have the advantage of manipulating the flow without the need for any moving parts, a small surface profile which does not disturb the free stream flow, and the ability to switch them on or off depending on the particular situation (active flow control). Due to these characteristics they are becoming very popular for flow control over aircraft wings. The objective of the current study is to examine the effect of the actuator surface temperature on its performance. This is an important topic to understand when dealing with real life aircraft equipped with plasma actuators. The temperature variations encountered during a flight envelope may have adverse effects in actuator performance. A peltier heater along with dry ice are used to alter the actuator temperature, while particle image velocimetry (PIV) is utilised to analyse the flow field. The results show a significant change in the induced flow field by the actuator as the surface temperature is varied. It is found that for a constant peak-to-peak voltage the maximum velocity produced by the actuator depends directly on the dielectric surface temperature. The findings suggest that by changing the actuator temperature the performance can be maintained or even altered at different environmental conditions

    The Complexity of Reasoning for Fragments of Default Logic

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    Default logic was introduced by Reiter in 1980. In 1992, Gottlob classified the complexity of the extension existence problem for propositional default logic as \SigmaPtwo-complete, and the complexity of the credulous and skeptical reasoning problem as SigmaP2-complete, resp. PiP2-complete. Additionally, he investigated restrictions on the default rules, i.e., semi-normal default rules. Selman made in 1992 a similar approach with disjunction-free and unary default rules. In this paper we systematically restrict the set of allowed propositional connectives. We give a complete complexity classification for all sets of Boolean functions in the meaning of Post's lattice for all three common decision problems for propositional default logic. We show that the complexity is a hexachotomy (SigmaP2-, DeltaP2-, NP-, P-, NL-complete, trivial) for the extension existence problem, while for the credulous and skeptical reasoning problem we obtain similar classifications without trivial cases.Comment: Corrected versio

    Temporal Stream Logic: Synthesis beyond the Bools

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    Reactive systems that operate in environments with complex data, such as mobile apps or embedded controllers with many sensors, are difficult to synthesize. Synthesis tools usually fail for such systems because the state space resulting from the discretization of the data is too large. We introduce TSL, a new temporal logic that separates control and data. We provide a CEGAR-based synthesis approach for the construction of implementations that are guaranteed to satisfy a TSL specification for all possible instantiations of the data processing functions. TSL provides an attractive trade-off for synthesis. On the one hand, synthesis from TSL, unlike synthesis from standard temporal logics, is undecidable in general. On the other hand, however, synthesis from TSL is scalable, because it is independent of the complexity of the handled data. Among other benchmarks, we have successfully synthesized a music player Android app and a controller for an autonomous vehicle in the Open Race Car Simulator (TORCS.
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