27,240 research outputs found

    High temperature static strain sensor development program

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    Electrical resistance strain gages useful for static strain measurements on nickel or cobalt superalloy parts inside a gas turbine engine on a test stand are being developed. Measurements of this type are of great importance in meeting the goals of the HOST program because, without reliable knowledge of the stresses and strains which exist in specific components, it will be difficult to fully appreciate where improvements in design and materials can be implemented. The first part of the effort consisted of a strain gage alloy development program which will be followed by an investigation of complete strain gage systems which will use the best of the alloys developed together with other system improvements

    The preparation of ketene dithioacetals and thiophenes from chloropyridines containing an active methylene group

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    The base catalysed reaction of carbon disulphide with the active methylene groups of chloropyridines 4 and 7, followed by alkylation with reagents which also contain active methylene groups, lead to ketene dithioacetals. Further reaction with base afforded highly substituted thiophenes

    Lunar sample analysis

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    The surface composition of two samples from the highly shocked, glass-coated lunar basalt (12054) and from four glass-coated fragments from the 1-2 mm (14161) fines were examined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy to determine whether the agglutination process itself is responsible for the difference between their surface and bulk compositions. Auger electron spectroscopy of glass balls from the 15425 and 74001 fines were analyzed to understand the nature, extent, and behavior of volatile phases associated with lunar volcanism. Initial results indicate that (1) volatiles, in the outer few atomic layers sampled, vary considerably from ball to ball; (2) variability over the surface of individual balls is smaller; (3) the dominant volatiles on the balls are S and Zn; and (4) other volatiles commonly observed are P, Cl, and K

    Commensurability oscillations due to pinned and drifting orbits in a two-dimensional lateral surface superlattice

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    We have simulated conduction in a two-dimensional electron gas subject to a weak two-dimensional periodic potential, Vxcos(2πx/a)+Vycos(2πy/a)V_x \cos(2\pi x/a) + V_y \cos(2\pi y/a). The usual commensurability oscillations in ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) are seen with VxV_x alone. An increase of VyV_y suppresses these oscillations, rather than introducing the additional oscillations in ρyy(B)\rho_{yy}(B) expected from previous perturbation theories. We show that this behavior arises from drift of the guiding center of cyclotron motion along contours of an effective potential. Periodic modulation in the magnetic field can be treated in the same way.Comment: 3 pages text, 4 eps figures, revte

    Studies of satellite support to weather modification in the western US region

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    The applications of meteorological satellite data to both summer and winter weather modification programs are addressed. Appraisals of the capability of satellites to assess seedability, to provide real-time operational support, and to assist in the post-experiment analysis of a seeding experiment led to the incorporation of satellite observing systems as a major component in the Bureau of Reclamations weather modification activities. Satellite observations are an integral part of the South Park Area cumulus experiment (SPACE) which aims to formulate a quantitative hypothesis for enhancing precipitation from orographically induced summertime mesoscale convective systems (orogenic mesoscale systems). Progress is reported in using satellite observations to assist in classifying the important mesoscale systems, and in defining their frequency and coverage, and potential area of effect. Satellite studies of severe storms are also covered

    Turbine Blade Temperature Measurements Using Thin Film Temperature Sensors

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    The development of thin film temperature sensors is discussed. The technology for sputtering 2 micron thin film platinum versus platinum 10 percent rhodium thermocouples on alumina forming coatings was improved and extended to applications on actual turbine blades. Good adherence was found to depend upon achieving a proper morphology of the alumina surface. Problems of adapting fabrication procedures to turbine blades were uncovered, and improvements were recommended. Testing at 1250 K at one atmosphere pressure was then extended to a higher Mach No. (0.5) in combustor flow for 60 hours and 71 thermal cycles. The mean time to failure was 47 hours accumulated during 1 hour exposures in the combustor. Calibration drift was about 0.1 percent per hour, attributable to oxidation of the rhodium in the thin films. An increase in film thickness and application of a protective overcoat are recommended to reduce drift in actual engine testing

    Measuring unsteady pressure on rotating compressor blades

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    Miniature semiconductor strain gage pressure transducers mounted in several arrangements were studied. Both surface mountings and recessed flush mountings were tested. Test parameters included mounting arrangement, blade material, temperature, local strain in the acceleration normal to the transducer diaphragm, centripetal acceleration, and pressure. Test results show no failures of transducers or mountings and indicate an uncertainty of unsteady pressure measurement of approximately + or - 6 percent + 0.1 kPa for a typical application. Two configurations were used on a rotating fan flutter program. Examples of transducer data and correction factors are presented

    Historical shoreline response to inlet modifications and sea level rise (M.S. Engineering Thesis)

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    This thesis examines the historical shoreline response to inlet modifications and sea level rise. Inlet modifications are considered to be the geographic stabilization and training (through the use of structures) of natural inlets and the creation and further modification of artificial inlets. Shoreline response to natural and artificial processes must be understood in order to predict the performance of the coastline. The tendency for creating and modifying inlets increases as industry and population growth demands. Sea level rise is a natural process which cannot be controlled at this time. Current theoretical approaches to predicting shoreline response indicate that sea level rise and inlet modifications can cause substantial shoreline impact. Florida, with roughly a century of shoreline position and relative sea level data, provides a basis for examining past trends and comparing them with theory. The shoreline of Florida was found to be accreting with the greatest accretion along the east coast. Shoreline responses within the boundaries of the erosional influence of inlets due to their creation and/or modification were examined for 19 inlets around the coast of Florida. The differences in the shoreline response before and after the initial modification of each inlet show the erosional strain that inlets apply on the nearby shoreline. The effect on shoreline response due to the human intervention (unnatural processes) of modifying inlets was isolated and examined. The shoreline response due to this "human intervention" was erosional, thereby showing the negative impact that modified inlets have on shorelines. This induced erosion is responsible for the loss of roughly 21.6 million cubic yards of sand from the shoreline that is within the erosional influence of Florida's east coast inlets. Combining the shoreline changes due only to natural processes with sea level rise data allows for comparison with the commonly accepted Bruun Rule for shoreline response as a result of a changing sea level. This comparison and the effects of including a lag time between a rise in sea level and a change in shoreline along the east coast of Florida during the last century show no agreement with the Bruun Rule and no correlation with a specific lag time. (153 pp.

    Status of BetaCage: an Ultra-sensitive Screener for Surface Contamination

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    BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, has been proposed as a viable screener for emitters of low-energy alphas and electrons to which commercial radioactivity counting techniques are insensitive. Using radiopure materials for construction, active and passive shielding from extrinsic backgrounds, large counting area and minimal detector mass, BetaCage will be able to achieve sensitivities of 10^(−5) counts keV^(−1) kg^(−1) day^(−1) in a few days of running time. We report on progress in prototype development work since the last meeting of this workshop

    Optimal eavesdropping on QKD without quantum memory

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    We consider the security of the BB84, six-state and SARG04 quantum key distribution protocols when the eavesdropper doesn't have access to a quantum memory. In this case, Eve's most general strategy is to measure her ancilla with an appropriate POVM designed to take advantage of the post-measurement information that will be released during the sifting phase of the protocol. After an optimization on all the parameters accessible to Eve, our method provides us with new bounds for the security of six-state and SARG04 against a memoryless adversary. In particular, for the six-state protocol we show that the maximum QBER for which a secure key can be extracted is increased from 12.6% (for collective attacks) to 20.4% with the memoryless assumption.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Analysis of six-state and SARG04 QKD protocols adde