1,467 research outputs found

    Directional Time-Distance Probing of Model Sunspot Atmospheres

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    A crucial feature not widely accounted for in local helioseismology is that surface magnetic regions actually open a window from the interior into the solar atmosphere, and that the seismic waves leak through this window, reflect high in the atmosphere, and then re-enter the interior to rejoin the seismic wave field normally confined there. In a series of recent numerical studies using translation invariant atmospheres, we utilised a "directional time-distance helioseismology" measurement scheme to study the implications of the returning fast and Alfv\'en waves higher up in the solar atmosphere on the seismology at the photosphere (Cally & Moradi 2013; Moradi & Cally 2014). In this study, we extend our directional time-distance analysis to more realistic sunspot-like atmospheres to better understand the direct effects of the magnetic field on helioseismic travel-time measurements in sunspots. In line with our previous findings, we uncover a distinct frequency-dependant directional behaviour in the travel-time measurements, consistent with the signatures of MHD mode conversion. We found this to be the case regardless of the sunspot field strength or depth of its Wilson depression. We also isolated and analysed the direct contribution from purely thermal perturbations to the measured travel times, finding that waves propagating in the umbra are much more sensitive to the underlying thermal effects of the sunspot.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    Inversions of synthetic umbral flashes: effects of the scanning time on the inferred atmospheres

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    The use of instruments that record narrow band images at selected wavelengths is a common approach in solar observations. They allow the scanning of a spectral line by sampling the Stokes profiles with 2D images at each line position, but require a compromise between spectral resolution and temporal cadence. We evaluate the impact of the time-dependent acquisition of different wavelengths on the inversion of spectropolarimetric profiles from chromospheric lines during umbral flashes. Simulations of non-linear wave propagation in a sunspot were performed with the code MANCHA. Synthetic Stokes parameters in the Ca II 8542 A line in NLTE were computed for an umbral flash using the code NICOLE. Artificial profiles with the same wavelength coverage and temporal cadence from reported observations were constructed and inverted. The inferred atmospheric stratifications were compared with the original models. The inferred atmospheres provide a reasonable characterization of the thermodynamic properties of the atmosphere during most of the phases of the umbral flash. Only at the early stages of the flash, when the shock wave reaches the formation height of the line, the Stokes profiles present apparent wavelength shifts and other spurious deformations. These features are misinterpreted by the inversion code, which can return unrealistic atmospheric models from a good fit of the Stokes profiles. The misguided results include flashed atmospheres with strong downflows, even though the simulation exhibits upflows during the umbral flash, and large variations in the magnetic field strength. Our analyses validate the inversion of Stokes profiles acquired by sequentially scanning certain selected wavelengths of a line profile, even in the case of rapidly-changing events such as umbral flashes. However, the inversions are unreliable during a short period at the development phase of the flash.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    First principles calculation of structural and magnetic properties for Fe monolayers and bilayers on W(110)

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    Structure optimizations were performed for 1 and 2 monolayers (ML) of Fe on a 5 ML W(110) substrate employing the all-electron full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) method. The magnetic moments were also obtained for the converged and optimized structures. We find significant contractions (∼\sim 10 %) for both the Fe-W and the neighboring Fe-Fe interlayer spacings compared to the corresponding bulk W-W and Fe-Fe interlayer spacings. Compared to the Fe bcc bulk moment of 2.2 μB\mu_B, the magnetic moment for the surface layer of Fe is enhanced (i) by 15% to 2.54 μB\mu_B for 1 ML Fe/5 ML W(110), and (ii) by 29% to 2.84 μB\mu_B for 2 ML Fe/5 ML W(110). The inner Fe layer for 2 ML Fe/5 ML W(110) has a bulk-like moment of 2.3 μB\mu_B. These results agree well with previous experimental data

    3-(6-Methyl-2-pyrid­yl)-2-phen­oxy-3,4-dihydro-1,3,2-benzoxaza­phosphirine 2-oxide

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    In the title compound, C19H17N2O3P, the six-membered 1,3,2-oxaza­phospho­rine ring adopts a twist-boat conformation with the phosphoryl O atom in an equatorial position. The P=O(oxide) bond length is 1.457 (1) Å and the average value of the P—O distances is 1.588 Å. The crystal structure is stabilized by C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Passion, craving, and affect in online gaming: Predicting how gamers feel when playing and when prevented from playing

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    According to the Dualistic Model of Passion, two forms of passion can motivate a behavior: harmonious passion and obsessive passion. Across various life activities, studies have found that the two forms of passion show different relationships with affect, linking harmonious passion to positive affect and obsessive passion to negative affect. To investigate if this pattern also holds for online gaming, the present study investigated 160 gamers involved in playing massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMOs) and examined positive and negative affect (a) when playing and (b) when prevented from playing. In addition, the effects of general affect and craving for playing MMOs were controlled for. Results were as expected from the Dualistic Model of Passion: Harmonious passion for online gaming predicted positive affect when playing whereas obsessive passion predicted negative affect when playing and when prevented from playing. Moreover, these effects remained unchanged when general affect and craving were controlled for. With this, the present research shows that individual differences in passion for online gaming explain unique variance in gaming-related emotions. Moreover, the present findings suggests that craving is a variable that future research on positive and negative affect in online gaming should pay closer attention to

    Small-scale Dynamo in Cool Stars: I. Changes in stratification and near-surface convection for main-sequence spectral types

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    Some of the small-scale solar magnetic flux can be attributed to a small-scale dynamo (SSD) operating in the near-surface convection. The SSD fields have consequences for solar granular convection, basal flux, as well as chromospheric heating. A similar SSD mechanism is expected to be active in the near-surface convection of other cool main-sequence stars, but this has never been investigated. We aim to investigate changes in stratification and convection due to inclusion of SSD fields for F3V, G2V, K0V and M0V spectral types in the near-surface convection. 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of the four stellar boxes, covering the subsurface convection zone up to the lower photosphere in a small cartesian box, are studied using the \textit{MURaM} radiative-MHD simulation code. The SSD runs are compared against reference hydrodynamic runs. An SSD is found to efficiently produce magnetic field with energies ranging between 5\% to 80\% of the plasma kinetic energy at different depths. This ratio tends to be larger for larger TeffT_{\mathrm{eff}}. The relative change in density and gas pressure stratification for the deeper convective layers due to SSD magnetic fields is negligible, except for the F-star. For the F-star, there is a substantial reduction in convective velocities due to Lorentz force feedback from magnetic fields, which, in turn, reduces the turbulent pressure. SSD in near-surface convection for cool main-sequence stars introduces small but significant changes in thermodynamic stratification (especially for the F-star) due to reduction in convective velocities.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Small-scale dynamo in cool main sequence stars. II. The effect of metallicity

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    All cool main sequence stars including our Sun are thought to have magnetic fields. Observations of the Sun revealed that even in quiet regions small-scale turbulent magnetic fields are present. Simulations further showed that such magnetic fields affect the subsurface and photospheric structure, and thus the radiative transfer and emergent flux. Since small-scale turbulent magnetic fields on other stars cannot be directly observed, it is imperative to study their effects on the near surface layers numerically. Until recently comprehensive three-dimensional simulations capturing the effect of small-scale turbulent magnetic fields only exists for the solar case. A series of investigations extending SSD simulations for other stars has been started. Here we aim to examine small-scale turbulent magnetic fields in stars of solar effective temperature but different metallicity. We investigate the properties of three-dimensional simulations of the magneto-convection in boxes covering the upper convection zone and photosphere carried out with the MURaM code for metallicity values of M/H={−1.0,0.0,0.5} \rm M/H = \{-1.0, 0.0, 0.5\} with and without a small-scale-dynamo. We find that small-scale turbulent magnetic fields enhanced by a small-scale turbulent dynamo noticeably affect the subsurface dynamics and significantly change the flow velocities in the photosphere. Moreover, significantly stronger magnetic field strengths are present in the convection zone for low metallicity. Whereas, at the optical surface the averaged vertical magnetic field ranges from 64G for M/H = 0.5 to 85G for M/H = -1.0.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, submitted to A&

    Strain Relief in Cu-Pd Heteroepitaxy

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    We present experimental and theoretical studies of Pd/Cu(100) and Cu/Pd(100) heterostructures in order to explore their structure and misfit strain relaxation. Ultrathin Pd and Cu films are grown by pulsed laser deposition at room temperature. For Pd/Cu, compressive strain is released by networks of misfit dislocations running in the [100] and [010] directions, which appear after a few monolayers (ML) already. In striking contrast, for Cu/Pd the tensile overlayer remains coherent up to about 9 ML, after which multilayer growth occurs. The strong asymmetry between tensile and compressive cases is in contradiction with continuum elasticity theory and is also evident in the structural parameters of the strained films. Molecular dynamics calculations based on classical many-body potentials confirm the pronounced tensile-compressive asymmetry and are in good agreement with the experimental data.Peer reviewe

    Large Scale Optimization Problems for Central Energy Facilities with Distributed Energy Storage

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    On large campuses, energy facilities are used to serve the heating and cooling needs of all the buildings, while utilizing cost savings strategies to manage operational cost. Strategies range from shifting loads to participating in utility programs that offer payouts. Among available strategies are central plant optimization, electrical energy storage, participation in utility demand response programs, and manipulating the temperature setpoints in the campus buildings. However, simultaneously optimizing all of the central plant assets, temperature setpoints and participation in utility programs can be a daunting task even for a powerful computer if the desire is real time control. These strategies may be implemented separately across several optimization systems without a coordinating algorithm. Due to system interactions, decentralized control may be far from optimal and worse yet may try to use the same asset for different goals. In this work, a hierarchal optimization system has been created to coordinate the optimization of the central plant, the battery, participation in demand response programs, and temperature setpoints. In the hierarchal controller, the high level coordinator determines the load allocations across the campus or facility. The coordinator also determines the participation in utility incentive programs. It is shown that these incentive programs can be grouped into reservation programs and price adjustment programs. The second tier of control is split into 3 portions: control of the central energy facility, control of the battery system, and control of the temperature setpoints. The second tier is responsible for converting load allocations into central plant temperature setpoints and flows, battery charge and discharge setpoints, and temperature setpoints, which are delivered to the Building Automation System for execution. It is shown that the whole system can be coordinated by representing the second tier controllers with a smaller set of data that can be used by the coordinating controller. The central plant optimizer must supply an operational domain which constrains how each group of equipment can operate. The high level controller uses this information to send down loadings for each resource a group of equipment in the plant produces or consumes. For battery storage, the coordinating controller uses a simple integrator model of the battery and is responsible for providing a demand target and the amount of participation in any incentive programs. Finally, to perform temperature setpoint optimization a dynamic model of the zone is provided to the coordinating controller. This information is used to determine load allocations for groups of zones. The hierarchal control strategy is successful at optimizing the entire energy facility fast enough to allow the algorithms to control the energy facility, building setpoints, and program bids in real-time
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