475 research outputs found

    Microwave ISM Emission in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey: Evidence for Spinning Dust

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    We observe significant dust-correlated emission outside of H II regions in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey (-4 < b < 4 degrees) at 8.35 and 14.35 GHz. The rising spectral slope rules out synchrotron and free-free emission as majority constituents at 14 GHz, and the amplitude is at least 500 times higher than expected thermal dust emission. When combined with the Rhodes (2.326 GHz), and WMAP (23-94 GHz) data it is possible to fit dust-correlated emission at 2.3-94 GHz with only soft synchrotron, free-free, thermal dust, and an additional dust-correlated component similar to Draine & Lazarian spinning dust. The rising component generally dominates free-free and synchrotron for \nu >~ 14 GHz and is overwhelmed by thermal dust at \nu > 60 GHz. The current data fulfill most of the criteria laid out by Finkbeiner et al. (2002) for detection of spinning dust.Comment: ApJ in press. 26 pages, 11 figures, figures jpeg compressed to save spac

    Feasibility study ASCS remote sensing/compliance determination system

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    A short-term technical study was performed by the MSC Earth Observations Division to determine the feasibility of the proposed Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Automatic Remote Sensing/Compliance Determination System. For the study, the term automatic was interpreted as applying to an automated remote-sensing system that includes data acquisition, processing, and management

    Tiny scale opacity fluctuations from VLBA, MERLIN and VLA observations of HI absorption toward 3C 138

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    The structure function of opacity fluctuations is a useful statistical tool to study tiny scale structures of neutral hydrogen. Here we present high resolution observation of HI absorption towards 3C 138, and estimate the structure function of opacity fluctuations from the combined VLA, MERLIN and VLBA data. The angular scales probed in this work are ~ 10-200 milliarcsec (about 5-100 AU). The structure function in this range is found to be well represented by a power law S_tau(x) ~ x^{beta} with index beta ~ 0.33 +/- 0.07 corresponding to a power spectrum P_tau(U) ~ U^{-2.33}. This is slightly shallower than the earlier reported power law index of ~ 2.5-3.0 at ~ 1000 AU to few pc scales. The amplitude of the derived structure function is a factor of ~ 20-60 times higher than the extrapolated amplitude from observation of Cas A at larger scales. On the other hand, extrapolating the AU scale structure function for 3C 138 predicts the observed structure function for Cas A at the pc scale correctly. These results clearly establish that the atomic gas has significantly more structures in AU scales than expected from earlier pc scale observations. Some plausible reasons are identified and discussed here to explain these results. The observational evidence of a shallower slope and the presence of rich small scale structures may have implications for the current understanding of the interstellar turbulence.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. The definitive version will be available at http://iopscience.iop.org

    Simulated SKA maps from Galactic 3D-emission models

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    (Abridged) We present maps for various Galactic longitudes and latitudes at 1.4 GHz, which is the frequency where deep SKA surveys are proposed. The maps are about 1.5 deg in size and have an angular resolution of about 1.6 arcsec. We analyse the maps in terms of their probability density functions (PDFs) and structure functions. Total intensity emission is more smooth in the plane than at high latitudes due to the different contributions from the regular and random magnetic field. The high latitude fields show more extended polarized emission and RM structures than those in the plane, where patchy emission structures on very small scales dominate. The RM PDFs in the plane are close to Gaussians, but clearly deviate from that at high latitudes. The RM structure functions show smaller amplitudes and steeper slopes towards high latitudes. These results emerge from the fact that much more turbulent cells are passed through by the line-of-sights in the plane. Although the simulated random magnetic field components distribute in 3D, the magnetic field spectrum extracted from the structure functions of RMs conforms to 2D in the plane and approaches 3D at high latitudes. This is partly related to the outer scale of the turbulent magnetic field, but mainly to the different lengths of the line-of-sights.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The sizes of figures have been significantly reduced. For the version with full resolution, see ftp://ftp.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/outgoing/p098wre/sun-reich.pd

    G28.17+0.05: An unusual giant HI cloud in the inner Galaxy

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    New 21 cm HI observations have revealed a giant HI cloud in the Galactic plane that has unusual properties. It is quite well defined, about 150 pc in diameter at a distance of 5 kpc, and contains as much as 100,000 Solar Masses of atomic hydrogen. The outer parts of the cloud appear in HI emission above the HI background, while the central regions show HI self-absorption. Models which reproduce the observations have a core with a temperature <40 K and an outer envelope as much as an order of magnitude hotter. The cold core is elongated along the Galactic plane, whereas the overall outline of the cloud is approximately spherical. The warm and cold parts of the HI cloud have a similar, and relatively large, line width of approximately 7 km/s. The cloud core is a source of weak, anomalously-excited 1720 MHz OH emission, also with a relatively large line width, which delineates the region of HI self-absorption but is slightly blue-shifted in velocity. The intensity of the 1720 MHz OH emission is correlated with N(H) derived from models of the cold core. There is 12CO emission associated with the cloud core. Most of the cloud mass is in molecules, and the total mass is > 200,000 Solar Masses. In the cold core the HI mass fraction may be 10 percent. The cloud has only a few sites of current star formation. There may be about 100 more objects like this in the inner Galaxy; every line of sight through the Galactic plane within 50 degrees of the Galactic center probably intersects at least one. We suggest that G28.17+0.05 is a cloud being observed as it enters a spiral arm and that it is in the transition from the atomic to the molecular state.Comment: 35 pages, inludes 12 figure

    Parametric Oscillation of a Moving Mirror Driven by Radiation Pressure in a Superconducting Fabry-Perot Resonating System

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    A moving pellicle superconducting mirror, which is driven by radiation pressure on its one side, and by the Coulomb force on its other side, can become a parametric oscillator that can generate microwaves when placed within a high-Q superconducting Fabry-Perot resonator system. A paraxial-wave analysis shows that the fundamental resonator eigenmode needed for parametric oscillation is the TM011 mode. A double Fabry-Perot structure is introduced to resonate the pump and the idler modes, but to reject the parasitic anti-Stokes mode. The threshold for oscillation is estimated based on the radiation-pressure coupling of the pump to the signal and idler modes, and indicates that the experiment is feasible to perform.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, part of proceedings of FQMT 2011 conference in Prague, Czech Republi