470 research outputs found

    Gauge Group and Topology Change

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of topology change in the initial universe. In this study, the concept of GG-cobordism is introduced to argue about the topology change of the manifold on which a transformation group acts. This GG-manifold has a fiber bundle structure if the group action is free and is related to the spacetime in Kaluza-Klein theory or Einstein-Yang-Mills system. Our results revealed that fundamental processes of compactification in GG-manifolds. In these processes, the initial high symmetry and multidimensional universe changes to present universe by the mechanism which lowers the dimensions and symmetries.Comment: 8 page

    Sums over geometries and improvements on the mean field approximation

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    The saddle points of a Lagrangian due to Efetov are analyzed. This Lagrangian was originally proposed as a tool for calculating systematic corrections to the Bethe approximation, a mean-field approximation which is important in statistical mechanics, glasses, coding theory, and combinatorial optimization. Detailed analysis shows that the trivial saddle point generates a sum over geometries reminiscent of dynamically triangulated quantum gravity, which suggests new possibilities to design sums over geometries for the specific purpose of obtaining improved mean field approximations to DD-dimensional theories. In the case of the Efetov theory, the dominant geometries are locally tree-like, and the sum over geometries diverges in a way that is similar to quantum gravity's divergence when all topologies are included. Expertise from the field of dynamically triangulated quantum gravity about sums over geometries may be able to remedy these defects and fulfill the Efetov theory's original promise. The other saddle points of the Efetov Lagrangian are also analyzed; the Hessian at these points is nonnormal and pseudo-Hermitian, which is unusual for bosonic theories. The standard formula for Gaussian integrals is generalized to nonnormal kernels.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review D, probably in November 2007. At the reviewer's request, material was added which made the article more assertive, confident, and clear. No changes in substanc

    Modelling gravity on a hyper-cubic lattice

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    We present an elegant and simple dynamical model of symmetric, non-degenerate (n x n) matrices of fixed signature defined on a n-dimensional hyper-cubic lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions. We show how this model is related to General Relativity, and discuss multiple ways in which it can be useful for studying gravity, both classical and quantum. In particular, we show that the dynamics of the model when all matrices are close to the identity corresponds exactly to a finite-difference discretization of weak-field gravity in harmonic gauge. We also show that the action which defines the full dynamics of the model corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert action to leading order in the lattice spacing, and use this observation to define a lattice analogue of the Ricci scalar and Einstein tensor. Finally, we perform a mean-field analysis of the statistical mechanics of this model.Comment: 5 page

    Emergence of a 4D World from Causal Quantum Gravity

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    Causal Dynamical Triangulations in four dimensions provide a background-independent definition of the sum over geometries in nonperturbative quantum gravity, with a positive cosmological constant. We present evidence that a macroscopic four-dimensional world emerges from this theory dynamically.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; some short clarifying comments added; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Representations of the SU(N)SU(N) TT-algebra and the loop representation in 1+11+1-dimensions

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    We consider the phase-space of Yang-Mills on a cylindrical space-time (S1×RS^1 \times {\bf R}) and the associated algebra of gauge-invariant functions, the TT-variables. We solve the Mandelstam identities both classically and quantum-mechanically by considering the TT-variables as functions of the eigenvalues of the holonomy and their associated momenta. It is shown that there are two inequivalent representations of the quantum TT-algebra. Then we compare this reduced phase space approach to Dirac quantization and find it to give essentially equivalent results. We proceed to define a loop representation in each of these two cases. One of these loop representations (for N=2N=2) is more or less equivalent to the usual loop representation.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 1 postscript figure included, uses epsf.sty, G\"oteborg ITP 93-3

    Quantizing Horava-Lifshitz Gravity via Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We extend the discrete Regge action of causal dynamical triangulations to include discrete versions of the curvature squared terms appearing in the continuum action of (2+1)-dimensional projectable Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Focusing on an ensemble of spacetimes whose spacelike hypersurfaces are 2-spheres, we employ Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to study the path integral defined by this extended discrete action. We demonstrate the existence of known and novel macroscopic phases of spacetime geometry, and we present preliminary evidence for the consistency of these phases with solutions to the equations of motion of classical Horava-Lifshitz gravity. Apparently, the phase diagram contains a phase transition between a time-dependent de Sitter-like phase and a time-independent phase. We speculate that this phase transition may be understood in terms of deconfinement of the global gravitational Hamiltonian integrated over a spatial 2-sphere.Comment: 24 pages; 10 figure

    A statistical formalism of Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We rewrite the 1+1 Causal Dynamical Triangulations model as a spin system and thus provide a new method of solution of the model.Comment: 21 pages, 19 pictures, 1 graph, Published in section: Field Theory And Statistical System

    The moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes

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    This is the last article in a series of three initiated by the second author. We elaborate on the concepts and theorems constructed in the previous articles. In particular, we prove that the GH and the GGH uniformities previously introduced on the moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes are different, but the Cauchy sequences which give rise to well-defined limit spaces coincide. We then examine properties of the strong metric introduced earlier on each spacetime, and answer some questions concerning causality of limit spaces. Progress is made towards a general definition of causality, and it is proven that the GGH limit of a Cauchy sequence of Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz spaces is again a Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz space. Finally, we give a necessary and sufficient condition, similar to the one of Gromov for the Riemannian case, for a class of Lorentz spaces to be precompact.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Coupling a Point-Like Mass to Quantum Gravity with Causal Dynamical Triangulations

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    We present a possibility of coupling a point-like, non-singular, mass distribution to four-dimensional quantum gravity in the nonperturbative setting of causal dynamical triangulations (CDT). In order to provide a point of comparison for the classical limit of the matter-coupled CDT model, we derive the spatial volume profile of the Euclidean Schwarzschild-de Sitter space glued to an interior matter solution. The volume profile is calculated with respect to a specific proper-time foliation matching the global time slicing present in CDT. It deviates in a characteristic manner from that of the pure-gravity model. The appearance of coordinate caustics and the compactness of the mass distribution in lattice units put an upper bound on the total mass for which these calculations are expected to be valid. We also discuss some of the implementation details for numerically measuring the expectation value of the volume profiles in the framework of CDT when coupled appropriately to the matter source.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, updated published versio

    Crossing the c=1 barrier in 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity

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    In an extension of earlier work we investigate the behaviour of two-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity under coupling to a conformal field theory with c>1. This is done by analyzing numerically a system of eight Ising models (corresponding to c=4) coupled to dynamically triangulated Lorentzian geometries. It is known that a single Ising model couples weakly to Lorentzian quantum gravity, in the sense that the Hausdorff dimension of the ensemble of two-geometries is two (as in pure Lorentzian quantum gravity) and the matter behaviour is governed by the Onsager exponents. By increasing the amount of matter to 8 Ising models, we find that the geometry of the combined system has undergone a phase transition. The new phase is characterized by an anomalous scaling of spatial length relative to proper time at large distances, and as a consequence the Hausdorff dimension is now three. In spite of this qualitative change in the geometric sector, and a very strong interaction between matter and geometry, the critical exponents of the Ising model retain their Onsager values. This provides evidence for the conjecture that the KPZ values of the critical exponents in 2d Euclidean quantum gravity are entirely due to the presence of baby universes. Lastly, we summarize the lessons learned so far from 2d Lorentzian quantum gravity.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures (postscript), uses JHEP.cls, see http://www.nbi.dk/~ambjorn/lqg2 for related animated simulation
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