4,156 research outputs found

    Assessing parental risk in parenting plan (child custody) evaluation cases involving internet sexual behavior

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    One type of claim in parenting assessment (child custody)1 cases is that one parent, typically the father, is alleged to be engaging in improper or compulsive sexual behavior via the Internet. The sexual behavior at issue can range from frequent sexually explicit chats with other adults to compulsive viewing of adult pornography. In more extreme cases, the problematic behavior may involve viewing child pornography, and in some cases the parent faces actual criminal charges in this regard. The present article reviews the current scientific knowledge base for evaluation of risk in such parenting evaluation cases and provides some guidelines and recommendations for an evaluator in the assessment process

    A Review of High School Level Astronomy Student Research Projects over the last two decades

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    Since the early 1990s with the arrival of a variety of new technologies, the capacity for authentic astronomical research at the high school level has skyrocketed. This potential, however, has not realized the bright-eyed hopes and dreams of the early pioneers who expected to revolutionise science education through the use of telescopes and other astronomical instrumentation in the classroom. In this paper, a general history and analysis of these attempts is presented. We define what we classify as an Astronomy Research in the Classroom (ARiC) project and note the major dimensions on which these projects differ before describing the 22 major student research projects active since the early 1990s. This is followed by a discussion of the major issues identified that affected the success of these projects and provide suggestions for similar attempts in the future.Comment: Accepted for Publication in PASA. 26 page

    Active stabilization to prevent surge in centrifugal compression systems

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    This report documents an experimental and analytical study of the active stabilization of surge in a centrifugal engine. The aims of the research were to extend the operating range of a compressor as far as possible and to establish the theoretical framework for the active stabilization of surge from both an aerodynamic stability and a control theoretic perspective. In particular, much attention was paid to understanding the physical limitations of active stabilization and how they are influenced by control system design parameters. Previously developed linear models of actively stabilized compressors were extended to include such nonlinear phenomena as bounded actuation, bandwidth limits, and robustness criteria. This model was then used to systematically quantify the influence of sensor-actuator selection on system performance. Five different actuation schemes were considered along with four different sensors. Sensor-actuator choice was shown to have a profound effect on the performance of the stabilized compressor. The optimum choice was not unique, but rather shown to be a strong function of some of the non-dimensional parameters which characterize the compression system dynamics. Specifically, the utility of the concepts were shown to depend on the system compliance to inertia ratio ('B' parameter) and the local slope of the compressor speedline. In general, the most effective arrangements are ones in which the actuator is most closely coupled to the compressor, such as a close-coupled bleed valve inlet jet, rather than elsewhere in the flow train, such as a fuel flow modulator. The analytical model was used to explore the influence of control system bandwidth on control effectiveness. The relevant reference frequency was shown to be the compression system's Helmholtz frequency rather than the surge frequency. The analysis shows that control bandwidths of three to ten times the Helmholtz frequency are required for larger increases in the compressor flow range. This has important implications for implementation in gas turbine engines since the Helmholtz frequencies can be over 100 Hz, making actuator design extremely challenging

    Introduction, contents, covers

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    Introduction, contents, covers

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    Analisis Persepsi Konsumen dalam Pelaksanaan Marketing Mix pada Hotel Resty Menara Pekanbaru (Kasus pada Hunian Jasa Kamar)

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    This research was conducted at Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru. This study aims to analyze how perceptions of consumers in the implementation of the marketing mix at Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru (case in occupancy room service).The data used are primary data and secondary data with descriptive analysis method. In this study, the population is around the occupants of the room service was staying at Resty Menara Hotel Pekanbaru. The sampling technique was accidental sampling where is number of samples taken are as many as 99 people.From the research, it is found that the consumer has a pretty good perception is 43.43% on the implementation of the marketing mix that has been done by the Resty Menara Hotel.Keywords: Consumer Perceptions, Mareting Mix, Resty Menara Hote

    Management Casus : Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Pada Anak Dengan Demam Thypoid

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    Demam Thypoid adalah adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang biasanya mengenai saluran pencernaan dengan gejala demam yang lebih dari satu minggu, gangguan pada pencernaan, dan gangguan kesadaran (Lestari, 2016). Pemberian kompres hangat didaerah axilla mempunyai pengaruh yang baik dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak demam karena didaerah tersebut memiliki pembuluh darah yang besar. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 jumlah penderita demam thypoid sebesar 9.747 kasus pada penderita rawat inap (Kemenkes, 2013). RSUD Kota Kendari mencatat bahwa penderita thypoid pada anak tahun 2016 sebanyak 199 kasus, tahun 2017 sebanyak 234 kasus, dan pada tahun 2018 sebanyak 229 kasus (Rekam Medik dn SIRS RSUD Kota Kendari). Tujuan: Untuk menggambarkan asuhan keperawatan pada anak demam thypoid dalam penurunan suhu tubuh. Metode: Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif yaitu dengan studi kasus. Hasil: Diagnosa Keperwatan yaitu hipertermi berhubungan dengan penyakit. Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan 3x24 jam didapatkan evaluasi hasil suhu 37,0ºC, nadi 100 kali/menit, pernapasan 20 kali/menit, tekanan darah 110/70 mmHg, dan tidak ada peningkatan suhu kulit. Kesimpulan: kompres hangat dapat mengatasi peningkatan suhu tubuh
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