901 research outputs found

    Development program for a 200 kW, technological processes in space

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    Dimensionless conservation equations, are presented and the theoretical basis of fluid behavior aboard orbiting satellites are reviewed with application to the processes of manufacturing crystals in weightlessness. The small amount of gravitational acceleration is shown to increase the separation of bands of varying concentration. Natural convection is shown to have no practical effect on crystallization from realistic conductions of weightlessness. The effects of surface tension become increasingly large, and suggestions are made for further research

    Evaluating Drought Vulnerability of Small Community Surface Water Supply Systems in the Midwest

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    This report presents approaches and data availability for evaluating the drought vulnerability of small community water supply systems in the Midwest that obtain water from surface water bodies, such as rivers, streams, natural lakes, and man-made reservoirs. A description is provided of the various types of surface water sources from which 320 small community systems in the Midwest, each serving 10,000 or fewer people, obtain their water. The small community surface water system most commonly obtains its supply from one or two small impounding reservoirs. However, a substantial number of communities instead obtain their water from either direct river withdrawals or off-channel storage of water withdrawn from streams and rivers. Sixty of these 320 small community surface water systems were interviewed to gather information on the availability of data to determine the drought vulnerability of these systems. Although hydrologic and physical data exist for evaluating many of these systems, relatively few of the interviewed system managers could provide such pertinent information. A summary of selected hydrologic data is provided that can be used to determine the relative severity of major historical drought periods for various portions of the Midwest. Focus is given to historical droughts and available data for the southern portion of the Midwest where most surface water supply systems are located, comprising parts of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Geographic differences in drought severity are described, as is the influence of the physical characteristics of a water supply on the “critical” drought duration that a community must consider. Basic water budget analyses of water supplies and data needs are presented. Reservoir capacity measurements and estimates of inflow are the most critical data in reliable assessment of water supply adequacy. Depending on data availability, estimation of inflows may be straightforward to highly uncertain. For water supply systems that withdraw directly from a stream or river, the existence of long-term stream gage data on that river is particularly crucial to evaluate supply adequacy, and such data for larger streams and rivers are often available. With impounding reservoirs, which are typically located on smaller streams, data for that stream may often not exist; however, data from a “surrogate” gage that is considered to be hydrologically similar are often sufficient to estimate water supply yield. Systems that use off-channel reservoirs often withdraw water from smaller streams that do not have data for accurate depiction of their yield, and these systems also appear to be the most vulnerable to severe drought conditions. Case studies are presented to provide examples of yield calculations and innovative approaches that selected small communities have undertaken for addressing drought vulnerability. The role of demand management (drought response and water conservation) in evaluating drought vulnerability is also presented. If hydrologic data and basic physical data such as storage capacity are lacking, it may be difficult for either system managers or experienced professionals to estimate a community system’s yield and potential drought impacts, particularly for off-channel reservoir and low channel dam systems. However, managers should attempt to understand the type of drought period likely to test the adequacy of the available supply and can begin recording basic system observations, such as daily withdrawal records and reservoir drawdown, in a readily-accessible form that will be useful for future evaluations.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Relationship between photonic band structure and emission characteristics of a polymer distributed feedback laser

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    G. A. Turnbull, P. Andrew, M. J. Jory, William L. Barnes, and I. D. W. Samuel, Physical Review B, Vol. 64, article 125122 (2001). "Copyright © 2001 by the American Physical Society."We present an experimental study of the emission characteristics and photonic band structure of a distributed feedback polymer laser, based on the material poly[2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene]. We use measurements of the photonic band dispersion to explain how the substrate microstructure modifies both spontaneous and stimulated emission. The lasing structure exhibits a one-dimensional photonic band gap around 610 nm, with lasing occurring at one of the two associated band edges. The band edge (frequency) selection mechanism is found to be a difference in the level of output coupling of the modes associated with the two band edges. This is a feature of the second-order distributed feedback mechanism we have employed and is clearly evident in the measured photonic band structur

    Free sugar intake is associated with reduced proportion of circulating invariant natural killer T cells among women experiencing overweight and obesity

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    BackgroundHigher prevalence of obesity has been observed among women compared to men, which can be explained partly by the higher consumption of sweets and physical inactivity. Obesity can alter immune cell infiltration, and therefore increase the susceptibility to develop chronic inflammation and metabolic disorders. In this study, we aimed to explore the association between free sugar intake and other unhealthy lifestyle habits in relation to the proportion of circulating iNKT cells among women with healthy weight and women experiencing overweight and obesity.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted on 51 Saudi women > 18 years, wherein their daily free sugar intake was assessed using the validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Data on smoking status, physical activity, and supplement use were also collected. Anthropometric data including height, weight, waist circumference were objectively measured from each participants. The proportion of circulating iNKT cells was determined using flow cytometry.ResultsSmoking, physical activity, supplement use, and weight status were not associated with proportion of circulating iNKT cells. Significant association was found between proportion of circulating iNKT cells and total free sugar intake and free sugar intake coming from solid food sources only among women experiencing overweight and obesity (Beta: -0.10: Standard Error: 0.04 [95% Confidence Interval: -0.18 to -0.01], p= 0.034) and (Beta: -0.15: Standard Error: 0.05 [95% Confidence Interval: -0.25 to -0.05], p= 0.005), respectively.ConclusionExcessive free sugar consumption may alter iNKT cells and consequently increase the risk for chronic inflammation and metabolic disorders

    Phytoplankton evolution during the creation of a biofloc system for shrimp culture

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    [EN] Microalgae play a key role in the dynamics of biofloc technology aquaculture systems. Some phytoplankton groups, such as diatoms, are desired for their high nutritional value and contribution to water quality. Other groups, such as cyanobacteria, are undesired because of their low nutritional value and capacity of producing toxins. So, monitoring the phytoplankton community structure and succession is key for managing biofloc systems. However, research on phytoplankton in these systems is scarce and mostly done by microscopy. The primary objective of this research was to estimate phytoplankton community structure in shrimp biofloc system water samples, using high-performance liquid chromatography methods and CHEMTAX software. The major groups present in our system were diatoms, euglenophytes, cyanobacteria and chlorophytes, while dinoflagellates were only remarkable at the initial period. We observed a clear dominance of diatoms all along the 5 months that comprised a complete biofloc system culture. The characteristic succession of autotrophic processes by heterotrophs of the biofloc systems, was observed by the reduction of net primary production. Light intensity played a key role in determining the phytoplankton composition and abundance. Algal pigment analyses using high-performance liquid chromatography and subsequent CHEMTAX analysis in water samples was useful for estimating the phytoplankton community structure in the biofloc systems. However, we found some limitations when the biofloc system was in heterotrophic mode. Under these conditions, some dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria behaved as heterotrophs and lost or decreased their biomarkers pigments. So, further research is needed to increase knowledge on the accuracy of high-performance liquid chromatography /CHEMTAX under these conditions.Financial support for this research was provided by Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport of the Generalitat Valenciana, through the program VALi+D, fle number ACIF/2014/244. We would like to express our deepest thanks to Professor Luis Henrique da Silva Poersch of FURG (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande) and Ivan Vidal (Langostinos el Real) for his support. Finally, the authors wish to thank Le Gouessant and Michaël Metz for providing the commercial feed.Llario-Sempere, F.; Rodilla, M.; Escrivá-Perales, J.; Falco, S.; Sebastiá-Frasquet, M. (2018). Phytoplankton evolution during the creation of a biofloc system for shrimp culture. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-018-1655-5S112Ahmed A, Kurian S, Gauns M, Chndrasekhararao AV, Mulla A, Naik B, Naik H, Naqvi SWA (2016) Spatial variability in phytoplankton community structure along the eastern Arabian Sea during the onset of south-west monsoon. Cont Shelf Res 119:30–39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2016.03.005Avnimelech Y (1999) Carbon/nitrogen ratio as a control element in aquaculture systems. Aquaculture 176:227–235. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0044-8486(99)00085-XAvnimelech Y (2007) Feeding with microbial flocs by tilapia in minimal discharge bio-flocs technology ponds. Aquaculture 264:140–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2006.11.025Avnimelech Y (2009) Biofloc technology. A practical guide book. 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    Models of <i>KPTN</i>-related disorder implicate mTOR signalling in cognitive and overgrowth phenotypes

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    KPTN-related disorder is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with germline variants in KPTN (previously known as kaptin), a component of the mTOR regulatory complex KICSTOR. To gain further insights into the pathogenesis of KPTN-related disorder, we analysed mouse knockout and human stem cell KPTN loss-of-function models. Kptn -/- mice display many of the key KPTN-related disorder phenotypes, including brain overgrowth, behavioural abnormalities, and cognitive deficits. By assessment of affected individuals, we have identified widespread cognitive deficits (n = 6) and postnatal onset of brain overgrowth (n = 19). By analysing head size data from their parents (n = 24), we have identified a previously unrecognized KPTN dosage-sensitivity, resulting in increased head circumference in heterozygous carriers of pathogenic KPTN variants. Molecular and structural analysis of Kptn-/- mice revealed pathological changes, including differences in brain size, shape and cell numbers primarily due to abnormal postnatal brain development. Both the mouse and differentiated induced pluripotent stem cell models of the disorder display transcriptional and biochemical evidence for altered mTOR pathway signalling, supporting the role of KPTN in regulating mTORC1. By treatment in our KPTN mouse model, we found that the increased mTOR signalling downstream of KPTN is rapamycin sensitive, highlighting possible therapeutic avenues with currently available mTOR inhibitors. These findings place KPTN-related disorder in the broader group of mTORC1-related disorders affecting brain structure, cognitive function and network integrity.</p

    Seizure prediction : ready for a new era

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    Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge colleagues in the international seizure prediction group for valuable discussions. L.K. acknowledges funding support from the National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1130468) and the James S. McDonnell Foundation (220020419) and acknowledges the contribution of Dean R. Freestone at the University of Melbourne, Australia, to the creation of Fig. 3.Peer reviewedPostprin