7,243 research outputs found

    Perpendicular transport properties of YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}/PrBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} superlattices

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    The coupling between the superconducting planes of YBa2Cu3O{7-\delta}/ PrBa2Cu3O{7-\delta} superlattices has been measured by c-axis transport. We show that only by changing the thickness of the superconducting YBa2Cu3O{7-\delta} layers, it is possible to switch between quasi-particle and Josephson tunneling. From our data we deduce a low temperature c-axis coherence length of 0.27 nm.Comment: Presented at LT22, contains 2 pages and 2 figures. to appear in Physica

    On the birational section conjecture with local conditions

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    A birationally liftable Galois section s of a hyperbolic curve X/k over a number field k yields an adelic point x(s) in the smooth completion of X. We show that x(s) is X-integral outside a set of places of Dirichlet density 0, or s is cuspidal. The proof relies on GL2(F)GL_2(F_\ell)-quotients of π1(U)\pi_1(U) for some open U of X. If k is totally real or imaginary quadratic, we prove that all birationally adelic, non-cuspidal Galois sections come from rational points as predicted by the section conjecture of anabelian geometry. As an aside we also obtain a strong approximation result for rational points on hyperbolic curves over Q or imaginary quadratic fields.Comment: Theorem C (and Section 7) of the original version have been deleted due to a gap in the proof. This is the journal versio

    Ferroelectricity and structure of BaTiO3 grown on YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films

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    We have investigated the crystal structure and the ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films with YBa2Cu3O7-d as the bottom and Au as the top electrode. Epitaxial heterostructures of YBa2Cu3O7-d and BaTiO3 were prepared by dc and rf sputtering, respectively. The crystal structure of the films was characterised by x-ray diffraction. The ferroelectric behaviour of the BaTiO3 films was confirmed by hysteresis loop measurements using a Sawyer Tower circuit. We obtain a coercive field of 30 kV/cm and a remanent polarisation of 1.25 \muC/cm. At sub-switching fields the capacitance of the films obeys a relation analogous to the Rayleigh law. This behaviour indicates an interaction of domain walls with randomly distributed pinning centres. At a field of 5 MV/m we calculate 3% contribution of irreversible domain wall motion to the total dielectric constant.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    CII, CI, and CO in the massive star forming region W3 Main

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    We have used the KOSMA 3m telescope to map the core 7'x5' of the Galactic massive star forming region W3Main in the two fine structure lines of atomic carbon and four mid-J transitions of CO and 13CO. In combination with a map of singly ionized carbon (Howe et al. 1991), and FIR fine structure line data observed by ISO/LWS at the center position, these data sets allow to study in detail the physical structure of the photon dominated cloud interface regions (PDRs) where the occurance of carbon changes from CII to CI, and to CO.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in "Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium, The dense interstellar medium in galaxies", eds. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, and A. Heithausen (Springer Verlag

    Gravity gradiometer system for Earth Exploration

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    We develop a gravity gradiometer (GG) for use on planetary missions to planets like Mars and Jupiter. With some modifications this development is extended to include (airborne) applications for the Dutch exploratory industry. We adapt key technology of the space based GG for the use in an environment with considerable acceleration noise. The major benefit is the considerable decrease in weight and size with the presently used gradiometer systems

    Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a nanomechanical resonator on an atom chip

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    We theoretically study the coupling of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms to the mechanical oscillations of a nanoscale cantilever with a magnetic tip. This is an experimentally viable hybrid quantum system which allows one to explore the interface of quantum optics and condensed matter physics. We propose an experiment where easily detectable atomic spin-flips are induced by the cantilever motion. This can be used to probe thermal oscillations of the cantilever with the atoms. At low cantilever temperatures, as realized in recent experiments, the backaction of the atoms onto the cantilever is significant and the system represents a mechanical analog of cavity quantum electrodynamics. With high but realistic cantilever quality factors, the strong coupling regime can be reached, either with single atoms or collectively with Bose-Einstein condensates. We discuss an implementation on an atom chip.Comment: published version (5 pages, 3 figures

    The Carbon content in the Galactic CygnusX/DR21 star forming region

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    Observations of Carbon bearing species are among the most important diagnostic probes of ongoing star formation. CO is a surrogate for H2_2 and is found in the vicinity of star formation sites. There, [CI] emission is thought to outline the dense molecular cores and extend into the lower density regions, where the impinging interstellar UV radiation field plays a critical role for the dissociation and ionization processes. Emission of ionized carbon ([CII]) is found to be even more extended than [CI] and is linking up with the ionized medium. These different tracers emphasize the importance of multi-wavelength studies to draw a coherent picture of the processes driving and driven by high mass star formation. Until now, large scale surveys were only done with low resolution, such as the COBE full sky survey, or were biased to a few selected bright sources (e.g. Yamamoto et al. 2001, Schneider et al. 2003). A broader basis of unbiased, high-resolution observations of [CI], CO, and [CII] may play a key role to probe the material processed by UV radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, to appear in "Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium", ed. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, and A. Heithausen (Springer Verlag

    Huge quadratic magneto-optical Kerr effect and magnetization reversal in the Co2_2FeSi Heusler compound

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    Co2_2FeSi(100) films with L21_1 structure deposited onto MgO(100) were studied exploiting both longitudinal (LMOKE) and quadratic (QMOKE) magneto-optical Kerr effect. The films exhibit a huge QMOKE signal with a maximum contribution of up to 30 mdeg, which is the largest QMOKE signal in reflection that has been measured thus far. This large value is a fingerprint of an exceptionally large spin-orbit coupling of second or higher order. The Co2_2FeSi(100) films exhibit a rather large coercivity of 350 and 70 Oe for film thicknesses of 22 and 98 nm, respectively. Despite the fact that the films are epitaxial, they do not provide an angular dependence of the anisotropy and the remanence in excess of 1% and 2%, respectively

    The SPS Individual Bunch Measurement System

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    The Individual Bunch Measurement System (IBMS) allows the intensity of each bunch in an LHC batch to be the measured both in the PS to SPS transfer lines and in the SPS ring itself. The method is vased on measuring the peak and valley of the analogue signal supplied by a Fast Beam Current Transformer at a frequency of 40 MHz. A 12 bit acquisition system is required to obtain a 1% resolution for the intensity range of 5X10`9 to 1.7X10`11 protons per bunch, corresponding to the pilot and ultimate LHC bunch intensities. The acquisition selection and external trigger adjustment system is driven by the 200MHz RF, which is distributed using a single-mode fibre-optic link. A local oscilloscope, controlled via a GPIB interface, allows the remote adjustment of the timing signals. The low-level software consists of a real-time task and a communication server run on a VME Power PC, which is accessed using a graphical user interface. This paper describes the system as a whole and presents some recent uses and results from the SPS run in 2000